If you are using Window Defender Antivirus (Windows 10), update it to its latest malware definition in before installing or upgrading to DXLab Launcher version 2.2.5. It's only been a few days since the DXLab Launcher was last updated, but here's a reminder anyway: when you direct the Launcher to update itself, it downloads the new version, and then displays a small window informing you that it is about to terminate. You must click the OK button in this small window to complete the update. The running version of the Launcher will terminate, and then version 2.2.5 will automatically start This release - enables the Command Lines for non-DXLab apps to specify .bat, .lnk, and .vxe files on the Configuration window's " Apps Started Before DXLab Apps" and "Apps Started After DXLab Apps" tabs - make Command Lines on the Configuration window's " Apps Started Before DXLab Apps" and "Apps Started After DXLab Apps" tabs case insensitive - enables "Apps Started Before DXLab Apps" and "Apps Started After DXLab Apps" to be terminated in one of 3 ways: --- Close: by directing Windows to send a Close message to the running app with the specified Main Window Caption --- Kill: by directing Windows to terminate the application's process using the Windows Taskkill command --- ForceKill: by directing Windows to terminate the application's process using the Windows Taskkill command with its Force option enabled - provides the option of not terminating non-DXLab applications that you wish to have the Launcher start, but that automatically terminate when a particular DXLab application terminates - like SpotSpy - or that can't be terminated because they were started by a .bat file. - updates the Configuration.htm and ControllingApplications.htm documentation files, and adds the MainWindowCaption.bmp and TerminationByClose.bmp documentation files Notes 1. Thanks to Dave W6DE, Juergen DL8LE, Bruce K5WBM, Curt VE3ZN, Peter N5UWY, Joe W4TV, and Don AD0K for their encouragement and help with this new version of the Launcher 2. The Launcher's improved ability to terminate non-DXLab applications is documented here: https://www.dxlabsuite.com/Launcher/Help/ControllingApplications.htm#Order_of_Application_Start-up_and_Termination 3. If you've been specifying .bat files to start non-DXLab applications that require command line arguments and want to exploit Launcher 2.2.5's ability to also terminate those applications, then change the "Command Lines" for those applications to specify the required arguments; otherwise, you can continue to specify .bat files. 4. Update your firewall and anti-malware applications to consider this new version of the Launcher to be "safe" Virus total: 68 of 69 engines detected no malware Jotti: 14 of 14 engines detected no malware Microsoft Security Intelligence: no malware 5. If this upgrade doesn't work correctly, see the "After an Upgrade" section of 6. After upgrading, to revert to the previous version of the Launcher, see DXLab Launcher 2.2.5 is available via the DXLab Launcher and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ