Commander Online Help Contents
Commander's Configuration window provides 10 tabs, each contains a related group of settings and controls that you can inspect and/or modify:
General |
Ports |
Frequency-dependent Devices (3) |
Filter Groups |
Memories |
Multi Radio |
Bandspread |
Transverters |
A separate Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window is provided to configure operation of the Spectrum-Waterfall window.
For information about the purpose of any Commander control, allow the cursor to linger over that control for a second or two; a box containing explanatory text will appear. This feature can be disabled if desired.
Setting | Provided for | Description |
Model | all radios | the radio or panadaptor being controlled, or the satellite tracking application with which Commander will interoperate |
Address |
all Icom, TenTec Omni VI | the radio's CI-V bus address in
either hexadecimal or decimal
Note: when controlling an Icom or TenTec Omni VI, Commander's Main window will display a CI-V indicator to the right of the Scan checkbox if the radio reports a CI-V bus collision |
Hexadecimal |
all Icom, TenTec Omni VI | if selected, the CI-V Address is interpreted as a hexadecimal (base 16) number |
Decimal | all Icom, TenTec Omni VI | if selected, the CI-V Address is interpreted as a decimal (base 10) number |
Interrogation | all radios | when checked,
Commander directs the radio to report its frequency, mode, VFO, filter, and
S-meter data at the specified rate specified by the Command
Note: this option is automatically enabled at startup, as interrogation is required for correct operation |
Command Interval (ms) | all radios | the time interval between command groups sent to the transceiver, in milliseconds
No interrogation while transmitting | all radios | when checked, Commander will not ask the radio to report its frequency, mode, VFO, filter, and meter data while directing the radio to transmit; this option should not be enabled unless the transceiver cannot generate smooth CW while being asked to report this information |
CI-V command acceptance |
all Icom, TenTec Omni VI | when checked,
waits for a positive acknowledgement after transmitting each CI-V
command and resends the command if either a negative acknowledgement or
no acknowledgement is received; when enabled while controlling an Icom
or TenTec Omni VI as the primary radio, the Messages
window's Exec function is
disabled note: if the Verify CI-V command acceptance option is enabled, the transceiver's CI-V Transceive menu setting must be disabled |
transceiver frequencies before logging or spotting |
all Icom, TenTec Omni VI | when checked, informs applications that log and spot that the active transceiver does not report changes in VFO B so they can direct Commander to refresh its VFO frequencies and disseminate them so that logged and spotted frequencies are accurate |
Set radio UTC time on startup or selection, and at the beginning of each hour | IC-756PROIII, IC-7600, IC-7610, C-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 | when checked, sets the transceiver's UTC date and time from your PC's date and time when Commander starts or when the transceiver is selected, and at the beginning of each subsequent hour |
Emit subreceiver audio when dual receive enabled | IC-7800 | when checked, directs the transceiver to emit subreceiver audio via backpanel connector ACC-A's AF signal when dual receive is enabled; when un-checked, the transceiver emits main receiver audio via this signal |
Display outgoing CI-V commands in Message window | IC-7600, IC-7610, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 | when checked, outgoing CI-V commands are displayed in the Message window (useful when connected to the radio via a USB cable) |
Log Mode for Data-L or Data-U | transceivers for which Commander provides a Data-L or Data-U mode | specifies
the "mode to be logged" conveyed to other applications, e.g. PSK31
or FT8
If DXKeeper is installed, this selector is populated with the modes specified in DXKeeper's Modes.txt file if present, or its DefaultModes.txt file. |
Log Mode for PKT or PKT-R | transceivers for which Commander provides a PKT or PKT-R mode | specifies
the "mode to be logged" conveyed to other applications, e.g. PSK31
or FT8
If DXKeeper is installed, this selector is populated with the modes specified in DXKeeper's Modes.txt file if present, or its DefaultModes.txt file. |
Log Mode for DIGL or DIGU | Flex Signature 6000 Series | specifies
the "mode to be logged" conveyed to other applications, e.g. PSK31
or FT8
If DXKeeper is installed, this selector is populated with the modes specified in DXKeeper's Modes.txt file if present, or its DefaultModes.txt file. |
Data sub-mode | IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 | specifies which Data Sub-mode is selected when the mode is set to Data-L or Data-U |
RTTY sub-mode | K3, KX3, K4 | determines whether the radio's data mode is set to FSK D or AFSK A when its mode is set to RTTY or RTTY-R |
Control Filename | Kachina | specify the Kachina control filename |
Control Folder | Pegasus | specify the folder containing your TenTec Pegasus control software; this folder should contain a file named PEGASUS.OUT |
provide A/B and TF-SET buttons | TS-480, TS-590, TS-590SG, TS-2000 | when checked, Commander's Main window provides A/B and TF-S buttons instead of AxB and XFC buttons |
provide a TF-SET button | TS-990 | when checked, Commander's Main window provides a TF-S button instead of an XFC button |
TS-480 | when checked, the TS-480 is directed to transmit audio from the ANI signal in its backpanel ACC2 connector rather than from its front panel MIC input | |
Data transmission from USB interface or ANI input | TS-590, TS-590SG, TS-890, TS-990 | when checked, the transceiver is directed to transmit audio from its USB interface or from the ANI signal in its backpanel ACC2 connector rather than from its front panel MIC input |
Assign subreceiver to VFO A when dual receive disabled |
Orion | when checked, the Orion's subreceiver is assigned to VFO A when dual receive is disabled; when unchecked, the subreceiver is unassigned |
Radio's minimum VFO step is set to 10 hz |
FT-1000D, MP-1000MKV, MP-1000, FT-990, FT-990_12, FT-900, or FT-890 | when
checked, operations that QSY the radio by 10 hz (e.g. wheeled mouse
movements) will be accomplished by sending a "Step VFO" CAT
command instead of the standard "QSY" CAT command, thereby
avoiding any muting of receiver audio
This capability is disabled if the Secondary CAT Port is configured to Lead or Follow and Lead with the Interrogate selector not set to off. |
Convey Decoded CW to WinWarbler | K3, KX3, K4 | when enabled with WinWarbler running, decoded CW is conveyed to WinWarbler |
Convey Decode RTTY to WinWarbler | K3, KX3, K4 | when enabled with WinWarbler running, decoded RTTY is conveyed to WinWarbler |
Communicate via TCP | K4, Thetis | when enabled, connect to a K4 or Thetis panadaptor connected to the local area network via the specified IP Address |
IP Address | K4, Thetis |
specify the IP address to which a K4 or Thetis Panadaptor is connected on the local area
IP Port | Thetis | obtain the IP port from the TCP/IP CAT Server panel on the Thetis Setup window's Network tab |
Monitor Connection | Flex Signature 6000 Series | when enabled, Commander pings the radio once per second, enabling it to report a disconnection |
Create VFO B at startup | Flex Signature 6000 Series | when enabled, Commander will create VFO B (slice 1) on startup if it does not already exist |
No Split on VFO B transmitting | Flex Signature 6000 Series | when enabled, the Main window's Split box will be unchecked (instead of checked) when the radio reports that slices A and B are both active with slice B configured to transmit |
Full-width RX Filters | Flex Signature 6000 Series |
when disabled, the maximum CW RX filter bandwidth is 1 KHz, and the
maximum SSB, RTTY, and DIG RX filter bandwidth is 5 KHz when enabled, the maximum CW RX filter bandwidth is 12 KHz, and the maximum SSB, RTTY, and DIG RX filter bandwidth is 12 KHz |
Radio Selection: Serial Number | Flex Signature 6000 Series | If more than one Flex 6000 is present on the network, specify the serial number of the radio to which Commander should connect |
Radio Selection: IP Address and Port | Flex Signature 6000 Series | If Commander cannot connect to a Flex 6000 because its "here's my IP address" broadcast is not being heard, specify the radio's IP Address, and set its IP Port to 4992 |
Scan Dwell | all radios | specified the amount of time (seconds) spent listening to a memory's frequency before advancing to the next memory when Memory Scanning is enabled |
Meter |
Argonaut VI, Eagle FT-450, FT-950, FT-891, FT-991, FTDX-1200, FT-2000, FTDX-3000, FTDX-5000, FTDX-9000 IC-746Pro, IC-756ProIII, IC-7000, IC-7200, IC-7300, IC-7400, IC-7410, IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 TS-590S, TS-590G, TS-990, TS-2000 |
the meter to display while transmitting
(requires No interrogation while transmitting to be disabled) |
Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status | FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, FT-897 | when checked, determines VFO selection and Split state by reading the radio's EEPROM; this increases the risk that a CAT command will be changed by RFI or other data communications malfunction to a command that resets the radio. |
Set default width & shift after mode change | FT-DX-10 | when checked, changing mode sets the transceiver's width and shift to its default value for the new mode |
Reset | all radios |
clicked, resets communications with the transceiver
Display Error Log | all radios | when clicked, displays Commander's Errorlog.txt file |
Display License | all radios | when clicked, displays Commander's License |
Set Time | IC-7300, IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 | when
clicked, updates the transceiver with the current UTC date and time
Net Serv | all radios | when clicked, displays Commanders Network Service window, which governs communication with other applications via UDP and TCP |
Ignore Mousewheel | when checked, directs Commander to not change transceiver frequency when you rotate your mousewheel |
Accept 'Dual Rcv On' directives | when checked, allows other DXLab applications to enable the radio's Dual Receive (if available), e.g. when double-clicking on one of SpotCollector's Spot Database entries that specifies split frequency operation |
Accept ' Dual Rcv Off' directives | when checked, allows other DXLab applications to disable the radio's Dual Receive (if available), e.g. when double-clicking on one of SpotCollector's Spot Database entries that specifies simplex operation |
Use TX freq for devices when split | when checked, settings for frequency-dependent devices are computed from the transmit frequency when operating split |
Switch to simplex on 1 MHz QSY | when checked, leave Split mode when the current VFO's frequency changes by 1 MHz or more |
Use multiple monitors | when checked, windows that resided on a secondary monitor during the previous session will be restored to the same secondary monitor on startup; when not checked, all windows are restored to the primary monitor on startup |
Log debugging Information | when checked, directs Commander to record diagnostic information in the file errorlog.txt located in Commander's folder |
Commander can switch the radio between receiving and
transmitting by
TX | clicking this button directs the radio to switch from receiving to transmitting |
RX | clicking this button directs the radio to switch from transmitting to receiving |
suppress CAT | when checked, CAT commands will not be used to switch the transceiver between receiving and transmitting; presumably a hardware signal (serial port DTR, serial port RTS, or parallel port pin 17) will be exclusively used for this purpose, e.g. when an external sequencer is in use |
In | clicking this button specifies the font color for in-band frequencies displayed in the Main window's primary VFO panel and all frequencies displayed in the secondary VFO and Memory Bank panels |
Out | click to specify the font color for out-of-band frequencies displayed in the Main window's primary VFO panel |
Back | click to specify the background color for frequencies displayed in the Main window |
Def | click to set the font colors for in-band frequencies and out-of-band frequencies and the background color for frequencies to the factory default values: cyan font for in-band frequencies, yellow font for out-of-band frequencies, and black background |
Edit | edits the sub-band definition file BandSegments.txt; if this file doesn't exist, creates it from DefaultBandSegments.txt |
Reload | reloads sub-band definitions from the file BandSegments.txt if it exists; otherwise, from the file DefaultBandSegments.txt |
You can define up to eight sub-bands for each amateur band from 160m to 23cm; when the primary VFO frequency does not lie within a defined sub-band, the frequency is displayed in the specified out-of-band color. By default, sub-bands are defined by the contents of the file DefaultBandSegments.txt in Commander's folder. Each line in this file defines a sub-band by specifying a name, a lower-bound (in mHz), an upper-bound (in mHz), and a code (unused, set to 0).
160M, 1.800, 2.000, 0You can also define up to 10 bands below 1 MHz, for example:
2190M, 0.1357, 0.1378, 0
630M, 0.472, 0.479, 0
No more than one lower-bound can be specified in
each 100 kHz slot below 1 MHz, and the defined bands cannot overlap. This set
of definitions, for example
0.472, 0.479, 0
625M, 0.480,
0.490, 0
would cause
Commander to report that it is ignoring the 625m entry because the 630m
entry's lower bound already occupies the 400-499 kHz slot. In contrast, both
of these entries would be accepted:
750M, 0.350,
0.450, 0
630M, 0.472,
0.479, 0
Modifying or Defining Sub-bands
To modify these sub-band definitions or define new sub-bands, click this panel's Edit button; this will create a file named BandSegments.txt initialize its contents from the file DefaultBandSegments.txt, and open BandSegments.txt for editing. If you hold a General Class license in the United States, for example, you might define the following two sub-bands:
80M, 3.525, 3.750, 0
75M, 3.850, 4.000, 0
Save your modifications, and click the panel's Reload button to put your new sub-band definitions into effect. When subsequently started, Commander will load sub-band definitions from BandSegments.txt.
The following sub-bands are currently fixed, and cannot be modified by the user:
1.25M: 222.000 to 225.000
33CM: 902.000 to 928.000
23CM: 1240.000 to 1300.000
Show within Main window | checking this
Show by expanding Main window | checking this box expands the height of the Main window to display a User-defined Controls panel containing 16 buttons and 8 sliders that can be used to invoke and edit User-defined Command Controls |
Command | Function |
a hexadecimal radio command specified by an even number of hexadecimal characters, e.g. FEFE26EO0700FD |
all characters are sent to
the radio via the primary CAT serial
port, two per byte (useful for Icom, TenTec, and Yaesu radios
an ASCII radio command specified by a sequence of ASCII characters preceded by a single apostrophe, e.g. 'AN1; |
each character following the apostrophe
is sent to the radio via the primary CAT serial
port (useful for Kenwood and Elecraft radios)
a sequence of ascii characters preceded by a
single tilde, e.g.
~slice set 0 rxant=ant1 |
ASCII radio
command -- each character following the tilde will be
sent to your radio via the TCP/IP connection (useful for Flex
Signature radios)
Enable | when enabled,
specifies a Command
Sequence to be executed when Commander starts, or when
a new radio Model is selected
Edit | when clicked, displays a window that lets you define, edit, and test the initial command sequence |
Name | specifies the name of a User-defined Command Sequence to be automatically executed when the primary radio's mode changes |
Delay | specifies the number of milliseconds (up to a maximum of 10,000) to wait before executing the specified User-defined Command Sequence after the primary radio's mode changes |
Browser pathname | if this setting is blank, Commander displays online help using your PC's default HTML browser; if this setting contains the pathname of an HTML browser, Commander displays online help using that browser. |
Select button | displays a file selector dialog that allows you to choose a Browser pathname |
show control explanations | when checked, enables the display of explanatory information when the mouse cursor lingers over a textbox, button, checkbox, display pane, or setting. |
Help button | displays the information you are now reading |
A separate Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window is provided for controlling the Spectrum-Waterfall window.
Baud Rate
the baud rate that the radio is using (hardwired in some radios,
menu-configurable in others; consult the radio's manual)
Parity selector:
specifies whether parity is enabled (hardwired in some radios,
menu-configurable in others; consult the radio's manual)
Word Length
specifies the number of data bits that the radio is using (hardwired in some radios,
menu-configurable in others; consult the radio's manual)
Stop Bits
specifies the number of stop bits that the radio is using (hardwired in some radios,
menu-configurable in others; consult the radio's manual)
DTR selector: specifies the
of the Data Terminal Ready modem control signal of the selected port
Off | DTR is never asserted |
On | DTR is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from DTR is in use) |
TX | DTR is asserted when Commander is directed by another application to transmit, or when TX is clicked until RX is clicked |
RTS selector: specifies the behavior of the Request To Send modem control signal of the selected port
Off RTS is never asserted On RTS is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from RTS is in use) TX RTS is asserted when Commander is directed by a client application to key the radio, or when the PTT On button is clicked until the PTT Off button is clicked Flow RTS is asserted when Commander has data to send to the radio via the serial port; this data will not be sent until the radio responds by asserting the incoming modem control signal Clear To Send (CTS)
Enable: when checked, Commander will control the radio, device, or application attached to the Secondary CAT Port as specified by the Behavior options and using the specified CAT protocol
Follow Primary: when selected, Commander will direct the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port to track changes in the primary radio's frequency and mode, and provides the Update every 200 ms option (not available when the Radio Model is set to SatPC32 or S.A.T.)
Lead Primary: when selected, Commander and the primary radio will track the frequency and mode of the radio, device, or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port (not available when the Radio Model is set to SatPC32 or S.A.T.)
Follow & Lead Primary: when selected, Commander, the primary radio and the radio, device, or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port will track each other's frequency and mode (not available when the Radio Model is set to SatPC32 or S.A.T.)
Follow uplink: when selected, Commander will direct the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port to track changes in the primary radio's uplink frequency, and provides the Update every 200 ms option (only available when the Radio Model is set to SatPC32 or S.A.T.)
Follow downlink: when selected, Commander will direct the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port to track changes in the primary radio's downlink frequency, and provides the Update every 200 ms option (only available when the Radio Model is set to SatPC32 or S.A.T.)
Update every 200 ms: when checked, Commander will update the radio, device, or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port to track primary radio's frequency and mode every 200 milliseconds; enabling this option will convey the primary radio's frequency and mode to a radio, device, or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port that is powered up or started after Commander is already running
Follow Alternate VFO when Split: when checked and Commander's Split box is checked, the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port will follow the primary transceiver's alternate VFO
Follow & Lead Alternate VFO when Split: when checked and Commander's Split box is checked, the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port will follow the primary transceiver's alternate VFO, and the primary radio's alternate VFO will track frequency changes from the radio, device, or application connected to the secondary port
Argonaut V, Argonaut VI | a TenTec Argonaut V or Argonaut VI transceiver |
BobCAT | the BobCAT SDR Console using the ICOM CI-V protocol via a connected virtual serial port pair |
CW Skimmer | CW Skimmer using the Kenwood protocol via a connected virtual serial port pair |
Eagle | a TenTec Eagle transceiver |
Elecraft | an Elecraft K3 or K4 (via serial port) |
FlexRadio | a FlexRadio SDR via a connected virtual serial port pair |
FT-450, FT-817, FT-818, FT-857, FT-857D, FT-891, FT-897, FT-950, FT-991, FT-2000, FT-5000, FT-9000, FT-1000MP | a Yeasu transceiver or an application that emulates the Yaesu protocol used by these transceivers |
ICOM | an Icom transceiver, or an application that emulates the Icom CI-V protocol |
Jupiter | a Tentec Jupiter transceiver |
Kenwood | a Kenwood transceiver, or an application that emulates the Kenwood protocol |
Omni VI, Omni VII | a TenTec Omni VI or Omni VII transceiver |
Orion | a TenTec Orion transceiver |
Perseus | a Microtelecom Perseus
PW1 | an Icom IC-PW1
amplifier (Commander will send alternating frequency and mode updates every 2.5
seconds to prevent CI-V bus collisions)
Note: Commander will display a PW1 alert indicator above the CAT Protocol selector when a CI-V message is received from the PW1, and will display a PW1 indicator to the left of the Main window's Help button. This is normal when powering up a connected Icom transceiver or when powering up the PW1, and should be reset by clicking either indicator. If either PW1 indicator appears after power-up, CI-V bus collisions could be compromising frequency tracking; do not operate the PW1 with automatic frequency tracking until this situation is corrected!
SteppIR | a SteppIR antenna controller using Icom CI-V instructions (sends frequency updates every 2.5 seconds) |
Off | DTR is never asserted |
On | DTR is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from DTR is in use) |
Off | RTS is never asserted |
On | RTS is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from RTS is in use) |
Flow | RTS is asserted when Commander has data to send via this serial port; the data will not be sent until the connected device responds by asserting the incoming modem control signal Clear To Send (CTS) |
ACC/Auxiliary Outputs panel: displays the last ACC/Auxiliary Output command sent to the SO2R device
Enable | when checked, the integer value of the selected Device Control is placed onto the specified ACC or Auxiliary outputs |
Device | specifies the frequency-dependent device whose Control value is placed onto the specified ACC or Auxiliary outputs |
Control | specifies the frequency-dependent device's Control whose value is placed onto the specified ACC or Auxiliary outputs |
note: if the SO2R protocol selector is set to microHam, the selected frequency-dependent device's Control must specify the band with two digits, e.g. 01 for 160m, or 11 for 6 meters.
Off | DTR is never asserted |
On | DTR is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from DTR is in use) |
Off | RTS is never asserted |
On | RTS is always asserted (required if an external interface that derives its power from RTS is in use) |
Flow | RTS is asserted when Commander has data to send via this serial port; the data will not be sent until the connected device responds by asserting the incoming modem control signal Clear To Send (CTS) |
Enable Radio & PTT: if this box is checked, Commander encodes the currently-selected radio on pins 16 and 14 of the specified parallel Port Address, and asserts pin 17 when Commander is directing the transceiver to transmit.
Radio | Parallel port pin 16 | Parallel port pin 14 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 0 |
4 | 1 | 1 |
Port selector: chooses one of four standard parallel port addresses
Port Address: selects a parallel port
Data Signals panel: if the Enable box is checked, Commander places the integer value of the selected Device Control onto data bits 7 (most significant bit, pin 9) though 0 (least significant bit, pin 2) of the specified parallel port
Enable | when checked, the integer value of the selected Device Control is placed onto the specified parallel port's data bits |
Device | specifies the frequency-dependent device whose Control value is placed onto the specified parallel port's data bits |
Control | specifies the frequency-dependent device's Control whose value is placed onto the specified parallel port's data bits |
Command | if Commander is controlling a remote transceiver via a serial port connected to a modem, use this textbox to specify the modem initialization and dialing commands to be sent when the Send button is activated; if a command is specified, Continuous Frequency and Mode Interrogation is disabled on startup |
Send button | when clicked, sends the Command to the modem via the serial port |
Devices like antenna tuners and linear amplifiers have controls whose settings are frequency-dependent. While high-end units do this automatically, most require the operator to manually set the controls whenever the operating frequency changes. Commander enables you to specify tables for such devices; it then performs a table lookup based on the transceiver's current frequency and displays the correct settings, eliminating the need for paper tables taped to the front-panel. Up to four different frequency-dependent devices are supported, each with up to three controls.
You can optionally use a control's settings to set the value of one a command-generating slider; this could be used, for example, to automatically control your transceiver's power output as a function of frequency
The right side of Commander's Main window is shared by frequency-dependent device readouts, receiver filter controls, and eight banks of ten memories. If the frequently-dependent device panels are not visible, clicking the Main window's Filters & Devices button will make them and the receiver filter controls appear in place of the memory banks.
Initially, Commander refers to the four frequency-dependent devices as Device 0, Device 1, Device 2, and Device 3; as part of the setup procedure, you can replace these generic names with more meaningful names like Amplifier, or Tuner.
To setup a frequency-dependent device, use the following procedure:
Step | Directions |
1 | on Commander's Main window, click the Config button |
2 | on Commander's Main window, click the Filters & Devices button if its visible |
3 | on Commander's Configuration window, select the Device 0 tab (you can use the Device 1, Device 2, and Device 3 tabs to setup a second, third, and fourth frequency-dependent device, if desired) |
4 | check the Device 0 tab's Enabled box; in the Main window, you'll see a Device 0 panel appear (the contents of this panel will be updated as you complete this procedure) |
5 | enter the name of the device in the Device Name box; the name of the tab will change from Device 0 to the name you specify |
6 | enter the number of controls associated with this device in the # Controls box; accepted values are 1, 2, or 3. |
7 | enter the
name of the first control in the Control 1 box; if there's
a second control, enter its name in the Control 2 box
and if there's a third control, enter its name in the Control 3 box.
8 | scroll the Device
Table to the frequencies of interest, and enter the control
values for each such frequency; after entering each value, strike the Enter
9 | enter a
percentage in the Tolerance box (2% is a reasonable
10 | click the Save button and specify a destination filename into which the Device data just specified will be saved for use in subsequent Commander sessions. |
If Commander is terminated and later restarted, saved device data will automatically be reloaded for each Device that was enabled when Commander was terminated.
You can use the above procedure to record data for an alternate device -- e.g. a backup amplifier -- in a separate file. The Select button allows you to choose the file from which the Device data will be loaded. The ReLoad button restores the Device data to the values contained in the most recently-loaded file.
You can specify the colors used to display a Device's settings on the right side of Commander's Main window via buttons in the Setting Readout Colors panel:
Font - click this button specify the font color for this device's settings displayed in the Main window
Background - click to specify the background color for this device's settings displayed in the Main window
Default - click to use "factory default" colors for this device's settings displayed in the Main window: cyan font, and black background
You can select one control of one frequency-dependent device whose integer value will be placed on data bits 7 through 0 of a specified parallel port. This can be used to control an antenna switch, for example.
A Filter Group is a named configuration of one or more receiver bandwidth settings. If Filter Groups are supported for a particular radio Model, Commander remembers the Filter Group last used in each mode. Checking the restore Filter Group on mode change box directs Commander to automatically restore the last used Filter Group whenever a new mode is selected.
If the radio Model is an Icom, the Filter Groups tab displays the Icom Filter Group Names panel, which lets you assign names to the each Filter Group. Early Icom transceivers provides two Filter Groups whose functions are hardwired: group 1 provides a wide bandwidth filter, and group 2 provides a narrow bandwidth filter. Later Icom transceivers allow the user to reconfigure one or both filter groups for different bandwidth (by physical replacement or in high-end transceivers via menu selection), and some include a third group ambiguously referred to as normal. The Icom Filter Group Names panel lets you assign names to each group that are meaningful given the actual filter configuration of your transceiver; these names appear in the Group selector in the Main window's Filters panel, enabling you to change bandwidth with a mouse click.
If the radio Model is set to MP1000 or MP1000MKV, the Filter Groups tab displays the Yaesu FT1000MP and Mark V panel which contains a table, each of whose rows is comprised of cells that define a Filter Group; a Data File panel is also display, enabling you to specify the file into which Filter Groups are saved.
To modify an existing Filter Group's Mode, 2nd IF, 3rd IF, or Sub cell, click in the cell to display a down-pointing triangle; then on this triangle to display a list of alternatives from which you can choose with a mouse click. After you change any cell, a pencil icon appears in the row's left-most column:
to undo the change, strike the ESC key
to record the change, click on any other row in the table, or strike the UpArrow or DownArrow keys.
To delete a Filter Group, click in its row's left-most column, and then strike the Delete key.
To add a new Filter Group,
click on any cell in the bottom-most table entry, which is marked with an asterisk in its left-most column; doing so will create an empty new row, whose cells you can then populate
if you haven't specified a Filename in the Data File panel, select one by clicking the Data File panel's Select button
click the Data File panel's Save button to save all Filter Groups to the specified Filename; Filter Groups saved in this way will automatically be loaded from the specified Filename when Commander is started
If the radio Model is set to Argonaut VI, the Filter Groups tab displays a Argonaut VI default bandwidth by mode panel that provides the option to set the default bandwidth to a specified value when the transceiver's mode changes.
If the radio Model is set to Eagle, the Filter Groups tab displays a Eagle default bandwidth by mode panel that provides the option to set the default bandwidth to a specified value when the transceiver's mode changes.
If the radio Model is set to a Flex Signature Series model, the Filter Groups tab displays a Flex Signature Series panel that provides
the ability to specify Low-cut and High-cut frequencies for Wide, Normal, and Narrow filter groups for each mode: SSB, CW, DIGL, DIGU, RTTY, and AM
a show each mode's Filter Group option that when enabled appends each mode with its associated Filter Group in the Mode panel on Commander's Main window
If the radio Model is set to FTDX10, the Filter Groups tab displays a Yaesu default bandwidth by mode panel that provides the option to set the default Width and Shift to specified values when the transceiver's mode changes.
If the radio Model is set to Orion, the Filter Groups tab displays an Orion default bandwidth by mode panel that provides the option to set the default bandwidth to a specified value when the transceiver's mode changes.
Textboxes in this tab's Memory panel allow you to establish a title for each memory bank; this title serves as the caption for the Main window panel that displays the currently-selected memory bank.
When checked, the Disable Save Buttons box disables (grays out) the Save buttons in the Main window's Memory Bank panel; clicking the word Save in the Main window's Memory Bank panel will display the Config window's Memories tab
The Export Memories button saves the information associated with all memories that contain at least a frequency and mode to a specified file.
The Import Memories button loads memories from information contained in a specified file. Any errors are placed in an error file that's displayed after the operation completes.
The Clear Memories button erases the contents of all memories in the current memory bank
The User-defined Sequence after Memory Select option lets you specify the name of a User-defined Command Sequence to automatically be executed when a Memory Bank panel's Sel button is clicked after a Delay specified in milliseconds (up to a maximum of 10,000). If no name is specified, no sequence will be executed; if no delay is specified, the named sequence will be executed immediately.
Using the controls on this tab, you can configure Commander to support rapid switching among up to four radios. Switching can be manual, via a set of buttons on the VFO panel on Commander's Main window, or automatic as a function of amateur band.
Controls on this tab's Control panel let you specify a transceiver model, a CI-V Address (for Icom and TenTec radios), the need for continuous frequency and mode interrogation, and the interval (in milliseconds) between command groups for up to four radios; these controls are identical in function to the controls on the General tab. The interrogate boxes are automatically checked at startup, as interrogation is required for correct operation. You can specify a unique name for each radio, which is used to identify the radio for both manual and automatic switching; if you have a pair of Icom 756 Pro radios, for example, with one dedicated to HF operation and the other to VHF operation, you might name the first HF 756Pro and the second VHF 756Pro. The Enable boxes in this panel let you designate which radios are active. If you are switching between radios 1 and 2, enable them both, and uncheck the enable boxes associated with radios 3 and 4.
If the Model selector is set to K4, clicking the provided Select button displays a small window that
provides a Communicate via TCP box that if checked means that the K4 is connected to the local area network, and that Commander should communicate with it via TCP (as opposed to via a serial port)
provides an IP Address box that specifies the IP address to use if the Communicate via TCP box is checked
provides an IP Port box that is not used, and can be left empty
If the Model selector is set to Kachina, clicking the provided Select button enables you to choose a Control Filename for the radio
If the Model selector is set to Pegasus, clicking the provided Select button enables you to choose a Control Folder for the radio
Controls on the Serial port panel let you specify serial communication port settings for each of four radios. These controls are identical in function to those on the Ports tab's Primary CAT Serial Port panel. If you are controlling multiple Icom or TenTec radios on the same CI-V bus, assign identical serial port parameters to these radios. Due to space compression, the Serial Port control uses a hyphen to mean "none", and the Parity, DTR, and RTS controls use single letter abbreviations:
Parity Abbreviation | Meaning |
N | No parity |
O | Odd parity |
E | Even parity |
M | Mark parity |
S | Space parity |
DTR and RTS Abbreviation | Meaning |
N | Always off |
Y | Always on while this radio is selected |
X | On to transmit |
F | Flow control (RTS only) |
Note that each transceiver's Enable box will remain
disabled (grayed out) until all of its items have been selected. If your
transceiver doesn't need DTR or RTS, for example, set those selectors to N
rather than leave the blank.
If the port assigned to an enabled transceiver is currently specified as the Secondary CAT Serial Port panel, the transceiver's Main window selection button will be disabled ("grayed out").
Clicking a radio's Update button will update that radio's Multi Radio serial port settings from the settings specified on the Ports tab's Primary CAT Serial Port panel. Thus once you have the settings on the Primary CAT Serial Port panel properly configured to enable Commander to control a transceiver, you can "transfer" those settings to the Multi Radio tab's CAT Serial Port panel by clicking the appropriate Update button.
To create, display, or modify a radio's User-defined Control Set, click the radio's Edit button in this tab's User-defined Control Sets panel. to display the User-defined Control Set Configuration window, which specifies the Control Set's contents:
an Initial Command to be executed when Commander starts, or when a new radio model is selected
the pathname of a file that specifies an Initial Command Sequence to be executed when Commander starts, or when a new radio mode is selected (after executing the initial CAT command, if one is specified)
the pathnames of up to 32 files, each specifying a Command Sequence
the pathnames of up to 16 files, each specifying a Command-generating Slider
The 32 Sequence pathnames and 16 Slider pathnames are organized into two banks, each specifying two rows of 8 Sequence pathnames and 4 slider pathnames; use the Second row and Alt bank checkboxes to select the bank and row whose pathnames you wish to view or modify.
To populate an empty new Control Set, in the User-defined Control Set Configuration window,
optionally specify an Initial Command to be run when a radio associated with the Control Set is selected
optionally specify an Initial Command Sequence to be run when a radio associated with the Control Set is selected
specify a pathname for each Command Sequence to be made accessible when a radio associated with the Control Set is selected
specify a pathname for each Command-generating Slider to be made accessible when a radio associated with the Control Set is selected
If a Control Set for this radio has already been defined, clicking the User-defined Control Sets panel's Edit button populates the User-defined Control Set Configuration window with the Initial Command, Initial Command Sequence, Command Sequence selections, and Command-generating Slider selections from that Control Set.
In the User-defined Control Set Configuration window,
to load the Control Set with an Initial Command, Initial Command Sequence, Command Sequence selections, and Command-generating Slider selections previously saved to a file from a Control Set, click the Load button and select that file
to save the Control Set's Initial Command, Initial Command Sequence, Command Sequence selections, and Command-generating Slider selections to a file, click the Save button and select that file
to clear the contents of a Control Set, click the Clear button
Selecting a radio for which a Control Set is specified
directs the transceiver to execute the CAT command specified in the Control Set's Initial Command
directs the transceiver to execute the Control Set's Initial Command Sequence
loads the 32 Command Sequences from the pathnames specified in the Control Set
loads the 16 Sliders from the pathnames specified in the Control Set
By default, switching between radios is manual, effected by clicking the radio selection buttons on the Main window's VFO panel. To enable automatic radio switching, use the Selection by band panel to choose a radio for each amateur band, and then check the Auto box.
You can configure Commander to identify
the currently-selected radio via a binary encoding on pins 16 and 14 of a
specified parallel port.
The controls on this tab influence the behavior of the Bandspread window's slide rule dial, its Band Stack, and its presentation of DX Spots. Controls in this tab's DX Spot panel also govern the handling of active callsigns in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section, and the handling of callsigns displayed on SmartSDR's panadaptor.
The always on top box, when checked, ensures that the Bandspread window will not be obscured by any other application window except one similarly configured.
If the color-code frequency pointer box is checked, the current frequency indicator on the Bandspread window's slide rule dial will be rendered in the specified in-band color if the transceiver's frequency is in-band, or in the specified out-of-band color if the transceiver's frequency is out-of-band. If the box is unchecked, the current frequency indicator will be rendered in red, independent of transceiver frequency.
The Spectrum-Waterfall window box is enabled if Commander is controlling
an Icom IC-7300, IC-7610, IC-7850, IC-7851, or IC-9700 with the Primary CAT Port baud rate is set to 115,200
an Elecraft K4 connected via IP, e.g. ethernet
Checking this box will display Commander's Spectrum-Waterfall window, which horizontally displays realtime spectrum data, a waterfall, and the callsigns of active DX stations. Note that Icom radios will only report spectrum data if they are directly connected to a computer via USB.
The Display calls on panadaptor box is enabled if Commander is controlling a Flex Signature radio. Checking this box display active callsigns on SmartSDR's panadaptor,
The Orientation panel determines whether the slide rule dial shows lower frequencies at its top and higher frequencies at its bottom, or higher frequencies at its top and lower frequencies at its bottom.
The Band Stack panel's dwell time setting specifies the interval that determines how long the radio must pause on a frequency before that frequency and the radio's current mode are saved onto the current Band Stack; the dwell time is specified in seconds.
The Mousewheel Motion panel determines the increment by which your radio is QSYed when the Bandspread window is active and you rotate your mouse's wheel by one click. Increments are specified by mode, and expressed as a percentage of the slide rule dial's frequency range; negative percentages can be used to reverse the meaning of mouse wheel rotation to suit the user's taste. Fractional values like 0.05 can be specified for very slow tuning rates. The mode-specific settings make it convenient to setup a faster tuning rate for SSB operation than for CW or RTTY operation.
In the DX Spot Font panel,
the Name sub-panel lets you specify a large font to be used to render DX spots on the Bandspread window's slide rule dial when the font size is 8 or greater, and a small font to be used when the font size is less than 8; this allows the use of fonts design to be readable at small point sizes, e.g. Small Fonts
The Size sub-panel specifies the font size with which DX spots are to be rendered on the Bandspread window's slide rule dial; font sizes can be specified independently for each dial range.
DX Spot panel settings govern the handling of active callsigns in the Bandspread window, callsigns in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section, and callsigns displayed on SmartSDR's panadaptor:
if hide duplicates is checked, only a station's most recent spot in each mode will be displayed on the Bandspread window's slide rule dial and the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section ; if not checked, every spot will be displayed.
if Request prop forecast is checked, clicking on the callsign of an active DX callsign in the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section will request a propagation forecast from PropView
if Set Xcvr split is checked, clicking the callsign of an active DX callsign in the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating split will place the transceiver in in split mode (if supported) with its alternate VFO set to the spot's QSX frequency
spots whose age exceeds the lifetime setting (in hours) will not be displayed on the slide rule dial; you can specify fractions of an hour using decimal notation, e.g. .5
the Spot Filter subpanel determines what subset of the active stations known to SpotCollector is shown in Commander's Bandspread and Spectrum-Waterfall windows. There are two fixed filter settings and 4 user-defined filters:
none: all active stations known to SpotCollector are shown
SC filter: active stations present in SpotCollector's Spot Database Display are shown (so the filtering is that currently specified in SpotCollector
user-defined 1: active stations known to SpotCollector are shown if they comply with the first user-defined SQL expression
user-defined 2: active stations known to SpotCollector are shown if they comply with the second user-defined SQL expression
user-defined 3: active stations known to SpotCollector are shown if they comply with the third user-defined SQL expression
user-defined 4: active stations known to SpotCollector are shown if they comply with the fourth user-defined SQL expression
the Log Filter subpanel determines which QSOs DXKeeper will display when you click on an active DX callsign in the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section
clicking the Clear button removes all current spots from the slide rule dial
the Digital Mode Application (DMA) subpanel specifies the name and connection status of the digital mode application with which Commander should interoperate when you when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in
PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, or RTTY
CW - if the CW via DMA option is enabled
SSB - if the SSB via DMA option is enabled
AM - if the AM via DMA option is enabled
FM - if the FM via DMA option is enabled
The Digital Mode Application defaults to WinWarbler, but can be set to another application, e.g. MultiPSK. If the connection status is shown as not connected, click the Connect button to establish a connection between Commander and the specified digital mode application.
the PSK mode if no DMA, K1JT mode if no SpotCollector subpanel specifies the mode to which the selected primary transceiver should be set when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in PSK31, PSK63, PSK125 but the specified Digital Mode Application is not running, or when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in a K1JT mode like FT8 but SpotCollector (version 9.8.3 or later) is not running and connected to an instance of WJST-X; the options present in this subpanel vary as a function of the primary transceiver
set the transceiver to USB mode |
set the transceiver to LSB mode |
PKT | set the transceiver to PKT mode |
PKT-R | set the transceiver to PKT-R mode |
Data-L |
set the transceiver to Data-L mode |
Data-U | set the transceiver to Data-U mode |
DIGL | set the transceiver to DIGL mode |
DIGU | set the transceiver to DIGU mode |
the RTTY Mode if no Digital Mode Application subpanel specifies the mode to which the selected primary transceiver should be set when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in RTTY, but the specified Digital Mode Application is not running; the options present in this subpanel vary as a function of the primary transceiver
set the transceiver to normal RTTY mode |
set the transceiver to reversed RTTY mode |
set the transceiver to USB mode |
set the transceiver to LSB mode |
PKT | set the transceiver to PKT mode |
PKT-R | set the transceiver to PKT-R mode |
Data-L | set the transceiver to Data-L mode |
Data-U | set the transceiver to Data-U mode |
DIGL | set the transceiver to DIGL mode |
DIGU | set the transceiver to DIGU mode |
the CW Mode subpanel specifies the mode to which the selected primary transceiver should be set when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in CW mode
CW |
set the transceiver to normal CW mode |
CW-R |
set the transceiver to reversed CW mode |
CW via DMA |
if checked and if the specified Digital Mode Applicationis running, convey the spot information to it if not checked or if the specified Digital Mode Application isn't running, set the transceiver to normal CW mode |
the Phone Modes subpanel's checkboxes govern behavior when you select an active DX callsign on the Bandspread window or in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Callsign Section that is operating in SSB, AM, or FM mode
if checked and if the specified Digital Mode Application is running, convey the spot information to it if not checked or if checked and if the specified Digital Mode Application isn't running, set the transceiver to USB or LSB mode as a function of frequency |
if checked and if the specified Digital Mode Application is running, convey the spot information to it if not checked or if the specified Digital Mode Application isn't running, set the transceiver to AM mode |
if checked and if the specified Digital Mode Application is running, convey the spot information to it if not checked or if the specified Digital Mode Application isn't running, set the transceiver to FM mode |
The User-defined Sequence after Band Change panel specifies the name of a User-defined Command Sequence to be automatically executed when a band button in the Bandspread window's Band panel or the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Band panel is clicked after a Delay specified in milliseconds (up to a maximum of 10,000). If no name is specified, no sequence will be executed; if no delay is specified, the named sequence will be executed immediately.
A transverter is an external device that enables transmission and reception on a frequency significantly offset from that of one's transceiver. When operating with a transverter, Commander's VFO displays the transverter output frequency, and sets your transceiver to the required transceiver input frequency.
supports transverters with outputs on the 6m, 4m, 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 33cm, and 23cm bands, providing
a dedicated panel on the Transverters tab that lets you specify the frequency
offset (in kHz) and relationship (additive or subtractive) for each band. If,
for example, your 6m transverter requires your transceiver to operate on the 10m
band, then you would set the 6M transverter panel's offset setting to 22000, select the + (additive)
button, and check the Enabled box; If QSYed to 50100, Commander would set your
transceiver to 28100. If you have configured Commander to control more than one
transceiver, each transverter panel lets you specify the transceiver connected
to its associated transverter.
To display the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window, click the Spectrum Config button in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Control Section.
The Always on top box, when checked, ensures that the Spectrum-Waterfall window is always visible.
When controlling an Icom transceiver,
the Mode AutoTrack box, when checked with a Fixed range, responds to a mode change to CW, Data, or Phone by setting the range to the sub-band associated with the new mode; changing to any other mode sets the range to the entire band
the Frequency AutoTrack box, when checked with a Fixed range
responds to tuning out of the range (but still within the band) by automatically sliding the range up or down so that the transceiver frequency is visible in the range
if Mode AutoTrack is disabled, responds to a band change by setting the range to the lowest-frequency sub-band that contains the transceiver frequency; if the current frequency is not within any of the new band's sub-bands, the range is set to the entire band
the Use radio's scroll options box, when checked, enables selection of the SCROLL-C and SCROLL-F spectrum tracking modes by providing a Scroll checkbox in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Range panel. Use radio's scroll options is automatically enabled if the radio reports its spectrum tracking mode to be SCROLL-C or SCROLL-F.
When controlling an Elecraft K4, the Update Rate panel displays and controls the number of times the Spectrum Display is updated each second.
The Low Pass Filter panel enables smoothing of the spectrum data displayed in the Spectrum Section.
the Enabled checkbox governs whether low pass filtering is enabled
in the Time constant slider, higher values produce increased smoothing
The DX Spot Rows panel specifies the number of rows of active DX callsigns present in the DX Callsign Section. Increasing the number of rows increases the height of the DX Callsign Section, and increases the height of the Spectrum-Waterfall window; decreasing the number of rows decreases the height of the DX Callsign Section, and decreases the height of the Spectrum-Waterfall window. Any change to the number of rows is reflected in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Rows panel; any change to the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX Rows panel setting is reflected in the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window's DX Spot Rows panel.
In the DX Spot Font panel,
the Name sub-panel lets you specify a large font to be used to render DX spots on the DX Callsign Section when the font size is 8 or greater, and a small font to be used when the font size is less than 8; this allows the use of fonts design to be readable at small point sizes, e.g. Small Fonts
The Size as function of Range sub-panel specifies the font size with which DX spots are to be rendered on the DX Callsign Section; font sizes can be specified independently for each range.
In the Colors panel,
clicking the Receive Freq Marker button displays a color selector that lets you choose the color of the vertical marker used to indicate the transceiver frequency when not split, or the receive frequency when split; the currently-selected color is shown in a square to the right of the button
clicking the Transmit Freq Marker button displays a color selector that lets you choose the color of the vertical marker used to indicate the transmit frequency (when split); the currently-selected color is shown in a square to the right of the button
clicking the Frequency Labels button displays a color selector that lets you choose the color of the text used to indicate frequencies in the Frequency Axis Section; the currently-selected color is shown in a square to the right of the button
in the Spectrum Section sub-panel
clicking the Spectrum Data button displays a color selector that lets you choose the color used to display spectrum data in the Spectrum Section
clicking the white background button displays spectrum data against a white background
clicking the black background button displays spectrum data against a black background
in the Callsign & Freq Sections sub-panel
clicking the white background button displays the DX Callsign Section and Frequency Axis Section with a white background
clicking the black background button displays the DX Callsign Section and Frequency Axis Section with a black background
in the Waterfall Section sub-panel,
clicking the black-to-white button displays a monochromatic waterfall where the absence of signal is rendered in black, the strongest signals are rendered in white, and signals of intermediate strength are rendered in shades of grey
clicking the black-to-white
button displays a polychromatic waterfall using this gradient to
represent signal strength, from the absence of signal in black to
the strongest signals in white:
clicking the black-to-red
button displays a polychromatic waterfall using this gradient to
represent signal strength, from the absence of signal in black to
the strongest signals in red:
The Mousewheel motion panel determines the increment by which your radio is QSYed when the Spectrum-Waterfall window is active and you rotate your mouse's wheel by one click. Increments are specified by mode, and can be specified either as a % or range or as a fixed frequency increment. These mode-specific settings make it convenient to setup a faster tuning rate for SSB operation than for CW or RTTY operation
If the panel's % or range option is selected, increments are specified as a percentage of the range; negative percentages can be used to reverse the meaning of mouse wheel rotation if desired. Fractional values like 0.05 can be specified for very slow tuning rates.
If the panel's
fixed frequency option is
selected, increments are specified in hertz; negative values can be used
to reverse the meaning of mouse wheel rotation if desired.
When controlling an Icom transceiver, the Band Settings panel provides the following settings for each Band from 160m through 23cm:
Gain: a value between 1 and 2 that expands the magnitude of signals displayed in the Spectrum Section
Lower: specifies the band's lower frequency; striking the Enter key will immediately update the range for the current band
Upper: specifies the band's upper frequency; striking the Enter key will immediately update the range for the current band
Ref: specifies the Reference Level to be used when the range is set to the entire band; striking the Enter key will immediately update the Reference Level for the current band
clicking a band's Default button sets the band's Lower and Upper frequencies from frequencies specified in the sub-band definition file
clicking the Default All button is equivalent to clicking every band's Default button
parameters for each band's CW sub-band, Data sub-band, and Phone sub-band
Lower: specifies the sub-band's lower frequency; striking the Enter key will immediately update the range for the current sub-band
Upper: specifies the sub-band's upper frequency; striking the Enter key will immediately update the range for the current sub-band
Ref: specifies the Reference Level to be used when the range is set to this sub-band; striking the Enter key will immediately update the Reference Level for the current sub-band