CI-V Commander Defects

Number Description Resolution
1 runtime error 6 (overflow) crash
2 DDE "QSY and change mode" command fails to immediately update frequency and mode controls referenced by DXKeeper 2.5.4
3 fails to properly handle DDE QSY request, causing clients to assume that the request was rejected 3.0.4
4 FT-817 frequency decoding does not work 3.1.3
5 FT-817 can't disable Split or PTT operation 3.1.1
6 FT-920 frequency decoding does not work 3.0.8
7 FT-1000D unable to read radio status (buffer too small, wrong offsets) 3.0.9
8 FT-1000D read status performance is slow 3.1.0
9 TS-940S A and B buttons don't work 3.1.5
10 some FT-920 QSY buttons are slow 3.2.5
11 simultaneously changing FT817 frequency and mode fails when entering or leaving CW mode 3.1.8
12 serial port 38.4 kbaud speed setting is identified as illegal when restarting Commander 3.2.6
13 FT817 VFO A/B selection doesn't work (defect introduced in 3.2.6) 3.2.8
14 FT847 ignores CAT commands unless Commander is running when transceiver is powered on 3.2.9
15 FT817 won't power on if Commander is running 3.2.8
16 minimizing main window causes runtime error (regression introduced in 3.3.1) 3.3.2
17 IC-746 A and B buttons don't update VFO display 3.3.3
18 TenTec Omni VI won't QSY when so directed by SpotCollector 3.3.4
19 serial port 57.6 kbaud speed setting is identified as illegal when restarting Commander 3.3.6
20 errors in user-defined command sequences can cause Commander to lock up 3.4.0
21 illegal window widths and heights retrieved from registry can cause runtime errors 3.4.8
22 Split, A=B, and AxB controls don't work with FT-767 3.5.1
23 DDE command to initiate split mode and dual receive operation fails on Kenwood transceivers 3.5.2
24 DDE command to initiate split mode and dual receive operation fails on some Icom transceivers 3.5.3
25 Browser pathname is not preserved between sessions 3.5.5
26 receive buffer overflow is non-recoverable 3.5.6
27 FT817 VFOs are not properly set when double-clicking on a SpotCollector database entry having a split frequency 3.5.6
28 Kenwood VFOs are properly set when double-clicking on a SpotCollector database entry having a split frequency, but a subsequent VFO exchange operation fails 3.5.6
29  On Windows XP with the "digit grouping symbol" (windows control panel, regional settings applet, "Numbers" tab) is set to the space character, Commander does not correctly display the transceiver frequency and does not correctly QSY the transceiver on behalf of SpotCollector [workaround: set the "digit grouping symbol" to comma or period] 3.5.8
30 can't read S-meter from supported Icom radios 3.5.8
31 Commander 3.5.7 generates a runtime error 5 on startup if the "memories" tab was displayed when you last terminated Commander 3.6.7
32 depressing CTL while clicking a user-defined sequence button does not invoke the sequence editor 3.7.0
33 VFO up/down buttons malfunction with Yaesu FT890 3.7.3
34 can't read S-meter from Kenwood TS570, 850, 870 3.7.0
35 changing TS570 and TS870 filters via the radio's controls doesn't update Commander's filter displays 3.7.0
36 can't read FT817 S-meter 3.7.2
37 FT-1000D frequency and mode decoding don't work 3.7.4
38 TS-870S filter width control and display malfunction in FM mode 3.8.1
39 FT-990 frequency and mode decoding don't work 3.7.7
40 FT-100 frequency and mode decoding don't work 3.7.6
41 FT-990 support for VFO A & B buttons 3.7.7
42 incorrect frequency display rounding of the least-significant digit for an FT-990 on windows XP 3.8.5
43 can't control VFO B in Kenwood radios 3.8.6
44 CI-V address radix designator does not initialize correctly 3.8.8
45 executing a user-defined command sequence that doesn't include an <end> command causes Commander to loop and consume CPU cycles 3.8.9
46 error in TS-570/850/870 S-meter display 3.9.0
47 RTTY-R (narrow) mode label doesn't fit in allotted space 3.9.0
48 initialization error in UpdateDevices 3.9.1
49 TS-570 high-cut frequencies are incorrect 3.9.3
50 TS-450 S-meter is inoperative 3.9.5
51 selected memory frequency is not loaded into VFO if Ham Bands Only is checked 3.9.6
52 correct FT-757 S-meter readout 3.9.8
53 correct FT-757 AxB function 3.9.8
54 Split checkbox doesn't work correctly with Kenwood and K2 transceivers 4.0.0
55 Can't control TS-570 IS Shift 4.0.1
56 A=B tooltip and documentation are inaccurate 4.0.1
57 notify user if selected Comm port fails to open 4.0.1
58 Can't display TS-570 IS Shift 4.0.3
60 FT-900 VFO A & B buttons are inoperative 4.0.5
61 changes to User Sequence Commands are immediately saved in the Windows registry 4.0.5
62 MarkV Filter Group name dissappears the first time it is selected 4.0.6
63 correct MarkV regression introduced when correcting defect #60 4.0.7
64 correct MP1000/MarkV regression introduced in 4.0.9 4.1.0
65 FT-900 VFO buttons don't appear 4.1.1
66 correct several memory regressions introduced in 4.0.9 4.1.2
67 correct several memory regressions introduced in 4.0.9 4.1.3
68 "show control explanations" setting does not persist between operating sessions 4.1.4
69 memories won't save Filter Groups name other than 'wide', 'narrow', or 'normal' between sessions 4.1.5
70 FT-900 AxB button is inoperative 4.3.0
71 FT-747 frequency display is 10X too large, 4.2.2
72 FT-747 mode display is inoperative 4.2.3
73 prevent new commands from being sent to an FT-900 while a response to a previous command remains outstanding 4.2.6
74 don't stop command execution while notifying the user that message capture has been terminated because the message buffer is full 4.2.6
75 prevent new commands from being sent to any Yaesu radio while a response to a previous command remains outstanding 4.2.8
76 directing an FT1000D to report its frequency after each VFO step overwhelms the radio 4.3.2
77 using the VFO panel's transceiver selection buttons to select the currently active transceiver shutdown command execution but fails to restart it (regression introduced in 4.3.6) 4.3.7
78 initialize the VFO panel's transceiver selection buttons (regression introduced in 4.3.6) 4.3.7
79 command execution stops if the Address field is 0-length (regression introduced in 4.3.6) 4.3.8
80 activating PTT before a transceiver model is selected generates and Errorlog entry 4.4.3
81 checking the Split box doesn't work for the TS-440S (assume the TS-940S, TS-811S, and TS-711S are also non-functional) 4.4.4
82 FT990, FT890, and FT840 aren't properly setup when selecting a SpotCollector spot database entry containing a split frequency   4.4.5
83 when switching  away from a Yaesu 767 transceiver, wait for completion of polling operation before switching 4.4.6
84 Yeasu transceiver VFO selection oscillates when a Spot Database entry containing a split frequency is selected 4.4.7
85 Yaesu FT-100 "read meter" command returns 9 bytes, not 8 4.5.0
86 correctly interpret FT-100 "read meter" results 4.5.2
87 Pegasus initialization error 4.5.2
88 MarkV/MP1000 mode-specific filter settings not saved between sessions 4.5.3
89 Pegasus scanning error 4.5.6
90 when toggling memory bank display between Notes and Freq/Mode/Filter, don't display Filter if not supported 4.5.7
91 Errorlog.txt entry during Multi-transceiver initialization 4.5.8
92 Selection-by-band combo boxes not properly initialized in certain circumstances 4.5.8
93 assert RTS continuous if hardware flow control is selected 4.6.0
94 don't report commands rejected by a Jupiter or Argonaut V 4.6.1
95 eliminate errorlog entries caused when automatic radio selection by frequency is enabled, and Commander is set to a frequency for which no transceiver is assigned  4.6.1
96 correct regression introduced with correction to defect 91 4.6.2
97 Band Up/Down operation fails when automatic transceiver selection is enabled and a new transceiver is selected 4.6.4
98 Orion AxB doesn't work 4.6.5
99 FT900 isn't properly setup when selecting a SpotCollector spot database entry containing a split frequency   4.6.6
100 using wrong command to polling Orion B VFO 4.6.7
101 AxB and XFC functions fail on Orion and Jupiter 4.6.7
102 restore previous AxB and XFC implementation on Jupiter -- works fine 4.6.8
103 when directed to set QSX frequency for an Icom transceiver, change the VFO and mode before enabling split (avoids bug in IC726) 4.6.8
104 if transceiver is in PKT mode, properly convey this to DXKeeper (2.9.1 or later) 4.6.9
105 receiving an invalid mode from the transceiver should not generate an errorlog.txt entry 4.7.0
106 attempting to open an empty device data file should generate a user message, not an errorlog.txt entry 4.7.1
107 rapid XFC on Jupiter fails 4.7.1
108 when switching to a transceiver that doesn't support
  • split, then reset split

  • dual watch, then reset dual watch

  • RTTY mode, then set the mode to LSB

  • RTTY-R mode, then set to mode to RTTY (if supported) or LSB (if RTTY isn't supported)

  • CW-R mode, then set the mode to CW

109 Filter Memory labels toggle when switching between Freq/Mode and Notes displays 4.7.2
110 on startup, Commander fails to inform DXView that its running 4.7.3
111 Argonaut V PTT doesn't work 4.7.4
112 can't set or read Argonaut V split mode 4.7.4
113 TS-480 identification error 4.7.6
114 Commander doesn't control TS-480 low-cut frequency 4.7.7
115 defect in FT-847 S-meter handling 4.7.9
116 defect in Argonaut V mode control 4.8.1
117 defects in Jupiter and Orion mode control 4.8.2
118 defect in Argonaut V VFO selection 4.8.2
119 unchecking Show Control Explanations doesn't disable them in memory controls, multiple transceiver controls, or user-defined sequence controls 4.8.5
120 in locales where the decimal separator is not a period, outgoing Pegasus and Orion frequencies contain the wrong decimal separator 4.8.8
121 ability to set VFO B frequency in Icom 775 despite its lack of documented commands to select VFO A or VFO B 4.9.2
122 supply REGSRV32 with short name of mousewheel control 5.0.0
123 eliminate redundant entries in the memory mode selectors 5.0.1
124 correctly decode Icom R7000 commands 5.0.2
125 correctly the situation where a memory contains a mode and/or filter not supported by the currently-selected radio 5.0.2
126 prevent Bandspread window from activating when a MP1000/MarkV filter changes 5.0.3
127 if "restore Filter Group on mode change" is unchecked, don't change Filter Group on mode change unless filter selection requires it 5.0.3
128 correct multitransceiver intialization error 5.0.5
129 correct FT-754 frequency and mode decoding 5.0.6
130 clicking a Bandspread range button should return focus to the Bandspread control 5.0.7
131 Insufficient room for Bandspread Range panel's "100" label 5.0.8
132 Clicking on Bandspread with orientation set to "higher freq on top" QSYs to wrong frequency 5.0.8
133 vertically resizing the Bandspread properly repaints the frequency display 5.0.8
134 doesn't direct the Icom IC-718 to select the "normal" filter 5.0.9
135 PTT panel caption is too large when transmitting 5.1.0
136 correct errors in DDE-accessible transmit frequency 5.1.1
137 Help button on Config window's Bandspread tab doesn't work 5.1.2
138 bytes sent to the FT-747 must be separated in time by at least 50 ms 5.1.2
139 disabling control explanations doesn't apply to controls in the Bandspread window 5.1.4
140 the Bandspread window isn't restored when all Commander windows are restored via the Launcher 5.1.4
141 use HTTP format filenames when invoking the browser on a help file 5.1.4
142 allow selection of negative IF shifts with the Kenwood TS-480S, and track changes at the granularity of 1 unit 5.1.5
143 double-clicking on a split Spot Database entry doesn't correctly establish the transmit mode on Kenwood transceivers 5.1.6
144 tolerate illegal tolerance values in frequency-dependent device configuration tabs 5.1.6
145 eliminate errorlog.txt entry from BandSpreadPicture.MouseMove 5.1.9
146 correct FT736R errors: freq and mode commands are reversed, diable CAT when selecting another radio or terminating Commander 5.1.9
147 correct FT736R errors: wrong freq opcode, wrong CW-N code, disable CAT on termination 5.2.0
148 correct accuracy problem with 10 Hz frequency digit 5.2.6
149 errorlog.txt entry in CIVModule.SetXcvrFreq when not running multiple transceivers (regression introduced in 5.2.5 5.2.7
150 "Failed to activate control VB. user.control" appears on some PCs 5.2.8
151 eliminate "BandSpreadForm.Form_Activate: Invalid procedure call or argument" Errorlog entry 5.2.8
152 report command buffer overflows only if Log Debug Info is enabled 5.2.8
153 FT736R Set Frequency fails on the 1296 mHz band 5.3.0
154 correct mode caption misalignment when transceiver starts up with focus in frequency display 5.3.1
155 rounding error in the 10 hz digit when accepting a split frequency via DDE 5.3.7
156 don't attempt to auto-select a disabled transceiver 5.3.7
157 properly display the MP1000/Mark V's VFO B on startup 5.3.8
158 ensure that function keys can be struck in the Main window with cursor focus in any control 5.3.9
159 depressing the ALT key in the Bandspread window (while striking the PageUp or PageDown keys) should not move focus to Commander's Main window 5.4.1
160 don't shift focus to VFO after characters are entered in memory notes 5.4.1
161 when directed by another application to QSY to a specific frequency and mode with an Icom transceiver, set the VFO to "primary" before setting the new mode 5.4.3
162 handle echoed command from the Alinco DX77T 5.4.8
163 handle CR and LF terminators from Alinco DX77T 5.4.9
164 update frequency display when switching VFOs with Alinco DX77T 5.5.0
165 handle Alinco DX77T meter reports - code is M0, not M1 as documented 5.5.1
166 correctly update VFOs from status reported by Alinco DX77T 5.5.1
167 correctly handle handle Alinco DX77T meter reports 5.5.2
168 correctly implement A=B and AxB for Alinco DX77T 5.5.6
169 correctly handle a quick click of the XFC button 5.5.9
170 fully implement Bandspread QSY for Alinco DX77T 5.5.9
171 correctly implement mode change for FTDX-9000 5.6.3
172 prevent overflow when decoding an Icom frequency message with a frequency greater than 2 gHz 5.6.4
173 prevent overflow when decoding a bogus Icom S-meter reading 5.6.6
174 ensure that device readouts are updated on startup 5.7.2
175 ensure the Main window's Maximize button properly sets the right margin 5.7.4
176 if Interrogation was disabled in the previous operating session, don't enable it on startup for an Icom transceiver that can report S-meter readings 5.7.5
177 don't update the device readouts if they haven't yet been loaded 5.7.5
178 don't allow the deletion of entries in the frequency tables for frequency-dependent devices 5.7.8
179 when selecting the secondary VFO and setting the secondary VFO frequency of a Kenwood transceiver, take the currently-selected RadioVFO into account 5.7.8
180 when selecting the secondary VFO and setting the secondary VFO frequency of an Elecraft transceiver, take the currently-selected RadioVFO into account 5.7.9
181 when setting a Kenwood or Elecraft transceiver's secondary VFO frequency, don't select the secondary VFO 5.8.0
182 switching to a transceiver that doesn't need a serial port should not attempt to open the specified serial port 5.8.3
183 clicking on a CW spot in the Bandspread with the Bandspread configured to use CW-R for CW spots places the radio in sideband rather than CW-R 5.8.7
184 separate mode and filter directives when selecting memory for a DX77T 5.8.8
185 back out #181; instead, ignore incoming radio status changes during DDE freqmode and split operations, and during sequence execution 5.8.9
186 when a memory is selected for an FT1000, ensure that the radio has switched to the mode specified in that memory before switching to that memory's specified filter 5.9.0
187 prevent mis-setting Icom transceiver mode when setting split frequeny via DDE 5.9.0
188 prevent mis-setting Kenwood and Orion transceiver mode when setting split frequeny via DDE 5.9.1
189 for Icom and TenTec Omni transceivers, clicking the AxB, MxS, or XFC buttons should swap the VFO contents rather than swap the Main and Alt VFO displays 5.9.2
190 correctly save memory contents between operating sessions 5.9.3
191 update Clear Memory tooltip and confirmation message to reflect the fact that only memories in the current bank are cleared 5.9.4
192 for an Icom transceiver, ensure that initial commands are sent to the specified CI-V address rather than the default CI-V address 5.9.7
193 change radios.txt file to enable RTTY-R for the Elecraft K2 6.0.1
194 if an invalid DDE command is received, ignore it without generating an errorlog.txt entry 6.0.3
195 prevent errorlog.txt entry BandSpreadForm. DisplaySpot: Subscript out of range 6.0.9
196 correctly set an Argo's mode when a split spot in SpotCollector is activated 6.1.2
197 work around FT0; toggle defect in FT2000 6.1.4
198 set FT2000 VFO B mode when a split spot database entry is activated 6.1.6
199 set Orion subreceiver to "not assigned" when Dual-mode is disabled 6.2.3
200 properly decode Orion split and dual status when the subreceiver is disabled 6.2.4
201 clear spots from the bandspread when QSYing out of a ham band 6.2.6
202 DDE split enable/disable commands should set Split checkbox with Icom transceivers 6.2.8
203 when activating a RTTY spot with the RTTY mode panel set to RTTY-R, set the transceiver mode to RTTY-R 6.2.9
204 properly decode the FT1000MP's mode in all RX bandwidth scenarios 6.2.9
205 the bandspread should properly handle a QSY from one non-ham-band to another 6.3.0
206 if split or dual-watch are not enabled in the active radio's entry in the radio.txt file, then never send the radio split or dual-watch commands, respectively 6.3.1
207 do not provide a CW-R mode selection button for the Icom 706MKIIG 6.3.2
208 properly convert frequencies sent to the Orion in non-US locales 6.3.2
209 don't sent mode change commands with filter 3 to a 706MKIIG in phone mode 6.3.3
210 properly map mode-specific filter codes for the 706MKIIG 6.3.4
211 work around FT0; toggle defect in FTDX-9000 6.3.5
212 add a polling interval delay after sending a set frequency or set mode command to an FTDX-9000 6.3.6
213 add a polling interval delay after sending any command to an  FTDX-9000 while performing a "set frequency" or "set split frequency" DDE operation 6.3.7
214 assume USB for 60m SSB operation 6.4.2
215 HandleAutoRepeat should not generate an errorlog.txt entry if invoked with no transceiver selected 6.4.5
216 when sending a raw command to an Icom or TenTec Omni, if the command is a Dual On, Dual Off, Split On, or Split Off then update the Main window's Dual or Split checkbox 6.4.5
217 update Bandspread whenever DDEServer.RcvFreq.Text is updated 6.4.6
218 recompute bandspread slots when QSY exceeds bandspread range 6.4.6
219 properly update Bandspread spots when switching between transceivers 6.4.6
220 when interrogating an Argonaut V, add a wait state after requesting the mode to allow time for the transceiver to respond 6.5.1
221 don't preset RTS or DTR for Orion, Jupiter, or Omni VII transceivers 6.5.1
222 correctly interpret OmniVII S-meter reports 6.5.4
223 when processing commands specified in a user-defined command sequence, do not execute commands containing invalid hexadecimal characters, but flag them with an entry in the errorlog.txt file whether or not "Log Debugging Info" is enabled 6.5.5
224 remove Omni VII PTT and Split support (not available in Radio mode) 6.5.6
225 don't begin verifying CI-V command acceptance on Icom and TenTec Omni VI transceivers until initialization is complete  6.5.7
226 correctly decode OmniVII split message 6.5.8
227 handle inability to direct OmniVII to select a VFO 6.5.9
228 prevent Bandspread spots from disappearing when Commander is directed to QSY with an Icom or TenTec Omni VI transceiver with continuous freq and mode interrogation disabled  6.6.0
229 suppress Omni VII S-meter updates when transmitting 6.6.0
230 correct "Display information in title bar" caption 6.6.2
231 don't sent RX or TX commands to Kenwood TS-2000 or TS-480 transceivers if the transceiver is already receiving or transmitting respectively 6.6.3
232 before sending CW characters to a Kenwood TS-2000 or TS-480, ensure that the transceiver's CW buffer is available; if not, queue the characters and send them when the transceiver's buffer becomes available 6.6.3
233 don't include CTRL characters with CW characters sent to transceivers 6.6.4
234 properly support FT-857D 6.6.6
235 eliminate errorlog.txt entry generated from CIVModule.UpdateCWSpeed when changing transceiver models 6.6.7
236 Don't place an FT2000 or FT9000 into split mode when a bandspread band button is activated 6.6.7
237 PKT-L button does not work correctly for the Yaesu FT9000, FT2000, or FT-450 6.6.8
238 if VFO B is active in a Kenwood TS-2000 or TS-480 or a Flexradio SDR-1000, then clicking the B button in Commander's Main window should have no effect  6.7.0
239 remove VFO A and B buttons for Flexradio SDR-1000 (VFO B is transmit only) 6.7.1
240 for SDR-1000, always 
  • set split with FT1; FR0; independent of which VFO the transceiver reports as active
  • reset split with FT0; FR0; independent of which VFO the transceiver reports as active
241 restore VFO A and B buttons for Flexradio SDR-1000  6.7.2
242 use FT450 FT0 and FT1 commands correctly 6.7.5
243 FT450 can't set VFO B mode 6.7.6
244 FT450 requires sending VS1; before FB; 6.7.6
245 properly handle split on/off commands from other DXLab applications when working around the FT-2000 and FT-9000 CAT command defect 6.7.7
246 with continuous interrogation disabled, update the Main window VFO with frequencies returned FA and FB CAT commands from Kenwood and Elecraft transceivers 6.8.0
247 for Kenwood and Elecraft transceivers
  • don't automatically enable continuous interrogation when the transceiver model is selected
  • when a transceiver is selected with continuous integration disabled, send an AI2; command to Elecraft, Kenwood TS570, TS2000, and TS480 transceivers or an AI1; command to other Kenwood transceivers on startup
  • when continuous integration is enabled, send an AI0; command to Elecraft and Kenwood transceivers
  • when continuous integration is disabled, send an AI2; command to Elecraft, Kenwood TS570, TS2000, and TS480 transceivers or an AI1; command to other Kenwood transceivers on startup
248 correctly decode FT1000D RTTY vs RTTY-R status 6.8.2
249 If Commander can't open the Radios.txt file, terminate correctly 6.8.5
250 reduces the rate at which the CW buffer status of a Kenwood, Elecraft, or Flex transceiver is checked after reporting its CW buffer to be full 6.8.5
251 prevent "CIVModule.PollPegas us:Input past end of file" errorlog.txt file entries 6.8.8
252 handle large frequencies reported by Yaesu Mark V 6.8.9
253 properly display 23 cm band frequencies on the in the Main and Bandspread windows 6.9.0
254 disabling polling should clear the S-meter display 6.9.1
255 ensure that FN rather than FR/FT commands are used for VFO selection with Kenwood 711, 811, 940, 440, R5000, and 140 6.9.2
256 for Kenwood 711, 811, 940, 440, R5000, and 140, use IF; rather than MD; to request current mode 6.9.3
257 handle <0> in an ascii user-defined command 6.9.5
258 eliminate poor frequency tracking during auto-repeat or mousewheel operations 6.9.5
259 direct the radio to report its frequency and mode after the user finishes a mousewheel action 6.9.6
260 eliminate poor frequency tracking during isolated frequency changes via arrows 6.9.6
261 eliminate poor frequency tracking during auto-repeat or mousewheel operations 6.9.7
262 don't disable Orion VFO B polling if its S-meter polling is disabled 6.9.9
263 handle Kenwood radio ID 008 as TS-950 and ID006 as TS-790 7.0.0
264 don't swap RX and TX frequencies sent to other applications when a Kenwood transceiver is directed to transmit by means other than a CAT command  7.0.0
265 suppress the propagation of frequencies to other applications while processing a directive to place the transceiver in split mode at a specified frequency 7.0.1
266 prevent errorlog.txt file entry from UserSliderModule.SetupNewXcvr if multi-transceiver control is disabled 7.0.4
267 properly initialize slider values 7.0.5
268 correctly enable/disable split for the Yaesu FT950 7.0.6
269 don't assert "Transmitting" when a a Kenwood TS-870 reports that its transmitting 7.0.7
270 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated by CIVModule.SetXcvrFreq with no radio model selected 7.1.1
271 enable S-meter reporting for the Yaesu FT-847 7.1.1
272 don't grab focus when an SDR-1000, TS-2000o TS-480 changes its filter settings 7.1.1
273 properly set the mode when a directive from another application to change frequency and mode results in a new transceiver being selected 7.1.2
274 don't grab focus when a TS-570 or TS-870 changes its filter settings 7.1.4
275 don't generate errorlog.txt entries when a bogus FW response is received from a Kenwood TS-870 7.1.5
276 ensure correct transverter operation when multiple transceivers are enabled 7.1.6
277 don't set Pegasus mode to LSB when enabling or disabling split operation 7.1.7
278 remove defect repair #269 -- unnecessary 7.1.8
279 when the user changes bands via the radio's front panel, appropriately update the bandspread so that its spots won't be cleared when the user next clicks in the bandspread 7.1.9
280 eliminate errorlog.txt entries when no transceiver is selected 7.3.0
281 properly send the K31;SWT48;K30; command sequence (no spaces) 7.3.2
282 properly send the K31;DS;K30; command sequence (no spaces) 7.3.3
283 use the MD$ command rather than the SWT13 command to set an Elecraft K3's VFO B mode, and do so after setting its VFO B frequency 7.3.5
285 immediate update the K3's subreceiver status after sending an SWT48 command 7.3.6
284 correctly set VFO B mode when using the MD$ command with an Elecraft K3 7.3.7
285 correct regression in 7.3.8 that causes unsupported CI-V commands to be sent to some Icom transceivers that support Dual Receive 7.3.9
286 ensure update of Commander Main VFO when responding to a "set QSX" directive with no band change and an Icom transceiver 7.4.1
287 properly display S-meter reading for Kenwood K3 now that K31 mode is always enabled 7.4.2
288 update Icom sync flag when split is changed by receipt of a DDE directive 7.4.4
289 when responding to a QSX directive from another application when the active transceiver is a Kenwood TS-940, select VFO A after enabling split 7.4.5
290 add 2.0K and 250 entries tp FT-1000MP and Mark V Subreceiver filter selector 7.5.0
291 remove 2.0K and 250 entries from FT-1000MP and Mark V Subreceiver filter selector, and remap invalid 2.0 khz and 250 hz responses from radio to 2.4 khz and 500 hz respectively 7.5.1
292 eliminate errorlog.txt entries caused by clicking Main window buttons without having selected a transceiver 7.5.2
293 properly display the filter width value for an Elecraft K3 7.5.3
294 eliminate need to strike function key shortcuts twice 7.5.8
295 update the VFO caption after receiving an IF command from a Yaesu 9000, 2000, 950, or 450 7.5.9
296 don't append spaces when sending a KY command to a K3 7.6.0
297 sent correct SetDate and SetTime directives to an IC-7700 7.6.3
298 correctly extract the VFO mode from the status of a Yaesu 9000, 2000, 950, or 450 7.6.5
299 ensure that parallel port conveys selected radio at startup 7.6.7
300 leave Kenwood/FlexRadio/Elecraft VFO and Split selection unmodified on startup or transceiver activation 7.6.9
301 if Commander is terminated with a Yaesu 767 having been sent a CAT-ON command, send a CAT-OFF command and wait for confirmation before terminating; if no confirmation is received within 10 seconds, terminate Commander. 7.7.0
302 if Commander is terminated with a Yaesu 767 having been sent a CAT-ON command, send a CAT-OFF command and properly wait for confirmation before terminating 7.7.2
303 don't accept non-numeric values in a Slider Definition window's Lower Bound, Upper Bound, Small Change, or Big Change textboxes, and interpret any non-numeric values for these settings stored in the Registry from previous operating sessions to be 0 7.7.3
304 report <n> in a non-ascii slider command rather than loop forever 7.7.4
305 remember whether or not to display memory notes between operating sessions 7.7.4
306 when loading a file containing a user-defined sequence, clear all commands in the sequence in case the file does not define them all 7.7.6
307 account for leading I in JRC reports 7.7.6
308 correctly decode TenTec OmniVII frequency reports 7.7.8
309 restore the position of the Filter panel's Width slider above the Shift slider 7.8.4
310 in CW with narrow enabled, expand the FT2000/9000 width slider range to 28 7.8.4
311 enable "Verify CI-V command acceptance" to work with new PBT commands 7.8.4
312 reduce range of Orion shift slider to +/- 2500 hz 7.8.6
313 eliminate erratic operation of Icom Width and PBT sliders when "Verify CI-V command acceptance" enabled 7.8.9
314 correct memory bank regression in 7.8.9 7.9.0
315 correct Icom/Omini VI+ polling sequence regression in 7.9.1 7.9.2
316 prevent an errorlog.txt entry generated by CIVMain.IcomShiftWidthRetryInterval 7.9.3
317 increase the upper bound on the K3's IF shift slider from 3000 to 3300 7.9.4
318 prevent Commander from grabbing focus when a spot database entry is double-clicked with an Icom transceiver for which width and shift sliders are displayed 7.9.5
319 when switching transceivers, properly initialize the new transceiver's sliders 7.9.7
320 remove unnecessary mousewheel.ocx registration 7.9.7
321 properly setup split frequency operation for a Kenwood TS-440 7.9.8
322 properly setup split frequency operation for a Kenwood TS-940 7.9.9
323 in locales where the decimal separator is not a period, properly limit frequency displays to two decimal digits 8.0.0
324 prevent errorlog.txt entry generated by UserSliderModule.ExpandSliderValue 8.0.2
325 use the VFO Step CAT command on Yaesu radios that support it  whether or not the Config window is on-screen 8.0.4
326 correctly use the FT-757GX split command 8.0.6
327 properly initialize K3 if radio wasn't running when Commander started up 8.0.7
328 label the offset boxes on the Config window's Transverter tab, making it clear that offsets must be specified in kilohertz 8.0.8
329 properly initialize K3 if radio wasn't running when Commander started up 8.1.0
330 ensure that the RadioName provided to other applications is cleared if the currently-selected transceiver is disabled on the Config window's "Multi Radio" tab 8.1.2
331 correct AxB operation in FT-900 8.1.5
332 change Kachina control file label from "control" to "control file" 8.1.6
333 correct mousewheel control of ALT VFO 8.1.7
334 properly update low-pass selector for Kenwood TS-870 8.1.8
335 prevent Alt VFO mousewheel updates for the Yaesu FT817, FT897, FT857, FT857D, FT1000D, FT757, FT757GXII, and FT747  8.1.9
336 adjust IC-761 entry in radios.txt to not include a filter byte in a mode change command 8.2.0
337 maintain secondary CAT port and SO2R port DTR and RTS settings between operating sessions 8.2.1
338 when controlling a radio, the secondary CAT port should ignore directives to change frequency or mode 8.2.1
339 properly generate AUX commands for the SO2R OTRSP protocol 8.2.2
340 correct regression that prevents retaining the parallel port configuration between operating sessions 8.2.2
341 remember SO2R Port enablement setting between operating sessions 8.2.3
342 send SO2R commands to radio 1 if multi-radio support is disabled 8.2.3
343 if a frequency-dependent device's name is cleared, properly set it to "CTRL n" 8.2.4
344 prevent incorrect SO2R Auxiliary data output when switching transceivers 8.2.4
345 prevent incorrect SO2R Auxiliary data output when switching transceivers 8.2.5
346 ensure that slider commands sent when switching to an Icom radio are executed 8.2.6
347 correctly handle slider <value> expansion when the slider specifies a non-zero lower bound 8.2.6
348 eliminate regression and errorlog.txt entry when providing first-time initialization for a TenTec Jupiter, Omni VII, Argonaut V, or Orion 8.2.8
349 restore 56000 as an available CAT port baud rate 8.2.8
350 correctly display both VFO A and VFO B for a Yaesue FT890 8.3.0
351 properly track FT-890 VFO A and VFO B frequencies 8.3.2
352 don't generate errorlog.txt entries when receiving a QSY to SetFreqMode DDE directive with an invalid frequency 8.3.3
353 ensure Config WindowState is properly initialized on startup 8.3.4
354 don't display the Configuration window on startup when the transceiver being controlled is a TenTec Jupiter or Omni VII 8.3.5
355 don't incorrectly change an Icom transceiver's filter bandwidth when switch from one mode to another 8.3.6
356 properly control an IC-7200's filter bandwidth 8.3.7
357 accept frequency and mode updates from older Kenwood transceivers connected to the secondary CAT port 8.3.9
358 on receiving an FB command from the secondary CAT port with the secondary CAT port set to "lead" or "lead and follow", update VFOB of the transceiver connected to the primary CAT port if that transceiver provides an "update VFO B" CAT command 8.4.0
359 don't capture and display PW-1 broadcast messages in the Messages window if Train is enabled 8.4.7
360 if the secondary serial port is changed with the secondary port protocol selector set to PW-1, initiate PW-1 broadcasts 8.4.7
361 in the Secondary CAT Port protocol selector, change PW-1 to PW1 8.4.8
362 when the Secondary CAT Port protocol selector is set to PW1, disable the Follow Primary option and the Lead Primary option, and select the the Follow & Lead Primary option  8.4.8
363 remove the Train checkbox 8.4.8
364 accept a hyphen in the Slider Configuration window's "Lower Bound" and "Upper Bound" boxes so that negative numbers can be entered 8.4.9
365 improve FT8x7 responsiveness to frequency changes via a mousewheel 8.5.0
366 correct regression that disables S-meter tracking for the FT8x7 8.5.2
367 correct a defect that causes transceiver initialization to fail when a DTR or RTS selector is set to C  in the" CAT Serial port" panel on the Config window's "Multi Radio" panel  8.5.2
368 correctly initialize flow control on the primary CAT serial port 8.5.4
369 correctly initialize the Secondary CAT Serial Port's "Follow and Lead" modes when the Secondary CAT Port is enabled 8.5.5
370 make VFO B selection work correctly on a Kenwood TS-570 8.5.6
371 for Omni VII, a short-duration XFC should restore VFO B to its original state 8.5.7
372 correctly update the mode of an Icom transceiver or PW1 attached to the Secondary CAT port 8.6.0
373 improve mousewheel scrolling of the alternate VFO 8.6.1
374 after directing a K3 to change frequency to a new band, wait 500 ms before sending another CAT command 8.6.3
375 after directing a K3 to change frequency and then change mode, direct it to change frequency a second time 8.6.3
376 don't expect a status response when directing an FT-897 to enable or disable split 8.6.5
377 for the Kenwood TS480, TS590, TS2000, poll to determine which VFO will transmit  8.6.8
378 handle parallel port addresses greater than 7FFF 8.7.0
379 enable a Flex connected to the Secondary CAT port to lead the primary transceiver 8.7.4
380 when the secondary transceiver is a Kenwood, Elecraft, or Flex, ensure that it identifies itself and is directed to report frequency and mode changes 8.7.5
381 properly label the Main window's VFO panels when controlling an Icom transceiver with VFOSel commands or a TenTec Omni VI transceiver with Split enabled 8.7.9
382 correct Icom Filterbyte regression in Mode command introduced in 8.7.9 8.8.0
383 implement "Verify CI-V command acceptance" for "request data" cmd 8.8.1
384 ensure K3 switches to correct data mode 8.8.2
385 with "Verify CI-V command acceptance enabled, handle the response to a "request data" cmd 8.8.2
386 when changing an Icom transceiver to a data mode, ensure that it has time to change to LSB or USB before commanding it to enable data 8.8.2
387 correctly update a data capable Icom transceiver's RX Filter 8.8.2
388 when controlling a K3 and directed to set VFO B by another application, set VFO B's mode to that of VFO A 8.8.2
389 correct 8.7.9 regression in selecting primary and secondary VFO for Icom transceivers supporting VFOSel commands 8.8.3
390 when controlling an Icom 7800, don't select the sub-receiver after enabling Split 8.8.7
391 correct regression the prevents the secondary transceiver from properly leading or following the frequency and mode of a primary transceiver that supports data modes 8.8.8
392 display the correct transceiver mode in the title of the Main window's Mode panel 8.9.1
392 don't send CW characters to the transceiver if the radio mode is not CW or CW-R 8.9.1
393 prevent an errorlog.txt file entry from being generated in BandSpreadForm.DisplaySpot 8.9.3
394 send correct FT9000 command to copy VFO A to VFO B 8.9.4
395 properly save an Icom transceiver's Data-U and Data-L modes in memories 8.9.6
396 correctly update the RX and TX frequencies provided to other DXLab applications when disabling "Dual Receive" 8.9.8
397 display the correct keyer speed when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7600 or 7700 8.9.9
398 correctly set the keyer speed when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7600 or 7700 9.0.0
399 the Main window's mode panel should correctly display the K3's submode when VFO B is changed 9.0.0
400 ignore requests to send CW faster than an IC-7800, IC-7700, or IC-7600 is capable of sending 9.0.1
401 "Quick Split" buttons should set the mode of the "other VFO" to the current VFO's mode 9.0.6
402 remove A and B buttons from Main window's VFO panel when the primary transceiver is a Flex 9.0.7
403 implement current/other VFO selection for FT-450 and FT-950 9.0.7
404 correctly support the TenTec Eagle 9.0.8
405 correct AxB in FT-450 and FT-950 9.0.8
406 correct Eagle command decoding 9.0.9
407 correct Eagle AxB and frequency encoding 9.1.0
408 correct Eagle AxB 9.1.1
409 bandspread slider beneath the Main window's VFO should work on every change, not every other change 9.1.4
410 don't send an empty CAT command generated by a command sequence or slider 9.1.6
411 prevent an "overflow" errorlog.txt entry from being generated by CIVModule.JupiterFreqString when a frequency greater than 2.1 GHz is specified 9.1.7
412 correct regression that prevents control of K2 mode 9.1.7
413 don't display the "restore Filter Group on mode change" setting on the Config window's "Filter Groups" tab if the current transceiver doesn't support Filter Groups 9.1.8
414 ensure correct initialization of user-defined slider labels 9.1.9
415 refuse to start if another instance is already running 9.2.0
416 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX5000, display correct filter widths  9.2.1
417 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX5000, display correct RTTY filter widths  9.2.2
418 prevent an infinite loop if <CIV> appears in a user-defined ascii command 9.2.3
419 if a user-defined sequence's LED color changes and that sequence's Editor window is visible, then update the "Initial Color" selector in the Editor window 9.2.3
420 correctly label VFO panels when an Omni VI is in split mode 9.2.7
421 correctly update the ALT VFO frequency made available to other applications 9.2.8
422 correctly implement the ALT VFO panel's Quick Split buttons for the Omni VI 9.2.8
423 correctly issue a User-defined Control Set's Initial Command Sequence when switching transceivers 9.2.8
424 If an Icom transceiver fails to respond to a command and "Verify CI-V command acceptance" is enabled, stop retrying after the specified limit 9.2.9
425 ensure that responses to commands sent to a PW1 are not misinterpreted 9.2.9
426 don't update Radio Model registry setting unless it changes 9.2.9
427 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated when executing an initial command sequence that specifies a <LED> or <TOOLTIP> command 9.3.0
427 when executing sliders after switching transceivers, ensure that each slider's restored value is "within range" 9.3.0
428 when Split is enabled for an Omni VI, display the RX VFO in Commander's primary VFO panel and the TX VFO in Commander's secondary VFO panel 9.3.1
429 correctly update VFO captions when performing an AxB with a TenTec Omni VI  9.3.2
430 correctly update VFO captions when performing an AxB with a Icom transceiver 9.3.2
431 add 115200 to the MultiRadio tab's Baud Rate selectors 9.3.3
432 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated when executing an initial command sequence that specifies a <NAME> command 9.3.4
433 correct AxB explanatory tooltip for ICOM transceivers with A/B VFOs 9.3.5
434 the A=B function should set both VFO modes on Kenwood and Flex transceivers 9.3.5
435 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated in CIVModule.UpdateXFCTFSButton 9.3.6
436 correctly determine whether an FT840/890 is in CW wide or CW narrow mode 9.3.8
437 prevent errorlog.txt entries in SO2RModule.SelectSO2RRadio and SO2RModule.UpdateSO2RBand 9.3.9
438 when controlling a Yaesu FT-900_12, hide the Main window's Update panel when the Memory Banks are visible 9.4.0
439 revert to 16 COM ports 9.4.2
440 properly enable Icom TX meter polling when the Configuration window isn't visible 9.4.4
  correct FT-747 status decoding 9.4.5
442 prevent errorlog.txt entry from being generated in CIVModule.UpdateTXMeter 9.4.7
443 correct regression in K3 polling sequence introduced in 9.4.6 that prevents tracking of IF Shift 9.4.8
444 use correct mode codes for FT-847 narrow CW and CW-R 9.4.8
445 only update Kenwood TX meter selection when it changes 9.4.9
446 remember Kenwood TX meter selection between operating sessions 9.4.9
447 correct regression in Orion, Orion II, and Eagle polling that prevents tracking of VFO B 9.4.9
448 correctly open the TX meter file for Kenwood transceivers 9.5.0
449 display TX Meter selector for TS-480 and TS-590 9.5.1
450 after enabling or disabling split for an FT-747, do not change VFO selection 9.5.2
451 properly initialize a Kenwood TS-590 or DZ Sienna transceiver on the secondary CAT port 9.5.3
452 when controlling an Icom transceiver other than an IC-7800, checking Commander's Split box should only select the secondary VFO if "Dual Watch" is present and enabled; otherwise, the primary VFO should be selected 9.5.4
453 rename "data audio source" option for TS-480 and TS-590 9.5.5
454 remove C as an option from the DTR and RTS selectors on the Configuration window's "Multi Radio" tab 9.5.6
455 when directing a Kenwood or Elecraft transceiver to abort CW transmission, interpose a "wait" state before directing it to switch from TX to RX 9.5.8
456 when directing a TenTec Eagle to QSY, limit the frequency length to 8 characters 9.5.9
457 expand maximum Main window width to make right-hand panel borders visible 9.6.2
458 properly respond to an OM command received from the Secondary CAT port 9.6.3
459 correct errors in Secondary CAT port's emulation of the IF command for Elecraft, Flex, Kenwood, and Yaesu protocols 9.6.4
460 with a K3 or KX3 primary transceiver and the Secondary CAT port protocol set to Elecraft, responds to a BW; command received via the Secondary CAT port by sending a BWnnnn; command to the Secondary CAT port where nnnn was the last value received from the primary transceiver in response to an FW; command. 9.6.4
461 with a K3 or KX3 primary transceiver and the Secondary CAT port protocol set to Elecraft, responds to a IS; command received via the Secondary CAT port by sending a IS nnnn; command to the Secondary CAT port where nnnn was the last value received from the primary transceiver in response to an IS; command. 9.6.4
462 correct an errorlog.txt file entry in CIVConfig.DialCmd_Click 9.6.8
463 when controlling a TS-480, only respond to EX045xxxxxx; when determining the state of Data mode 9.6.9
464 TS-590 FM uses high-cut and low-cut in Digital Mode 9.7.0
465 in Digital Mode, change TS-590 controls from Width and Center to Shift and Width 9.7.0
466 correct width and selector values for TS-590 Digital Mode filters 9.7.1
467 display correct slider bank in the full-sized user-defined control panel 9.7.2
468 correct TS-590 controls for Hi-cut and Lo-cut when in FM and AM modes 9.7.3
469 display TS-590 hi-cut and low-cut controls in AM mode 9.7.4
470 properly display user-defined sequence LEDs when enabling/disabling "Show within Main window" 9.7.5
471 provide the appropriate Filter shifts when controlling a TS-590 in CW mode 9.7.5
472 support the Data filter in a TS-590 in FM mode 9.7.5
473 remove negative Filter shifts when controlling a TS-590 9.7.6
474 when controlling a TS-590, only provide the Shift selector when the mode is CW 9.7.6
475 when controlling a TS-590 in AM mode, ensure that hi-cut and lo-cut selectors are initialized 9.7.7
476 checking the "User-defined Controls" panel's "Show within Main window" box with show display the "User-defined Controls" panel on the Main window if the "Memory Bank" panel visible should display the "User-defined Controls" panel 9.7.8
477 with the Primary transceiver set to K3 or KX3, properly respond to an IS; or BW; command received from the Secondary CAT port 9.7.9
478 remove the polling of the Yaesu FT-857 and FT-857D's TX status register implemented in 9.8.0 9.8.1
479 with the Radio Model set to FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D or FT-897 and radio EEPROM access enabled, update the Main window's VFO display after a rapid click of the Main window's XFC button 9.8.2
480 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generate when Commander is directed to QSY to a frequency above 2,147,483,647 hz while controlling an Icom transceiver 9.8.3
481 corrects a regression in the AxB command introduced in 9.8.3 9.8.4
482 when directed to change transceivers, immediately acknowledge the DDE request rather than waiting for transceiver selection to complete, which can take so long that the client terminates 9.8.5
483 with the Radio Model set to FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D or FT-897 and radio EEPROM access enabled, properly update the alternative VFO display 9.8.7
484 when the Primary transceiver is an Elecraft and the Secondary CAT port protocol is set to Elecraft, properly report the Primary transceiver being in "Data A" sub-mode to the Secondary CAT port 9.8.7
485 properly decode an Icom 756 Pro III's Data Mode 9.8.8
486 properly extract the CW offset from a K3's CWxx; response 9.9.1
487 the Clear Memories function should only clear the memories in the currently selected memory bank 9.9.2
488 if the current primary transceiver does not support Split operation, ignore split commands from other applications 9.9.4
489 prevent an errorlog.txt file entry generated by SO2RModule.GenerateSO2RAux 9.9.7
490 correctly execute a Command Sequence <slider> directive that specifies the slider's current value 9.9.8
491 if enabled, run the initial command sequence after initializing sliders 9.9.9
492 only send an Orion one character to be transmitted in CW per CAT command 10.0.1
493 when executing a <Slider S,V> command in a User-defined Sequence, ignore the command if V does not lie within the slider S's lower and upper bounds 10.0.3
494 when selecting a simplex memory while controlling an Icom transceiver, select the transceiver's Main VFO (VFO A) before setting it to the frequency stored in that memory 10.0.7
494 accept the correct "decimal separator" in the "Spot Lifetime" setting on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab 10.1.1
495 correctly set a frequency-dependent device's controls 10.1.2
496 prevent race condition when controlling a transceiver connected to the Secondary CAT port in "Follow and Lead Primary" mode using the Icom protocol with Interrogation enabled 10.1.5
497 repair regression in 10.1.5 the prevents a secondary radio using the Icom protocol from following the primary radio 10.1.6
498 repair regression in 10.1.6 the prevents a primary radio using the Icom protocol from following the secondary radio 10.1.7
499 correct CW transmission regression in 10.1.8 10.1.9
500 correct CW transmission regression in 10.1.8 10.2.0
501 correct Icom CW abort regression in 10.1.8 10.2.1
502 correct bandspread regression in 10.2.1 10.2.2
503 the "Sync transceiver frequencies before logging or spotting" should only be enabled when controlling an Icom transceiver that supports VFO Exchange CI-V commands 10.2.3
504 tolerate an invalid dwell time setting 10.2.9
505 repair regression preventing Dual Receive with Elecraft K3 and KX3 10.3.2
506 keep "Multi Radio" Enable checkboxes active if they are checked 10.3.3
507 don't send MD1X command to FTDX-3000 when executing DoSplit 10.3.6
508 when controlling an FTDX-3000, use the AB; command to set VFO B's mode when setting VFO B's frequency, and to implement A=B 10.3.7
509 handle the arrival of multiple commands via TCP/IP 10.4.0
510 prevent an errorlog.txt entry when a runt command is received via TCP/IP 10.4.1
511 enable the control of Icom, TenTec, and Yaesu transceivers in locales that employ double-byte characters 10.4.5
512 prevent Select buttons from incorrectly appearing in the Control panel on the Configuration window's "Multi Radio" tab 10.4.5
513 correct regression in 10.4.6 when controlling an Icom transceiver with "Verify CI_V command acceptance" enabled 10.4.6
514 when a mode "log mode" is typed in the Radio panel on the Configuration window's General tab, remember it between operating sessions  10.4.7
515 when controlling an FT-450, 950, 2000, 5000, or 9000, respond to an FT command by updating the transmit frequency source whether or not the split checkbox must be changed 10.4.9
516 when controlling a TenTec Orion or Eagle, properly implement the "Set default width on mode change" option 10.5.2
517 correct regression that makes "Dual Receive" not available for Flex transceivers 10.5.3
518 ignore MD$ command from an Elecraft K3 or KX3 10.5.4
519 tolerate an erroneous length specification in a command received via TCP/IP 10.5.5
520 change TS870 VFO B selection to use FR1;FT1; no matter which VFO is currently selected 10.5.6
521 handle rapidly arriving requests from other applications to transmit CW characters 10.5.7
522 ensure that enabling the PTT panel's "Suppress CAT" option suppresses RX-TX switching via CAT command in all circumstances 10.5.9
523 correctly initialize user-defined sliders when switching control sets 10.6.0
524 loading a control set should persist between sessions; if the control set is loaded for the current primary transceiver, the sequences and sliders it specifies should be immediately activated 10.6.0
525 remove 400 ms lower bound on FT-767 command interval 10.6.0
526 when directed by another application to transmit or receive with the command queue not empty, enqueue the hardware PTT switching operation rather than execute it immediately 10.6.1
527 remove dual receive support from Yaesu FTDX-3000 10.6.3
528 correct radios.txt entry for IC-7100 so that data mode can be controlled 10.6.4
529 when the up/down triangle buttons to the left of the frequency display are clicked while controlling an Elecraft K3 or KX3, ensure that no CAT command will be sent to the transceiver for 500 ms 10.6.4
530 ensure that the "digital mode application" setting is properly initialized 10.6.7
531 if terminated with the Main window minimized, restore the Main window so that termination succeeds 10.6.8
532 ensure that the "digital mode application" setting is properly initialized 10.6.9
533 correct regression in 10.6.8 the prevents Main window state from being properly restored at the beginning of the next operating session 10.6.9
534 correct a regression introduced in 9.2.3 that prevents the <LED, Q, color> user-defined sequence command from working correctly 10.7.0
535 while processing a "Set TX frequency" TCP directive, suspend the processing of DDE and TCP directives until the "Set TX frequency" TCP directive has completely executed 10.7.1
536 when controlling an Icom transceiver other than an IC-7800 that reports Split has been enabled, only select the secondary VFO if "Dual Watch" is present and enabled; otherwise, the primary VFO should be selected 10.7.3
537 when controlling an Icom transceiver that employs VFO selection commands, correctly update Commander's VFO display when Split is enabled and VFO B is selected 10.7.4
538 correct the CmdSetRXFreq and CmdSetTXFreq TCP/IP directives to work correctly when Split is enabled 10.7.5
539 Elecraft K3 corrections:
  • when QSYing to a frequency with split disabled, disable split after directing the transceiver to QSY
  • set the TX VFO's new mode before enabling split
  • eliminate multiple commands per time slot
540 when primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, remove A and B VFO buttons from Commander's Main window 10.7.7
541 when the primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, send sub-mode selection and RTTY/RTTY-R mode change selection in a single command sequence 10.7.9
542 when primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, don't make the A and B VFO buttons visible in Commander's Main window if the sub-receiver is present 10.7.9
543 eliminate multiple commands per time slot 10.8.0
544 enable A=B, AxB, and XFC functions to properly update VFO B's mode on an FT-950 10.8.3
545 enable A=B, AxB, and XFC functions to properly update VFO B's mode on an FT-950 without muting either VFO 10.8.4
546 when split is enabled via the front panel of an Icom transceiver that report's the state of split, don't select a VFO as doing so disables "quick split" 10.8.5
547 properly display FT-950 VFOs in Main and Sub VFO panels 10.8.6
548 correctly set FT-950 VFO frequencies when executing AxB and XFC functions with differing VFO modes 10.8.7
549 correctly implement AxB on an FT-450 10.9.0
550 the bandspread should immediately track frequency changes made via the horizontal scroll bar beneath the Main window's VFO 10.9.1
551 correct IC-9100 satellite mode polling sequence 10.9.4
552 when processing a SetRXFreq or SetTXFreq command received via TCP, don't issue VFO selection commands unless necessary 10.9.7
553 when Commander starts up while controlling an Icom transceiver that reports its filter status as "wide", correctly set the Group selector in the Main window's Filters panel 10.9.8
554 close all TCP connections before terminating 11.0.0
555 properly control IC-910/IC-9100 satellite mode 11.0.1
556 when controlling an IC-910/IC-9100, enable Icom Sync to work correctly 11.0.6
557 QSYing to a frequency from the Band Stack when a Bandspread window's Band button is clicked should not add a new frequency to the Band Stack 11.0.6
558 ensure correct termination when more than one primary transceiver has been activated 11.0.7
559 ensure that the primary and secondary CAT ports are released at termination 11.0.7
560 ensure that frequencies are correctly "pushed" onto the Bandspread window's band stacks 11.0.8
561 don't send Split commands to an Icom 910H or 9100 with satellite mode enabled 11.0.8
562 send a Band Selection command to a Yaesu radio when one of the Bandspread window's Band buttons is clicked with no entries in its band stack 11.0.9
563 enable IC-9100 satellite mode query to work when "Verify CI-V Command Acceptance" is enabled 11.1.0
564 when an IC-9100 is in Satellite mode, the MxS and XFC functions should swap Main and Sub 11.1.1
565 when an IC-910H is not in Satellite mode, the AxB and XFC functions should swap VFO A and VFO B 11.1.1
566 don't provide a M=S function when an IC-9100 or IC-910H has Satellite mode enabled 11.1.1
567 accelerate the implementation of AxB operations for an IC-9100 or IC-910H with Satellite mode disabled 11.1.2
568 make the AxB operation for an IC-9100 or IC-910H with Satellite mode disabled properly manage each VFO's mode 11.1.3
569 initiation of the AxB operation for an IC-9100 or IC-910H with Satellite mode disabled should prevent initiation of another AxB operation until the first is completed 11.1.4
570 when controlling an IC-910H, hide the AM button in the Main window's Mode panel 11.1.4
571 correctly convey "Icom Sync" status to other applications 11.1.6
572 if MultiRadio operation is enabled, provide other applications with indication of which transceiver is enabled at startup 11.1.7
573 allow the Filter Group Data File pathname to be cleared 11.1.8
574 when controlling a Flex Signature, ensure that the Main window's Mode panel displays the DIGU selector 11.2.2
575 make bandspread frequency labels clickable 11.2.3
576 correctly interpret TS-590G EX028 and EX029 codes 11.2.8
577 correct a regression in 11.3.0 during K3/KX3 split operation 11.3.1
578 correct a regression in 11.3.1 when checking the Split box while controlling a K3/KX3 11.3.2
579 retract the K3/KX3 "Auto VFO A->B" option 11.3.3
580 FT991 frequencies are 9 bytes in length 11.3.5
581 use RI7; command to determine FT991 VFO selection 11.3.5
582 correctly read TS-590S and TS-590SG TX meters 11.3.6
583 report decoded CW from a K3 or KX3 when in CW-R mode as well as in CW mode 11.4.0
584 while processing a "CmdQSXSplit" TCP directive, suspend the processing of DDE and TCP directives until the "Set TX frequency" TCP directive has completely executed 11.4.1
585 when the primary transceiver's split is enabled and "Follow Alternate VFO when Split" is enabled, update the Secondary transceiver's frequency when the primary transceiver's alternate VFO frequency changes 11.4.2
586 properly update the Sub VFO when controlling an IC-7600 whose firmware enables it to report the Sub VFO frequency 11.4.3
587 when controlling an Icom 7800, 7850, or 7851 that reports a change in split, properly update the transmit frequency conveyed to other applications 11.4.3
588 when controlling an Icom transceiver and selecting the Main VFO when the Sub VFO is selected, correctly update the Receive frequency made available to other applications 11.4.7
589 when directed to set a split frequency, don't round it to the nearest 10 Hz 11.4.8
590 don't poll an IC-7100 or IC-7700 for DualWatch being enabled or disabled 11.4.8
591 when controlling an Icom transceiver and selecting the A VFO when the B VFO is selected, correctly update the Receive frequency made available to other applications 11.4.9
592 when controlling a Flex Signature, permit a memory to be saved with its mode set to DIGU 11.5.1
593 Clicking the Bandspread window's Config button should display the Configuration window's Bandspread tab 11.5.1
594 when controlling a Flex-6000 with VFO B not present at startup, set VFO B's mode to that of VFO A 11.5.2
595 when controlling an Elecraft K3, properly manage DataL and DataU settings 11.5.4
596 properly control a Flex-6000 when running in a non-English locale 11.5.5
597 properly control a Flex-6000 when running in a non-English locale 11.5.6
598 when creating a Flex-6000 slice, ensure that a valid mode is specified 11.5.7
599 when controlling a Flex-6000, check each network for the UDP discovery protocol 11.5.7
  when controlling a Flex-6000, enable the "reuse address" property of the UDP port used to receive the discovery message 11.5.8
600 when controlling a Flex-6000, correctly choose the first IP address to use when listening for the discovery message 11.5.9
601 when controlling a Flex-6000 and "dual receive" is enabled, create VFO A and/or VFO B if they don't exist 11.5.9
602 when controlling a Flex-6000 that is no longer accessible via the most recently used IP address, properly initiate a search on all available networks 11.6.0
603 when controlling a Flex-6000, discard duplicate meter readings 11.6.1
604 when controlling a Flex-6000, ping the radio every second so a dropped TCP connection will be noticed 11.6.2
605 when controlling a Flex-6000, enable its keepalive mechanism 11.6.3
606 when controlling a Flex-6000, if VFO B is deleted in SmartSDR, clear Commander's VFO B 11.6.3
607 when controlling a Flex-6000, when a slice's panadapter is reported closed, mark as closed the panadapters of all slices assigned to the closed panadapter 11.6.4
608 when controlling a Flex-6000, properly re-initialize when the TCP connection closes 11.6.4
609 when controlling an FT-450, use the RM command to request TX meter readings 11.6.5
610 when controlling a Flex-6000, track each slice's mode and RX bandwidth to eliminate the need to issue "sub slice all" after VFO changes 11.6.6
611 when controlling a Flex-6000, provide the option to enable or disable the transceiver connection monitor (keepalive mechanism) 11.6.6
612 when controlling a Flex-6000, make the Message window's "Interrogate Radio" functions work correctly 11.6.6
613 when controlling a Flex-6000, issue a "meter list" command whenever slices 0 or 1  transition from "not in use" to "in use" 11.6.6
614 when controlling an FT-450, use the RM command to request TX meter readings 11.6.6
615 when controlling an FT-450, poll for RX/TX status 11.6.7
616 when controlling a Flex-6000, use port 4990 to obtain Vita data 11.6.8
617 when controlling a Flex-6000, properly update Commander's high-cut and low-cut sliders 11.6.9
617 when controlling a Flex-6000, ensure that incoming TCP messages are properly processed to completion 11.6.9
618 when controlling a Flex-6000, use the "ephemeral port protocol" to locate a free Vita UDP port 11.7.0
619 when controlling a Flex-6000, use IP address in the "ephemeral port protocol" 11.7.1
620 when controlling a Flex-6000, properly update Commander's Dual box on startup 11.7.2
621 when controlling a Flex-6000, don't make the existence of a streamID for slice 1 a prerequisite for creating slice 1; a streamID for slice 0 is sufficient 11.7.2
622 when controlling an Icom capable of reading the state of "Dual Receive", don't decide whether this capability is supported by the current firmware until the radio responds with a frequency 11.7.3
623 when controlling a Flex-6000, prevent an errorlog.txt file entry in FlexSigModule.Process 11.7.5
624 when controlling a Flex-6000, selecting VFO B when slice 1 does not exist and  VFO B's frequency is 0 should create slice 1 with a frequency that is 1 Khz above VFO A's frequency 11.7.5
625 when controlling a Flex-6000, don't erroneously show a switch from RX to TX 11.7.6
626 when controlling a Flex-6000, correctly detect a slice's transmit capability being disabled 11.7.6
627 when controlling a Flex-6000, do not issue commands until a command to initiate transmission has placed the radio in the transmit state, and until a command to terminate transmission has placed the radio in the receive state 11.7.8
628 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated by FlexUDPRetryTimer_Timer when controlling a Flex-6000 11.7.9
629 when controlling a Flex-6000, properly initialize the specified TCP port 11.7.9
630 handle all states used in the Flex-6000 interlock state machine  11.8.0
631 when controlling a Flex-6000, don't create Slice B when "Dual Receive" is being disabled 11.8.1
632 when controlling an Elecraft K3 or Flex-6000, properly process a "set filter" directive from another application` 11.8.2
633 properly open the TX meter data file when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-9000,  FTDX-5000,  FTDX-3000, or  FTDX-1200, or an FT-2000, FT-991, FT-950, or FT-450 11.8.4
634 when controlling a Flex-6000, select RTTY mode when specified by another application 11.8.6
635 when controlling a Flex-6000, correctly set VFO B mode when set to RTTY Split by another application 11.8.7
636 when controlling a Flex-6000 and directed to set split, create the required slice if it's not present 11.8.8
637 when controlling a Flex-6000 and setting the other VFO, force the radio to immediately report slice status if the slice had to be created 11.8.9
638 retract #637, instead don't create a slice if creation of that slice has already been requested but not acknowledged 11.9.0
639 when controlling a Flex-6000, don't set the other VFO's transmit flag when a VFO is reported to have been deleted 11.9.1
640 when controlling a Flex-6000 and directed by another application to switch to CW-R mode, switch to CW mode 11.9.2
641 when controlling a Flex-6000, interpret CW-R mode as CW mode  11.9.3
642 when controlling a Flex-6000, interpret RTTY-R mode as RTTY mode 11.9.3
643 when controlling a Flex-6000, disabling the "Full-width RX Filters" option limits the bandwidth in RTTY mode to 5 KHz 11.9.3
644 when controlling an Icom IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware, request the Primary VFO frequency using the old opcode 3 command rather than the new opcode 25 command so that external devices can successfully track the transceiver frequency via responses to the opcode 3 command 11.9.4
645 correctly handle updates to VFO B that specify a transverted frequency 11.9.6
646 don't generate an errorlog.txt file entry when an invalid slider # is specified in a command from another application 11.9.7
647 correct regression in 11.9.7 that prevents Commander from terminating after an errorlog.txt file has been generated 11.9.8
648 when controlling a Flex 6000 series transceiver, properly update Commander's state when a slice's TX flag is set via SmartSDR 12.0.1
649 when restoring a window's position with "use multiple monitors" enabled, properly determine whether or not the window can be displayed on a physical monitor 12.0.2
650 properly send space characters when directing a Flex 6000 to transmit CW 12.0.4
651 save the Network Service Base Port to the Windows Registry when the Default button is clicked 12.0.4
652 if an invalid Network Server Base Port is specified, inform the user rather than generate and errorlog.txt file entry 12.0.4
653 when enabling the Secondary CAT port, initiate secondary polling if appropriate 12.0.5
654 prevent a timeout in the response from a radio from opening a serial port that is closed 12.0.7
655 update the file with a single write operation 12.0.9
656 correct regression in 11.2.5 that sets an Elecraft K3 or KX3's VFO B to the wrong mode when a split Spot Database Entry is double-clicked 12.0.9
657 when controlling an Elecraft K3 or KX3 and the Main window's AxB button is clicked, ensure that Commander display's the selected VFO's mode 12.0.0
658 correct error introduced in 12.0.9 that erroneously sets an FT-817, FT-857, or FT-897 to RTTY-R mode when another application directs Commander to set the mode to Data-U 12.1.0
659 when controlling an FT-817, FT-857, or FT-897 and an external application specifies a QSX frequency with split enabled, update the TX frequency provided to other applications 12.1.1
660 when an external application species a QSX frequency with split enabled, don't re-enable processing of directives from external applications until all commands have been sent to the radio 12.1.1
661 when processing an incoming CmdSetFreqMode directive whose preservesplitanddual argument is set to 'Y', don't return to "transmit frequency sourced by Main VFO". 12.1.2
662 correctly evaluate the Shift modifier applied to "Quick Split" buttons 12.1.3
663 when controlling an Icom transceiver that supports A/B VFO selection and reports VFO B, correctly update the alt frequency display 12.1.6
664 when controlling a Kenwood transceiver, ensure that VFO selection is properly initialized 12.2.0
665 don't try to resize a maximized window 12.2.1
666 expand FT-450 IS range to -1300:1300 12.2.1
667 correct Main window's Mode tooltips 12.2.6
668 determine whether current radio supports split by directly checking capability 12.2.8
669 correctly send decoded CW and RTTY characters to WinWarbler 12.2.9
670 prevent overflow in FlexSigClient.FlexTCPPClientWinsock_DataArrival 12.3.2
671 when controlling an Icom radio that is not Split, convey the correct RX and TX frequencies to other DXLab applications 12.3.2
672 when controlling an Icom radio that reports VFO selection and the user selects VFO B or the Sub VFO using the radio's front panel, correctly update the VFO B or the Sub VFO frequency display on Commander's Main window 12.3.3
673 when controlling a Flex 6000, accept negative values in Filter Group low-cut frequencies 12.3.3
674 when controlling a Flex 6000, prevent an errorlog.txt file entry when the specified hi-cut or low-cut filter parameter exceeds the radio's range 12.3.3
675 don't bind UDP ports 12.3.5
676 when UDP network service is disabled, show each UDP server as inactive 12.3.6
677 when setting an IC-7300 or IC-7800's date and time, send the "set time" instruction separately, separated by a command interval 12.3.7
677 when setting an IC-7100, IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7850, or IC-7851's date and time, send the "set time" instruction separately, separated by a command interval 12.3.8
678 sends correct CI-V commands to transceivers and applications connected to the Secondary CAT port when running on Japanese versions of Windows 12.4.0
679 on startup, permits the use of more than 16 serial ports when recovering settings from the Windows Registry 12.4.2
680 when registering the Scomm32x serial port control, forces the UAC prompt to appear on-screen rather than minimized in the Task bar 12.4.2
681 when controlling a TS-590SG, don't clear filter selectors on receipt of an EX command unless the filter mode reported by the EX has changed since the last report  12.4.2
682 correctly implement #681 12.4.3
683 enable overlapped I/O for Scomm32 components 12.4.4
684 properly populate the MultiXcvr tab's Port selectors with com1 through com64 and - 12.4.5
685 properly poll the unselected VFO in an IC-7300 12.4.5
686 properly detect failure to register Scomm32 12.4.6
687 reliably terminate on receipt of a shutdown command 12.4.6
688 if a version of SComm32 other than 9.1.2 is installed, uninstall it and terminate Commander so that 9.1.2 will be installed on the next start 12.4.7
689 de-assert RTS and DTR when closing a serial port 12.4.7
690 correct a regression in Commander 12.4.7 that prevents the Scomm32 component from being installed for the first time 12.4.8
691 prevent errorlog.txt entries from being generated when directed to terminate 12.4.9
692 inform the user if saving a user-defined sequence or slider can't be accomplished because a folder can't be created, an existing file can't be deleted, or a file can't be created 12.4.9
693 prevent "Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed" errorlog.txt file entry 12.4.9
694 when controlling an FT-891 or FT-991, the Main window's Mode options will be labeled DATA-L and DATA-U instead of PKT and PKT-R 12.5.0
695 when executing a "set freq and mode" directive received from another application while controlling an FT-450, insert a delay before issuing the "change mode" command 12.5.1
696 when the mousewheel is used to update the un-selected VFO's frequency in an Icom transceiver that uses VFO A and B, send the correct CI-V instruction 12.5.1
697 correct regression in 12.5.0 and 12.5.1 than prevents setting VFO B's mode when controlling an Icom transceiver that supports direct access to VFO B's frequency 12.5.2
698 tolerate the specification of an invalid bandspread font name or font size 12.5.3
699 when controlling an Icom radio that supports data modes with "restore filter groups on mode change" enabled and the mode changes to or from a data mode, no mode's filter group should change 12.5.3
700 hide the Configuration window's "PW1 alert" when the Main window's "PW1 Alert" indicator is clicked 12.5.5 
701 correct regression in 12.5.3 when controlling an Icom radio that prevents mode changes if the "Restore Filter Groups" option is disabled 12.5.5
702 when executing a "set freq and mode" directive received from another application while controlling a TS-2000, insert a delay before issuing the "change mode" command 12.5.6
703 when controlling a Kenwood TS-480 or PowerSDR as a primary radio, issue no more than one CAT command per command interval 12.5.8
704 disable the Messages window's Execute CAT Command function when "Verify CI-V command acceptance" is enabled 12.5.9
705 when controlling an IC-7300, correctly display the alt VFO when transmitting with split enabled 12.5.9
706 abandon attempt to when controlling an IC-7300 display the alt VFO when transmitting with split enabled 12.6.0
707 when controlling an FTDX-1200 or FTDX-3000, the Main window's Mode options are labeled DATA-L and DATA-U instead of PKT and PKT-R 12.6.0
708 when receiving a SetFreqMode command from another application with its PreserveSplitDual option enabled, do not disable split when controlling an Electraft K3, KX2, or KX2 12.6.0
709 when controlling an Icom transceiver with data modes, correctly convey the radio's mode to other applications 12.6.1
710 when controlling an Icom radio that supports data mode with interrogation disabled, accurately determine the radio's mode at startup 12.6.2
711 when executing a "clear CW queue" directive received from another application while controlling an Elecraft radio, don't enqueue an AbortCW command because one won't be sent (per enhancement 599 in Commander 10.1.4 12.6.2
712 ensure that "change frequency" commands issued by directly altering Commander's frequency are paced at the specified "Command Interval" 12.6.3
713 restore memory banks (correct regression in 12.6.3) 12.6.4
714 correct explanatory popups 12.6.5
715 when controlling a K3, eliminate unnecessary delay when setting VFO B's frequency but not it's mode 12.6.6
716 increase the minimum width of the Bandspread window when running on Windows 10 so that this window can be relocated 12.6.7
717 when controlling an Icom transceiver with a VFO A/B CI-V command set, update DDE.TX and DDE.RX frequencies when an RX-TX transition is externally initiated 12.6.7
718 when controlling an Elecraft KX2 or KX3, correctly enable/disable "dual receive" 12.7.1
719 ensure that the UDP radio broadcast specifies RX and TX frequencies without decimal separators 12.7.2
720 when setting or clearing dual watch for an IC7800, IC7850, or IC7851, send only one CI-V command per interval 12.7.6
721 on startup, reliably display active DX stations on the Bandspread window 12.7.7
722 correct regression in 12.7.7 that prevents DX station selection from working in the Bandspread window

window when the Spectrum-Waterfall window is enabled

723 prevent DX stations from inappropriately disappearing from the Spectrum-Waterfall window 12.7.9
724 prevent "A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized" error in SpectrumForm.RecomputeSpectrumWindowHeight 12.8.0
725 when changing memory banks with memory notes displayed, correctly update the Sel button tooltips 12.8.0
726 prevent "divide by zero" in Spectrum-Waterfall mouse move and click handlers 12.8.2
727 Save Yaesu Filter Group Data File pathname to the Windows Registry when the Select or Save functions are activated 12.9.0
728 enable the Yaesu Filter Group Data File Save button when the a new Filter Group is added or deleted 12.9.0
729 correct initialization error that can prevent frequency display 12.9.4
730 properly initialize Waterfall-Spectrum window when Commander starts with it disabled 12.9.5
731 correct regression introduced in enhancement 808 12.9.5
732 prevent errorlog.txt entry from SpectrumModule.UpdateSpotDXRows, State = 6 12.9.6
733 corrects several Spectrum-Waterfall defects 12.9.7
734 corrects several Spectrum-Waterfall defects 12.9.8
735 automatically recovers from a "scope out of range" condition before or while Commander is running 12.9.9
736 restore ability to delete an entry in a frequency-dependent device table by selecting the entry and striking the Delete key 13.0.0
737 corrects several Spectrum-Waterfall defects 13.0.0
738 correctly update the Spectrum-Waterfall window when multiple rapid band changes occur  13.0.2
739 if "mode autotrack" is enabled when a band change occurs, select the Spectrum-Waterfall sub-band associated with the radio's current mode 13.0.2
740 when controlling an IC-7610, the Spectrum Reference Level range is -30 to +10 13.0.3
741 correct a defect in defect repair 740 13.0.4
742 if "mode autotrack" is enabled when a frequency and mode change occurs, select the Spectrum-Waterfall sub-band associated with the specified new mode 13.0.5
743 properly display popup explanations for locally-spotted callsigns in the Spectrum-Waterfall window when the mouse cursor is at either extreme of the callsign 13.0.6
744 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX1200 or FTDX3000, enable the Filter panel's Width slider to select and display 2400 Hz when in CW mode 13.0.6
745 when directed to activate all windows, activate the Spectrum-Waterfall window 13.0.7
746 when pushing a frequency and mode onto a band stack, push the correct mode 13.0.7
747 to use the Main window's Config button to reset the connection to the Primary Transceiver, depress the CTRL and SHIFT keys while clicking (instead of the CTRL and ALT keys) 13.0.7
748 prevent errorlog.txt file entries from being generated when Commander is directed to QSY to a band below 160m or above 4m 13.0.9
749 properly number command sequences and sliders on Commander's "User-defined Control Set Configuration" window 13.0.9
759 include Scomm version 9.1.12, which repairs the binary mode regression in Scomm 9.1.9 13.1.1
760 detect and report program errors in CIVComm.WritePortText and CIVComm.WritePortBinary 13.1.1
761 when a frequency-dependent device controlling a user-defined slider sets the slider to its current value, trigger the slider's command generation 13.1.2
762 retract defect repair 761 13.1.4
763 when operating from a binary locale, correctly interact with Icom radios when setting the date and time, and when specifying Spectrum paramenters 13.1.5
764 prevent errorlog.txt file entry program error 6 in module BandSpreadForm.DisplaySpot, State = 7 13.1.6
765 correct regression in FT-891 polling sequence that skipped shift, width, narrow, and RX/TX status 13.1.8
766 when controlling a Yaesu FT-9000, FT-5000, FT-3000, FT-2000, FT-1200, FT-991, FT-450, or FT-891, configure the Shift slider for 20 hz small steps and 100 hz wide steps 13.2.0
767 correct errors in the control codes sent when controlling the Width slider for an FT-991 or FT-891 13.2.0
768 ignore spectrum frequencies above 2.1 GHz 13.2.1
769 don't enable binary commlocale when using Russian code page 866 13.2.2
770 remove #769 13.2.3
771 in the bandspread window, prevent large vertical distances between a callsign and its frequency 13.2.3
772 when controlling an FT-891, use the ST CAT command to enable/disable split 13.2.4
773 when controlling an FT-891, correctly decode the IS and SH CAT commands 13.2.5
774 when controlling an FT-891, correctly issue the IS and SH CAT commands 13.2.6
775 enable CW Skimmer connected to the Secondary CAT Port to track the primary transceiver's VFO selection and Split 13.2.8
776 ensure that Spectrum-Waterfall window frequency ticks are only 1 pixel wide 13.2.9
777 prevent errorlog.txt file entry generated by BandSpreadForm.HandleSpot state 61 13.2.9
778 eliminated unnecessary repainting of the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Callsign section 13.3.0
779 correct regression in 13.2.9 that results in failure to suppress the display of an out-of-range TX frequency marker in the Spectrum-Waterfall window 13.3.1
780 ensure that callsigns are displayed in the Bandspread window at the correct X coordinate by preventing BandspreadForm.DisplaySpot from being invoked while it's already in progress 13.3.2
781 enable the <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command to tolerate an non-numeric frequency without creating an errorlog.txt file entry 13.3.2
782 correct spelling of <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command 13.3.2
783 correctly compute lower-bound and upper-bound frequencies in the <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> when controlling an Icom radio with Main/Sub VFOs 13.3.2
784 when executing <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command, round L down to the next 1 KHz, and round U up to the next 1Khz 13.3.2
785 when executing <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command, correctly round L 13.3.3
786 when executing <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command, provide specific error messages for bounds in different bands, or out of band 13.3.3
787 update the Spectrum-Waterfall window's display of active callsigns when under heavy flow of new active DX 13.3.3
788 before executing <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> command, ensure that all prior frequency-adjusting commands have executed 13.3.5
789 ensure that callsigns are displayed in the Bandspread window at the correct X coordinate 13.3.6
790 correct error in Enhancement #827 that with "Verify CI-V command acceptance" enabled causes an opcode 3 frequency request to hang awaiting an ACK that will never arrive 13.3.7
791 correct display of active DX stations in the Bandspread window 13.3.9
792 properly decode an FT-900's "CW narrow" status information 13.4.0
793 update K3 Filter Group Combo without stealing cursor focus 13.4.1
794 prevent errorlog.txt file entry program error 9 in module BandSpreadForm.HandleSpot state=34 13.4.2
795 update Icom Filter Group Combo without stealing cursor focus 13.4.2
796 prevent focus from shifting to Commander's Frequency window when a slider's upper or lower bound is modified 13.4.3
797 when directing an Icom transceiver to send CW, properly handle the situation where more than 30 characters are transmitted 13.4.4
798 when directing an Icom transceiver to send CW, re-enable inter-character spacing after disabling inter-character spacing  to send a pro-sign 13.4.4
799 when controlling an FT-891 or FT-991, correctly implement the AxB and XFC functions 13.4.5
800 when controlling an FT-891 or FT-991, correctly implement the AxB and XFC functions 13.4.6
801 when controlling an FT-891 or FT-991, implement the AxB and XFC functions useing the SV; command 13.4.7
802 accelerate update of Spectrum Spot display 13.4.8
803 correctly update spots on Waterfall-Spectrum display 13.5.0
804 when changing the mode of a Yaesu FT-891 to RTTY, follow up with the appropriate EX command to correctly set the BFO 13.5.0
805 correctly update spots on Waterfall-Spectrum display 13.5.1
806 promptly and fully display frequency markers in the Waterfall-Spectrum display 13.5.2
807 eliminate unnecessary Bandspread and Waterfall-Spectrum operations 13.5.2
808 Band selection buttons should not clear the spot table unless a new band will be selected 13.5.3
809 when controlling an Icom radio that supports direct VFO read/write commands, accept frequency reports generated by a QSY with the radio's "CI-V transceive" menu setting is enabled 13.5.4
810 when controlling a radio that uses Kenwood-style CAT commands, ignore truncated IF command responses 13.5.4
811 corrects several defects in enhancement 837 13.5.5
812 ignore spectrum data from an Icom transceiver's sub-receiver 13.5.6
813 ignore spectrum data from an Icom transceiver's sub-receiver 13.5.7
814 don't forgo directing radio to change Icom spectrum bounds when a command that changes to a different set of bounds is in the outgoing command queue 13.5.8
815 when controlling an "IC-7610", "IC-7850", "IC-7851" that can report the current VFO selection, the Spectrum-Waterfall window should display spectrum information for the current VFO 13.5.8
816 correct syntax error in errorlog.txt entry 13.6.0
817 disable "establish spectrum bounds" optimization 13.6.0
818 prevent the "Switch to simplex on 1MHz QSY" option from disabling split when double-clicking a Spot Database Entry for a RTTY station operating split results in a band change 13.6.1
819 prevent the "Switch to simplex on 1MHz QSY" option from disabling split when double-clicking a Spot Database Entry for a RTTY station operating split results in a band change 13.6.2
820 correct a regression that prevents Spectrum-Waterfall window's Fixed sub-band from being properly initialized on startup if the "Mode auto track" option is not enabled 13.6.2
821 when controlling an Icom radio that reports Spectrum data and includes a Main and Sub VFO, provides a VFO panel on the Spectrum-Waterfall window that enables the user to only display the Main VFO's spectrum data (if being reported), to only display the Sub VFO's Spectrum data (if being reported), or to display whichever VFO's spectrum data is being reported (possibly, both) 13.6.2
822 retract defect repair 821 13.6.3
823 restore defect repair 821 and synchronize Main/Sub spectrum switching with spectrum data frame completion 13.6.4
824 retract defect repair 821 13.6.5
825 display callsigns on SmartSDR without having to first enable the Bandspread window 13.6.6
826 correctly display callsigns on SmartSDR when running in a locale that doesn't use the period as a decimal separator 13.6.6
827 display the correct radio number in the "Commander Flex Signature Selection" window 13.6.7
828 when switching transceivers, close the Flex Signature TCP and UDP ports 13.6.7
829 when started with no Radio Model selected, hide irrelevant options in the Radio panel on the Configuration window's General tab, and inform the user 13.6.7
830 frequency and mode reports received because an Icom transceiver's "CI-V transceive" option is enabled should not be considered a response to a previously issued command 13.6.7
831 when controlling an Icom transceiver with Spectrum capabilities, don't expect an ACK/NAK response from the "update band edges" or "send edge #" commands, because they may not be sent if "CI-V transceive" is enabled 13.6.7
832 don't generate an errorlog.txt file entry on receiving an notice of an active DX station with no callsign  13.7.0
833 prevent the Spectrum-Waterfall window from stealing mouse cursor focus during a band change 13.7.1
834 correct regression that prevents the display of an S-meter when controlling a Flex Signature radio 13.7.2
835 correct regression in 13.7.1 that prevents spectrum-waterfall window's Reference Level slider from being updated 13.7.3
836 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, if the radio is powered down, don't create errorlog.txt file entries for callsigns with missing Flex spot numbers 13.7.3
837 improve rendering of user-defined sequence buttons and slider labels 13.7.5
838 user-defined sequence Load and Save functions should store and restore button text and surface colors 13.7.6
839 correct defect in user-defined sequence Load and Save functions 13.7.7
840 ensure that explanatory popups for user-defined sequence buttons appear on the correct monitor 13.7.8
841 correctly load user-defined sequences from a Control Set 13.7.8
842 the FreqDepDevEnable command should be capable of controlling the 4th frequency-dependent device 13.8.0
843 correctly handle Flex mapping callsigns on the same frequency but different modes to the same spot 13.8.1
844 when possible, update an existing Flex spot rather than delete all spots and then re-display them 13.8.1
845 generate an errorlog.txt file entry if specified Bandspread font is unavailable and backup fonts (Arial, Small Fonts) are unavailble 13.8.2
846 limit rate at which commands are sent to a Flex Signature radio to prevent audio stutter 13.8.2
847 enabling "Display calls on panadapter" immediately redisplays all spots on the current band 13.8.3
848 reduce maximum number of issued but unacknowledged API commands from 16 to 8 13.8.3
849 increase the size of the Flex spot memory 13.8.4
850 when sending M or X commands to a JRC-245, don't surround them with H1 and H0 commands 13.8.5
851 when controlling a JRC-245, detect RX/TX changes and send H1/Mn/H0 commands 13.8.6
852 when controlling a JRC-245, correctly load the TX meter data 13.8.7
853 accept via DDE a SplitSuppressDualUpdateModeCommand that sets the split frequency and optionally enables Dual Watch/Receive and sets the secondary VFO's mode 13.8.8
854 prevent overflow in table of Flex Signature spots 13.8.9
855 enable the "Set radio UTC time on startup or selection" option to set the transceiver time at the beginning of each subsequent hour when the Interrogation option is disabled 13.9.0
866 enable the SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE command to work with a range that does not lie entirely within a band 13.9.1
867 don't create an errorlog.txt entry when attempting to send a response to a TCP client that has disconnected unless "log debugging info" is enabled 13.9.7
868 don't use direct Main/Sub read/set frequency commands when controlling an IC-9700 whose Satellite mode is enabled 13.9.7
869 when controlling an IC-9700, correct polling sequence to track Satellite Mode 13.9.8
870 when controlling an IC-9700 whose Satellite mode is enabled, accept opcode 3 frequency reports 13.9.9
871 when controlling an IC-9700 whose Satellite mode is enabled, stop using direct read/set frequency commands as soon as Commander's Satellite Mode checkbox is enabled 14.0.0
872 enable SyncIcom to work with IC-9700 14.0.6
873 when controlling a Flex Signature radio with less than two VFOs defined, ignore A=B, AxB, and XFC functions 14.0.6
874 when controlling a Flex Signature radio with only VFO A defined and split is enabled, create VFO B, set its frequency to VFO A's frequency plus 1 kHz, and set its mode to VFO A's mode 14.0.7
875 correct regression in 14.0.7 that considers all Kenwood radios to be a TS-590 14.0.8
876 when controlling a Flex Signature radio with the "Monitor connection" option enabled, send "ping" commands when sending "spot commands" 14.0.9
877 when the primary transceiver is following the secondary CAT port, detect and correct any frequency discrepancy that persists for more than 200 ms 14.1.0
878 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, permanently disables the "monitor connection" option 14.1.1
879 correct regression in 14.0.9 14.1.2
880 prevent errorlog.txt entry from being created when an invalid Spot Lifetime is specified on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab while controlling a Flex Signature transceiver 14.1.3
881 correct defect in implementation of enhancement 892 14.1.4
882 add settings for 2m,  70cm, 33cm, and 23cm to Spectrum Configuration window 14.1.4
883 on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab, specifying a Radio Model is sufficient to enable that radio's Enable box to be checked  14.1.5
884 correctly request TS-890 S-meter 14.1.6
885 correctly process "send CW" command received via  TCP 14.1.6
887 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, defer the processing of new active callsigns while transmitting 14.1.7
888 correctly handle "no satellite" reports from SatPC32 14.1.9
889 when connected to SatPC32, correctly provide the RX frequency and Split to other applications 14.2.0
890 when switching primary transceivers, don't clear the SatMode checkbox if the new primary radio is an IC-910H, IC-9100, IC-9700, or a Satellite Tracking application 14.2.1
891 reliably update with frequencies reported by satellite tracker 14.2.3
892 when switching primary transceivers, don't clear the SatMode checkbox if the new primary radio is an IC-910H, IC-9100, IC-9700, or a Satellite Tracking application 14.2.4
893 remove slash separating satellite mode letters 14.2.5
894 when connected to SatPC32, don't update the transceiver mode unless it changes 14.2.5
895 when connected to SatPC32,  update the Satellite Mode if it's not yet been computed 14.2.5
896 when controlling an Icom transceiver with the Spectrum-Waterfall window active, prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being created by a "subscript out of range" error in SpectrumModule.DisplaySpectrumData  14.2.6
897 align Message window headings with data 14.2.8
898 prevent errorlog entries in SpectrumModule.DisplaySpectrumData 14.2.8
899 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, don't display the "monitor connection" option  (correction to defect repair #878) 14.2.9
900 recover when sending a response to WSJT-X fails 14.2.9
901 correct width and shift commands emitted when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-101 14.3.0
902 prevent unnecessary processing when not controlling an Icom transceiver with the spectrum-waterfall window enabled 14.3.1
903 implement clearing of the Filter panel's width slider when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-101 14.3.1
904 update FTDX-101 Filter width settings based on latest Yaesu CAT documentation 14.3.1
905 when controlling a TS-480 connected to the Secondary CAT port, use AI0 rather than AI2 14.3.2
906 wait to interact with the device connected to the secondary CAT port until the primary transceiver has been initialized 14.3.3
907 update the device connected to the secondary CAT port when the "Follow & Lead Alternate VFO when Split" option is changed 14.3.3
908 wait to interact with the device connected to the secondary CAT port until the primary transceiver has been initialized 14.3.4
909 when controlling a TS-2000 connected to the Secondary CAT port, use AI0 rather than AI2 14.3.4
910 when the Secondary CAT port is configured to lead or lead and follow the primary transceiver and is connected to a Kenwood transceiver with the "Follow & Lead Alternate VFO when Split" option enabled, and the Primary transceiver in split mode, changes to the Secondary transceiver's frequency should update the Primary transceiver's Alternate VFO 14.3.4
911 when controlling an FTDX-101, properly interpret the radio's response to a "report VFO selection" command 14.3.6
912 when controlling an FTDX-101, poll for the selected VFO's shift and width 14.3.7
913 when controlling an FTDX-101 and enabling or disabling split, don't subsequently select the Main or Sub VFO 14.3.8
914 correctly track an FTDX-101's split status 14.3.8
915 when controlling an FTDX-101, clicking Commander's Main button configures the Main VFO to both receive and transmit; clicking its Sub button configures the Sub VFO to both receive and transmit; 14.3.8
916 when controlling an FTDX-101, use the FT2 and FT3 commands to indicate which VFO is to transmit 14.3.9
917 when controlling an FTDX-101, use the VS command to track and control VFO selection 14.3.9
918 when controlling an FTDX-101, display selected VFO on left side of Main window, and other VFO in middle 14.3.9
919 when controlling an FTDX-101, pace issuance of the commands emitted in response to the Main and Sub buttons 14.4.0
920 correctly specify callsign text and background colors for display on Flex SmartSDR panadaptor 14.4.1
921 prevent errorlog.txt entry from SpectrumModule.DisplaySpectrumData state 36 14.4.2
923 after a new band is selected by clicking a Band button in the Bandspread or Spectrum-Waterfall windows with the Spectrum Display in Centered mode, update the Spectrum Display's  Reference Level with reference to the correct frequency 14.4.3
924 after a band change with the Spectrum Display in Centered mode, update the Spectrum Display's  Reference Level with reference to the correct frequency 14.4.5
925 correct implementation of defect repair 924 14.4.5
926 after a new band is selected by clicking a Band button in the Bandspread or Spectrum-Waterfall windows with the Spectrum Display in Centered mode, update the Spectrum Display's  Reference Level with reference to the correct frequency 14.4.8
927 when switching the primary transceiver from a Yeasu FT-736 to another radio, don't terminate Commmander 14.4.9
928 when switching the primary transceiver from a Yeasu FT-736 to another radio, wait 50 ms after sending the "stop CAT" command to the FT-736 before closing the primary CAT port 14.5.0
929 when controlling an Icom transceiver with Spectrum capabilities, don't expect an ACK/NAK response from the "set reference level" or "set tracking mode" commands, because they may not be sent if "CI-V transceive" is enabled 14.5.1
930 when controlling a Flex Signature radio,ensure that the S-meter is displayed above the Main window's VFO 14.5.2
931 prevent adverse impact on IC-7610 touch screen operation introduced in 14.4.6 14.5.3
932 correct regression introduced in enhancement #904 that incorrectly conveys the primary transceiver's mode to the secondary CAT port 14.5.4
933 when switching the primary transceiver from a Yeasu FT-736 to another radio, send the "stop CAT" command to the FT-736 before closing the primary CAT port 14.5.5
934 normalize the Configuration window's tab order 14.5.6
935 remove <IsTransmitting> from RadioInfo UDP message, correct spelling of </IsSplit> 14.6.2
936 don't issue a <RadioInfo> UDP message if the receive frequency is 0 (meaning not yet received from radio) 14.6.3
937 correctly report the FT-920's mode to external applications 14.6.3
938 correctly report the FT-920's mode to external applications 14.6.4
939 when directed by an external application to change mode, don't send CAT commands to the radio if the radio is already in the specified mode 14.6.5
940 remove defect repairs 937 and 938 14.6.5
941 correct an error in the diagnostic display of the decimal and thousands separators 14.6.9
942 with DXView and DXKeeper running
  • CTRL-clicking on an active callsign in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's "DX Callsign" section directs DXView to rotate the antenna to the short path bearing to the station

  • ALT-clicking on an active callsign in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's "DX Callsign"  directs DXView to rotate the antenna to the long path bearing to the station

943 correct regression introduced by enhancement #913 that causes a 0 frequency to be sent to the radio when ALT-clicking in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Spectrum, Frequency Axis, or Waterfall sections 14.7.0
944 don't update the Radio panel to indicate SmartSDR's version number if the current primary transceiver is not a Flex Signature 14.7.1
945 suppress keyboard shortcut mode change triggered by depressing SHIFT while striking the letters A, B, C, D, F, L, M, P, Q, R, U, or X while the mouse cursor is in a memory note. 14.7.2
946 correctly change Icom transceiver's mode to a data mode from the Main window after the transceiver's mode was previously set to that same data mode from the Main window, and then set to a mode other than that same data mode from the radio's front panel 14.7.3
947 when starting or switching to a Flex Signature radio whose VFO B does not exist, blank Commander's VFO B frequency display 14.7.8
948 correctly handle IF response when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 14.7.9
949 prevent Subscript out of range in FlexSigModule.GetPanStreamID 14.8.0
950 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, use FR command to activate selected VFO 14.8.0
951 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, use 3000 Hz for default SSB width, and 500 Hz for default CW, RTTY, and digital width 14.8.0
952 remove defect repair 950 14.8.1
953 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10,use SV command to effect VFO selection in radio 14.8.1
954 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, use VFO A and B in the Main window, rather than Main and Sub 14.8.2
955 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, respond to a DoFreqMode directive by selecting VFO A 14.8.2
956 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 or FTDX101, update VFO B or the Sub VFO's mode 14.8.2
957 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, don't display the Nar checkbox in the Main window's Filter panel 14.8.3
958 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 or FTDX101, correctly update VFO B or the Sub VFO's mode 14.8.3
959 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, correctly update VFO B 14.8.4
960 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 and responding to a frequency and mode change from another application, provide sufficient spacing between outgoing CAT commands 14.8.4
960 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 and selecting a VFO, issue the SV command before the VS0 or VS1 command 14.8.5
961 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 and responding to a frequency and mode change from another application, provide sufficient spacing between outgoing CAT commands 14.8.6
962 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 and responding to a frequency and mode change from another application that requires a band change, compensate for the restoration of the radio's mode to that last used on the selected band 14.8.7
963 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 and responding to a frequency and mode change from another application that requires a band change, don't issue the BS (band select) command, as it has inappropriate side effects 14.8.8
964 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, compensate for incorrect MD command documentation 14.8.9
965 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, properly track radio's VFO selection 14.9.0
966 use the correct opcode when sending the time to an IC-705 14.9.1
967 configure 2m and 70cm band edge table entries as appropriate for IC-9700 or IC-705 14.9.2
968 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10 or FTDX101, set the radio to the default width for the current when the width slider's X button is clicked 14.9.3
969 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, properly activate a memory when VFO B is selected 14.9.4
970 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, properly update frequency and mode 14.9.5
971 correct FTDX10 "set frequency" regression in 14.9.5 14.9.6
972 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, correctly implement the "set split frequency" directive when VFO B is selected 14.9.7
973 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, with the "Set default width & shift after mode change, correctly set the default width and shift after a mode change with VFO B selected 14.9.8
974 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, correctly request the current mode 14.9.9
975 improve accuracy of Spot Lifetime enforcement 15.0.2
976 update CW speed shown in Main window's Mode panel when it changes 15.0.7
977 correctly display spectrum data if started with low-pass filtering enabled with a value of 1 15.0.7
978 when controlling a K3, KX3, or KX2, don't send  SM; (read S meter) CAT commands when polling 15.0.9
979 when controlling a Kenwood or Yeasu transceiver that requires RTS set to 'On' when directly connected and no data has been received from the transceiver after 5 seconds, only display a warning message if RTS is set to "Off" 15.1.2
980 correctly report Network Service UDP address and port errors 15.1.3
981 prevent incorrect color specifications from being sent to the Waterfall Bandmap 15.1.3
982 when selecting an Icom transceiver that only supports a single data sub-mode, automatically select that data mode 15.1.5
983 does not disable spectrum reports from the Waterfall Bandmap application 15.1.6
984  don't generate an errorlog.txt file entry when the user clicks in the Waterfall Bandmap's "callsign area" when no callsigns are yet present 15.1.7
985 when controlling an Icom radio, switching between memories that specify the same data mode should direct the radio to use the selected memory's filter 15.2.1
986 when controlling an FT2000 and directed to change both frequency an mode, always issue a mode change command if the frequency change requires a band change 15.2.2
987 when controlling an FT2000 and setting VFO B's frequency and mode to CW, repeat the set frequency command after setting the mode to CW 15.2.3
988 when controlling an FT2000 and setting VFO B's frequency and mode, repeat the set frequency command after setting the mode 15.2.4
989 when controlling an FT2000 correctly implements the "Set Split" directive received when the Spot Database Entry for a station working split is double-clicked 15.2.5
990 emit correct XML antenna selection tags in RadioInfo messages 15.3.0
991 when opening a command sequence editing window, ensure that it is not minimized 15.3.2
992 automatically re-establish a network connection to a selected K4 that powered up while Commander is running 15.3.3
993 clicking the Reset button on the Configuration window's General tab while controlling a K4 with "Communicate via TCP" enabled should close the TCP connection to the radio 15.3.5
994 while controlling a K4 with "Communicate via TCP" enabled, if the TCP link state is "peer is closing", close the TCP connection to the radio 15.3.5
995 rename the "Activate Slice" button to  "Slice X => VFO A", and ensure that it saves the state of VFO A 15.4.0
996 rename the "Restore VFOs" button to "Restore VFO A" 15.4.0
997 make the "IP Port" setting visible in the "Commander Flex Signature Selection" window that appears when the Select button is clicked on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab 15.4.5
998 default S.A.T. box UDP port to 12080 15.4.9
999 when SatPC32 or S.A.T. is selected as the Radio model, prevent user changes to the VFO A or VFO B frequency 15.5.0
1000 correct regression in Commander 15.5.0 that prevents the K4's TCP address from being saved between operating sessions 15.5.1
1001 the explanatory popup in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's DX callsign area now displays correct frequencies 15.5.5
1002 ensure that CAT and Spectrum-Waterfall TCP ports stay closed when Commander is directed to terminate 15.5.5
1003 when controlling an Elecraft K4, starting Commander after it has been terminated with the Spectrum-Waterfall window closed does not open the Spectrum-Waterfall window 15.5.7
1004 when controlling an Icom transceiver with the Spectrum-Waterfall window displayed and a band change occurs, sends the Reference Level for the new band/sub-band to the transceiver after it has QSY'd to the new frequency 15.5.7
1005 handle short Spectrum data packets received from K4 15.5.8
1006 when displaying the Spectrum-Waterfall window for a K4, hide the "Reference Level" slider used with Icom transceivers 15.5.8
1007 eliminate errorlog.txt file entry generated by BandSpreadForm.HandleSpot with state = 53 15.5.8
1008 when controlling an Elecraft K4, restore the "Update Rate" panel on the"Spectrum Waterfall Configuration" window 15.6.0
1009 correctly complete band changes when the band change is initiated by WSJT-X 15.6.1
1010 when controlling an Elecraft K4 with the Spectrum-Waterfall window active, disable the "Convey decoded CW to WinWarbler" or" Convey decoded RTTY to WinWarbler" option if enabled with WinWarbler not running, and inform the user 15.6.1
1011 to prevent rig control error reports from WSJT-X, when responding to a CmdSendTX directive, report the status as if all in-progress commands had been executed 15.6.1
1012 when controlling an Icom 7300, don't flip the positions of VFOs A and B in Commander's Main window when switching between RX and TX 15.6.2
1013 correctly complete band changes when the band change is initiated by WSJT-X 15.6.2
1014 correctly disconnect from an S.A.T. box when another primary transceiver is selected 15.6.5
1015 don't open the Secondary or SO2R CAT ports unless they are enabled 15.6.6
1016 correctly implement the Sub button function when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-101 15.6.9
1017 correct "Band Up" and "Band Down" button functionality when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-101 15.7.1
1018 When controlling an FTDX101, don't send "set width" commands to the radio until it has received width status from the radio., and don't send "set shift" commands to the radio until it has received shift status from the radio 15.7.2
1019 When controlling a Kenwood TS-890, direct WinWarbler to offer DATA-L and DATA-U modes for RTTY AFSK operation 15.7.4
1020 when controlling a THETIS, provide a DIGU button in the Main window's Mode panel (change to Radios.txt file only) 15.7.5
1021 when changing primary transceivers, obey interrogation settings specified in the Control panel on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab 15.7.5
1022 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, correctly track frequency changes made via Smart SDR's Band menu after double-clicking a Spot Database Entry 15.7.6
1023 tolerate the loading of user-defined command sequences that don't specify all 64 commands 15.7.7
1024 poll FTDX-10 for split using FT command 15.7.7
1025 in an outgoing RadioInfo packet, convey split status in lower case (true/false) 15.7.9
1026 ensure that Commander never responds to an external application's "report mode" request with an empty string 15.8.1
1027 prevent errorlog.txt entry reporting overflow in CIVModule.ConstructIcomFrequencyBCD 15.8.2
1028 when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver in split mode, properly respond to a Transmit Freq status report 15.8.2
1029 when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver, direct the transceiver to report slice status after executing an AxB or A=B command 15.8.3
1030 when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver, disable the A=B button after invocation until the operation is complete, and disable the AxB button after invocation until the operation is complete 15.8.4
1031 when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver in split mode, properly respond to a Transmit Freq status report for slices A or B 15.8.5
1032 when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver, ensure that VFO A and VFO B frequencies are displayed at startup 15.8.6
1033 handle an mswinsck registration failure in CIVModule.UpdateRadio 15.8.8
1034 at startup, initialize the Interrogate boxes in the Control panel on the Configuration window's MultiRadio panel to checked 15.9.1
1035 retract defect repair 1011 15.9.4
1036 when controlling a Flex Signature radio and a new slice B is created, correctly report its frequency in outgoing UDP <RadioInfo> packets 15.9.6
1037 correct frequency-tracking regression in defect repair 1036 15.9.7
1038 correct frequency-tracking regression in defect repair 1037 15.9.8
1039 when controlling a Flex Signature radio and neither slice A nor slice B have their transmit flags set, the outgoing <RadioInfo> UDP message specifies an empty TX_Frequency 15.9.8
1040 correct frequency-tracking regression in defect repair 1038 15.9.9
1041 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, accurately indicate which VFO will transmit in the Main window's VFO panel 15.9.9
1042 provide explanatory popups for the left and right arrow buttons on either end of the horizontal slider beneath the frequency display in the Main window's VFO panel 16.0.0
1043 correct regression in 16.0.1 that incorrectly conveys the current mode to other applications when controlling a Flex Signature transceiver 16.0.1
1044 when controlling a Flex Signature and directed to QSY and set split, ensure that the mode is set correctly 16.0.2
1045 when controlling a Flex Signature with Split enabled (slice 0 receiving, slice 1 transmitting), convey the correct TX frequency to DXKeeper 16.0.3
1046 gracefully handle Message window memory consumption 16.0.4
1047 improve handling of mswinsck registration failures 16.0.5
1048 remove superfluous Shift label from the Main window's "User-defined Controls" panel 16.0.7
1049 prevent an errorlog.txt file entry when a Filter Group can't be selected for the current mode 16.0.9

If you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.