Notes: 1. Each time DXKeeper 17.6.7 opens a log whose "QRZ LogID" items have not yet been expanded, it will offer to backup that log before updating each of those each of those items to be able to record an unlimited number of QRZ LogIDs; please accept this offer! This log backup will enable you to open your log with a previous version of DXKeeper, should that be necessary. 2. If while updating your log's "QRZ LogID" items it encounters QSOs whose specified DXCC entity, primary administrative subdivision, secondary administrative subdivision, and/or ARRL section are mutually inconsistent, it will set the BROKEN item in such QSOs to 'Y', and notify you after updating your log. You can filter the Log Page Display to contain these QSOs by clicking the BROKE button in the Filter panel at the bottom of the Main window's "Log QSOs" tab. If selecting one of these BROKEN QSOs doesn't reveal flashing red or blue labels that identify the inconsistent item(s), clicking the Recompute button along the bottom of the Main window's "Check Progress" tab will generate and display a report with the details for each BROKEN QSO. If you depress the ALT button while clicking the Recompute button, it will make all possible corrections - e.g. correcting the ARRL section in a QSO that specifies a U.S. State and County. 3. If DXKeeper 17.6.7 informs you that it cannot open or update your log, then 3a. terminate all running applications 3b. terminate and restart Windows 3c. start the DXLab Launcher 3d. direct the DXLab Launcher to start DXKeeper, which should now be able to open and update your log This version - corrects "Sync Club Log QSLs" to display the number of logged QSOs updated (tnx to Joe W4TV) - corrects a "no current record" error that occurs when generating a Marathon progress report (tnx to Gerry WA9GON) - corrects a regression that broke the interpretation of QSO Begin and End dates-and-times entered via the Main window's "Log QSOs" tab whose times are missing a time separator character (tnx to Dave G3YMC) - corrects the title of the error report generated when "Sync QRZ QSLs" received confirmations from QRZ for QSOs not present in the current log (tnx to Mike KE5WCT) - when a QSO is encountered whose RX Band item is invalid or inconsistent with its RX Frequency item, only displays the Main window's Aux panel if the QSO was encountered by selecting it in the Log Page Display (tnx to Salvatore I4FYV) - when importing an ADIF file, ignores extraneous characters between fields, even if they contain < and > characters (tnx to Joe W4TV) - after opening a log file, updates it by expanding its "QRZ LogID" items to be able to specify an unlimited number of "QRZ LogIDs"; note that this expansion is done whether or not you upload QSOs to QRZ - when opening a log file that must be updated, immediately informs the Launcher that DXKeeper is running (if it hasn't already been so informed) so that the Launcher won't report that "DXKeeper hasn't started in 180 seconds) while the log is being updated (tnx to Andy K0AF) - responds to ALT-clicking the "Upload to Club Log" button by submitting all QSOs in the Log Page Display whose "station callsign" items match the Callsign specified on the "QSL Configuration" window's "Club Log" tab (tnx to Andy K0AF) - responds to ALT-clicking the "Upload to QRZ" button by submitting all QSOs in the Log Page Display whose "station callsign" items match the "QRZ Logbook Selector" specified on the "QSL Configuration" window's QRZ tab (tnx to Andy K0AF) - if running on Windows 11, reports the correct operating system name in the errorlog.txt file header (tnx to Joe K8FC) - updates the callsign progress window when a QSO with the station is logged, updated, or deleted (tnx to Rich N5ZC) - updates the Items.htm, QSL.htm, Progress.htm, Scripts.htm, and SQL.htm documentation files Additional Notes: 1. Direct the Launcher to install or upgrade DXKeeper 2. Update your firewall and anti-malware applications to consider this new version of DXKeeper to be "safe" a. JOTTI virus scan: 0 of 14 scanners detected malware in this version's executable b. VirusTotal: 1 of 74 scanners detected malware in this version's executable (Trapmine: "") 3. If this upgrade doesn't work correctly, see the "After an Upgrade" section of 4. After upgrading, to revert to the previous version of DXKeeper, see DXKeeper 17.6.7 is available via the DXLab Launcher and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ