Commander Enhancement Requests


Number Description Version implemented
7 minimize window 1.5.5
6 auto-repeat for band up/down and hertz up/down buttons 1.5.6
3 support for 440 mHz band 1.5.6
8 provide frequency to client applications (WinWarbler) 2.1.0
9 when directed by client applications, key/un-key transmitter via DTR or RTS modem control signals 2.2.0
10 key IC746 via extended CI-V command set 2.2.0
10 provide mode to client applications (DXLog) 2.4.0
1 additional memories 2.5.0
2 re-sizeable CI-V message window 2.5.0
11 HTML online help 2.5.0
12 separate control, CI-V Message, and configuration windows 2.5.0
13 change frequency when directed by client applications 2.5.0
14 add PTT control to Radios.txt 2.5.0
15 support for frequency-dependent devices (e.g. tuners, amplifiers) 2.5.0
16 allow tool-tips to be disabled 2.5.0
19 when direct via DDE to switch to an unsupported mode, switch to USB if the frequency is above 13 mhz, or to LSB if the frequency is below 13 mhz 2.5.5
20 support for Yaesu MP1000 Mark V 3.0.0
21 ability to initiate and terminate transmission from main window via mouse clicks or keystrokes 3.0.0
22 control over Com port's stop bits, word length, and parity 3.0.0
23 support for Kenwood TS-850 3.0.1
24 support for Kenwood HF radios 3.0.2
25 improved support for Kenwood HF radios 3.0.3
27 ability to control VFO autorepeat rate 3.0.6
28 support for Yaesu FT900 and FT100 3.0.6
29 support for Yaesu FT817, FT920, and FT1000D 3.0.7
30 ability to control interval between frequency/mode interrogation commands 3.0.8
31 improve responsiveness 3.1.0
32 support VFO A and VFO B buttons for FT-817 3.1.2
33 support A x B button for FT817 3.1.2
34 support A=B button for FT817 3.1.7
35 support for CW-reverse and RTTY reverse modes 3.1.8
36 support for radios with direct filter selection (MP10000, MP10000 MarkV) 3.1.8
38 support for 38,400 baud rate serial ports 3.2.5
39 reports Yaesu radios as being offline when they fail to respond 3.2.7
40 support for Yaesu FT847 3.2.7
5 user-definable buttons and scripts 3.2.9
26 accept and convey arbitrary transceiver control commands via DDE 3.3.0
41 main window width is resizable 3.3.1
42 support for Yaesu FT767 3.3.2
43 support for 57,600 baud rate serial ports 3.3.5
44 option to specify user-defined commands as strings (e.g. for Kenwood radios) 3.3.7
47 accept DDE command to change transceiver mode without updating frequency 3.4.1
48 support for FT990 3.6.1
49 accept DDE command to initiate split mode and dual receive operation 3.5.1
50 accept DDE test and shutdown commands 3.5.2
51 provide PTT ON and PTT OFF buttons on main window 3.5.3
52 FilterGroup support for Yaesu 1000MP and MarkV 3.5.4
53 interlock Icom/TenTec command execution with CI-V ACK messages 3.5.6
54 FT920 PTT via the CAT interface 3.5.6
55 on exit, prompt for Filter Group data filename if Filter Group settings have been modified 3.5.7
56 S-meter support for Kenwood , TS-570S, TS-570D, TS-850, TS870, TS-2000, Yaesu FT-817, Icom 746 Pro, 756 Pro, 756 Pro II 3.5.7
57 direct filter selection for Kenwood TS-2000, TS-870, TS-570S, TS-570D 3.5.7
58 S-meter support for the Icom 746 3.5.8
59 S-meter support for the Yaesu FT-1000MP and FT-1000 Mark V 3.6.1
60 eliminated use of the "exchange VFO" directive when handling a "split frequency" DDE command (e.g. from SpotCollector) 3.6.3
61 eliminated unnecessary "ask radio to report frequency and mode" operations that were slowing down operations involving the execution of multiple commands in sequence 3.6.3
62 S-meter support for Yaesu FT1000D, FT920, FT900, and FT100 3.6.8
63 support for Yaesu FT890 3.6.9
64 support for PropView Beacon monitor 3.7.3
65 FT-840 support 3.8.2
66 permit navigation between controls using Tab key 3.8.2
67 time, frequency, mode, and split added to titlebar 3.8.2
70 display S-meter readings in S-units and db over S9 3.8.3
71 indicate when Commander is directing the transceiver to transmit 3.8.3
73 capture PC-to-transceiver commands in the message display  3.8.4
74 provide the option to view captured messages in decimal, hexadecimal, or ASCII independent of the radix used to specify the transceiver address 3.8.4
75 clicking the main window's maximize button restores it to full size 3.8.4
76 clicking the message window's maximize button sets its height to 80% of the screen height 3.8.4
77 properly displays Yaesu MP1000 and MarkV operating frequency when in memory or QMB mode 3.8.4
72 provide additional banks of User-defined command sequences 3.8.5
80 permit editing of user-defined command sequences via the right-mouse button 3.8.5
81 save the state of the Split, Ham bands only, and Dual receive checkboxes in each Commander memory and restore them when a memory is selected 3.8.7
82 add user-defined commands for 
  • changing the button caption
  • changing the button tooltip
  • conditional branching
  • unconditional branching
  • sequence termination
83 increase the number of commands per sequence from 8 to 16 3.8.8
84 add the option to prevent other applications from directing Commander to enable Dual Receive 3.8.8
85 support for Kenwood TS-450 and TS-690 3.9.0
86 accept Activate and Iconify directives from other DXLab applications 3.9.2
87 FT-757 GXII support 3.9.2
91 add FT-757 VFO selection and A=B functions 3.9.8
93 allow other DXLab applications to know when the main window changes state between minimized, normal, and maximized window states 3.9.8
92 add OmniV.9 VFO selection, A=B, AxB, and Split  functions, and update the transceiver's frequency after updating its A or B VFO 3.9.9
96 provide a DDE-accessible text box that contains the most recently-received signal strength information
  • Linktopic: CI-V Commander|DDEServer
  • Linkitem: RadioSMeter
  • contents: single-precision number between 0 and 1 representing signal strength as a fraction of full meter reading
97 provide a DDE-accessible text box that contains the transceiver's current mode
  • Linktopic: CI-V Commander|DDEServer
  • Linkitem: RadioMode
  • contents: string representation of transceiver's current mode: LSB, USB, AM, CW, CW-R, RTTY, RTTYR, FM, WBFM, or  PKT
100 support a user-defined initialization command that is sent to the transceiver after standard initialization 4.0.4
101 XFC button that momentarily switches VFOs 4.0.4
103 FT-897 support 4.0.4
104 provide a DDE-accessible text box that contains the most recently-received signal strength
  • Linktopic: CI-V Commander|DDEServer
  • Linkitem: RadioSMeterString
  • contents: if an SMeter file is available, the string value from this file corresponding to the current signal strength, otherwise a string between 1 and 15.
105 support model-specific Kenwood S-meter files 4.0.5
106 if S-meter panel is not visible, display a small S-meter above the VFO 4.0.5
107 FT-857 support 4.0.6
108 accept optional color specifications in SMeter files 4.0.6
109 relocate the S-meter to a location above the VFO 4.0.6
110 increase number of memory banks from 2 to 8 4.0.8
111 provide user-specified titles for each memory bank 4.0.8
112 changing a user-defined Sequence's name via the <Name> command immediately saves the new name to the Windows registry 4.0.8
98 allow users to specify memory labels and display them as popups when the mouse cursor hovers over the memory Select cmd 4.0.9
99 ability to save memories to a file, and restore them from a file 4.0.9
113 eliminate resources used by additional memory banks 4.0.9
114 increase number of memory banks from 8 to 10 4.0.9
78 reduce the load on resource-constrained Windows variants by combining the three (decimal, hexadecimal, and ASCII) message textboxes to one 4.1.0
115 Split and Dual checkboxes reflect MP1000 and MarkV split and dual status, respectively 4.1.3
116 706 MKIIG S-meter support 4.1.4
119 Automatically check the Interrogation box when an Icom transceiver with S-meter capability is selected 4.1.4
117 FT-747GX support  4.1.5
119 displays FT-900 VFO selection and Split status 4.1.6
122 use FT1000D VFO step commands 4.1.9
123 when directed by the DXLab Launcher, reset all windows to the primary monitor 4.2.4 (and DXLab Launcher version 1.1.4 or later)
124 handle response codes returned by the PIEXX plug-in used to provide computer control for a TS-930 4.2.5
125 60m support 4.3.1
126 Optionally restore windows appearing on a secondary monitor during the previous session on the secondary monitor at startup 4.3.1
127 if a serial port can't be opened, explain why 4.3.3
46 simultaneous management of multiple transceivers 4.3.6
128 support for Icom IC-703 4.3.6
129 improved FT100 support (Split and VFO tracking, VFO A and VFO B buttons) 4.3.9
130 for Kenwood, AxB exchanges modes as well as VFOs 4.3.9
131 automatic transceiver selection based on frequency 4.4.2
132 improved FT990, FT890, and FT840 support (Split and VFO tracking) 4.4.3
90 TenTec Pegasus support 4.5.1
128 FlexRadio SDR-1000 support 4.5.3
129 don't open a serial port for transceivers that communicate via files or DDE  4.5.4
126 optionally display memory notes in place of frequency/filter/mode 4.5.5
129 support for PKT mode in FT1000MP and MarkV Filter Groups 4.5.5
121 TenTec Argonaut V support 4.5.7
130 TenTec Jupiter support 4.5.7
131 TenTec Orion support 4.5.7
132 provide RST/CTS "hardware flow control" option 4.5.9
136 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, disable any radio's Enable checkbox whose Model and/or serial port parameters have not been specified 4.6.2
139 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, add a "no radio" option to each Selection by Band combo control 4.6.3
140 preset serial port parameters for the TenTec Orion, Jupiter, and Argonaut V 4.6.5
146 when directed set the B VFO for split operation, set the B VFO mode to that of the A VFO (Argo, Jupiter, Orion, Flex, Yaesu) 4.6.8
151 TS140, TS680, TS50 support 4.7.1
154 support MarkV/MP1000 memory and memory tune modes 4.7.2
156 TS480 support 4.7.5
157 FT-847 S-meter support 4.7.8
158 expand serial port support to COM9-15 4.8.0
159 Ctrl-clicking a device table entry QSYs the transceiver to the entry's frequency 4.8.3
162 decode FT100 clarifier setting 4.8.5
163 decode FT100 clarifier enable/disable 4.8.6
164 IC7800 support 4.8.6
165 TenTec Jupiter PTT via command 4.8.6
155 ability to PTT SDR-1000 via DDE 4.8.7
162 update SDR-1000 support for consistency with SDR Console version 1.5.4 4.8.7
17 enable QSY via mousewheel 4.9.0
163 K2: independent radio model, change frequency before mode 4.9.3
164 with the IC775 selected, disable the MxS, M=S, and XFC buttons whenever split is not enabled 4.9.4
166 don't report rejections of polling commands by Icom transceivers, as they do this when their Tune button is depressed 4.9.5
148 support for Orion S-meter display 4.9.6
168 when Yaesu FT-767 is selected, ensure that poll interval is 400 ms or greater 4.9.6
169 add support for 757GX 4.9.7
170 add model choice for 757GXII 4.9.7
171 ability to select and display packet mode for Yaesu and FlexRadio transceivers 4.9.7
172 757GX enhancements 4.9.8
173 provide a bandspread window 4.9.9
174 provide 5-deep memory for each band and automatically save the current frequency into the appropriate memory when that frequency remains unchanged for more than a user-specified time interval 5.0.0
4 remember last mode for each band 5.0.0
175 provide the ability to specify bandspread mousewheel gain and direction by mode 5.0.0
176 improved Icom R7000 support 5.0.0
177 expand multi-radio support from 3 to 4 5.0.3
182 make bandspread orientation user selectable 5.0.7
183 provide ability to reset the connection with the transceiver 5.0.7
184 display VFO B 5.0.8
185 CTRL-double-click in the bandspread QSYs and reduces the range 5.0.8
186 display DX spots (requires SpotCollector 2.7.3 or later) 5.0.9
187 makes the following parameters accessible via DDE
  • alternate VFO
  • transmit frequency (primary VFO if not split, alternate VFO if split)
  • radio status (receive or transmit)
  • radio model
  • radio name
188 add 10 khz and 50 khz ranges to the bandspread 5.1.1
189 handle DX spots with a specified split frequency (requires SpotCollector 2.7.4 or later) 5.1.1
190 provide the option to hide duplicate DX spots (spots on the same band and mode) 5.1.1
191 provide Config and Help buttons on the Bandspread window 5.1.4
192 provides a button to activate SpotCollector's Main window from the Bandspread window 5.1.4
193 the Bandspread window provides an indicator that shows when an unworked or unconfirmed Spot has arrived and is not visible on the Bandspread
  • letting the mouse cursor hover over this indicator displays the most recent needed spot that isn't visible on the Bandspread

  • clicking this indicator resets it

  • double-clicking this indicator QSYs the transceiver to show the most recent needed spot that was previously not visible on the Bandspread

194 provide the option of making the Bandspread window "always on top" 5.1.4
195 clicking on a spot initializes DXKeeper's Capture window with callsign, frequency, mode, and DX gridsquare  information (if determined from the spot notes or cluster-appended information), and directs DXKeeper to display previous QSOs with the callsign or the callsign's DXCC entity as specified by a Log Filter setting 5.1.4
196 CTRL-clicking a spot rotates the antenna to the short path, and ALT_clicking a spot rotates the antenna to the long path (if DXKeeper and DXView are running) 5.1.4
197 clicking a spot that specifies a QSX frequency sets up the transceiver for split operation; clicking on a spot that doesn't specify a QSX frequency sets up the transceiver for simplex operation 5.1.4
198 the the small popup that appears when the mouse cursor hovers over a spot in the Bandspread window should include the locations from which the station was spotted 5.1.4
199 if WinWarbler is running and a PSK or RTTY spot is clicked in the Bandspread, direct WinWarbler to the correct frequency and mode 5.1.7
200 provide the ability to specify the mode to which the transceiver is set when a RTTY spot is clicked in the Bandspread with WinWarbler not running 5.1.7
201 provide the ability to specify the mode to which the transceiver is set when a CW spot is clicked in the Bandspread, and the option to direct WinWarbler (if running) to the correct frequency and mode 5.1.7
202 provide the ability to direct WinWarbler (if running) to the correct frequency and mode when an SSB, AM, or FM spot is clicked in the Bandspread  5.1.7
205 FT736R support 5.1.8
206 if the digit group symbol and digit decimal symbol are identical, warn the user 5.2.5
207 FT736R frequency and mode initialization to previous values 5.2.5
208 display proper mode names for FT736R 5.2.5
211 provide a "Clear Memories" button 5.3.1
143 compensate for additive or subtractive  transverters on 6m and 2m 5.3.3
212 reflect transverter offsets in VFO B control and display 5.3.4
213 associate each transverter to a transceiver if multiple transceivers are configured 5.3.4
214 if a transverter band is active, and the user switches the radio to a different mHz band, then deactivate the transverter 5.3.5
215 add automatic band selection support for 4m 5.3.5
216 add Bandspread and Transverter support for 4m and 70cm 5.3.5
217 CTRL-A in the VFO frequency display selects all digits 5.3.7
218 permit the definition of up two 2 sub-bands per band, and highlight out-of-segment operation by displaying the VFO frequency in yellow 5.3.7
181 increase the number of commands in a user-defined command sequence to 32 5.3.8
219 display FT1000D's VFO B 5.3.8
222 bandspread spot popup explanations include the spot's age in minutes 5.3.8
223 depressing CTRL while clicking a memory Save button clears that memory 5.4.0
224 interpret PageUp/PageDown keystrokes in Bandspread window as QSY directives (enables use of Griffin Powermate in Bandspread window) 5.4.0
225 support the Alinco DX-77T 5.4.4
226 improve frequency tracking with an Omni 5.4.5
227 when the A or B VFO selection buttons are clicked with an Elecraft K2 and split is enabled, re-enable split at the end of the operation to compensate for the K2 resetting it 5.5.2
229 ability to dial a modem prior before initiating interrogation 5.5.4
230 add DDE commands to control
  • VFO selection
  • VFO A=B
  • VFO AxB (exchange)
  • filter selection
  • split enable/disable
  • dual receive enable/disable
231 make the S-meter readout DDE-accessible 5.5.6
127 ability to save/restore user-defined command sequences to/from files 5.6.0
229 increase the number of commands in a user-defined sequence from 16 to 32 5.6.0
240 ignore bogus characters appended to frequencies reported by an Orion 5.6.9
234 direct entry to the ALT VFO for transceivers that support it 5.7.6
242 for an Icom transceiver with interrogation disabled, ensure that Commander's Primary VFO displays the correct frequency after setting the Secondary VFO via the CI-V VFO exchange command 5.7.6
102 Accept user-specified antenna selection and/or transverter codes and emit them via a set of bits on a specified LPT port as a function of frequency; provide a similar function for switching among radios 5.7.7
241 provide the ability to control a band decoder via the parallel port 5.7.7
243 provide the ability to binary encode the selected radio on pins 16 and 14 of a selected parallel port 5.7.7
245 clicking on a spot in the bandspread window with DXKeeper not running should convey the spotted callsign to DXView 5.8.1
247 generate a Pegasus.aux file containing PTT commands for use with CallsignSoftware 5.8.2
248 provide the option to ignore mousewheel rotation 5.8.4
249 provide the option to scan memories in the current bank 5.8.5
246 provide a "none" option for the serial port 5.8.6
250 make radio split status available via DDE 5.8.9
251 make radio RX frequency available via DDE 5.9.2
252 display ALT VFO for FT-817, FT-857, FT-897 5.9.2
253 provide the option to specify transmission via a TS-480's ANI input instead of its MIC input 5.9.5
254 for an Icom or TenTec Omni with Interrogation disabled, interrogate the transceiver once after initialization to update the Main window's VFO and Mode displays 5.9.6
255 provide the option of sending CI-V interrogation commands from the CI-V broadcast address (0) instead of the controller address (224) 5.9.9
257 hide #255 (not effective with PW-1) 6.0.0
258 provide the option of running the serial port at 56000 baud 6.0.0
259 display both VFOs for FT-990 6.0.2
260 FT2000 support, improved FTDX9000 support 6.0.3
261 improve the sort order in the Radio Model selector 6.0.3
262 display both VFOs for FT-920, detect split 6.0.4
263 provide an A=B button for the FT-920 6.0.5
264 FT-920 A=B button should set VFO B mode 6.0.8
265 poll FT2000 and FTDX9000 for VFO status 6.0.8
266 add PKT-R support 6.1.7
267 when a bandspread spot is selected and its mode is not recognized, assume its digital and send it to the digital mode application 6.1.7
268 provide the ability to specify the Digital Mode Application to which frequency and mode information is sent when a DX spot on the Bandspread window is activated 6.1.8
269 support FT-857 dual receive 6.2.1
270 when a bandspread band button is clicked, reset split mode 6.2.2
272 allow the bandspread to be used outside the specified amateur bands 6.2.5
275 support IC-765 RX filter selection 6.2.7
277 make the current VFO selection accessible to other applications 6.2.9
279 identify special callsigns on the Bandspread 6.3.8
280 accept DDE directive to send CW on Kenwood TS-570D, TS-570S, TS-870S, TS-480, and TS-2000 6.3.9
281 accept DDE directive to send CW via the DTR or RTS modem control signals 6.3.9
282 accept DDE directive to send CW on Elecraft transceivers 6.4.0
283 automatically unkey after 1 second when sending CW via the DTR or RTS modem control signals 6.4.0
285 provide the option to compute frequency-dependent device settings from the transmit frequency when split frequency operation is enabled 6.4.1
286 on the Config window's "Multi Radio" tab, provide the ability to specify a Control Folder for each Pegasus and a Control File for each Kachina 6.4.3
287 display Pegasus alternate VFO 6.4.6
288 initial OmniVII support 6.4.7
291 in the bandspread window, highlight callsigns known to participate in LotW with SpotCollector's LotW background color (requires SpotCollector 4.0.3 or later) 6.5.0
292 provide the option to wait for a positive acknowledgement after transmitting each CI-V command and resend the command if either a negative acknowledgement or no acknowledgement is received 6.5.2
293 OmniVII PTT and split support 6.5.7
294 provide the option to not display the UTC time, radio frequency, and radio mode  in the Main window Title Bar (Vista workaround) 6.6.1
296 provide separate Radio Model selections for the Yaesu FT-857 and FT-857D, the latter without Dual Receive support 6.6.4
297 accept CW speed updates via DDE and convey to Kenwood TS-480, Kenwood TS-2000, SDR-1000, and Elecraft transceivers 6.6.4
298 support CW transmission via Elecraft transceivers 6.6.4
299 enable Flexradio SDR-1000 users to set the Radio Model selector to SDR-1000 rather than Kenwood 6.6.4
300 accept directives from other applications to to QSY to a specified band 6.6.4
301 make CW speed from Kenwood TS-480, Kenwood TS-2000, SDR-1000, and Elecraft transceivers available to other applications via DDE 6.6.5
305 add Yaesu FT-450 support 6.6.7
306 detect Yaesu FT1000D's split mode, dual receive, and VFO selection 6.6.9
307 AxB swaps mode for FTDX-9000 and FT-2000 and Omni VII 6.7.1
308 A=B sets B VFO mode for FT-2000 and Omni VII 6.7.1
311 alphabetize the contents of the Radio Model selector 6.7.2
312 support TenTec Omni VI RX-TX switching  6.7.3
313 support RX-TX switching via parallel port pin 17 6.7.8
314 accept Orion-format responses from Omni VII in "SteppIR mode" 6.7.8
315 add FT-950 support 6.7.9
317 enable text-to-CW transmission via a TS-870S, TS-570S, TS-570G 6.8.4
318 K3 support 6.8.4
319 accept a command from other applications to clear the outgoing CW queue 6.8.5
320 provide the option to disable transceiver interrogation (polling) while transmitting 6.8.6
321 enable the use of the tab and shift-tab keys to navigate frequency-dependent device tables 6.8.7
324 when setting the transceiver frequency with continuous polling disabled, request a frequency update rather than wait, request a frequency update, wait, and request a mode update 6.9.1
325 allow the command interval to be specified whether continuous polling is enabled or disabled 6.9.1
326 in a user-defined command sequence command that specifies ascii characters, any <n> within the command will be replaced by a single character whose ascii value is n; for example, <13> will insert the "carriage return" character 6.9.4
327 if a Kenwood transceiver is selected but has not yet provided its model identifier, request its model identifier when polling 6.9.8
328 support CW-R and Dual Watch on an SDR-1000 7.0.0
128 provide user-defined slider controls than can generate raw commands with scaled value substitution 7.0.1
330 use undocumented commands to rapidly set VFO B frequency and mode for the Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V, FT-1000MP, and FT-920 7.0.2
331 use an Elecraft K3's extended command to set VFO B's mode to that of VFO A when setting VFO B's frequency 7.0.2
332 finalize user-defined slider controls 7.0.3
333 add a signed data format for command-generating sliders 7.0.5
335 provide the ability to specify the names of filters in Icom transceivers 7.0.8
344 enable IC-718 support for a third Filter Group 7.0.9
345 provide an option to assign an Orion's subreceiver to VFO A when dual receive is disabled 7.1.0
346 enable control characters to be specified in slider command templates 7.1.0
348 insert a wait command to the queue after executing a command generated by a user-defined slider 7.1.3
349 provide an improved K3 S-meter file 7.1.9
350 provide a secondary instance of Commander 7.2.0
351 support for FT-990 with firmware revision 1.2 7.2.1
352 support for FT-990 with firmware revision 1.2
  • when polling, don't request frequency or mode
  • provide a Main window button to request frequency and mode
353 support for FT-990 with firmware revision 1.2: don't direct the radio to report its frequency when after adjusting its frequency with the VFO arrow buttons or via the mousewheel 7.2.3
354 Pegasus_N4PY support for RTTY mode 7.2.4
356 improved K3 support
  • use SWT13 command to implement A>B
  • use SWT11 command to implement AxB and XFC
357 improved K3 support
  • when receiving an FT command, update split status
  • use the FT0 and FT1 commands to set split status
  • provide filter width and shift controls
358 improved K3 support: issue K31; command before FW, and then issue K30; 7.2.7
359 reduce filter width and shift slider ranges to match the transceiver 7.2.8
337 provide a user-defined sequence that is optionally executed on startup or whenever a new transceiver is selected after any specified Initial Command is executed 7.2.9
339 enable command sequences to set the value of sliders 7.2.9
340 provide the ability include a slider's current value in its label and/or its label's explanatory popup with  <value> substitution command 7.2.9
341 enable a command in a user-defined sequence to specify the Name and Tooltip of any other user-defined sequence, e.g.<name Tune-1,3> 7.2.9
342 provide the ability to run a user-defined command sequence by clicking a button in the sequence editor 7.2.9
360 permit slider value substitution commands, ascii substitution commands, and  CI-V address substitution commands in Command Sequences and in the Initial Command 7.2.9
361 permit CI-V address substitution commands in Slider commands 7.2.9
362 accept a directive from other applications to set a Slider to a specified value 7.2.9
363 enhanced K3 support
  • determine whether the sub-receiver is present
  • only provide VFO A and B buttons if the sub-receiver is present
  • only enable the Dual Receiver checkbox if the sub-receiver is present
364 enhanced K3 support
  • change shift "small change" to 50
  • use DS command to monitor subreceiver status
  • enable subreceiver when Dual box is checked
365 enhanced K3 support: provide option to use default filter widths for each mode 7.3.3
366 enhanced K3 support
  • use K31 mode exclusively
  • send FW; after setting default filter width
  • when continuous interrogation is enabled, request reports of filter bandwidth and shift
367 support <transmit> and <receive> command in user-defined sequences 7.3.5
368 provide the ability to control parallel port signals from within user-defined sequences 7.3.5
369 make status of dual receive available to other applications 7.3.8
370 provide the option for an IC-7800 to emit subreceiver audio when dual receive is enabled 7.3.8
371 enable CW transmission via a K3 when an LP-bridge is present 7.4.1
372 for Kenwood and Elecraft transceivers, indicate to other applications that the transceiver has switched from RX to TX or TX to RX if the switch was accomplished via the radio's front panel or PTT signal 7.4.1
373 provide the option of signaling to client applications that the current transceiver is an Icom or TenTec that does not report the transmit VFO when operating split, and provide a DDE operation that allows such clients to update their view of both VFOs prior to logging or spotting 7.4.1
377 improved K3 S-meter file 7.4.2
378 limit enhancement #373 to when split is enabled 7.4.3
379 provide the option to suppress the use of CAT commands to switch between RX and TX 7.4.5
380 support the FTDX-9000 PEP - eliminate delays, undo FT workaround (FTDX9000P1) 7.4.6
381 support the FTDX-9000 PEP - restore FT workaround  to work with V06 firmware 7.4.7

improve the K3 polling sequence

  • include K31; in case K3 is powered off and back on

  • increase frequency of IF and FB commands

383 highlight spotted Authenticity Guaranteed members in the Bandspread window 7.5.4
384 for a Yaesu FT-1000MP or Mark V, continue to report VFO B when in QMB or Mem or M Tune mode, and display "Mem" or "M Tune" in the Main window's VFO A panel 7.5.5

Add function key shortcuts:

  • F1: XFC

  • CTRL-F1: A (or Main)

  • CTRL-F2: B (or Sub)

  • CTRL-F3: A=B (or Main = Sub)

  • CTRL-F4: AxB (or Main x Sub)

386 use Shift instead of CTRL for function key shortcuts introduced in enhancement 385 7.5.7
387 use black characters on a white background in the Memory panel's frequency column and in the display of frequency-dependent device settings 7.5.7
388 displays Mem/VFO mode in the Main window's VFO A panel for the Yaesu FT9000, 2000, 950, and 450 7.5.7
389 support the Icom IC-7200 and IC-7600 7.6.1
390 provide the option to specify font and background colors for frequencies displayed on the Main window 7.6.1
391 provide the option to specify font and background colors for frequency-dependent device settings displayed on the Main window 7.6.1
392 provide the ability to set the UTC date and time for an IC-7600, IC-7700, and IC-7800 and the option to automatically set the UTC date and time when Commander starts up or when the transceiver is selected 7.6.1
394 when the Set Time function is invoked for an IC-7600, IC-7700, and IC-7800, immediately set the transceiver's time, disable the Set Time button, wait for the current time to transition from 59 seconds to 0 seconds, set the transceiver's time again, and re-enable the Set Time button 7.6.4
396 expand the width of the transceiver name checkboxes in the Slider definition window 7.7.9
399 provide RX bandwidth control for the Yaesu FT9000, FT2000, FT950, and FT450 7.7.9
400 accept IFBAND and IFMODE conditional commands in user-defined sequences 7.8.0
401 provide a Nar checkbox for the Yaesu FT9000, FT2000, FT950, and display the current bandwidth in hertz 7.8.1
395 provide RX bandwidth control for the TenTec Orion 7.8.2
402 FT9000, FT2000, FT950, and FT450 improvements
  • reduce the big step and little step in the Shift control
  • append Hz to the Shift control's displayed value
  • for the FT2000 and FT9000, display the width control position instead of the bandwidth when Nar is enabled
  • adjust the width slider's upper and lower bounds based on mode and Nar
  • adjust the action of the width clear button based on mode and Nar
403 FT9000, FT2000, FT950, and FT450 improvements
  • clicking the width slider's X button should set the slider to mid-range
  • ensure that the shift slider value includes an Hz designator
404 provide Pass Band Tuning sliders in the Main window's Filter panel for the Icom 7000, 7200, ProIII, 7600, 7700, and 7800. 7.8.3
405 Orion improvements
  • when clearing the bandwidth slider, set the bandwidth to 2400 if SSB, 250 if CW, 500 if RTTY, or 6000 if AM or FM 
  • the width slider displays and controls the RX bandwidth for the active VFO (the VFO displayed on the left side of Commander's Main window)
406 Orion improvements
  • the width slider displays and controls the RX bandwidth for the active VFO (correct defect in 7.8.4)
  • provide a slider that controls and displays the active VFO's passband tuning
407 provide a Width slider in the Main window's Filter panel for the Icom 7000, 7200, ProIII, 7600, 7700, and 7800. 7.8.6
408 Orion improvements
  • enable the specification of default bandwidths for each mode which are selected when the Width slider's X button is clicked
  • provide the option of setting the default bandwidth whenever the current VFO's mode changes
343 If a frequency-dependent device's Control name is <Sn> where n is a number from 1 to 8, then when updating the device because the transceiver QSY'd, update the designated slider's value from the device's control setting for the frequency 7.8.8
409 If a frequency-dependent device's Control name is <Sn> where n is a number from 1 to 8, then display the selected Slider's label as the control name 7.8.9
412 provide the ability to display an "LED-like display" beneath user-defined command buttons, and provide LED and IFLED commands to set and test the color of theses displays respectively 7.9.1
413 provide the ability to select between 50 hz and 10 hz resolution for the K3's IF shift slider 7.9.3
415 provide RX bandwidth control for the Omni V.9 7.9.4
416 provide the ability to save and load slider configurations from a file 7.9.6
417 in an <SFN> substitution command specified in a slider configuration's command, make S optional so that a slider configuration file can be loaded into any slider configuration window 7.9.6
417 remove the multiple transceiver checkboxes from slider configuration windows 7.9.6
418 on the Config window's Multi-transceiver tab, allow a "control set" to be specified for each tranceiver, where a control set specifies
  • an initial command
  • the pathname of an initial command sequence
  • the pathname for each of 16 command sequences
  • the pathname for each of 8 sliders

Activating a transceiver for which a control set is specified

  • directs the transceiver to execute the specified initial command
  • directs the transceiver to execute the initial command sequence contained in the specified pathname
  • loads the 16 command sequences from the specified pathnames
  • loads the 8 sliders from the specified pathnames
420 accept <value U> and <value L,U> to specify the lower and upper bounds of a range into which a slider's value should be scaled; if L is not specified, its assumed to be 0. 8.0.1
421 when operating split, indicate which VFO will transmit with (TX)  8.0.1
422 allow multiple <value> commands in a user slider label definition 8.0.2
423 provide the option to use the VFO Step CAT command on Yaesu radios that support this command and are configured for a 10 hz minimum step size (FT1000D, "MP1000MKV, MP1000, FT900, FT990_12, FT890) 8.0.3
424 provide a DualTrack option for the IC-7800 8.0.5
426 add S-meter support for the Kenwood TS-950 and TS-950SDX 8.0.8
427 add Flex SDR-1500, SDR-3000, and SDR-5000 to the Radio Model selector 8.0.9
430 ALT-click in the Bandspread window sets the secondary VFO 8.1.1
431 enable the ALT VFO to be controlled by the mousewheel except for Icom and certain other Tentec and Yaesu radios 8.1.6
432 provide a Secondary CAT Serial Port that can
  • direct an attached Elecraft, Flex,  Icom, Kenwood, Orion, or recent Yaesu transceiver to track the current transceiver's frequency an mode
  • accept frequency and mode directives in the Icom or Kenwood CAT protocols from a transceiver control application, typically via a connected pair of virtual serial ports provided by an application like com0com
433 provide an SO2R Serial port that can control microHam and OTRSP-compliant SO2R devices 8.2.0
434 improve support for SDR applications interacting with an Elecraft K3 via the Secondary CAT port:
  • with the Secondary CAT port configured for operation with a Transceiver Control Application, permit the protocol to be set to Elecraft
  • with the Secondary CAT port configured for operation with a Transceiver Control Application using the Elecraft protocol and the current transceiver specified as an Elecraft K3, respond to an FI request received from the Transceiver Control Application by forwarding that request to the K3, and forward the K3's response to the Transceiver Control Application
435 enable SO2R Accessory or Auxiliary outputs to driven by a specified frequency-dependent device control 8.2.1
436 display the user-defined name of the current sub-band in the Main VFO caption 8.2.1
437 when the Secondary CAT port protocol is set to Kenwood or Elecraft
  • responds to an FB; command with the transceiver's VFO B frequency
  • respond to an FBaaaaaaaaaaa; command by setting the transceiver's VFO B frequency to aaaaaaaaaaa;
438 provide the option to prevent a slider from initializing the radio at startup or when switching radios 8.2.6
439 FTDX-5000 support 8.2.7
440 with the secondary CAT port configured for "transceiver control application", enable an Icom transceiver with "CI-V transceive" enabled connected to the secondary CAT port can control the primary transceiver's frequency and mode 8.2.8
441 with the secondary CAT port configured for "transceiver control application" in the Icom protocol, respond to controller IDs other than E0 8.2.8
442 add BobCAT to the secondary CAT port's protocol selector so that BobCAT can be configured as a radio 8.2.9
443 extend Secondary CAT Serial Port modes:
  • rename "radio" to "Follow Primary"
  • rename "transceiver control application" to "Lead Primary"
  • add a "Follow and Lead Primary" mode; when selected, Commander, the primary radio and the radio or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port will track each other's frequency and mode
444 with the secondary CAT port configured to "Lead Primary" or "Follow and Lead Primary", enable a Kenwood, Elecraft, or FlexRadio transceiver connected to the secondary CAT port to control the primary transceiver's frequency and mode 8.3.3
445 if the Secondary CAT serial port is assigned to an enabled transceiver on the Config window's MultiRadio tab, that transceiver's selection button will be disabled ("greyed out") on the Main window 8.4.0
446 add PW-1 to the secondary CAT port protocol selector 8.4.0
447 when the secondary CAT port protocol selector is set to PW1,
  • send the PW1 a frequency update message immediately, and every 5 seconds thereafter
  • display a red "PW-1 Alert" indicator in the secondary CAT port panel if a "report frequency" message is received from the PW-1
442 when the secondary CAT port protocol selector is set to Icom, provide an Interrogate selector that enables Secondary Port operation with an Icom or Icom-emulating transceiver whose "CI-V transceiver" setting is not enabled 8.4.2
443 provide an Secondary CAT port "Follow Alternate VFO when Split" option 8.4.3
444 when the secondary CAT port protocol selector is set to PW-1, send the PW-1 alternating frequency update and mode update messages every 2.5 seconds 8.4.4
445 display the "PW-1 Alert" in the secondary CAT port panel if a "report mode" message is received from the PW-1 8.4.5
446 clicking the "PW-1 Alert" in the secondary CAT port panel extinguishes the alert 8.4.6
447 provide a "PW-1 Train" checkbox that when enabled suppresses all CI-V messages to the PW-1, as is required during the reset phase of its training procedure 8.4.6
448 provide the option to capture and display secondary CAT port messages in the Messages window 8.4.6
449 provide a new "native" option in the Messages window's "Message Display" panel for viewing CAT port messages in the natural radix for the protocol in use 8.4.6
450 provide an Secondary CAT port "Follow and Lead Alternate VFO when Split" option when the Secondary CAT port is configured to "Follow and Lead" 8.4.6
451 provide an option that disables Memory Save buttons 8.5.1
452 provide the option to not clear the transceiver's Split and Dual Receive when directed by another application to set the transceiver's frequency and mode 8.5.3
453 provide a checkbox that can enable or disable the Secondary CAT Port 8.5.4
454 extend the slider substitution command to insert 1-byte and 2-byte binary values 8.5.8
455 supports two transceivers driving a PW-1 8.5.9
460 remove ability to support two transceivers driving a PW-1 8.6.2
461 provide an <IFSEQNAME> command that tests the name of any Command Sequence 8.6.2
462 restore ability to support two transceivers driving a PW-1 8.6.4
463 add support for the TenTec Eagle 8.6.5
464 add support for the Kenwood TS-590S 8.6.6
465 provide an option that when enabled directs a TS-590 to transmit from its ACC2 input rather than its MIC input 8.6.7
466 adds the FT-5000 to the Secondary CAT Port's Protocol selector 8.6.7
467 provide the ability to directly specify a Parallel Port address 8.6.9
458 provide a Dual Track checkbox for the K3 if a subreceiver is present 8.7.2
468 when the primary transceiver is a K3, provide a "RTTY submode" panel that allows the user to specify FSK or AFSK, and use this panel's settings to place the K3 in FSK or AFSK A when its mode is set to RTTY or RTTY-R 8.7.2
469 when the primary transceiver is a Kenwood TS-480, TS590, or TS-2000, optionally provide A/B and TF-S buttons instead of AxB and XFC buttons 8.7.2
470 make the currently-selected radio available to other DXLab applications 8.7.3
471 remove ability to support two transceivers driving a PW-1 8.7.4
472 use the K3's LN CAT command to implement dual tracking 8.7.6
473 provides <XcvrA=B> and <XcvrAxB> user-defined sequence commands 8.7.6
474 update the Dual Track box if the user enables or disables VFO Linking via the K3's front panel 8.7.7
475 display K3's RTTY submode in the Main window's Mode panel 8.7.8
476 add "Omni VI" to the Secondary CAT port's protocol selector; when following a primary transceiver that has been set to CW-R mode, set the Omni VI to CW mode 8.7.8
477 when controlling a K3 transceiver, provide Data-L and Data-U buttons in the Main window's Mode panel 8.7.9
203 when controlling an Icom transceiver that supports Data mode, provide Data-L and Data-U buttons in the Main window's Mode panel 8.7.9
479 when controlling an Icom transceiver that supports Data mode with multiple submodes, provide a Data submode panel on the Config window's General tab that determines which submode is selected when the mode is changed to Data-L or Data-U 8.7.9
480 provide selector that specifies the Log Mode for PKT, PKT-R, Data-L, and Data-U 8.8.0
481 accept Data-L and Data-U in SetFreqMode and SetMode commands from other applications 8.8.1
482 provide a "Transceiver firmware can report split" option for the ic-7800 8.8.4
483 provide PKT/Data-L and PKT-R/Data-U options in the "RTTY mode if no Digital Mode Application" panel on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab 8.8.5
484 when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7800, accept CW transmission commands 8.8.5
485 when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7800, transmit CW pro-signs 8.8.6
486 when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7800, accept and implement CW speed change commands from other applications, and report front panel CW speed changes to other applications 8.8.6
487 reduce minimum command interval to 10 ms 8.8.6
488 automatically determine whether an Icom 7800 is running firmware that enables split to be reported and CW to be transmitted 8.8.6
489 include a directional indicator in each line of the message window 8.8.9
492 provide "Dual Track" capability when the primary transceiver is a Yaesu FTDX9000P1 8.9.5
493 provide "Dual Track" capability when the primary transceiver is a Yaesu FTDX5000 or FT1000D 8.9.6
494 when the primary transceiver is an Icom 7700 or 7600, accept CW transmission and speed control commands, and reports the transceiver's CW speed 8.9.6
495 if the primary transceiver supports CW transmission and its mode is CW or CW-R, display the CW keyer speed in the Main window's Mode panel caption 8.9.8
497 improve performance when using mousewheel to adjust Alt VFO of a Kenwood, FlexRadio, or Elecraft K3 9.0.2
498 when "Dual Track" is enabled with a FTDX9000P1 or FTDX5000 primary transceiver, use an FB command for tracking rather than the AB command 9.0.3
499 add a set of "quick split" buttons above the alternate VFO that when clicked enable split at the specified "up" offset 9.0.4
500 depressing CTRL while clicking the "quick split" buttons provides the ability to QSY "down" 9.0.5
501 right-clicking the "quick split" buttons QSYs "down" 9.0.6
502 allow decimal separators to be specified in the "Mousewheel motion" panel on the Configuration window's Bandspread panel 9.0.7
503 clicking in the Bandspread window's frequency dial will terminate scanning 9.1.2
504 double-clicking in the Bandspread window's "SpotCollector alert" indicator will terminate scanning 9.1.3
505 reception of a QSY directive from another application will terminate scanning 9.1.3
506 support the DZ Sienna (set Radio Model to Kenwood) 9.1.3
507 provide the option to automatically direct PropView to generate a propagation forecast when clicking on a Bandspread window spot 9.1.4
508 when controlling an IC-7600 or IC-7800 that's in split mode with "Sync transceiver frequencies before logging or spotting" enabled, select the Main VFO as part of the sync sequence 9.1.6
509 extend support for the TenTec Eagle
  • control and display receiver bandwidth
  • display receiver pass-band tuning shift
  • provide the option to specify a default receiver band width for each mode
510 accept directives to update a specified user-defined command sequence's name or LED color 9.1.8
511 provide "to-the-hertz" precision in RX and TX frequencies made available to other applications 9.2.0
512 make the current transceiver band accessible to other applications 9.2.3
513 display IC-7410 CW speed 9.2.4
514 display IC-9100 CW speed 9.2.5
515 add 115200 to all baud rate selectors 9.2.6
516 poll TenTec Omni for status 9.2.8
517 decode TenTec Omni status and set or clear Split 9.3.1
518 accept a command to give focus to the Bandspread window 9.3.2
520 provide the ability to specify the fonts used to render callsigns in the Bandspread window 9.3.6
521 support CW narrow/wide for the Yaesu FT-840/890 9.3.7
522 add an entry in the Radio Model selector for the Icom 7400 (identical to the 746 Pro) 9.3.9
528 enable the selection of COM1 through COM64 9.4.1
529 FT990_12 S-meter range is evidently 0-127 9.4.2
530 provide the ability to display RF Power output, SWR, ALC, Compression, Vd, or Id while transmitting with Icom transceivers that support this capability 9.4.3
532 add TX meter support for the FT-1000MP, FT-1000MP Mark V, and TS-2000 9.4.5
533 accept command to switch primary transceivers from other applications 9.4.6
534 add the ability to display TX meter readings in specified units 9.4.6
535 support CW narrow/wide for the Yaesu FT-847 9.4.7
536 add TX meter support for the TS-480 and TS-590 9.4.9
539 provide user-defined commands for enabling and disabling the primary CAT port's DTR and RTS modem control signals 9.5.4
542 accept an AbortCW command and respond to it when controlling a TS-480, TS-590, K2, or K3 9.5.5
496 provide the option to expand the Main window height so that 16 user-defined sequence buttons and a8 user-defined sliders are simultaneously visible 9.5.6
543 double the total number of user-defined command sequences to 32, and doubles the number of user-defined sliders to 16 9.5.6
544 Elecraft KX3 support 9.5.7
545 provide the ability to control whether the Bandspread window shows callsign from all Spot Database Entries, or only callsigns from Spot Database Entries that satisfy SpotCollector's current Spot Database Display filter 9.5.9
546 for the TenTec Orion and Eagle, provide separate default AM and FM bandwidths on the Configuration window's "Filter Groups" panel 9.6.0
548 add SteppIR to the Secondary CAT Port's protocol selector 9.6.1
549 add CW Skimmer to the Secondary CAT Port's protocol selector 9.6.2
550 with a K3 or KX3 primary transceiver and the secondary CAT port protocol set to Elecraft, responds to the following commands received via the Secondary CAT port 
  • BW; - sends the  command to the primary transceiver, and sends the transceiver's response to the Secondary CAT port
  • FR0; - disables the primary transceiver's split
  • FT0; - disables the primary transceiver's split
  • FT1; - enables the primary transceiver's split
  • IS; - sends the  command to the primary transceiver, and sends the transceiver's response Commander's IS polling commands to the Secondary CAT port
  • OM; - sends the primary transceiver's OM; response to the Secondary CAT port
  • SB0; - disables the primary transceiver's sub-receiver
  • SB1; - enables the primary transceiver's sub-receiver
  • SWxnn; - sends the command to the primary transceiver


551 when responding to an IF command from the Secondary CAT port when the Secondary CAT protocol selector is set to Kenwood, Elecraft, Flexradio, or CW Skimmer, include VFO selection and the state of Split in the response 9.6.3
552 only send the transceiver's IS poll responses to the Secondary CAT port if there's been an IS request received from the Secondary CAT port 9.6.3
553 respond to an IF command from the Secondary CAT port when the Secondary CAT protocol selector is set to FT-450, FT-950, FT-2000, FT-5000, or FT-9000 9.6.3
554 allow user-defined commands to send commands to the SO2R port 9.6.5
556 prevent FT-2K from switching RX filter bandwidth on startup 9.6.6
557 ensure that FT-2K reports RX filter shift and bandwidth on startup before responding to request to report its frequency and mode 9.6.7
558 support the TS480's Data Filter 9.6.8
559 support the TS590's Data Filter 9.6.9
560 if the "Show all User-defined Controls" option is disabled and no frequency-dependent device panel is enabled, display the left-half of the User-defined Controls panel beneath the Main window's PTT and Filters panels 9.7.1
561 provides a "User-defined Controls" panel on the Configuration window's General tab that determines whether user-defined controls are displayed within the Main window, or by extending the height of the Main window 9.7.4
562 add a 500 KHz Range to the Bandspread window 9.7.5
563 track the state of Split for the Yaesu FT-857 and 897 9.8.0
564 provide an option that when enabled tracks an Yaesu FT-817 and FT-897's Split and VFO Selection by reading locations from the radio's EEPROM 9.8.1
565 provide an option that when enabled tracks an Yaesu FT-857 and FT-857D's Split and VFO Selection by reading locations from the radio's EEPROM 9.8.2
566 when an FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 is selected or first started with the "Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status" option enabled, disable the AxB and XFC functions until Commander has obtained the values of both VFOs from the radio 9.8.3
567 when an FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 is selected or first started with the "Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status" option enabled and the AxB function is activated, disable the AxB and XFC buttons until the AxB function is complete 9.8.3
568 provide a <priXcvr N> user-defined command that selects a primary transceiver 9.8.4
570 when an FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 is selected or first started with the "Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status" option enabled and the A=B function is activated, disable the AxB, A=B, XFC, and Split buttons until the A=B function is complete 9.8.5
571 when an FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 is selected or first started with the "Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status" option enabled and the AxB function is activated, disable the AxB, A=B, XFC, and Split buttons until the A=B function is complete 9.8.5
572 when an FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 is selected or first started with the "Read radio's EEPROM to determine VFO and Split status" option enabled, track the transceiver's VFO selection when an AxB operation is initiated via the transceiver's front panel 9.8.5
573 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Main window's Help button with internet access displays "Getting Started with Transceiver Control" 9.8.5
574 when the primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, and the Secondary CAT port's Protocol selector is set to Elecraft, include the primary transceiver's last reported data submode in the response to an IF; command received from the secondary CAT port 9.8.6
575 when the primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, the Secondary CAT port's Protocol selector is set to Elecraft, and a DT; command is received, respond by sending a DTn; command to the Secondary CAT port where n is the K3 or KX3's last reported data submode 9.8.6
576 when the primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, the Secondary CAT port's Protocol selector is set to Elecraft, the Secondary CAT port is set to "Lead primary" or "Follow & lead primary", and a DTn; command is received, send that DTn; command to the primary transceiver 9.8.6
577 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the up/down arrow buttons to the left of the Main window's VFO will QSY up or down one amateur band, independently of whether the current band's width exceeds 1 megahertz 9.8.6
578 identify "local" spots in the Bandspread window by enclosing them with angle brackets (requires SpotCollector 6.1.0 or later) 9.8.9
579 when the Primary transceiver is a K3 or KX3, the Secondary CAT port is enabled,  and the Secondary CAT Port Protocol is Elecraft, send a CW; command to the Primary every 10th poll cycle, remember the response, and use it to respond to CW; directives received from the Secondary CAT port 9.9.0
580 provide a DDE accessible timestamp string that indicates when the last frequency update was received from the selected primary transceiver 9.9.3
584 enable A=B , AxB,  and XFC functions when controlling an Elecraft KX3 9.9.5
585 increase the number of commands per command sequence to 64 9.9.6
586 when controlling an Icom transceiver other than an IC-7800, being directed to enable split should select the secondary VFO if "Dual Watch" is present and enabled; otherwise, the primary VFO should be selected 9.9.9
587 when controlling a TenTec Orion
  • indicate to other applications that the current transceiver is capable of sending CW via CAT command
  • respond to directives from other applications to transmit CW text by directing the Orion to transmit this text
  • respond to "set CW Speed" directives from other applications by directing the Orion to set its CW speed
  • periodically direct the Orion to report its CW speed, and display the reported value in the Mode panel on Commander's Main window
588 provide support for the TenTec Argonaut VI 10.0.2
589 provide support for the Yaesu FTDX-3000 10.0.2
590 in Commander's Messages window, provide the ability to send an arbitrary CAT command, and the ability to control Continuous Interrogation  10.0.2
591 In the "CAT Serial Port" panel on the Configuration window's "Multi Radio" tab, provide an Update button for each radio that when clicked updates that radio's serial port settings from the settings specified in the "Primary CAT Serial Port" panel on the Configuration window's Ports tab 10.0.3
592 If DXKeeper is installed, populate the the "Log Mode" selector in the Radio panel on the Configuration window's General tab with the modes specified in DXKeeper's Modes.txt or DefaultModes.txt file 10.0.4
593 rename the "Accept Dual Receive directives" option to "Accept Dual Rcv On directives", and provide a new "Accept Dual Rcvd Off directives" option 10.0.6
594 limit the size of the errorlog.txt file to 100 megabytes 10.0.6
595 reduce Main window height 10.0.6
596 provide the ability to control an FT1000D's CW filter bandwidth 10.0.8
597 provide additional commands for use in user-defined sequences:
  • <QSY +f> - add f KHz to the primary transceiver frequency
  • <QSY -f> - subtract f KHz to the primary transceiver frequency 
  • <QSY f> - QSY the primary transceiver to f KHz
  • <Mode m> - set the transceiver mode to CW, USB, LSB, RTTY, etc.
  • <Split on> - enable split
  • <Split off> - disable split
598 provides commands that check or uncheck the parallel port's Data Signals Enable box, thereby determining whether the parallel port data output is or is not updated as a function of frequency
  • <DataSignalsEnable On> - checks the Data Signals Enable box
  • <DataSignalsEnable Off> - unchecks the Data Signals Enable box
599 improve responsiveness to CW text transmission commands 10.1.4
600 add Kenwood TS-990S support 10.2.1
601 eliminate unnecessary bandspread updates 10.2.1
602 TS-990 split support 10.2.3
603 TS-990 VFO B mode support 10.2.4
604 TS-990 VFO B selection, VFO B mode, A=B, AxB, subreceiver 10.2.5
605 TS-990 VFO B selection 10.2.6
606 TS-990 S-meter and TX meters 10.2.7
607 TS-990 LSB-D1 and USB-D1 modes 10.2.7
608 when controlling a TS-990, send an RX command whether or not KenwoodTransmitting is asserted 10.2.8
609 TS-990 RX bandwidth control 10.2.9
610 TS-990 TF-Set and VFO Swap 10.2.9
611 TS-990 RX bandwidth control for USB and LSB; VFO Swap 10.3.0
612 TS-990 RX bandwidth control for Data-U and Data-L; remove VFO Swap  10.3.1
613 inform external applications when a Yaesu FT1000MP or Mark V switches between RX and TX 10.3.4
614 update the Main window's PTT panel when an Elecraft, FlexRadio, Kenwood (except TS-990), or Yaesu  FT1000MP or Mark V switches between RX and TX 10.3.4
615 striking the Esc key with the mouse cursor in Commander's Primary VFO sets the Primary VFO frequency to the radio's current frequency 10.3.4
616 enable a Yaesu FT-817, FT-857, FT-857D, or FT-897 to be attached to the Secondary CAT port in follow-only mode 10.3.5
617 accepts commands via TCP/IP that set the frequency and mode, report the frequency, and report the mode 10.3.8
618 only update the Main window's PTT panel when an Elecraft, FlexRadio, Kenwood (except TS-990), or Yaesu  FT1000MP or Mark V switches between RX and TX if the "No interrogation while transmitting" option is disabled 10.3.8
619 provide a "set Xcvr split" option in the "DX Spots" panel on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab that determines whether or not clicking a bandspread spot of a station operating split places the transceiver in split mode at the specified QSX frequency 10.3.8
620 accepts commands via TCP/IP that set the rx frequency, set the tx frequency, set the mode, set/clear split, switch to transmit, switch to receive, and report the tx frequency 10.3.9
621 tolerate spaces after commas in s-meter files 10.4.1
623 tolerate receipt of an FT; command from a Yaesu FT 9K, 5K, 2K, 950, or 450 10.4.2
624 add SDR-6500 and SDR-6700 to Radio selector 10.4.3
625 IC-7100 support 10.4.3
626 accept commands via TCP/IP that report the rx and tx frequency using the locally-defined decimal separator 10.4.4
630 if DXKeeper is running, include PSK31 and RTTY in the Log Mode selector in the Radio panel on the Configuration window's General tab 10.4.7
631 provide transverter support for the 33cm and 23cm bands 10.4.8
633 if the SHIFT key is depressed while clicking the 1, 2, 5, or 10 buttons above VFO B in the Main window, increase or decrease the TX frequency by the specified amount 10.4.9
634 accept a command via TCP/IP that reports the state of split 10.5.5
641 provide the option to execute a named user-defined command sequence after a memory is selected by clicking the Sel button in a Memory Bank panel 10.5.6
643 display SWR readings reported by the TenTec Eagle and Argonaut VI 10.5.7
644 display RF Power readings reported by the TenTec Eagle and Argonaut VI 10.5.8
645 accept a command from other applications that enables Split without enabling Dual Receive 10.6.1
646 support the OTRSP Aux3 and Aux4 commands 10.6.2
647 support the Yaesu FTDX-1200 10.6.3
648 provide the option to specify the name of a user-defined command sequence to be executed when any button in the Bandspread window's Band panel is clicked, or when the up/down triangle buttons to the left of the frequency display are clicked 10.6.4
649 provide the option to color code the Bandspread window's "current frequency" indicator with in-band and out-band colors 10.6.5
650 add TX meter tracking for the Icom IC-7000 10.6.6
651 respond to a CmdSyncIcom TCP directive 10.7.1
652 when directed to set an FT-450's TX VFO frequency, set its TX VFO mode to that of the RX VFO 10.7.2
654 provide <FreqDepDevEnable On, N> and <FreqDepDevEnable Off, N> commands to control Frequency-dependent Devices from within a Command Sequence 10.7.7
655 add Radios.txt entries for the Argonaut II and the Delta II 10.7.8
656 eliminate the 2000 msec minimum Command Interval for the FT-747 10.7.8
657 provide working VFO A, B, A=B, AxB and XFC functions for the IC-9100  10.8.1
658 when directed to set an FT-950's TX VFO frequency, set its TX VFO mode to that of the RX VFO 10.8.2
659 poll IC-9100 for change in Satellite Mode and switch between VFO/MainSub modes 10.9.2
660 provide a Sat Mode checkbox for the IC-910H 10.9.3


when an IC-910H's or IC-9100's satellite mode changes, update the VFO caption and synchronize VFOs by performing back-to-back AxB  or MxS operations 10.9.5
662 when an IC-9100's satellite mode is enabled, display the Dual checkbox that enables/disables the subreceiver 10.9.5
663 Improved IC-910H and IC-9100 support:
  • When controlling an IC-9100, Commander now provides a "Sat Mode" checkbox beneath the Main window's Split checkbox; Commander no longer displays a Dual checkbox when the IC-9100 is in Satellite mode; when the IC-9100's Satellite Mode is enabled or disabled via the radio's front panel, Commander's "Sat Mode" checkbox should follow suit.

  • With either radio, checking or unchecking the "Sat Mode" checkbox should enable or disable the radio's "Satellite Mode", and cause Commander to correctly display the VFO A and VFO B frequencies (if now not in Satellite Mode) or to correctly display the MAIN and SUB frequencies (if now in Satellite Mode)

  • With either radio, enabling "Sync transceiver frequencies before logging or spotting" on the Configuration window's General tab should cause  the correct logging or spotting of both RX and TX frequencies if not in Satellite Mode with Split enabled, or if in Satellite Mode (I am unable to completely test this without having either radio)

664 Improved IC-910H and IC-9100 support:
  • when satellite mode is enabled, enable TX on Sub and RX on Main by setting Split and disabling the Split checkbox
  • when satellite mode is disabled, disable Split, and select VFO A
665 accept a CmdQSXSplit command via TCP that sets the TX frequency, split and dual in a manner that works with all supported transceivers 10.9.9
666 when QSYing to a new frequency and mode while controlling a Yaesu FT-450, FT-950, FTDX-1200, FT-2000, FTDX-3000, FTDX-5000, or FTDX-9000, issue a BandSelect CAT command if the new frequency is not on the same band as the current frequency 11.0.2
667 when controlling a TS-990 or TS-2000, poll for "Auto Mode" every 10th poll cycle; when "Auto Mode" is enabled when changing frequency and mode, issue a "change mode" command after changing the frequency 11.0.3
668 when controlling a Yaesu FT-450, FT-950, FTDX-1200, FT-2000, FTDX-3000, FTDX-5000, or FTDX-9000, issue BandSelect CAT commands when a memory is selected or a Bandspread Band button is activated 11.0.4
669 when controlling an IC-910H or IC--9100, use VFO selection commands to perform a "Sync Icom" operation 11.0.5
671 add support for the Kenwood TS-590SG 11.0.7
672 reduce Bandspread pop exclusion interval 11.1.0
673 provide an indication when QSYing causes a frequency to be saved on the current band's stack 11.1.0
674 add support for the Hilberling PT8000 11.1.0
675 add a fourth frequency-dependent device 11.1.4
676 when controlling a Flex 6300, 6500, or 6700, provide DIGL and DIGU mode selection rather than RTTY and RTTY-R 11.1.8
677 make the Main window's Config button visible when the window's width is at its minimum 11.1.9
678 eliminate need to strike F10 and SHIFT-F10 twice when invoking a user-defined command sequence 11.2.0
679 set Primary Port RTS to "On" for Kenwood radios and Yaesu radios that employ the Kenwood protocol 11.2.0
680 set Secondary Port RTS to "On" for Kenwood radios and Yaesu radios that employ the Kenwood protocol 11.2.0
681 provide an option that governs whether the Primary Port RTS will be set to  "On" for Kenwood radios and Yaesu radios that employ the Kenwood protocol 11.2.1
682 in DDE and TCP/IP mode change commands, accept DIGL and DIGU as synonyms for RTTY and RTTY-R  respectively 11.2.2
683 when controlling a Flex 6000 series radio, accept DATA-L and PKT as synonyms for RTTY, and accept DATA-U and PKT-R as synonyms for RTTY-R 11.2.2
684 when controlling a Flex 6000 series radio and interoperating with WinWarbler version 8.1.5 or later, direct WinWarbler to make DIGL and DIGU available as transceiver modes 11.2.2
685 replace enhancement #681 with a mechanism that informs the user if a Kenwood radio and or a Yaesu FT-9000, FT-5000, FT-3000, FT-2000, FT-1200, FT-950, or FT-450 has been selected, has not responded within 5 seconds, with Interrogation enabled and the primary CAT port RTS selector not set to 'On'  - and offers to set the primary CAT port RTS selector to 'On' 11.2.2
686 provide an IFSPLIT for use in Command Sequences 11.2.4
687 provide the ability to specify a delay between a band change and the initiation of a user-defined command sequence 11.2.4
688 provide the ability to specify a delay between a memory selection and the initiation of a user-defined command sequence 11.2.4
689 when controlling an Elecraft K3 or KX3 and directed to enable split, first set VFO B's mode to that of VFO A. 11.2.5
690 Icom IC-7850 support 11.2.6
691 Kenwood TS-590SG support 11.2.7
692 when controlling a K3 or KX3, provide an  "Auto VFO A-B" option 11.2.9
693 when controlling a K3 or KX3 with the "Auto VFO A-B" option is enabled but Split and Dual disabled, send an SWT13; command after changing VFO A's mode to so that VFO B's mode tracks that of VFO A 11.3.0
694 when controlling a K3 or KX3 and enabling Split, send an SWT13; use an SWT13; command rather than an MD$ command to set VFO B's mode 11.3.0
695 Yaesu FT-991 support 11.3.4
696 when controlling a Flex Signature and changing both frequency and mode, change the frequency first so SmartSDR's mode memory works correctly 11.3.7
697 when controlling a Flex Signature, use DIGL and DIGU in Commander's memory mode selectors 11.3.7
699 optionally convey decoded CW and RTTY from an Elecraft K3 or KX3 to WinWarbler 11.3.8
700 when controlling an Electraft K3 or KX3 in RTTY or RTTY-R mode, accept text to be transmitted in FSK via CAT command 11.3.8
701 accept a directive to stop transmitting RTTY when all RTTY characters have been sent 11.3.9
702 report alternate frequency for IC-7600 11.4.2
703 IC-7851 support 11.4.3
704 report alternate frequency for IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware 11.4.3
705 report alternate frequency for IC-7100, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware 11.4.4
706 set and poll Jupiter split 11.4.5
707 track changes in DualWatch for the IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware 11.4.6
708 when an Icom transceiver that reports RX/TX status is switched by action of its SEND input, indicate this status in the Main window's PTT panel unless the "No interrogation while transmitting" option is enabled 11.5.0
709 track changes in VFO selection for the IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware 11.5.0
710 ignore "sync transceiver frequencies before logging or spotting" when controlling an IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851 with current firmware 11.5.0
711 interact with Flex Signature radios through their ethernet API 11.5.1
712 make the Messages window horizontally resizable 11.5.1
713 provide a substitution string format for decimal numbers without leading zeros 11.5.1
714 provide a user-defined command sequence substitution for a Flex Signature radio's VFO A panadaptor stream ID 11.5.1
637 support Filter Groups for the Elecraft K3 and KX3 11.5.3
716 when controlling a Flex 6000, provide an option that governs whether Commander will on startup create VFO B if it's not present 11.5.4
717 provide FT-450 transmit meter selection and reporting 11.6.4
718 when controlling a Flex 6000, provide the option to specify a particular transceiver's serial number to which the connection should be made 11.6.8
719 provide option to restore Filter Group selection on mode change for the Elecraft K3 and KX3 (partial) 11.7.3
720 when controlling a Flex 6000, provide the option to specify a particular transceiver's IP address and port to which the connection should be made 11.7.3
721 provide option to restore Filter Group selection on mode change for the Elecraft K3 and KX3 (complete) 11.7.4
722 when controlling a K3 or KX3, enable memories to specify a Filter Group 11.7.5
723 when controlling a Flex 6000, enable memories to specify a Filter Group 11.7.5
724 enable each primary transceiver designated a Flex 6000 to optionally specify a serial number, or an IP address and IP port 11.7.7
726 when controlling a Flex 6000, provide the option to support a maximum 12 KHz RX filter bandwidth in CW, LSB, USB, DIGL, and DIGU modes 11.8.1
727 improve frequency tracking for Yaesu FTDX-9000, FTDX-5000, FTDX-3000, FT-2000, FTDX-1200, FT-991, FT-950, and FT-450 radios 11.8.2
728 provide TX meter display for Yaesu FTDX-9000, FTDX-5000, FTDX-3000, FT-2000, FTDX-1200, FT-991, and FT-950 radios 11.8.2
729 provide RF TX meter display for Kenwood TS-590S and TS-590G 11.8.2
730 accept an " xcvrfiltergroup" directive from other applications 11.8.3
731 support Flex 6000 RTTY mode 11.8.5
732 include S-meter and TX-meter files for TS-590S 11.8.5
733 include TX-meter file for FT-450 11.9.5
734 provide a TXMeter command that from within a user-defined sequence sets the Xmit Meter selector (Configuration window, General tab, Radio panel) to the specified setting 11.9.5
425 don't lose transverter selection when tuning across a 1 mHz boundary 11.9.6
735 with "use multiple monitors" enabled, relocates to the primary monitor any window that can't be displayed on a monitor 11.9.7
736 work around Microsoft OS version reporting defect so that Windows 10 is properly reported in errorlog.txt file startup headers 11.9.8
737 provide a Perseus Secondary CAT Protocol for use with a connection to a Persus transceiver using CI-V instructions that directs the Perseus to mute and un-mute when the primary transceiver switches to transmit or receive respectively 11.9.9
738 provide an <IFRADIONAME> sequence command 12.0.0
740 provide an "Update every second" option in the "Secondary CAT Serial Port" panel on the Configuration window's General tab that when enabled causes Commander to update the radio, device, or application connected to the Secondary CAT Port with the primary radio's frequency and mode once each second 12.0.8
741 IC-7300 support 12.0.9
742 when the current transceiver is a Yaesu FT-817/857/897, mode change commands received from either DDE or TCP that specify the mode "DATA-L" or the mode "DATA-U" will  set the transceiver to DIG mode 12.0.9
743 When controlling an Elecraft K3, implement the "VFO B" panel's  "up 1", "up 2", and "up 5" buttons with a faster set of commands 12.1.3
743 when controlling an Elecraft K3, implement the "VFO B" panel's  "up 1", "up 2", "up 5", up "10",  "dn 1", "dn 2", "dn 5", and dn "10" buttons with a faster set of commands, including the Shift options that simply increase or decrease VFO B's frequency by the specified amount 12.1.4
744 addtional IC-7300 support 12.1.5
745 don't clear Bandspread spots when tuning out of the current band 12.1.5
525 When the frequency approaches a band edge, the Bandspread background should stop moving; instead, the frequency indicator should move 12.1.7
746 Allow up to 8 segments per band 12.1.8
747 Removed hardcoded band segments for 1.25m, 33cm, and 23cm; add entries for these bands to DefaultBandSegments.txt:

1.25M, 222.000, 225.000, 0
33CM, 902.000,928.000, 0
23CM, 1240.000,1300.000, 0
748 Elecraft KX2 support 12.1.9
749 provide transverter support for the 1.25m band  12.2.2
750 provide bandspread support for the 1.25m and 33cm bands 12.2.2
751 provide the ability to specify a parallel port address for each primary transceiver on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab (retracted in 12.2.5)) 12.2.3
752 when controlling a Flex 6000, provide a "No Split on VFO B transmitting" option on the Configuration window's General tab 12.2.4
753 provide automatic primary transceiver selection for the 1.25m and 33cm bands 12.2.5
755 as the width of the Bandspread window is expanded or contracted, adjust the font size and spacing used in the Range and Band panels 12.2.5
766 extend the CmdQSXSplit TCP command to accept an optional SuppressModeChange parameter 12.2.6
527 reduce the Bandspread window's minimum width by reducing the width of the Range panel and hiding the Band panel 12.2.7
767 in the bandspread window, display a + to the right of any incompletely-displayed bandspread entry 12.2.7
768 provide <Band mHz> commands that when executed in a user-defined sequence invoke the Bandspread window's Band Stack for the specified band 12.2.8
769 accept a CmdSendTX TCP directive that reports whether the primary transceiver is transmitting 12.3.0
770 accept a CmdSelectVFO directive that selects the specified VFO 12.3.1
771 retract CmdSelectVFO 12.3.2
772 if the ServiceBasePort registry entry is not initialized, set it to the default value 12.3.3
773 provide the ability to send N1MM-style UDP packets describing the transceiver's frequencies and modes 12.3.4
774 expand the ability to send N1MM-style UDP packets describing the transceiver's frequencies and modes to up to 4 address/port pairs 12.3.5
775 support the FT-891 as a primary or secondary radio 12.3.8
776 remove the "Display information in title bar" option from the Configuration window's General tab 12.3.8
777 provide the option to switch to simplex if the current VFO changes frequency by 1 MHz or more 12.3.8
778 when run for the first time on a computer, displays Commander's License for the user's acceptance 12.3.9
779 provides a button on the Configuration window that when clicked displays Commander's License 12.3.9
780 enable selection of COM ports 1-64 12.4.1
781 enable selection of COM ports 1-64 on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab 12.4.4
782 display the installed version of Scomm in the Port panel on the Configuration window's PTT tab 12.4.7
783 add support for IC-910HA, which can be directed to switch between RX and TX via CAT command 12.4.7
784 on startup, update Scomm32x.ocx from Components folder if appropriate 12.4.9
785 when controlling an Icom transceiver that can directly update the non-selected VFO's frequency (IC-7100, IC-7300, IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851), enable mousewheel adjustment of VFO B or the Sub VFO 12.5.0
786 provide a duplicate PW-1 alert indicator to the left of the Main window's Help button 12.5.4
787 remove defect repair #702, recognize a PowerSDR console emulating PowerSDR (Kenwood ID code 900), and when executing a "set freq and mode" directive received from another application while controlling a TPowerSDR, insert a delay before issuing the "change mode" command 12.5.7
788 workaround defect in IC-7300 to display correct alt VFO when transmitting with split enabled 12.5.8
789 enable the use of the "Log Mode" selector when controlling a Flex Signature radio 12.6.8
790 when controlling an Elecraft KX2 or KX3, display a "Dual receive" box on the Main window 12.6.9
791 support the "memory channel" in Kenwood radios 12.7.3
792 when controlling an Icom radio, illuminate a CI-V alert on the Main window when the radio reports a CI-V bus collision  12.7.4
793 optionally display a Spectrum-Waterfall window for the Icom 7300, 7850, or 7851 12.7.7
794 extend bandspread window to handle up to 64 stations on the same frequency 12.7.7
795 improve display of active DX stations on the Spectrum-Waterfall window 12.7.9
796 in the Spectrum-Waterfall window, provide the ability to select the center range 12.8.0
797 on the Spectrum-Waterfall window, provide the ability to zoom in and out of fixed ranges 12.8.0
798 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall incremental additions: snap-to-spot, click-to-QSY, "Update band edges on zoom" option 12.8.1
799 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall incremental additions: use 3rd scope edge set, mousewheel QSY, per-band gain settings, Ref level and gain sliders 12.8.3
800 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall incremental additions: mode sub-bands, improved spot layout 12.8.4
801 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall incremental additions: SpotCollector alert, "needed DX stations in top rows" 12.8.5
802 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall incremental additions: sub-band restoration on band change, TX frequency marker, ability to set colors of RX frequency marker, TX frequency marker, and frequency labels 12.8.6
803 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall improvements 12.8.7
804 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall improvements 12.8.8
805 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall improvements 12.8.9
806 Icom Spectrum-Waterfall improvements 12.9.1
807 com Spectrum-Waterfall improvements 12.9.2
808 when controlling an Icom transceiver with Data mode, ignores directives to switch to the current Data mode 12.9.3
809 with the spectrum range set to Fixed, provide an option that automatically slides the range up or down when the transceiver's frequency QSYs from in the range to out of the range 12.9.6
810 add a "Mode autotrack" option to the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration that when enabled, causes a mode change to select the appropriate sub-band 12.9.7
811 when the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window's "Freq autotrack" option is enabled and the Range is Fixed, a discontinuous change to a frequency within a sub-band will display that sub-band; otherwise, the Spectrum-Waterfall will display the entire band 13.0.1
812 IC-7610 support 13.0.1
813 provide primary transceiver selection by band for 23cm 13.0.1
814 Flex 6400 and 6600 support 13.0.2
815 if a frequency-dependent device is disabled, invoking <FreqDepDevEnable ON,Device>  in a Command Sequence should load the device's data from the "Data File" pathname specified on the device's tab on the Configuration window 13.0.5
818 provide control of the color used to display Spectrum data in the  Spectrum-Waterfall window's Spectrum section 13.0.9
819 provide the option to make the Spectrum-Waterfall window's background be black instead of white 13.0.9
822 provides mono and black-blue-green-yellow-red options for displaying data in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Waterfall section 13.0.9
823 provide the option to average Spectrum Data displayed in the Spectrum-Waterfall window 13.1.7
825 provide 4 user-defined Spot Filters (requires SpotCollector 7.8.4 or later) 13.1.9
827 when controlling an Icom radio that provides CI-V commands to directly access VFOs, use those commands to access the current VFO; periodically issue "code 3" frequency requests for devices that monitor their response 13.2.7
828 with multiple primary transceivers with spectrum-waterfall capability, retain separate Band, CW, Data, and Phone reference level settings for each transceiver whose enable box is checked on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab 13.2.7
829 improve smoothness of frequency tracking of Icom transceiver 13.2.9
830 when in fixed mode, the Spectrum Waterfall window updates the RX and TX frequency markers without redrawing the frequency axis or callsigns 13.2.9
832 executes  <SPECTRUMMODE M>, <SPECTRUMFIXEDRANGE L,U> and <SPECTRUMREFLEVEL R> commands in command sequences 13.3.1
833 executes <Dual On> and <Dual Off> commands in command sequences 13.3.4
834 when controlling a Yaesu FT-900, provide the ability to select narrow or wide CW mode  13.3.8
835 when changing the mode of a Yaesu FT-891, follow up with the appropriate EX commands to correctly set the BFO for the selected mode 13.4.9
836 support the Yaesu FT-818 13.5.4
837 when controlling an Icom radio, don't issue a new command if the response from a previous command is outstanding 13.5.4
838 if the Windows GetIpAddrTable fails, provide an alternate means of reporting local IP addresses 13.5.4

When controlling an IC-7610, IC-7850, or IC-7851, changing VFOs switches the spectrum display on a spectrum data frame boundary and clears the Waterfall section

840 When controlling a Flex Signature radio running SmartSDR version 2.3.4 or later, provide the option of displaying active DX callsigns on the SmartSDR panadaptor 13.6.5
841 When controlling a Flex Signature radio, display the SmartSDR version in the Radio panel on the Configuration window's General tab 13.6.5
842 When controlling a Flex SDR-1000, SDR-1500, SDR-3000, or SDR-5000 and directed to change modes by another application, interpret DATA-L to be RTTY(DIGL), and interpret DATA-U to be RTTYR(DIGU) 13.6.6
843 When controlling a Flex Signature radio with the display of callsigns on the panadapter enabled, updates the age and "spotted from" information every minute 13.6.7
844 When controlling a Flex Signature radio with the display of callsigns on the panadapter enabled, responds to a click of a callsign by setting the radio to the correct mode and, if the callsign is reported to be operating split, sets VFO B to the last reported QSX and enabled split; the selected callsign is conveyed to DXKeeper, DXView, Pathfinder, and WinWarbler 13.6.7
845 When controlling a Flex SDR-1000, SDR-1500, SDR-3000, or SDR-5000 and directed to change modes by another application, interpret PKT to be RTTY(DIGL), and interpret PKT-R to be RTTYR(DIGU) 13.6.8
856 when controlling a Flex 1000, 1500, 3000, or 5000 transceiver, replace the RTTY and RTTY-R options in the Main window's Mode panel with DIGL and DIGU 13.6.9
857 change the "Secondary CAT Port" panel's "Update every second" option to "Update every 200 ms" 13.6.9
858 when the Secondary CAT port's protocol is set to Kenwood, provide the option to poll the connected device or application by sending IF; commands at the specified rate 13.7.1
859 accept and execute a <RESET> command in a Command Sequence 13.7.1
860 include S-meter and TX-meter files for the IC-7300 and IC-7610 13.7.2
861 include S-meter file for the IC-7851 13.7.4
583 enable user control of text colors and surface colors for user-defined command sequence buttons 13.7.4
863 provide <ButtonTextColor> and <ButtonSurfaceColor> commands for use in user-defined command sequences 13.7.4
864 include S-meter and TX-meter files for the FT-891 13.7.9
865 initial support for the Kenwood TS-890 13.7.9
866 when controlling a TS-990, replace the PKT and PKT-R  options in the Main window's Mode panel with Data-L and Data-U 13.8.0
867 when controlling a Flex Signature radio running SmartSDR 2.4.9 or later, use the background color of spots displayed on the panadaptor to indicate participation in eQSL and LoTW 13.8.1
668 when controlling an Icom IC-7610, offer the Dual Track option 13.8.1
868 augment JST-245 support to include S-meter and TX-meter support 13.8.4
871 enabling or disabling dual watch or dual receive from the radio's front panel makes the Main window's Dual Track option available or unavailable, respectively 13.8.8
872 when controlling an Icom IC-756PROIII, offer the option to set the transceiver's time 13.8.9
873 extend the "Set radio UTC time on startup or selection" option to set the transceiver time at the beginning of each subsequent hour 13.8.9
876 increase the size of the spot array  13.9.2
877 initial support for the IC-9700 13.9.2
878 when the message window contains more than 65K characters, remove the first 8K rather than terminate message capture 13.9.2
879 CTRL-C in Messages window copies selected text to the Windows Clipboard 13.9.3
880 support SmartSDR v3 without multiFlex 13.9.3
881 additional IC-9700 support 13.9.4
882 additional IC-9700 support 13.9.5
883 use Flex "common API" if SmartSDR version number is 2.5 or greater 13.9.6
884 accept via TCP seqindex and seqname directives to invoke a user-defined command sequence by  index or by name 13.9.6
885 on startup disable message capture 14.0.0
886 enable SyncIcom to work with IC-9700 14.0.2
887 initial support for the FTDX-101 14.0.3
888 enable SyncIcom to work with IC-9700 14.0.4
889 enable SyncIcom to work with IC-9700 14.0.5
890 when controlling a Flex Signature radio running SmartSDR with the v3 API, track panadaptor usage, and assign newly-created VFOs to the first panadaptor 14.0.6
891 when controlling a Flex Signature radio, log any closure of the TCP port even if "log debugging info" is not enabled 14.1.1
892 when an "opcode 7"  command is received via the "Secondary CAT Port" from an Icom radio while the primary transceiver is an Icom, send the command to the primary transceiver 14.1.3
893 accept a command via TCP to direct the transceiver to transmit text as CW 14.1.5
894 when controlling an IC-9700 with Satellite Mode enabled, label the Main window's VFOs as Main and Sub 14.1.8
895 can connect to the SatPC32 satellite tracker, and when connected provides DXKeeper with the selected Satellite Name and Satellite Mode 14.1.8
896 use the FTDX-101's newly-documented FR command to enable/disable Dual reception 14.2.9
898 use the FTDX-101's newly-documented FR command to permit selection of the Main and Sub VFOs 14.3.4
899 provide a substitution string for command-generating sliders that generates a decimal value without leading zeros that is divided by 1000 before being inserted into the generated command 14.3.5
900 when controlling an FTDX-101, the Main window's Filter panel tracks and controls the currently-selected receiver's bandwidth 14.3.5
901 tighten the "primary transceiver has been initialized" logic implemented in 14.3.3 14.3.6
903 enable the Secondary CAT port to follow the uplink or downlink frequency when connected to SatPC32 14.4.4
904 enable the Secondary CAT port to follow the uplink or downlink mode when connected to SatPC32 14.4.7
905 provide keyboard shortcuts 14.5.7
906 improve keyboard shortcuts 14.5.8
907 support the <LED QF:QL,color> sequence command that sets the color of LEDs in a range of sequences 14.5.9
  • adds a Bold checkbox to the "Button Colors" panel on the "User-defined Command Sequence" window that when check renders button caption text in bold font
  • supports the <ButtonTextBold On> and <ButtonTextBold Off> commands, which enable and disable the current command sequence's button text bold property
  • supports the <IfButtonTextBold N>, which enables conditional branching based on the Command Sequence's current bold button text property
909 includes <IsTransmitting> and <IsSplit> in outgoing RadioInfo UDP messages 14.6.1
910 initial support for the IC-705 14.6.5
911 provide a set of "fixed frequency" options in the "Mousewheel Motion" panel on the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window 14.6.6
912 enable IC-705 waterfall-spectrum operation at any baud rate, not just 115,200 14.6.7
913 shift-clicking, control-clicking, and shift-control clicking in the Icom Spectrum-Waterfall window's Spectrum, Frequency Axis, or Waterfall section QSYs to the nearest 100 Hz, 500 Hz, or 1 KHz frequency respectively 14.6.9
914 remove enhancement 912 (IC-705 does support 115,200 14.7.1
915 increase the size of the Flex spot table 14.7.4
916 ignore F1 function key MouseUp events not preceded by an F1 function key MouseDown event 14.7.6

include <app>DXLAB</app> in outgoing RadioInfo UDP messages

918 initial support for the Yaesu FTDX10 14.7.8
919 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX10, provide a "Set default width & shift after mode change" option on the Configuration window's General tab 14.9.3
921 provide Secondary CAT Port support for the Flexradio PGXL amplifier 15.0.0
922 add sequence and slider support for an R substitution string for use with Icom "set RIT" and "set delta-TX" CI-V commands 15.0.1
923 when controlling a Flex Signature, provide a "show each mode's Filter Group" option on the Configuration window's "Filter Groups" tab 15.0.2
924 when controlling a Yaesu FTDX-10, provide default shift and width settings by mode on the Configuration window's "Filter Groups tab, and relocate the "Set default width & shift after mode change" option to that tab 15.0.2
925 when controlling an Icom transceiver that provides them, supports the SCROLL-C and SCROLL-F spectrum tracking modes  15.0.3
926 add FocusRadioNr and ActiveRadioNr to outgoing RadioInfo UDP packet 15.0.4
927 add Antenna and FocusEntry to outgoing RadioInfo UDP packet 15.0.5
928 remove enhancements 925 and 926 15.0.6
929 when controlling a K3, KX3, or KX2 whose firmware supports the SW command, display the SWR while transmitting 15.0.8
930 interoperate with N2IC's "Waterfall Bandmap" application 15.1.0
931 detect whether or not N2IC's "Waterfall Bandmap" application is running, and display all active callsigns when it starts 15.1.1
932 when an Electraft K3, K3S, KX3, or KX2 is first selected, directs it to report its firmware versions and record them to the errorlog.txt file if error logging is enabled 15.1.2
933 confirmed support for the Icom IC-275, IC-475, and IC-575 15.1.3
934 command the Waterfall Bandmap (version to stop reporting spectrum information 15.1.3

enables tracking of the Primary transceiver's frequency and mode on a TenTec Argonaut V, Argonaut VI, Eagle, Jupiter, or Omni VII.

937 Elecraft K4 support 15.1.7
938 Elecraft K4 S-meter support 15.1.8
939 Elecraft K4 quick split support 15.1.9
940 include S-meter and TX-meter files for the IC-705 15.1.9
941 compensates for defect in K4 SM command in K31 mode 15.1.9
942 provide the ability to clear a user-defined control set 15.2.0
943 if dual-track is enabled when a "Set frequency and mode" directive is received, set both VFOs to the specified frequency 15.2.6
944 provide dual-track support when the primary transceiver is a Flex Signature 15.2.6
945 direct the Waterfall Bandmap to track the Bandspread window's range 15.2.7
946 use a separate ZoomInfo message to direct the Waterfall Bandmap to track the Bandspread window's range 15.2.8
947 remove Secondary CAT Port support for the Flexradio PGXL amplifier 15.2.9
948 enable the optional inclusion of <Antenna>, <AuxAntennaSelected>, and <AuxAntennaSelectedName> tags in RadioInfo messages sent to active UDP connections 15.2.9
949 provide a button that when clicked sends a RadioInfo message to active UDP connections 15.2.9
950 provide commands that can be included in user-defined command sequences to enable/disable the inclusion of <Antenna>, <AuxAntennaSelected>, and <AuxAntSelectedName> tags in RadioInfo messages set to active UDP connections. and to issue a RadioInfo message to active UDP connections 15.2.9
951 provide the option to interact with a K4 via TCP 15.3.1
952 support a FlexCAT radio model for use with Flex Signature radios via SmartSDR CAT 15.3.2
953 when using the FlexCAT radio model, recognize identification codes for the 6400 and 6600 15.3.4
954 support the undocumented FT-757GXII meter reading CAT command 15.3.6

When controlling a Flex Signature radio, provide "Activate Slice" and "Restore VFOs" buttons beneath the Main window's Mode panel

956 provides a "New Xcvr Delay" setting in the "UDP Network Service" panel on Commander's "Network Service window 15.3.9
957 the "Slice => VFO A" and "Restore VFOA" functions provided when controlling a Flex Signature radio  include the RX antenna and TX antenna selections as slice state that is copied and restored 15.4.0
958 support THETIS as a radio model, with interconnection via serial port or TCP 15.4.1
959 when the Radio Model selector is set to Thetis, hide the Main window's Filter panel, and do not attempt to track the Thetis Width or Shift 15.4.4
960 support for the S.A.T. satellite controller as a radio 15.4.6
961 when loading a malformed User-defined Command Sequence from a file, inform the user rather than generate an errorlog.txt file entry 15.5.2
962 ignores the incorrect "change frequency command" sent by WSJT-X when double-clicking a Spot Database Entry causes a change in transceiver mode 15.5.3
964 initial Elecraft K4 Spectrum Display support 15.5.4
965 the frequency display in Spectrum-Waterfall display's upper-left corner employs colors defined in the "Frequency Colors" panel on Configuration window's General tab 15.5.5
966 when controlling an Elecraft K4, provide an "Update Rate" panel on the "Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration" window 15.5.5
967 Yaesu FT-710 support 15.5.6
969 closing the Spectrum-Waterfall window by clicking the X button in its upper-right corner closes the window and unchecks the "Spectrum-Waterfall window" checkbox in the upper-left corner of the Configuration window's Bandspread tab 15.5.7
970 when controlling a transceiver that supports the Spectrum-Waterfall window, CTRL-clicking the Main window's Bandspread button displays the Spectrum-Waterfall window 15.5.7
971 more efficiently process Elecraft K4 Spectrum data 15.5.8
972 when the Radio Model selector is set to SATPC32 or S.A.T., don't disable the Main window's Split checkbox 15.5.9
973 work around the documentation errors in the K4's documentation of the IS commands 15.6.4
974 support for the 560m, 630m, and 2190m bands
  • accept entries in the DefaultBandSegments.txt and BandSegments.txt files
  • update the VFO A font color to reflect in-band or out-of-band
  • display the band  name in the Main window's VFO panel
975 when controlling a Yaesu FT-710, provide a Nar checkbox in the Main window's Filters panel 15.6.7
976 support up to 10 bands beneath 1 MHz 15.6.8
977 when controlling a Yaesu FT-710, don't provide a Nar checkbox in the Main window's Filters panel (no testing) 15.6.8
978 when controlling a Yaesu FT-710, provide a Nar checkbox in the Main window's Filters panel 15.6.9
979 inform the user when MSWINSCK.OCX cannot be registered with Windows 15.7.1
980 when controlling an FTDX-101, provide a "Yaesu default bandwidth by mode" panel on the Configuration window's "Filter Groups" tab 15.7.3
982 removes the detection and suppression of invalid QSY directives received from WSJT-X (requires SpotCollector 9.5.8) 15.7.8
984 if in the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab the current primary transceiver is enabled and specifies a Name, includes RadioName in outgoing RadioInfo packets 15.8.0
985 provide a "User-defined Sequence after Mode Change" panel near the lower-right corner of the Configuration window's General tab 15.8.7
986 clicking in the Spectrum-Waterfall's window's Frequency panel (upper-left corner) will make Commander's Main window visible 15.8.8
987 provides a new FlexSig radio model that can be used to select an Flex Signature transceiver, including the newly announced 8400, 8400M, 8600, and 8600M 15.8.9
988 improves the ability to inform the user when MSWINSCK.OCX cannot be registered with Windows 15.9.0
989 when controlling a Elecraft K4 and transmitting, the meter at the top of the VFO panel displays RF Power Output 15.9.0
990 if one or more Enable boxes are checked in the Control panel on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab, the captions of the Radio panel (General tab) and "Primary CAT Serial Port" panel (Ports tab) are extended to display

(settings may be superseded by MultiRadio tab settings)
991 update K4 S-meter support to work with correct firmware version R36.B2 15.9.1
992 improve enhancement 990 to display "MultiRadio settings enabled" in red font 15.9.2
993 include a K4 S-meter file and TX-meter file 15.9.2
994 provide a "PSK mode if no DMA, K1JT mode if no SpotCollector" sub-panel on the in the "DX Spots" panel on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab 15.9.3
995 in the "Digital Mode Application" panel in the "DX Spots" panel on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab, indicate whether the specified Digital Mode Application is connected or not connected 15.9.4
996 clicking on a callsign in the Bandspread or Spectrum-waterfall window that is operating in a K1JT mode directs SpotCollector (9.8.3 or later) to direct the appropriate connected instanced of WSJT-X to set its "DX Call" to the that callsign 15.9.4
997 when controlling an Elecraft K4, use the SB command to track and manage the subreceiver 15.9.5
998 support the IC-7760  16.1.0
999 support the Flex 8400 and 8600 when connected via FlexCAT 16.1.0
1000 provide a new "Callsign & Freq Sections" subpanel in the Colors panel on the Spectrum-Waterfall Configuration window 16.0.5
1001 when displaying the Spectrum-Waterfall Display with a black "DX Callsigns" section, display a horizontal white line beneath the Spectrum section 16.0.6
1003 clicking a Band button in the Bandspread or Spectrum-Waterfall window after the transceiver frequency has not changed for an interval longer than the dwell time pushes the transceiver frequency on the current band's stack. 16.0.7
1003 extend duration of "saved frequency" announcements in the Bandspread and Spectrum-Waterfall wiindow's Band panels from 1 second to 3 seconds 16.0.8
18 exploit TenTec  563/564 ability to report VFO settings
45 macros for SetFreq, SetMode, and SetFilter in user-defined commands
68 if the selected transceiver doesn't support PTT via PC command, and neither of the two modem  control signals (RTS, DTR) are set to "Transmit", then hide the PTT buttons since they are non-functional
69 provide the ability to let the user define their own filters  for the TS-2000 and  TS-570
79 add control of the TS-2000 receiver bandwidth in AM mode
88 TenTec Omni VI+ receiver bandwidth control
89 native K2 support
  • receiver bandwidth control
  • ability to read the transmit power level
95 manage transceiver memories via Commander's memories
120 TenTec RX-320 and RX-350 support
123 DDE command to switch radios
124 band stacking registers with the option to filter based on current band
  • push this frequency onto the stack
  • pop the frequency on top of the stack on the VFO
125 scanning (specification of multiple scan limit pairs)
129 ability to save/restore Commander memories to/from transceiver memories
133 extend Radios.txt to document bands supported by each transceiver
  • don't QSY to an unsupported band 
  • with "Ham Bands Only" checked, the Band-Up and Band-Down functions should skip unsupported bands

(consider the effect of automatic transceiver selection by frequency; while the current transceiver might not support a band, Commander could be configured to select one that does support that band)

134 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, default the radio name to the radio model
135 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, blank radio names should not appear in the Selection by Band combo controls
136 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, disable any radio's Enable checkbox whose Model and/or serial port parameters have not been specified
138 in Config window's Multi-Radio tab, if a second radio is assigned to the same serial port as a first radio, automatically set the serial port parameters to those of the first radio
142 extend the Bandspread window and automatic radio switching to support the 1296, 2403, 3456, 5760, 10368 MHz and higher bands as well as 136 kHz and 496 kHz
147 TS-850 and TS_950 improvements
  • control of slope tuning
  • ability to select 8.83 Mhz/455Khz filter pairs (FL command)
152 support the FT-857 and FT-897 wideband FM mode
153 support for cross-band QSOs with two transceivers
154 FT-847 VFO A & B selection, split
167 provide the ability to designate a secondary transceiver
  • send all freq/mode changes to the secondary transceiver
  • optionally set the secondary transceiver to the DX transmit frequency when a spot containing a QSX is double-clicked
  • maintain a specified offset between the primary and secondary transceiver frequencies, with the ability to modify this offset via DDE
178 expand the band memories to include VFO B for those transceivers that make VFO B accessible
179 provide each frequency-dependent device with the ability to select between multiple antennas, loading a specified file for each antenna
180 make frequency-dependent device font and background colors user-selectable
209 add split, VFO B, and RX Bandwidth to the Band Stack
210 provide user-defined indicators and labels
221 support the Flexradio PowerSDR's  ZZMD and ZZIF custom commands correctly implement  mode selection
228 provide a user-specified offset that compensates for a transceiver's frequency error
233 split lock and mode lock options 
235 detect bandspread callsigns that are not adjacent to their spotted frequency, and reposition
239 provide the option for the bandspread to display the actual transmit frequency from WinWarbler (if running). 
244 support A = B and A x B functions when a transverter in enabled
256 use SpotCollector's spot database background color as the bandspread's background color, and automatically choose a contrasting color for the frequency scale and labels
273 allow memories to specify digital modes; when activated, direct the memory to the digital mode application
276 support the Harris RF350 transceiver (N7JC)
278 when switching to transceiver N with multiple transceivers enabled, load frequency-dependent devices and user-defined command sequences from files in the subfolder XCVR-N (if it exists)
284 use color to show amateur bands and sub-bands (e.g. RTTY, PSK) in the bandspread window
289 add an entry in each Commander memory that specifies "digital mode" 
  • a blank entry (the default) would mean "no change", preserving current behavior
  • make the width of the Memory panel expand and contract with the width of the Main window, allowing those who want to see this new entry to do so without imposing a wider Main window on those who don't.
290 Save VFO B in each Commander memory; when restoring a memory, set VFO B if the memory's split or dual watch flags are enabled
295 In the Bandspread window, highlight out-of-band frequencies in red font
302 Implement Mode selectors in the Main window's Mode panel and in memories as user-defined command sequences whose default names and functions simply change modes, but which can be extended and/or modified by the user
303 provide a "no radio" setting that enables the display of frequency-dependent device settings to be used when no PC-controlled transceiver is available
309 Drake R8A receive support
310 user selection of frequency display foreground and background colors
316 extend Bandspread band button memories to save and restore VFO B
322 provide a DDE interface that returns the list of support modes in comma-separated format
323 provide an LED-like display that indicates whether or not the transceiver is responding to polls (if polling is enabled)
329 provide the option to switch frequency-dependent device files when switching transceivers
334 make band segments mode-specific so Commander can flag the incorrect use of modes based on frequency
347 if "ham bands only" is enabled, Commander should not move the radio outside the amateur bands (via its controls)
355 re-implement the user-defined command buttons so that font and button colors can be specified, both statically and via commands
375 run the Elecraft K3 with K22 mode enabled (updated IF, GT, PC, DN, NB)
393 add support for TS-2000/480 sub-vfo: At startup use the DC command to see which receiver is selected. If the sub is selected as the control receiver, use the DC command to momentarily transfer control (not PTT, just CTRL) to the main, then after reading out the current state, DC control back to the sub. When polling, check DC and if the sub has control, skip the poll since nothing should have changed on the main. When the user tells commander to make a change with the UI, check DC, and if the sub has control, momentarily switch control (not PTT, just CTRL) to the main, send the commands, then switch control back to the sub.
414 determine shift step size from IC command, adjust shift slider based on step size and mode (in what firmware versions is IC available? use this to get subreceiver state?)
419 provide the ability to specify the small step and large step values used in bandwidth sliders
428 provide the ability to continuously scan a defined band segment at specified steps with a specified dwell time, displaying the signal level reported by the transceiver at each step
429 provide the option to depict the Primary VFO near the top or bottom of the Bandspread window when working split
457 provide a B=A button for the K3
459 provide Secondary CAT Port "lead" capabilities for the FT-450/950/2000/5000/9000
478 allow the definition of band segments outside the amateur bands
490 provide a means for sliders to convey values like "RF Output Power" and "CW Keyer Speed" to other DXLab applications like DXKeeper and WinWarbler
491 provide the ability to specify a user-defined Command Sequence to be executed prior to termination
519 support an "RX with VFO B, TX with VFO A" configuration for the K3 and other dual RX transceivers that is activated when "Dual RX" is enabled and Split is disabled (requires support from SpotCollector for CTRL-double-click)
523 find a way to verify that the serial port is still "present" before sending a command
524 extend the Bandspread to provide a "full band view" and/or "full band segment" view (e.g. 10m CW, 10m RTTY)
526 don't blank the Bandspread window when the transceiver is tuned outside the band
531 provide a command that enables or disables a user-defined command sequence's LED
537 extend Commander's Band stack (accessible when clicking one of the Bandspread window's Band buttons) to save and restore Split, Dual, and VFO B's frequency and mode
540 Support the TS-590's LSB-DATA and USB-DATA modes; display Shift and Width filter selectors when these modes are active
541 Use the EX; CAT command to directly configure a TS-590's audio input source when transmitting data
547 when switching transceivers, wait until the new transceiver is fully synchronized before informing other applications of the transceiver change and any frequency/mode/split/dual changes that occur as a result of that transceiver change.
555 provide the ability to send commands to a SteppIR controller connected to the Secondary CAT Port in response to DDE commands
569 provide an option that when enabled causes selecting a memory to modify the radio's VFO B (frequency, mode, filters)
580 provide another Secondary CAT Port
581 provide a color selector box for each radio in the Control panel on the Configuration window's "Multi Radio" tab that specifies the "in band" color to be used when that radio is active
582 allow colors to be specified for phone, cw, digital, and out-of-band frequencies, and use these colors to display frequencies in Commander's Main window, frequencies in Commander's Bandspread window, and the vertical frequency axis and tick-marks in Commander's Bandspread window
622 provide a DDE-accessible "Transmit Power" setting that can be specified by the user, that can be set from a radio's user-defined control set, and that can be set by a user-defined sequence or slider
627 add Perseus to the Secondary CAT Port's protocol selector; when Perseus is selected, provide options that specify the CW sideband (USB or LSB) and RTTY sideband (USB or LSB)
628 accept commands via TCP/IP that
- report which VFO is currently selected
- select a specified VFO
629 support the Alinco DX-R8 receiver
632 support the Yaesu VR-5000 receiver
635 provide the option to generate an SSI file specifying the transceiver's current frequency and mode
636 Filter Group support for Kenwood transceivers
638 Filter Group support for Flex transceivers
639 Filter Group support for Sienna transceivers
640 Store and recover Tuner enable/disable in each memory
642 rename all Flex models after the SDR-1000 to be FLEX-XXXX
653 extend memories to work with repeaters by saving both VFOs or a TX offset
670 support Elecraft P3 via the secondary CAT port for display of VFO frequencies
698 extend TS-590 and TS-990 data mode support so that WinWarbler can automatically switch operating modes
725 provide RF Output TX metering for the TS-480, TS-590, TS-990, and TS-2000
739 when controlling a Flex 6X00, provide the ability to display a small "meter window" that shows current meter readings
754 enable parallel port address and Data Signals to be defined for each primary transceiver and automatically switched
816 track and control the TS-2000 sub-receiver frequency
817 provide the option to increase the height of the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Spectrum section  
820 when the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Range is Fixed, provide the ability to directly specify the range's lower and upper bounds  
821 provide an option to mirror-image the controls in the Spectrum-Waterfall window's Control section  
824 provide a command sequence to be executed on termination  
831 when processing a group of incoming spots with the Spectrum-Waterfall window enabled, re-display the callsign section once after processing all spots in the group  
869 if an Icom transceiver that has been configured to report spectrum data stops responding to CI-V commands  and then later resumes responding to CI_V commands, automatically configure the transceiver to resume sending spectrum data  
870 make single knob dual watch Icom radios correctly report VFO frequencies via the TCP interface when dual watch is enabled  
874 In the Icom Spectrum-Waterfall window, when the frequency changes shift  rows in the waterfall to remain aligned with the frequency from which they were generated  
875 define Data-U and Data-L modes for the TS-590S and TS-590SG   
897 support the Yaesu FRG 100 receiver  
902 provide Spectrum-Waterfall window support for the SDRPlay RSP family of inexpensive SDRs  
920 support the Kenwood TM-71  
936 make it possible to see the Memory and Frequency-dependent Devices panels simultaneously  
947 add Firmata protocol support to facility interoperation with Arduino devices  
961 add support for a 5th primary transceiver  
963 when controlling an FT-950 and changing the mode, restore the bandwidth last used with the restored mode  
968 if no user-defined controls are specified for the primary transceiver, don't display the Main window's "User-defined controls" panel  
991 add an SPE selection to the Secondary CAT port's CAT Protocol selector; with SPE selected, accept PC commands from the secondary CAT port and convey appropriately translated commands to the primary transceiver  
992 when controlling a Flex Signature radio with "Display calls on panadapter" disabled, issue no commands to FlexSDR that would alter its display of callsigns on its panadapter  
993 enable Commander to control an SPE 2K-FA's power and tune functions  
994 display band edges on Icom and Elecraft Spectrum-Waterfall displays  
1000 display band segment edges in the Spectrum-Waterfall display  

If you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.