This release - correctly handles a callsign reported by WSJT-X that contains back-to-back slashes - correctly discards DX Summit spots, and improves the usability of the Pre-filtering window's treatment of Skimmer spots (tnx to Joe W4TV) * renames the "Discard spots from spotting station callsigns ending in -#" option to "Discard Skimmer spots" * renames the "Discard spots from spotting station callsigns ending in -@" option to "Discard DX Summit" spots * enabling the "Pre-filter Skimmer spots only" option disables the "Discard Skimmer spots" option * enabling the "Discard Skimmer spots" option disables the "Pre-filter Skimmer spots only" option - provides a new "Special Callsign Database" panel on the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab that displays the name of the current Special Callsign Database, and provides the option to switch between a Special Callsign Database referenced by all users of the computer hosting SpotCollector and a Special Callsign Database whose name incorporates the Operator Callsign Specified on the Configuration window's General tab; before changing the Special Callsign Database, SpotCollector directs DXView to terminate (tnx to Tom DF7TV) - extends Leaderboard support to optionally includes bands and modes, as well as band-modes (tnx to Brian N8WRL, Joe W4TV, Jon KM8V, and Rich N5ZC) * the Spot Database Entry's Need field contains the letter J if its callsign is "needed for Leaderboard" on the Entry's band * the Spot Database Entry's Need field contains the letter K if its callsign is "needed for Leaderboard" in the Entry's mode - provides a new Leaderboard panel on the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab that (tnx to Brian N8WRL, Joe W4TV, Jon KM8V, and Rich N5ZC) * enables specification of a Leaderboard start date, before which logged QSOs with Leaderboard callsigns are ignored * provides checkboxes that enable pursuit of Leaderboard bands, modes, and band-modes - updates the "Realtime Award Tracking" displayed by the pop-up menu's "Display Award Progress" command window to reflect Leaderboard band, mode, and band-mode award progress - updates the CollectingWWV.htm, ConfigurationDatabase.htm, ConfigurationSpecialCallsigns.htm, Prefiltering.htm, and SpotDatabase.htm documentation files Notes: 1. Update your firewall and anti-malware applications to consider the new versions of SpotCollector.exe to be "safe" a. 0/14 Jotti scanners detected malware in SpotCollector.exe or SC_WSJTX.exe b. 0/74 VirusTotal scanners detected malware in SpotCollector.exe; 1/74 VirusTotal scanners detected malware in SC_WSJTX.exe 2. If this upgrade doesn't work correctly, see the "After an Upgrade" section of 3. After upgrading, to revert to the previous version of SpotCollector, see SpotCollector 9.7.8 is available via the DXLab Launcher, and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ