SpotCollector Enhancement Requests


Number Description Version implemented
1 Provide ability to include notes when spotting a DX station 1.0.2
2 Enable DXView to display callsign of plotted spots (DXView 1.3.4) 1.0.5 
5 online help 1.0.5
6 additional online help 1.0.6
7 if spot's timestamp is in the future with respect to current time, use the current time as its Spot Database Entry's timestamp 1.0.9
8 additional flexibility in Telnet Cluster Username and Password 1.1.0
9 accepts Spot Callsigns from DXKeeper (DXKeeper 1.3.6 or later) 1.1.2 
10 interoperates with Pathfinder (double-clicking on a spot initializes Pathfinder's Callsign textbox) 1.1.2
11 handles spots generated by the #CQDX backup mechanism (DXL) 1.1.3
12 enter results of SH/DX telnet cluster command into the spot database 1.1.7
13 support for Client-to-Client Protocol (CTCP) commands 1.1.8
14 color codes a spot as a function of it's associated DXCC entity being "needed" if neither it's band nor mode are specified as DXing objectives on the Awards tab of DXKeeper's Configuration window  1.1.9
15 support for DX spots with format "dx de AA6YQ 14100.0 1101z notes at end of spot" 1.2.3
16 Call and DXCC filters accept * (asterisk) as wildcard 1.2.4
18 Support for PropView solar history 1.2.8
19 autoscroll the spot database grid display whenever the spot database window loses focus 1.3.2
20 ability for Need filter to display spots of unworked entities, or spots of unworked and unconfirmed entities 1.3.4
21 ability to control whether the transceiver is set to normal or reverse CW when double-clicking a CW DX spot 1.3.5
22 ability to control whether the transceiver is set to normal or reverse RTTY when double-clicking a RTTY DX spot 1.3.5
23 when a spot is selected, disable XCVR split and dual receive unless the spot notes contain a QSX, in which case set the alternate VFO to the split frequency and enable split and dual receive (Commander 3.5.1 or later) 1.3.5 
24 support for DDE Test and Shutdown messages 1.3.6
25 expanded detection of split frequency spots ("worked", "wkd", "wkd.", "up", "dn", "dwn", "down" (Commander 3.5.1 or later) 1.3.6 
26 option to log debugging information in errorlog.txt 1.3.7
27 maintain history of solar parameters and display them graphically 1.3.8
28 present dates in locale-standard date format 1.3.9
29 display popups in Spot Database grid 1.3.9
31 used ISO standard date format in solar history file 1.4.3
17 If Commander isn't running, initialize DXKeeper with Spot frequency 1.4.4
32 if Commander isn't running, send frequency and mode to DXKeeper when a spot database entry or cluster spot is selected 1.4.4
33 immediately reject a spot that is identical to the last spot received (performance improvement) 1.4.4
34 ability to specify USB or LSB as mode sent to Commander when a spot database entry or cluster spot is selected 1.4.4
30 capture spots from a packetcluster via a TNC connected to a serial port 1.4.5
35 when Need filter is set to "unworked + unconfirmed", suppress the display of stations already worked on the needed band or mode 1.4.6
36 Call filter accepts wildcards (e.g. AA6* will display AA6YQ and AA6PG) 1.4.6
37 DXCC filter accepts wildcards (e.g. KH0* will display AH8A and WH0C) 1.4.6
38 permit TNC control when disconnected 1.4.9
39 permit DXCluster monitoring from a disconnected TNC 1.4.9
40 transmit control characters embedded in macros, e.g. <27> 1.5.0
41 support for hardware and/or software flow control on the TNC serial port 1.5.0
42 tolerate spot times containing DXCC prefixes 1.5.1
44 WA8DED and TAPR TNC Command files should use the <mycallsign> substitution command rather than contain a hardcoded callsign 1.5.2
43 add the results of a SH/WWV command to the solar history 1.5.3
45 handle multiple SH/WWV result formats:
  • date hour SFI A K comments
  • date hour SFI R A K comments
47 maintain a history of selected spots and provide "back" and "forward" buttons  to traverse that history (QSYing the transceiver if Commander is present) 1.5.6
48 when a RTTY or PSK spot is selected, convey the frequency and mode to WinWarbler (2.3.6 or later)  1.5.7
49 send PSK and RTTY spots on behalf of WinWarbler 1.5.7
50 record login attempts in the errorlog file when the Log Debugging Information box is checked  1.5.7
53 letting mouse cursor hover over a callsign in the spot database display should show from what geographic locations that callsign has been spotted 1.5.9
54 maximizing the Spot Database window expands its height to 90% of the screen height and positions it at the top of the screen 1.5.9
55 expand the Prune retention date box to accept times  1.5.9
56 double-clicking the Prune retention date/time box sets a default retention interval of 24 hours; other intervals can be set by depressing the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys while double-clicking 1.5.9
57 optionally clear the Spot Database at startup 1.5.9
58 when updating an existing Spot Database entry, don't clear existing notes when the new spot has no notes 1.6.0
61 frequency filter follows changes to transceiver frequency (if Commander is running) 1.6.1
62 ability to sort spot database in order of ascending spot frequency 1.6.1
63 extend frequency filter to exclude spots older than a specified age 1.6.1
65 ability to control the format of the date/time macro substitution commands as required to set time 1.6.2
66 track and display spots-per-hour by band 1.6.6
67 add a continent filter 1.6.6
59 ability to exclude specified DXCC countries  (by continent) 1.6.8
68 the rightmost VCR-style navigation button is disabled when autoscrolling is enabled 1.6.8
69 single-clicking a spot database entry will stop the spot database grid from autoscrolling 1.6.8
70 track and display spots-per-hour by continent 1.6.8
71 Band Filter option to automatically select the transceiver's current band (if Commander is running) 1.7.0
73 If multiple spots are queued for addition to the spot database, re-filter and re-sort once after adding all spots, rather than after adding each one 1.7.1
74 Accept Activate and Iconify commands from other DXLab applications 1.7.5
75 Forego updating DXView when an incoming spot matches an existing Spot Database entry's Callsign and Frequency if the timestamps are within 5 minutes of each other 1.7.7
78 Inform the DXLab Launcher (version 1.0.6 or later) when the main window's windowstate (normal, miminized, or maximized) changes 1.7.9
79 When unexpected control characters or characters whose high bits are set are received from a Telnet cluster, ignore them rather than convert them to asterisks 1.8.1
78 Show Spot Source connection status on main window 1.8.3
79 Left-clicking a SpotDatabase entry sends its callsign to DXView without invoking Commander, Pathfinder, or DXKeeper 1.8.3
84 Striking the Enter key in Spot textbox should generate a local spot; Striking Ctrl-Enter should generate a cluster spot  1.8.3
86 optional audio alarm when a needed Spot Database entry is created 1.8.3
86 allow the user to specify a .wav file to be played as the audio alarm 1.8.4
87 provide the option to only trigger the audio alarm if a newly-created Spot Database entry passes the Band, Mode, Origin, and Continent filters 1.8.7
89 Save window colors when they are changed, rather than on termination 1.8.9
90 Permit /CTCP DXS commands in macros 1.9.0
92 provide the ability to select a band-mode definition file 1.9.1
93 Clicking on a Spot Source connection indicator whose source is disabled will enable the source 1.9.1
94 audio alarm includes DXCC prefix, band, and mode 1.9.5
88 provide a history of Band filter configurations and buttons for traversing backwards and forwards through that history 1.9.6
91 extract WWV data from /CTCP DXS SH/WWV commands 1.9.6
95 optionally announce unconfirmed DX spots 1.9.7
97 include the frequency filter as a gate on audio announcements 1.9.7
98 accept Spot commands from DXKeeper 1.9.8
99 when directed by the DXLab Launcher, reset all windows to the primary monitor 1.9.9 (and DXLab Launcher version 1.1.4 or later)
100 support packet TNC baud rates of 38,400, 56,000, 128,000, and 256,000 1.9.9
98 ignore WWV spots containing illegally high values of A or K, or values of A that change too rapidly 2.0.1
101 Optionally restore windows appearing on a secondary monitor during the previous session on the secondary monitor at startup 2.0.1
98 add a "full DXCC entity name" field to the Spot Database 2.0.2
102 Provide the option to consider Award Objectives to be "seek everything" if DXKeeper is not installed 2.0.2
103 support new Progress Table field names introduced in DXKeeper 2.6.7 and later 2.0.3
104 PSK63 support (with WinWarbler) 2.0.4
  • Ctrl-double-clicking a spot database entry will rotate the antenna to the appropriate SP heading if DXView and DXKeeper (2.6.9 or later) are running
  • Alt-double-clicking a spot database entry will rotate the antenna to the appropriate LP heading if DXView and DXKeeper (2.6.9 or later) are running
106 striking the ESC key in the Packet window's Transmit pane will insert an escape character 2.0.5
112 ignore /bcn, /bust, /busted 2.1.1
113 set DXCC prefix to ? for maritime mobiles and aeronautical mobiles 2.1.1
114 provide option to direct DXKeeper to filter log for previous QSOs with base callsign or previous QSOs with DXCC entity 2.1.2 (requires DXKeeper 2.9.4 or later)
76 Ability to specify a list of callsigns, each with a DXCC entity  2.1.3
107 enlarge Spot panel's textbox 2.1.3
113 provide DXCC prefix to DXView and DXKeeper so they properly handle spots whose prefix is specified via an entity overide  2.1.5
115 only provide a prefix to DXView and DXKeeper if an entity overide is specified 2.1.8
116 if the word "simplex" appears in spot notes and is not preceded by the word "not", then clear the spot's QSX 2.2.1
117 handle spot notes of the form "up X" or "dn X" where X is the QSX frequency 2.2.1
118 handle QSX, up, down, dwn, dn, worked, wkd, and simplex keywords in local spots 2.2.1
122 correctly interpret spot notes such as "up 2-4" and "QSX .123" 2.2.3
124 accept local spots from other DXLab applications 2.2.7
125 ability to generate a report from the Spot Database 2.2.8
126 <packetconnect callsign> macro - connects to the specified callsign 2.2.9
127 <packetdisconnect> macro - clears the current connection 2.2.9
128 ability to generate spots via IRC 2.3.6
102 PSK filter should show PSK63 as well as PSK31 QSOs 2.3.8
134 initial window requesting Callsign be set to "always on top" 2.3.8
136 accept spot notes via DXKeeper and WinWarbler 2.3.8
131 expand serial port support to COM9-15 2.3.9
138 selecting a new sub-band definition file should immediately put those sub-bands in force 2.3.9
140 provide the ability to delete a spot database entry 2.3.9
137 double-clicking on a PSK31, PSK63, or RTTY spot should initialize WinWarbler's callsign textbox to the spotted callsign 2.4.2 (requires WinWarbler 3.0.7 or later)
145 option to not enable split and set a QSX frequency 2.4.2
146 provide a separate textbox for outgoing spot notes 2.4.2
147 display the outgoing spot frequency in the outgoing spot panel caption 2.4.2
148 provide a panel for the spot source status LEDs; double-clicking this panel should display the config window's Spot Sources tab 2.4.2
149 adds a WW option to the CW Mode panel (Config window, General tab)  2.4.2 (requires WinWarbler 3.0.7 or later)
151 maintain horizontal position in the Spot Database (don't automatically scroll to the left when a new spot arrives) 2.4.3
152 clear the Outgoing Spot Callsign and Notes when a spot is posted 2.4.4
153 on termination, send BYE to each telnet cluster before shutting down 2.4.9
154 depressing CTRL while clicking the History button should place the Solar History window "on top" 2.4.9
135 Add a textbox to SpotCollector's Cluster windows and a macro to reference its contents  2.5.7
156 Provide the ability to specify that SpotCollector always follow DXKeeper log file changes, always use a specified log file, or ask the operator whenever DXKeeper's log file changes 2.5.8
157 clicking on a spot database entry disable Autoscroll 2.5.9
158 ability to direct SSB, FM, or AM spots to WinWarbler 2.5.9
143 if a disconnect occurs on a telnet connection that's logged in, and auto-reconnect is enabled, then automatically reconnect 2.6.2
160 inform DXView on startup (so that DXView's K index is updated) 2.6.5

handle prefix special cases:

  • associate KC4XXX with Antarctica (US bases)

  • associate KA2XX through KA9XX with Japan (foreign operators)


162 clicking or double-clicking a spot database entry will leave autoscroll enabled unless the Shift key is depressed 2.6.5
163 capture spotting station's grid squares appended to spots from clusters running DX Spider software and display them in DXCC database entries in the OriginGrid column 2.6.5
164 extract DX station and/or spotting station grid squares from spot notes and display them in DXCC database entries in the DXGrid and OriginGrid columns, respectively. 2.6.5
165 provide DX station and/or spotting station grid squares to DXView; when the user double-clicks on  a spot Database entry, provide the DX station's grid square to DXKeeper 2.6.5
166 changing Spot Database pruning to permit specification of "number of days to retain", and provide a "prune spot database on startup" option 2.6.5
167 provide a means to specify a digital mode application other than WinWarbler to receive notification of frequency and mode when the user double-clicks on a Spot Database entry 2.6.5
169 accept fractional values in the Pruning Days setting 2.6.6
170 improve spot note parsing of DX and spotting station gridsquares 2.6.6
172 when double-clicking on a spot of a kind that's to be routed to WinWarbler, send the frequency and mode to WinWarbler even if Commander isn't running so that WinWarbler can switch to the correct mode 2.6.6
173 add mode recognition and mode filters for FSK31, PKT, THRB, TOR, and MT63, and change MFSK to MFSK16 2.6.6
174 when any digital-mode spot is double-clicked, send the frequency and digital mode to WinWarbler 2.6.6
175 provide the ability to specify the format of dates and times shown in the Spot Database's FirstTime, LastTime, and RcvdTime fields 2.6.7
176 clicking the History button should ensure that the History window is visible even if it overlaps the Main window; CTRL-clicking the History should make the History window "always on top" 2.6.7
177 when directing DXKeeper to create a new log entry, indicate that DXKeeper should perform Capture Overwrite checking 2.6.8
178 if a spot includes a QSX, determine its mode from the QSX frequency rather than the transmit frequency 2.7.1
179 if the incoming spot queue overflows, render the Q label in red font rather than create an errorlog.txt entry; double-clicking the Q label resets the font to black 2.7.2
183 provide the option to forward function key invocations in the Main window's Filter textbox to WinWarbler 2.7.2
184 send current-band DX spots to Commander  2.7.2
185 provide the option to forward function key invocations in the Main window to WinWarbler 2.7.3
186 save the solar data to its file on the hour 2.7.3
187 includes QSX frequencies with DX spots sent to Commander 2.7.4
188 handle spot notes that specify QSX frequency units, e.g. Up 400 hz 2.7.5
189 send non-current-band DX spots to Commander if they are unworked or unconfirmed 2.7.6
191 retain the spot database sort order between operating sessions 2.8.0
193 provide the ability to sort the spot database by last received time using the PC's time 2.8.0
182 handle telnet clusters that append the CQ zone to each spot 2.8.2
194 provide the ability to delete a spot database entry by clicking in it's left-most column and striking the Delete or CTRL-X keys; provide a setting that determines whether spot database entry deletion requires confirmation 2.8.2
195 improved audio announcements for 3B8, 9Q, P5, ZC4, and FM_mode 2.8.6
196 provide the option to play an audio introduction on startup, and provide a set of .wav files that can be used for this purpose 2.8.6
197 provide a button that when clicked displays the Errorlog 2.8.6
200 if the Windows Scripting Host is missing, report this to the user and forgo spot database compaction 2.9.2
201 when conveying a spot to DXView, include the spot's QSX frequency 2.9.2
202 increase the number of Entity overides from 8 to 16 2.9.2
203 allow Spot Database font bold to be controlled via the Config window's Display Fonts tab 2.9.2
204 left-align all Spot Database columns except Frequency and QSX 2.9.2
205 shorten Spot Database captions Frequency to Freq, and Prefix to Pfx 2.9.3
206 provide a "Digital mode if no WW" panel to specify transceiver mode when a digital mode spot is selected but WinWarbler is not running 2.9.3
123 4m band filter 2.9.8
209 support addition of 4m and 70cm to Commander's bandspread (Commander 5.3.5) 2.9.9
210 provide a <display: pathname> macro that displays the specified file 2.9.9
109 place an alarm enable/disable checkbox on the Main window so that audio alerts can be rapidly disabled 3.0.1
119 provide right-click menu on spot database entries that includes QSY, QSY simplex, rotate SP, rotate LP, and Hide or UnHide Spot Database Entries 3.0.1
180 provide a Web server enable/disable checkbox 3.0.1
195 permit the user to specify a list of keywords which, if present in the spot notes, cause a spot database entry to be hidden 3.0.1
211 provide a right-mouse option to request a PropView forecast 3.0.1
215 provide the ability to filter the spot database using SQL 3.0.1
212 provide the option to always request a PropView forecast when a spot database entry is double-clicked 3.0.2
214 refer to a local database assembled from in order to determine whether a spotted station is known to QSL via LotW, designate suche spot database entries via a unique background color, and provide the ability to filter the spot database display to show only stations that known to QSL via LotW 3.0.3
4 Permit ad-hoc filtering (e.g. "not a Pirate") 3.0.3
215 provide the option of directing DXView to perform an update whenever a spot database entry is created that passes the current filters 3.0.3
216 reference DXView's LotW callsign Database if its present 3.0.4
217 record program connections in the errorlog 3.0.4
219 If no digital mode server application  is specified, use WinWarbler 3.0.7
223 increase the timeout for DXView lookup directives 3.0.9
228 add a PKT option to the Config window's "RTTY mode if no WW" panel 3.1.0
229 capture 6-character DX grid squares 3.1.1
112 Provide the ability to hide a spot source window so that it consumes neither screen space nor a slot on the Windows task bar 3.1.3
224 remember spot database row height between operating sessions 3.1.3
231 provide the ability to create an entity overide by right-clicking a spot database entry 3.1.3
220 provide the ability to specify the frequency for an outgoing spot when Commander isn't running 3.1.4
232 provide control over whether grid squares extracted from spot database entries are conveyed to DXView and DXKeeper 3.1.5
233 right-align the Spot Database Display's FirstTime, LastTime, and SpotTime columns 3.1.7
235 when deducing the DXCC entity from a callsign, ignore a suffix having more than two characters whose last character is not a digit 3.2.1
237 if spot notes contain the words "up", "dn", "dwn", or "down" without an offset, set the QSX to 1 3.2.2
239 if spot notes contain the words "up", "dn", "dwn", or "down" with a concatenated offset (e.g. "up5"), extract the QSX  3.2.2
240 CTRL-double-click and ALT-double-click on a spot database entry should rotate the antenna if DXView is running, whether or not DXKeeper is running 3.2.3
241 provide the option to prune the spot database hourly 3.2.4
242 expand mode recognition and the mode filter to include all modes specified in ADIF 2 3.2.5
243 expand mode recognition and the mode filter to include DominoEX 3.2.7
244 when deducing the DXCC entity from a callsign, ignore a suffix having more than two characters that does not contain a digit 3.2.9
208 eliminate the need for SET/NODXSQTH on ARClusters 3.3.0
245 allow the specification of an initial cluster command to be sent to telnetclusters and packetclusters after login 3.3.2
246 provide the option to specify a user-defined radio command sequence to be sent after any QSY directive  3.3.3
247 allow substitution commands in the initial cluster command 3.3.4
248 after initial installation, Web Server is disabled 3.4.2
227 if the transceiver is in split mode, put the QSX information in outgoing spot notes (requires Commander 5.9.2 or later) 3.4.6
249 ignore spots of BOZO, B0ZO, DX, SLIM, or any callsign containing the words V1DEO or VIDEO 3.4.6
250 inform the user if the outgoing spot frequency is invalid 3.4.6
199 permit the user to define the color of spot database entries for unworked DXCC entities, and default this color to 'red', and provide the ability to filter for these via CTRL-NEED 3.4.7
226 permit definition of a "special callsign" file, each entry of which would contain a comma-separated callsign and tag. When creating a Spot Database Entry, SpotCollector checks the callsign against the special callsign file; if an entry is found, the tag is placed in the Entry's (new) Tag column. When the user double-clicks on a Spot Database Entry, the entry's tag contents are placed in the Capture window's Notes item  3.4.7
251 on startup, load a file that specifies callsigns to be ignored if spotted 3.4.7
253 accept sub-band segment definitions with fractional frequencies (provides the ability to ignore "band edge spots" -- spots with frequencies like 14.000) 3.4.7
254 permit the user to define the color of spot database entries for verified DXCC entities, and default this color to 'black' 3.4.8
3 Permit color-coding and/or filtering of beacon and maritime mobile spots 3.4.9
60 ability to filter out specific callsigns 3.4.9
255 if a spotted callsign doesn't match any entry on the Special Callsign List but contains a / character, breaks the callsign into two parts and probes the Special Callsign List with each part; if either part matches a Special Callsign List entry whose tag is unspecified, then the spot is ignored 3.4.9
256 if the transceiver is in split mode, the QSX information in outgoing spot notes is conveyed as a QSX frequency if the split is greater than 9.9 kHz (rather than an "up X" or "dn Y") 3.5.0
257 in the web page generated by the web server, display the DXCC country name with each entry 3.5.4
259 in the web page generated by the web server, display the mode with each entry 3.5.7
260 If Commander is running, and the "Spot Xcvr Split" option is enabled on the Config window's General tab, and Commander reports that the transceiver is not in split mode, the the outgoing spot notes will be cleared  3.5.7
261 add a NoteSource field to the database that shows that callsign of the station responsible for a spot database entry's spot notes 3.6.1
262 improve support for interoperation with Digital Mode Applications other than WinWarbler
  • on the Config window's General tab, refer to Digital Mode Application instead of WinWarbler
  • if the user selects a Spot Database Entry whose mode is not PSK31, PSK63, RTTY, CW, or Phone, send Entry's information to the specified Digital Mode Application
263 accept a DDE command to generate an outgoing spot 3.6.5
264 the "Autoscroll Disabled" indicator should blink to ensure its visibility 3.6.6
265 generating an outgoing cluster spot or local spot enabled autoscroll if it was disabled 3.6.6
266 correctly extract the QSX from spot notes of the form "QSX +1" or "worked -1.3" 3.6.6
267 add a submode field to the spot database and populate it with submodes extracted from spot notes 3.6.6
268 activating a digital mode spot database entry sends the sub-mode to the digital mode application 3.6.6
269 right-clicking a Spot Database Entry and selecting QSY places the entry in the spot history 3.6.6
270 add  checkboxes for the following to the Mode filter window:


272 map non-ADIF digital modes to ADIF digital modes for logging 3.6.8
273 add CHIP64 to the Mode filter window, organized the Mode Filter window, and expanded the detection of digital modes from spot notes 3.6.8
274 recognize AMTORFEC and VOI, and add them  to the Mode filter window 3.6.9
276 remove redundant DXCC prefixes and LotW indicators appended to spot notes by some clusters 3.7.0
277 provide the ability to display cumulative spot notes for a spot database entry in a Spot Notes window 3.7.0
278 a mode designator in the spot notes of a local spot overrides the mode specified with the spot 3.7.1
279 if a new spot arrives for a spot database entry whose cumulative notes are being display in the Spot Notes window, update the spot notes window to include the new spot's notes 3.7.1
280 provide the option to disable the cumulative spots notes mechanism (for lower-performance PCs) 3.7.1
281 provide an entry in the Spot Database Display's right mouse window that displays previous QSOs (if DXKeeper is running), displays DX information (if DXView is running), and seeks QSL information (if Pathfinder is running) 3.7.1
282 depressing CTRL while clicking the Filter panel's X button checks all boxes on the Band, Mode,Continent, and Origin filters and unhides all Spot Database Entries, thereby making all Spot Database Entries visible 3.7.2
283 add a second bank of SQL filters 3.7.3
284 provide a dedicated Report button 3.7.3
285 provide the ability to disable and enable auto-scrolling in the DXCluster and IRC windows 3.7.5
286 provide an award status entry in the right-mouse menu that displays award status for the select spot database entry 3.7.5
287 provide the ability to disable and enable auto-scrolling in the PacketCluster window 3.7.6
288 when autoscrolling is disabled in a DXCluster, IRC, or PacketCluster window, flash "autoscrolling disabled" in red font 3.7.6
289 clicking Band filter panel buttons "Top", "Low", "Tri", "Warc", "VHV", "UHF", or "Micro" will toggle the associate band checkboxes on or off 3.7.8
290 provide the ability to filter 60m spots 3.8.0
292 don't set a cluster's link state to connected until a "callsign de " message is received, and expect this same message in response to a keep-alive transmission 3.8.3
293 make the spot data pathname and most recently created spot database entry index available to other applications via DDE 3.8.4
295 provide an HF button on the Band Filter window 3.8.6
296 flag tagged special callsigns in Spot Database Display with a user-specified spot color 3.8.7
297 provide a means of resetting the Spot Database Display to its default layout 3.8.7
298 announce tagged special callsigns 3.8.8
299 provide a key for spot database display font colors 3.8.9
301 strip leading and trailing 160 characters from spot notes conveyed via CQDX 3.9.0
302 add support for the ALE mode 3.9.1
303 replace the Color Selection panel with the standard Windows color selection dialog 3.9.1
304 provides the option to play the file "LotW.wav" in SpotCollector's Sounds folder after announcing a spot database entry whose callsign is known to participate in LotW 3.9.5
129 provide the option to announce callsigns 3.9.6
305 when spot notes do not contain an explicit QSX, e.g. "UP", only assume a default QSX if there's not existing spot database entry, or if the existing spot database entry contains no QSX 3.9.6
306 when appending a note to the cumulative notes display window, always display the most recent note 3.9.7
307 provide the option to announce callsigns phonetically 3.9.9
308 callsign phonetics speed control should govern numbers as well as letters 4.0.1
309 increase audio announcement queue depth 4.0.2
310 if audio announcements are disabled while the announcement queue is non-empty, stop announcing and empty the announcement queue 4.0.2
312 include LotW participation in spot data sent to Commander, including background highlight color 4.0.4
313 exploit accelerated lookup capabilities in DXView 2.7.9 (and later) 4.0.4
314 when spots notes contain "UP" or "DOWN" without specifying a QSX, use a default QSX that is mode-specific (e.g. 1 for CW, 3 for RTTY, 5 for Phone) 4.0.6
315 provide the option of disabling the display of dynamic information in window title bars (Vista workaround) 4.0.6
320 provide the option to update each Spot Database Entry's DXCC entity and progress information by querying the currently-active log file 4.0.8
321 provide the option to specify start and end times for each band and filter accordingly, and the option to ignore specified start and end times 4.0.8
322 provide the option to specify a maximum distance from the closest spotting station for each band and filter accordingly, and the option to ignore the specified maximum distance from the closest spotting station
  • provide an option that specifies whether distances are stored and displayed in miles or kilometers
  • enable the user to specify a QTH latitude and longitude so that a spot database entry's maximum distance from the closest spotting station can be computed
323 provide the option to not extract the spotting station's gridsquare from spot notes 4.0.8
324 in the Band Filter window, interpret a blank "Max origin DX" textbox as meaning "no origin DX filtering for this band" by setting OMDX to earth's circumference in each of the band's Spot Database Entries 4.0.9
325 if in the Band Filter window the user attempts to modify a band's "Start UTC", "End UTC", or "Max origin DX" setting while the band's Enable box is checked, don't automatically uncheck the Enable box; instead, display an always-on-top window that explains that the user must uncheck the Enable box before this setting can be modified 4.1.0
326 replace the Statistics window's Band labels with buttons that when clicked direct Commander to activate the associated band (requires Commander 6.6.4 or later) 4.1.3
333 provide an entry in the Spot Database Display's right mouse menu that copies the selected spot to the Windows clipboard 4.1.5
336 include QSX frequency when copying the selected spot to the Windows clipboard 4.1.7
337 allow transceiver to be set to PKT-R when activating a RTTY or digital mode spot with no digital mode application connected  4.1.7
328 provide the option to determine a spotting station's location via the DXCC database (if not a US callsign) or the US and Possessions location database (if a US callsign) 4.1.9
340 if a spot's DXGrid is not specified in its spot notes, determine it from its callsign 4.2.0
341 replace "Extract Spotter Gridsquare" and "Convey DX Gridsquare" options with "Capture location info from notes" and "Lookup missing location info" options, respectively 4.2.1
342 add Azimuth, CQ, ITU, IOTA, Primary, and Region items to each Spot Database Entry 4.2.1
343 provide the ability to sort the Spot Database Display by Azimuth 4.2.1
344 extract IOTA tags from spot notes if "Capture grids & tags from notes" is enabled 4.2.1
345 provide the ability to specify the current sunrise and sunset times on the Band Filter window and reference these times in specifying Start and End times for each band 4.2.2
346 automatically update the sunrise and sunset times from DXView (version 2.8.9 or later) 4.2.2
347 when a spot database entry is activated, convey its CQ zone, ITU zone, IOTA tag, and Primary Administrative Entity to DXKeeper and WinWarbler  4.2.2
348 In SpotDatabaseUI.ActivateSpot, convey the DXCC Prefix even if the log filter is set to "callsign" 4.2.3
349 enable other DXLab applications to determine whether SpotCollector is configured to generate outgoing cluster spots 4.2.3
350 provides the ability to specify the names of folders containing
  • .wav files for entities, bands,and modes
  • .wav files for alphanumerics
  • .wav files for phonetics
351 provide the option to specify a post-connection command for the PacketCluster spot source 4.3.1
352 when enabled, wait 5 seconds after connection before sending the post-connection command 4.3.2
353 provide a TNC file for the Kenwood TM-D700A's embedded TNC 4.3.3
356 color-code spot database entries on web page using user-defined spot database entry colors 4.3.5
83 provide the option to limit a telnet or packetcluster window to the display of announcement and talk messages 4.3.9
358 provide a means of ignoring spots from specified spot sources 4.3.9
359 the mode of a spot database entry with a QSX frequency but no mode identifier in the spot notes is determined from the QSX frequency's sub-band rather than the DX station's transmit frequency's sub-band 4.3.9
360 if the "request Prop forecast" option is enabled with PropView's Main window minimized, don't activate PropView's Main window when the user double-clicks a Spot Database Entry (but continue to do so if the user requests a propagation forecast via the right-mouse menu) 4.3.9
361 if the user requests a lookup via the right-mouse menu and DXKeeper's Main window is minimized, activate DXKeeper's Main window 4.3.9
365 notify DXKeeper and WinWarbler when spot colors are changed 4.4.1
366 provide the ability to specify whether activation of a spot database entry that is serviced by the digital mode application should restore the digital mode application's Main window if it is minimized (requires WinWarbler 5.6.4 or later) 4.4.1
367 provide the ability to specify whether activation of a spot database entry that is not serviced by the digital mode application should minimize the digital mode application's Main window if it is not minimized (requires WinWarbler 5.6.4 or later)  4.4.1
368 striking the Enter key in the Main window's Filter panel textbox invokes the Call filter 4.4.1
369 when conveying a "New Entry" message to DXKeeper, annotate it so that DXKeeper can distinguish it from a "New Entry" message sent by WinWarbler and thus accurately configure the Capture window to not mirror WinWarbler's "QSO Info" panel 4.4.2
371 extend the web server to generate a small web page optimized for display on mobile handsets 4.4.9
373 provide the option the notify the user when a talk message is received by sounding an audible alarm and making the telnet or packet window bearing the talk message visible 4.5.8
374 add Help buttons to the Config window's Entity Overrides, Audio, and Special Callsigns tab 4.6.0
375 when checking for a Special Callsign match, examine all three segments of a callsign containing two slash characters 4.6.0
376 cache the results of the most recent 4 Special Callsign lookups 4.6.0
377 accept local spots from DXKeeper 4.6.2
379 when creating a spot database entry for a station with an entity override, use the entity's prime location to compute the azimuth 4.6.4
380 handle the new Australian prefix rules for external territories specified in

When presented with a 6-character VK9 callsign, determine the entity by inspecting the 5th character (C, L, M, N, W, or X) 

381 when Commander 7.4.1 (or later) is running, detect when the active transceiver requires frequency synchronization before logging or spotting, and performs that synchronization 4.6.6
382 notify WinWarbler on startup 4.6.6
383 handle the new DXSummit's modified DX spot format 4.6.7
72 Provide the ability to hide specified Spot Database Entry fields 4.6.8
101 Provide the ability to control the Main window display format (visible columns, headings, alignment) 4.6.8
384 enable the user to split the Spot Database Display into two regions that can be horizontally scrolled independently 4.6.8
385 Add a new field to SpotCollector's Spot Database that indicates whether the station is an Authenticity Guaranteed member of 4.7.1
386 highlight Spot Database Entries for stations that are Authenticity Guaranteed members of, expanding the color selector to allow the specification of " AG" and " AG and LotW" background colors  4.7.1
387 provide an "eQSL AG" filter 4.7.1
388 extend the Recomp function to set each Spot Database Entry's LotW participation and Authenticity Guaranteed membership 4.7.1
390 announcements of Special Callsigns begin with each letter of the callsign whether or not the Include callsign in announcement option is enabled in the Audio Alarm panel on the Config window's General tab 4.7.4
393 provide an "include callsign in announcement of Special spot database entries" option 4.7.6
394 update the Band Filter's Sunrise and Sunset time on startup if DXView (3.1.7 or later) is running 4.7.6
372 provide the option to sort spots in descending time order 4.7.7
391 provide substitution commands that allow the incorporation of the current Need filter, Band filter, Mode filter, Continent filter, and Origin filter in SQL expressions 4.7.7
392 modify the DXCC filter to operate consistently with DXKeeper's DXCC filter:  display only spots for stations whose DXCC entity is the same as the DXCC entity of the callsign or callsign fragment in the Filter panel textbox, taking entity overrides into account 4.7.7
395 the Spot Database Display's right mouse menu's Lookup item should populated DXKeeper's Filter textbox with the selected entry's callsign (requires DXKeeper 7.5.8 or later) 4.7.7
396 extend the "alert when Talk message received" option to apply to private messages received via IRC 4.7.9
397 provide the option to specify a .wav file to be played when Talk or Private messages are received 4.8.0
398 provides the ability to set the Spot Database Display's row height to match its current Font Size 4.8.0
400 enable talk messages to convey characters whose ascii code is in the range of 127 to 255 4.8.6
401 recognize JT65A, JT6M, Thor in spot notes 4.8.7
402 use DefaultModes.txt or Modes.txt file in DXKeeper's Databases folder to determine what modes count for DXCC and WAZ 4.8.8
403 add fields to the spot database to support the identification and categorization of entries needed for the CQ WAZ award family: CQZProg, CQZWB4, CQZBandEn, CQZBandProg, CQZBandWB4, CQZModeEn, CQZModeProg, and CQZModeWB4 4.8.8
404 add a SpotNeeded field to the spot database that indicates for what awards a spot database entry is needed 4.8.8
405 if the currently-open log file contains a realtime award progress table for WAZ, then highlight and announce needed WAZ zones, zone-bands, and zone-modes and display WAZ award progress inn the Award Progress window 4.8.8
406 letting the mouse cursor hover over a needed callsign in the Spot Database Display produces a popup that shows why its needed in addition to from where its been spotted 4.8.8
407 update the Award Status window to display results using color-coding, and to be automatically updated when the user clicks or double-clicks a spot database entry 4.8.8
408 provide a <xcvrband> and  <xcvrmode> substitution commands for SQL searches that if Commander is running is replaced by the current transceiver band and mode respectively 4.8.8
409 provide a <digimode> substitution commands for SQL searches that if WinWarbler is running is replaced by the current operating mode 4.8.8
410 accept automatic recomputation directives from DXKeeper, and provide an option to ignore these directives 4.9.0
411 provide the option to retain outgoing spot notes after the Cluster or Local button is clicked 4.9.3
412 add JT65A, JT6M, and THOR to the mode filter 4.9.4
413 adds Location, CQ zone, ITU zone, Continent, Grid square, and IOTA tag entries to each Override, and permits the specification of a <Pri> or <Reg> tags in the Location 5.0.3
414 adds a RegCode field to capture the Region Code, and convey to DXKeeper or the connected digital mode application when a spot database entry is activated 5.0.3
415 provide the option to automatically re-enable Audio Announcements 15 minutes after they are disabled via the Main window's Audio checkbox 5.0.5
417 provide the option to announce transceiver frequency and mode changes 5.1.0
418 provide the option to set SpotCollector's priority 5.1.2
419 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the prev or next spot buttons enables AutoScroll 5.1.2
421 provide the option to ignore the mode specified in spot notes, relying only on the spot frequency and sub-band definition to determine a spot database entry's mode 5.1.7
422 display override locations with the full ANSI code set 5.1.9
423 increase the width of the Mode field to 32 characters 5.1.9
424 replace the Tag field with a Tags field whose width is 1024 and whose content is a comma-delimited list of angle-bracket-enclosed tags 5.1.9
425 when loading the Special Callsign List from a file, if the callsign specified in a line of this file is already present in a Special Callsign List Entry, then
  • if the line does not specify a tag, then the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List Entry will be cleared.

  • if the line specifies a single BadSource tag, then the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List Entry will be set to BadSource

  • if the line specifies one or more tags other than BadSource, any new tags will be appended to the the tag list in the existing Special Callsign List

426 double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose Tags field is not empty conveys the Tag Field contents to DXKeeper (8.4.2 or later) or WinWarbler (6.6.2 or later) 5.1.9
427 with "Determine mode from notes" enabled, recognize ROS, WINMOR, and WSPR spots 5.2.8
155 ability to sort on any field  in the Spot Database Display by double-clicking on its header 5.3.3
428 ability to type an SQL expression into the Filter panel textbox and execute it with CTRL-S 5.3.3
429 with "Determine mode from notes" enabled, recognize PSK250, QPSK250, JT65B, JT65C, JT4A, JT4B, JT4C, JT4D, JT4E, JT4F, and JT4G spots 5.3.3
430 extend the Mode filter window to include checkboxes for PSK250, QPSK250, ROS, WINMOR, WSPR, JT65B, JT65C, JT4A, JT4B, JT4C, JT4D, JT4E, JT4F, and JT4G  5.3.3
431 make SQL Error window "always on top" 5.3.3
432 provide a "Maximum age of last LotW upload" option 5.3.4
433 a blank "Maximum age of last LotW upload" means flag an LotW participant no matter when he or she last uploaded to LotW 5.3.5
434 use distances to identify ambiguous spotter and DX grid squares in spot notes 5.3.5
435 only display an Origin Grid or DX Grid with 6-character precision if it's the result of an unambiguous extraction from spot notes, or is specified in an entity override 5.3.6
436 provide the option to display a Smoothed Sunspot Number estimated from the last reported Solar Flux 5.3.6
427 make the SpecialCallsignDatabase pathname accessible to other applications 5.3.7
428 provide buttons that delete the currently-selected list entries in the Special Callsigns and Spot Database Layout lists 5.3.8
429 don't enable AutoScroll when a local spot is generated 5.3.8
430 recognize ROS2, ROS4, ROS8, ROS16, and ROS32 in spot notes as ROS mode 5.3.8
431 provide temporary entity announcement files for Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and St. Maarten 5.3.9
432 double-clicking the Main window's "Color Codes" panel displays the Configuration window's Display tab 5.4.0
433 provide temporary entity announcement files for Bonaire, Curacao, "Saba and St. Eustatius", and St. Maarten 5.4.0
434 strip trailing -# from spotting callsigns so that USAP lookups succeed 5.4.6
435 accelerate statistics update 5.4.7
436 automatically trim spot source window contents 5.4.7
437 interpret WPM in spot notes to mean "CW mode" 5.4.8
438 if Commander is running and the primary transceiver supports Data-L and Data-U modes, then offer these as choices on the Config window's General tab instead of PKT and PKT-R 5.5.2
440 provide realtime tracking for the Marathon award, with settings that control whether Spot Database Entries needed for Marathon are considered needed, and that optionally suppress audio announcement of stations needed for Marathon 5.5.4
441 accelerate Spot Database Entry display processing 5.5.6
442 adds Antarctica to the Continent filter 5.6.3
443 provide full recognition for Antarctica as a continent 5.6.6
444 when a spot database entry is double-clicked, don't wait for DXView's response to convey information to WinWarbler and/or Commander 5.7.0
445 provide an audio tab option that determines whether or not special callsigns are announced whether they are needed or not 5.7.1
446 if a callsign is being announced because its special, always include the callsign in the announcement 5.7.1
447 accept a command from other applications to display the Solar and Geomagnetic Parameters History window 5.7.3
448 provide arrow buttons to select the first or last entry in the Special Callsign List 5.7.8
449 accelerate loading or clearing the Special Callsign List 5.7.8
450 display progress when loading or clearing the Special Callsign List 5.7.9
451 add a Distance field to the Spot Database 5.8.1
452 provide explanatory popups (tooltips) for spot database display cells 5.8.3
453 provide a right-mouse menu option to delete the selected Spot Database Entry 5.8.7
454 automatically disable autoscroll when right-clicking a Spot Database Entry and re-enable it after a menu item is selected (unless the Shift key was depressed during the right-click) 5.8.8
455 provide a right-mouse menu option to enable autoscroll 5.8.8
456 allow multi-line user-defined SQL filters, and provide a multi-line editor 5.8.9
457 support multi-line user-defined SQL filters with 3-line text-boxes on two tabs, eliminating the need for a separate multiline editor 5.9.0
458 provide the ability to select an SQL filter and expand or contract its height 5.9.1
459 provide the ability to select all characters of an SQL filter by typing CTRL-A 5.9.1
460 provide the ability to save SQL filters to a text file, and recover SQL filters from a text file 5.9.4
461 in spot notes, recognize "QSX N.NNN" and "QSX NN.NNN" as specifying the QSX frequency in megahertz 5.9.7
462 provide the option to direct PropView to generate a long path forecast for a Spot Database Entry's location 6.0.0
463 provide the option for Commander's Bandspread to show callsigns from all Spot Database Entries independent of the Spot Database Display filter 6.0.1
464 enables Commander to control whether its Bandspread should show callsigns from all Spot Database Entries independent of the Spot Database Display filter 6.0.2
465 extract a QSX frequency from spot notes of the form "on X" where X is an offset 6.0.2
466 provide background coloring to indicate LotW and eQSL participation in web pages generated by the web server 6.0.3
467 replace DIGI with RTTY in the Award Tracking window 6.0.4
468 change the "new installation default" for the IRC Host Address to US.WorldIRC.Org 6.0.4
469 hold off on processing incoming spots if the mouse is moving in the Main window 6.0.4
470 provide a new "Ignore empty spot notes" option that when disabled handles an incoming spot whose notes are empty by
  • clearing the appropriate Spot Database Entry's Notes item
  • appending just the spotting station's callsign and location to the Spot Database Entry's CumulativeNotes item
471 improves the Cumulative Spot Notes window by adding the spotting station's location to each entry, and by eliminating duplicates, and renames the right-click menu item that displays it to "display spots" 6.0.5
472 adds FirstOpLocationTime and LastOpLocationTime fields to the spot database that track the time at which a Spot Database Entry was first spotted by a station in your location and the most recent time a Spot Database Entry was spotted by a station in your location, where your location is defined by the "Operator Location" panel on the Configuration window's General tab  6.0.5
473 In the Controls panel on the Configuration window's "Spot Database" tab,
  • rename the "Make cumulative spot notes available" option to "Record individual spot information"
  • provide a new "Record frequency with individual spot information" option that when enabled captures the frequency of each spot for display in the Individual Spots window
474 Control-clicking the Main window's Help button displays "Getting Started with SpotCollector 6.1.0
475 add a "Local" field to the Spot Database whose value is 'Y' if the Spot Database Entry has been spotted locally 6.1.0
476 when conveying Spot Database Entries to Commander for display in its Bandspread window, include an indication of whether or not the spot is "local" 6.1.0
479 provide a <UTC> SQL substitution command that is replaced by the current UTC date and time in #YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS# format 6.1.2
481 set the Special Callsign grid's ExposeCellMode to "scroll on edit" 6.1.2
482 make the Special Callsign grid's columns resizable 6.1.3
483 replaces the <UTC> SQL substitution command added in 479 with a <UTCOFFSET> SQL substitution command that is replaced by the difference between local time and UTC time in minutes 6.1.4
484 enable the "Refresh interval (minutes)" setting to accept a decimal point 6.1.5
485 extend the web server to support filtering and access to the "Spots per page" and "Refresh interval (minutes)"  settings 6.1.5
486 in the generated full-sized web page, add a column showing whether or not the station has been spotted from the Operator's location  6.1.5
487 in the generated full-sized web page, display the current Filter expression  6.1.5
488 provide CTRL-C, CTRL-D, CTRL-F, and CTRL-T shortcuts in the Filter panel textbox that activate the Call, DXCC,  Frequency, and Tag filters respectively 6.1.6
489 in the generated smartphone web page, increase the width of the callsign and mode columns 6.1.7
490 in the generated full-sized web page, provide an SQL filter panel 6.1.7
491 include updated Joe DX announcement files for Niue E6 and South Sudan Z8 6.1.8
492 provide a "display entries near" right-click menu entry 6.1.9
493 after changing the Spot Database Display filter, don't update Commander's bandspread unless Commander's Bandspread filtering is set to "SC Filter" 6.1.9
494 in the generated full-sized web page, provide All and None buttons in the Band, Mode, Continent, and Origin filter panels 6.1.9
495 provide the ability to generate email notifications 6.1.9
496 if attempting to send an email notification generates a "transport failed to connect to the server" error, inform the user and disable email notification 6.2.0
497 provide the ability to generate an outgoing Test email notification message 6.2.0
498 include the spot frequency in email notifications 6.2.3
499 when querying the log to determine if a spotted callsign has been worked before and the spotted callsign contains exactly one slash character, then check the log for previous QSOs with A/B and B/A 6.2.5
500 in the generated full-sized web page, provide X buttons in the Band, Mode, Continent, Origin, and SQL filter panels that hide those panels when clicked, and change the Filter panel X button to no longer hide the currently-visible Band, Mode, Continent, Origin, or SQL filter 6.2.7
501 in the generated full-sized web page, provide an X button in the Configuration panel that hides that panel when clicked 6.2.8
502 provide the ability to search the Special Callsign List for a specified callsign 6.2.9
504 provide the option to discard spots whose spotting callsign ends in -# 6.3.1
505 letting the mouse cursor hover over the Filter panel caption displays an explanatory popup containing the current filter expression 6.3.2
506 provide an Age filter 6.3.2
507 provide separate Age filter enable/disable and duration settings 6.3.3
508 when inspecting spot notes to determine a QSX, ignore "73" and likely signal reports for the spot's mode 6.3.4
509 add JT9 to the mode filter 6.3.6
511 when inspecting spot notes to determine a QSX, ignore additional cases involving "73" and likely signal reports for the spot's mode 6.3.7
512 the grid square specified in an override takes precedence over a grid square specified in spot notes 6.3.8
513 provide a new MarMixedEn field that indicates whether or not the CQ DX Marathon mixed category is being pursued 6.3.9
515 include the spotting station callsign when conveying spots to DXView 6.4.2
516 recognize when spot notes likely specify the QSX in megahertz 6.4.3
517 don't Prune Spot Database Entries for callsigns present in the Special Callsign List with a NoPrune tag 6.4.3
518 when an cluster or local spot is generated, accept the frequency if it falls with a user-defined sub-band 6.4.4
520 provide the ability to analyze propagation by band over time 6.4.6
521 accept seconds in the Operator Location panel's Latitude and Longitude boxes 6.4.6
522 when the operator's callsign is spotted, set the Spot Database Entry's DXGrid item to a 6-character grid square computed from the Operator Location panel's Latitude and Longitude boxes 6.4.6
523 when the operator generates an outgoing spot, set the Spot Database Entry's OriginGrid item to a 6-character grid square computed from the Operator Location panel's Latitude and Longitude boxes 6.4.6
524 make the Propagation window resizable and provides a Maximize control 6.4.7
525 in the Propagation window, provide separate "Analyze DX in Spot Database Display" and "Filter and analyze DX active during past 24 hours" functions 6.4.7
526 clicking the Main window's Prop button displays the Propagation window and analyzes the "DX in Spot Database Display" 6.4.7
527 if the "Filter and analyze DX active during past 24 hours" function is invoked with no "Maximum distance" specified, set the "Maximum distance" to 500 6.4.8
529 when checking a spotting callsign to see if it's listed in the Special Callsign list as a bad source,  remove any appended SSID 6.4.8
531 display the number of entries in the Spot Database Display in the Main window's title bar 6.4.9
532 provide the option to trigger audio alarms with an SQL expression 6.5.0
533 provide the ability to independently specify email alarm triggers 6.5.1
533 provide the option to trigger email alarms with an SQL expression 6.5.1
389 provide the option to automatically update the audio alarm trigger to match the current Spot Database Display filter 6.5.1
534 improve the format and content of email alert messages 6.5.2
535 make audio and email alert SQL expression boxes larger and multi-line 6.5.2
536 provide the option to include the spot frequency in audio alarms 6.5.5
537 accelerate ingestion of files into the Special Callsign List, and clearance of the Special Callsign List 6.5.8
538 update DXView after ingesting a file into the Special Callsign List, and after clearing the Special Callsign List (requires DXV 3.8.5) 6.5.8
510 provide the ability to include the Age filter in an SQL expression using <AGEFILTER> 6.5.9
539 when a spot from a US station specifies spot notes of the form "Heard in XX" where XX is a valid US State abbreviation, set the spotting station location based on the specified state rather than from the location of the spotting callsign  6.5.9
540 when a spot from a US station specifies spot notes of the form "Heard in XX and YY" and XX and YY are valid US State abbreviations not within the same region (NA-E, NA-M, NA-W), updates the Spot Database with two spots: one whose notes are "Heard from XX" and one whose notes are "Heard from YY" 6.5.9
541 provide a WPX prefix column in the Spot Database Display 6.6.0
542 add realtime award alerting for IOTA, VUCC, WAS, and WPX 6.6.0
543 the popup explanation for a Spot Database Entry's Needed column that specifies one or more characters explains the meaning of those characters, rather than list all possible characters and their meanings 6.6.0
544 extend the "Display Award Tracking" function to support IOTA, VUCC, WAS, and WPX 6.6.3
545 while "recomputing" entries in the Spot Database Display, replace the main window's "Outgoing Spot" panel with a "Recomputing" panel that contains a progress display 6.6.4
546 in the Realtime Award Tracking window, display the full name of CQ Marathon countries 6.6.4
547 tracks the "source" of each Spot Database Entry's DX Grid square (override, spot, USAP database, DXCC database) in a new DXGridSource field and provides a "
Grid Sources for VUCC" panel on the Configuration window's General tab that enables the user to determine which sources are acceptable for VUCC alerting
548 tolerate a Spot Database with more fields than LastSpotField 6.7.2
549 inform DXKeeper when an override callsign changes 6.7.2
550 considers as "needed" a station in the Special Callsign List with a tag of Leaderboard that has not been worked on the spotted band or mode 6.7.2
477 add 2 more banks of 8 SQL filters 6.7.8
551 add an 'S' to the SQL filter bank selector 6.7.9
552 reference <agefilter> in an SQL expression to the current time rather than to the time at which the Spot Database Display was filtered with the SQL expression 6.8.0
553 replace JK1ZRW with JH2ZYY as a default spot source 6.8.1
554 provide a "Bands vs Continent" option in "Propagation Analysis" window 6.8.3
555 in the "Propagation Analysis" window, display counts greater than 1000 in x.yK notation 6.8.3
556 provide the ability to filter the Spot Database Display by clicking in the Propagation window 6.8.3
557 add the Needed field to the page displayed by the web server 6.8.4
558 replace VE1DXI with W1NR as a default spot source 6.8.5
559 support single-band single-mode WAZ awards 6.8.5
560 provide the option to include spot notes in an email alert 6.8.7
561 if an SQL filter is active when a Band, Mode, Origin, Continent, or Age Filter setting is updated, re-evaluate the SQL filter expression 6.8.9
562 only include the word "Marathon" in an audio announcement if the station is only needed for Marathon 6.9.0
563 remembers Special Callsign List column widths between operating sessions 6.9.2
564 tolerate invalid Spot Database Display layout recovered from Windows registry 6.9.7
566 when a Spot Database Entry's band is sought for VUCC but its grid source is not acceptable, display "invalid grid source" in the "Realtime Award Tracking" window 7.0.3
567 after adding an entry with a Leaderboard tag to the Special Callsign List, selectively recompute all Spot Database Entries for the callsign whose Leaderboard tag was added 7.0.5
568 after deleting an entry with a Leaderboard tag from the Special Callsign List, selectively recompute all Spot Database Entries for the callsign whose Leaderboard tag was deleted 7.0.5
569 after loading the Special Callsign List from a file that contains at least one entry with a Leaderboard tag, offer the option of recomputing all Spot Database Entries 7.0.5
570 if clearing the Special Callsign List removes at least one entry with a Leaderboard tag, offer the option of recomputing all Spot Database Entries 7.0.5
565 add an expiration date to items on the Special Callsign List and provide a "delete expired Special Callsign List items" operation 7.0.5
566 enable comments in SQL expressions delimited by // 7.0.8
568 when the SQL Filter window is closed, contract any expanded filter and de-select the currently-selected filter 7.0.9
569 control-clicking an SQL filter selects that filter in the SQL Filter window and contracts the display of any other previously-selected filter 7.0.9
570 provide an operation that deletes all Spot Database Entries last spotted by a callsign tagged with BadSource on the Special Callsign List 7.0.9
571 if the specified log file does not contain a QSO table, inform the user and stop attempting to identify needed stations 7.1.2
572 provide the option to delay execution of the post-QSY user-defined sequence by a specified number of milliseconds 7.1.3
573 accept a directive to announce a band 7.1.4
574 automatically compact the spot database if it size is greater than 1 gigabyte after a prune operation is completed 7.1.6
575 display the longpath heading in the tooltip that appears when the mouse cursor hovers over an azimuth in the Spot Database Display 7.2.0
576 provide an option that when enabled, if the mode of a DX station operating split is being determined based on its sub-band, selects the sub-band using the station's QSX frequency rather than its TX frequency 7.2.2
577 add the "Tags" field to the display generated by the web server 7.2.3
578 striking Enter in the Special Callsign List saves the entry just added or modified and sorts the list 7.2.4
579 include a Favicon in generated web pages 7.2.8
580 when Commander is controlling a Flex 6000, provide DIGL and DIGU options in the "Transceiver mode with no Digital Mode Application connected" panel on the Configuration window's General tab 7.2.9
581 provides announcement files for the 4M and 60M bands 7.2.9
582 if the A-index exceeds 30, display the WWV panel's letter A in bold red font 7.2.9
583 provide the option to play a thunderclap when the A-index exceeds 30 7.2.9
584 when directing PropView 1.7.1 or later to initiate a propagation prediction for a Spot Database Entry, specify the mode as well as the frequency 7.3.0
585 provide the option to direct PropView 1.7.4 or later to generate a 24 hour short and long path SNR forecast for a Spot Database Entry (based on the entry's location, frequency, and mode), extend the Spot Database to capture the forecast, current hour short path SNR, current hour long path SNR, and required SNR (as a function of the Entry's mode), update the current hour short path SNR, current hour long path SNR at the beginning of each new hour, and remove the forecast at the beginning of each new month 7.3.1
586 relocates the "Request Prop Forecast" option to the new "Propagation Prediction" panel and rename it "Display prediction of double-click" 7.3.1
587 provide the option to direct PropView 1.7.4 or later to generate SNR forecasts for needed stations, stations on the Special Callsign List with a PREDICTSNR tag, or all stations 7.3.2
588 provide an option that governs whether the SQL expression that triggers an email alarm is included in the email message 7.3.3
589 don't allow SNR predictions for frequencies below 2 MHz 7.3.3
590 on the Configuration window's General tab, display the length of the SNR prediction request queue when it is greater than 0 7.3.3
591 with "use multiple monitors" enabled, relocates to the primary monitor any window that isn't being displayed on a monitor 7.3.3
592 if PropView disconnects, continue to enqueue SNR prediction requests; when PropView reconnects, resume processing requests 7.3.4
593 work around Microsoft OS version reporting defect so that Windows 10 is properly reported in errorlog.txt file startup headers 7.3.4
594 update SP and LP SNR forecasts at startup 7.3.6
595 mark Spot Database Entries whose forecast has been requested but not yet populated 7.3.6
596 accept short path and long path probabilities in SNR forecasts requested from PropView 1.8.7 and later, and place them in SPProb and LPProb fields respectively 7.3.8
597 update audio announcement for ZL9 "New Zealand Subantarctic Islands" 7.3.8
598 provide an "Autostart PropView" option that when enabled with "Enable SNR Prediction" enabled, starts PropView on SpotCollector startup and queues incoming spots until PropView is running (for a maximum of 30 seconds) 7.3.8
599 at first startup, encourage the user to install DXView to keep databases up-to-date 7.3.9
600 if the "Capture location info from notes" option is enabled, inspect spot notes for the phrase




and if found places ABmn in the Spot Database Entry's new NPOTA field
601 provides an Accept SQL Filter Updates option that if enabled permits other applications to update the contents of an SQL filter by name, and invoke that filter 7.4.4
603 with "use multiple monitors" enabled, relocates to the primary monitor any spot source window that isn't being displayed on a monitor 7.4.7
604 provide sound files for JT65, JT65A, JT65M, and JT9 7.4.8
605 provide a  Help button on the Configuration window's "Spot Database Display" tab 7.4.9
606 provide <LOTWFILTER>, <EQSLFILTER>, and <STANDARDFILTER> SQL substitutions 7.5.2
607 provide the ability to test the AudioTrigger and Email Trigger SQL expressions by using them to filter the Spot Database Display 7.5.3
608 provide 1.25m band support 7.5.3
609 CTRL-clicking a band button in the Statistics window will filter the Spot Database display to show only DX stations on that band reported during the last 60 minutes that pass the Mode, Continent, and Origin filters 7.5.4
610 in spot notes, when <> separates two grid squares that cannot be disambiguated by location analysis, assume SpotterGrid <> DXGrid 7.5.4
611 in spot notes, accepts <ms>, <tr>, <es>, <au>, <f2>, <tep>, <eme>, <sssp>, <fai>, and <sat> as separators between the spotting station's grid square and the DX station's grid square 7.5.4
612 inform the user when an attempt to send an email notification fails because the specified Outgoing Email Server address or port number is incorrect 7.5.5
613 provide the option to optimize email messages for SMS delivery 7.5.6
614 update default spot sources 7.5.7
615 wait 250 ms after resizing to select the last (or first) Spot Database entry 7.5.8
616 eliminate unnecessary reformatting of the Spot Database Display when the Main window is resized 7.5.9
617 when run for the first time on a computer, displays SpotCollector's License for the user's acceptance 7.6.0
618 provide a button to display SpotCollector's License 7.6.0
619 enable the connected TNC to use COM1 through COM64 7.6.0
620 on startup, update Scomm32x.ocx from SpotCollector's Components folder 7.6.1
621 remove the option to suppress the display of the current time in the Main window and Spot Source window title bars 7.6.1
622 increase allowable number of sub-band definition file entries to 128, and inform the user if this limit is exceeded 7.6.2
623 highlight WWV panel's A in red font whenever A-index exceeds 30 7.6.3
624 recognize new modes in spot notes: ARDOP, ISCAT, MSK144, QRA64, QRA64A, QRA64B, QRA64C, QRA64D, QRA64E, SIM31 7.6.7
625 add new modes to the mode filter window:  ISCAT, MSK144, QRA64, QRA64A, QRA64B, QRA64C, QRA64D, QRA64E 7.6.7
626 recognize FT8 in spots notes, and add an FT8 checkbox in the mode filter window 7.6.9
627 include audio announcement files for ARDOP, FT8 ISCAT, MSK144, QRA64, QRA64A, QRA64B, QRA64C, QRA64D, QRA64E, and SIM31 7.6.9
628 notify the user if the Configuration window's Audio Alarm tab specifies an invalid SQL filter expression 7.7.0
629 if directed to initiate an outgoing Cluster spot by the user or by another application when  the Spot Source designated to convey outgoing spots is not connected, inform the user via an always-on-top window 7.7.0
630 if after directing Commander to QSY, the reported transceiver frequency doesn't change within 1 second, direct Commander to update the reported transceiver frequency 7.7.1
631 on connection to DXView, send DXView all spots within DXView's "lifetime" setting 7.7.4
632 with Commander running, after deleting a Spot Database Entry whose band is the transceiver's current band, direct Commander to remove the deleted Entry's station from the Bandspread window 7.7.5
633 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the "Outgoing spots" panel's Local button creates a local spot database entry for the Outgoing spot panel's call on a frequency you are prompted to specify 7.7.8
634 correctly convey active DX stations to Commander's bandspread and Spectrum windows when the Spot Database Display is filtered with an SQL expression 7.8.0
635 add support for the 2190m, 630m, and 560m bands 7.8.2
636 add 630m to the Band Filter window 7.8.3
637 support user-defined Spot Filters in Commander 7.8.4
638 include an audio announcement file for Kosovo the DXCC entity 7.8.5
639 Recomp operation clears Chinese Regions erroneously created by DXCC database version 2.5.7 7.8.5
319 provide a Spot Database Display filter history with the ability to go backward and forward 7.8.8
640 provide the ability to monitor a station and generate hourly "actual propagation" reports via email and to a local file 7.9.5
641 treats local spots as if they were received from a cluster with the spotting station's grid square computed from the Latitude and Longitude specified in the "Operator Location" panel on the Configuration window's General tab 7.9.7

if the spot notes contain Grid1<>Grid2,  Grid1 is reported as the spotter's grid square and Grid2 is reported as the DX grid square

643 if the spot notes begin with the letter [ and specify a single grid square RR73, no spotter or DX grid square is reported 7.9.7
644 if the spot notes contain 3 grid squares and the first 2 are identical, ignores the first grid square and considers the 2nd and 3rd grid squares 7.9.7
645 adds a NeedCategory field 7.9.8
646 reduce the station propagation monitor's interval from 60 minutes to 30 minutes 7.9.9
647 replaces enhancements 643 and 644 with the ability to recognize spot notes that specify 3 grid squares, where the first grid square is RR73; in this scenario, the RR73 grid square is ignored and the remaining 2 grid squares are processed as if they were the only 2 grid squares present in the spot notes 7.9.9
648 if an incoming spot does not specify the spotting station's grid square and the spotting station matches the callsign specified in the "Operator Callsign" box on the Configuration window's General tab, then behave as if the incoming spot included the spotting station grid square associated with the Latitude and Longitude specified in the "Operator location" panel on the Configuration window's General tab. 7.9.9
650 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Recomp button recomputes each Entry's Band from its Frequency using the sub-band definition file 8.0.2
519 use the override list, if available, obey its start and end dates, and provide the ability to direct DXView to display its Configuration window's  Overrides tab 8.0.8
651 ignore recomputation directives from DXKeeper when not referencing the Log that DXKeeper currently has open 8.0.8
652 when determining spotter locations from spot notes, recognize Canadian Province abbreviations appearing after the phrase "Heard In" 8.0.8
653 provide the option to include short path and long path opening probabilities in web page generated by the web server 8.1.6
654 display the number of deleted spot database entries in the Size Limit panel 8.1.9
655 include the NoPrune tag in each Spot Database Entry's Tags field so that the Prune operation need not search the SpecialCallsign database 8.2.0
656 support for JS8 mode (recognized JS8 in spot notes, add to Mode filter, provide audio announcement file) 8.2.1
657 interoperate with WSJTX via UDP 8.2.3
658 correctly determine the location of callsigns of the form WZ7I-4-# 8.2.3
659 if DXView is running and "Ignore Start & End times" is enabled, double-clicking the Band Filter's "Sunrise UTC" or "Sunset UTC" update them with the current sunrise or sunset time from DXView, respectively 8.2.3
660 double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose Network is WSJTX does not direct Commander to change the transceiver frequency 8.2.3
661 add ActualSNR, ActualSNRMax, and ActualSNRMin fields to the Spot database 8.2.3
662 recognize spot notes containing HEARD IN in other than the first two words 8.2.4
663 provide a <WSJTXMODE> substitution command for SQL expressions 8.2.4
664 notify the user to restart SpotCollector if WSJT-X disconnects while SpotCollector is running, and then later attempts to reconnect  8.2.5
665 with WSJT-X connected, double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is FT8, JT9, or JT65* with the CTRL or ALT keys depressed, should direct DXView to rotate to the short-path or long-path heading, respectively 8.2.6
666 with WSJT-X connected, double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is FT8, JT9, or JT65* should direct Commander to QSY to the bottom of the mode's sub-band on the Entry's band, as specified in SpotCollector's sub-band definition file, in the mode specified by the "Transceiver mode for WSJT-X" panel 8.2.9
667 when connected to WSJT-X version 2.0.1 or later, clear the WSJT-X "Band Activity" panel when the band changes 8.2.9
668 with WSJT-X connected, right-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is FT8, JT9, or JT65* and then selecting the QSY menu command, should direct Commander to QSY to the bottom of the mode's sub-band on the Entry's band, as specified in SpotCollector's sub-band definition file, in the mode specified by the "Transceiver mode for WSJT-X" panel 8.3.0
669 in the WSJT-X panel on the Configuration window's Spot Sources tab, reverse the order of the Lookup and Callbook checkboxes so that the four checkboxes governing logging behavior are adjacent 8.3.0
670 when seeking a mode designator in spot notes, ignore slash characters the the characters that follow them 8.3.1
671 FT4 support (recognition in spot notes, added to mode filter, interoperation with WSJT-X) 8.3.2

accepts connections from multiple instances of WSJT-X, either local instances or instances running on network-connected machines

674 with the WSJT-X spot source configured to direct DXKeeper to lookup a new "DX Call" in WSJT-X, if the WSJT-X "DX Call" is cleared, remove all filtering from DXKeeper's Log Page Display and clear its Filter panel textbox 8.3.3
675 when connected to a WSJT-X instance and a Spot Database Entry for a K1JT-mode station is double-clicked, populate DXKeeper's Filter Panel textbox with the station's callsign (requires DXKeeper 14.9.3 or later) 8.3.5
676 interpret FH or F/H in spot notes to mean "mode is FT8" 8.4.0
677 interpret FH or F/H or Fox in spot notes that contain no mode designator to mean "mode is FT8" 8.4.1
678 with the "Spot Xcvr split" option enabled when Commander reports being connected to a satellite tracker, populate the Main window's "Outgoing spot" panel with the satellite name and downlink frequency 8.4.2
679 use abbreviations in the Need filter button's explanatory popup 8.4.5
680 remove the "determine the DXCC entity from the 5th character in a 6-character VK9 callsign"  rule (retract enhancement #380) 8.4.5
681 when an override doesn't specify a grid square, populate the Spot Database Entry's Azimuth field with a heading to the DXCC entity 8.4.5
682 double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is a K1JT mode conveys the entry's callsign, mode, and gridsquare to WSJT-X 2.1.2 or later 8.4.6
683 recognize FT-4 and FT-8 in spot notes as FT4 and FT8 respectively 8.4.8
684 provide realtime award tracking for the specified log's "user-specified digital mode family" 8.4.9
685 when WSJT-X reports a station calling CQ, CQ DX, CQ RD, CQ RU, or CQ TEST, append these words to the beginning of the spot notes 8.5.0
686 provide the ability to pre-filter spots by band, mode family, and origin 8.5.2
687 make the pre-filtering window and the status of pre-filtering more accessible 8.5.3
688 provides a "Discard spots from spotting stations callsigns ending in -@" option on the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab 8.5.5
689 accept decoded MSK144 callsigns 8.5.8
690 when the WSJT-X "DX Call" transitions from more than one characters to no characters with the Lookup option enabled in the WSJT-X panel on the Configuration window's "Spot Sources" tab, direct DXKeeper to remove the Log Page display filter 8.5.8
691 accept decoded WSPR callsigns 8.6.0
693 re-architect and re-implement interoperation with WSJT-X to compensate for retraction of "Highlight Callsign" functionality 8.6.6
694 add a POTA field that is populated with the Parks on the Air code extracted from spot notes and conveys this information to DXKeeper and WinWarbler (if running) when a Spot Database Entry is double-clicked 8.7.2
695 add a SOTA field that is populated with the Summits on the Air code extracted from spot notes and conveys this information to DXKeeper and WinWarbler (if running) when a Spot Database Entry is double-clicked 8.7.2
696 add a WWFF field that is populated with the Worldwide Flora & Fauna area code extracted from spot notes and conveys this information to DXKeeper and WinWarbler (if running) when a Spot Database Entry is double-clicked 8.7.2
697 increase precision of POTA tag detection 8.7.3
698 provide a "Maintain DXCC entity-band-mode fields" option and a new BANDMODEPROGRESS field; if this option is enabled, the BANDMODEPROGRESS and BANDMODEWORKED fields are populated when a Spot Database Entry is created, and updated when it is updated (requires DXKeeper 15.9.2 or later) 8.7.7
699 extend the transceiver announcement of mode-changes function to handle modes besides CW, CW-R, USB, LSB, RTTY, RTTY-R, AM, and FM if the appropriate .wav file is present in SpotCollector's Sounds folder 8.7.8
700 recognize, filter, and pre-filter the FST4 mode 8.7.8
701 increase the speed at which the validity of a mode for a specified award is determined 8.7.8
702 increase the speed at which a Spot Database Entry's ModeWorked and BandModeWorked fields are computed 8.7.8
703 provide a new SPOTCOUNT field that is populated with the number of entries that appear in a Spot Database Entry's "Individual Spots" window, which is governed by the "Record individual spot information"  and "Ignore empty spot notes" options 8.7.9
704 provide audio announcement files for FT4, DATA-L, DATA-U, DIGL, and DIGU 8.8.0
705 add the computed age (in minutes) to the tooltips for the LastTime and SpotTime fields 8.8.1
706 handle additional message fields sent by WSJT-X 2.3.0 8.8.2
707 typing CTRL-C in the "Spots of" window's display of spots copies the contents of all spots to the Windows clipboard 8.8.3
708 display the WSJT-X version number on the SC_WSJTX main window 8.8.3
709 update announcements with new versions from Joe DX 8.8.3
710 don't attempt to extract QSX frequencies from the spot notes of stations operating in a K1JT mode 8.8.4
712 add support for the 8m and 5m bands  8.8.5
713 add Mode Filter support for the Q65 mode 8.8.6
714 adds Prefiltering support for "other digital modes" added in ADIF 3.1.2 8.8.6

adds an "Auto Config" checkbox to the WSJT-X panel on the Configuration window's "Spot Sources" tab that when checked directs the local instance of WSJT-X to select the Configuration whose name  is that of the primary transceiver selected in the local instance of Commander

716 include "Special Callsign Tags" on the "Realtime Award Tracking" window 8.9.2
717 add a Secondary Administrative Subdivision field to the Spot Database, and for Russian stations populate it from the RDA database is present; 8.9.3
718 when a spot database entry is double-clicked, include the Secondary Administrative Subdivision with the information sent to DXKeeper or WinWarbler 8.9.3
719 accelerate handling of incoming DX Summit spots 8.9.3
720 provide right-mouse menu commands to populate the Filter panel's textbox with the current Spot Database Entry's Callsign or DXCC Prefix 8.9.3
721 implements Q65 superseding QRA64 in WSJT-X 8.9.3
722 add a Secondary field to the Spot Databse  
723 if the RDA database is present in DXView's Databases folder, use the RDA database to populate the Continent, Primary, Secondary, CQ, ITU, and IOTA fields of each Spot Database Entry for stations in UA, UA0, UA2, and R1F for which no Override has been specified 8.9.3
724 limit the number of spots retained with each spot database entry to approximately 200 8.9.4
725 do not connect to as a spot source  9.0.0
727 with the "Record individual spot information" option enabled, do not record spot notes from skimmer spots reported by callsigns ending in -# unless the new "Record skimmer spot notes" option is enabled 9.0.0
728 on the Configuration window's "Spot Source" tab, provide an "Initial Cluster Command" for each DX Cluster and PacketCluster 9.0.0
729 accelerate the processing of data from DX Clusters 9.0.0
730 augment the Pre-filter window with a "Discard incoming spots of stations in selected continents" panel 9.0.1
731 augment the Pre-filter window with a "Discard incoming spots of NXCDF beacons" checkbox 9.0.1
732 augment the Pre-filter window with a "Discard incoming spots of stations in selected DXCC entities" panel 9.0.2
733 when identifying spots of NXCDF beacons to discard, allow the spotted frequency to vary from the beacon frequency by +/- 200 Hz 9.0.3
734 provide a "Spot source status 'connected' color" panel at the bottom of the Configuration window's "Spot Sources" tab that provides a choice between green and blue to identify a connected spot source in the "Spot source status" panel at the top of the Main window 9.0.3
735 recognize RTT in spot notes as RTTY 9.0.4
736 move the "Discard spots from spotting station callsigns ending in -#" and "Discard spots from spotting station callsigns ending in -@" checkboxes from the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab to the Pre-Filter window 9.0.4
737 display the incoming spot rate after pre-filtering in the "Size Control" panel on the Configuration window's "Spot Database" tab 9.0.4
738 includes the ability to audibly announce the Q65 mode 9.0.5
739 provide an Ann/Talk checkbox in the upper-left corner of each Telnet DXCluster's spot source window that mirrors its Ann/Talk checkbox in the "Telnet DXCluster" panel on the Configuration window's "Spot Sources" tab 9.0.6
740 add a "Pre-filter Skimmer spots only" option to the Pre-filtering window  9.0.7
741 warn the user if the "Log file reference for award progress" panel does not select a log file 9.0.9
742 provide a "Highlight current hour" option for Propagation window's "Band vs. Time" view 9.0.9
743 provide an <XCVRFREQ> SQL substitution command that is replaced by the transceiver's current frequency in kilohertz 9.1.0
744 with Pre-filtering enabled and  the "Discard incoming spots of stations in selected continents" panel's ? box checked, don't discard a spot whose continent is ? but for which an override is specified 9.1.5
745 increase Spot Queue depth to 1024 9.1.6
746 with Pre-filtering of DXCC entities or Continents enabled, check incoming spots for the presence of an override and, if found, Pre-filter based on the DXCC entity and Continent specified in the override 9.1.6
747 provides an "Include Pri & Sec Subs in message" option on the Configuration window's "Email Alarm" tab 9.1.7
748 optimizes the message generated when "Include Pri & Sec Subs in message" is enabled when "SMS optimized message" is enabled 9.1.9
749 reduces the performance impact of sending an email message 9.2.0
750 displays the pathname of the file to which SQL filters were last saved or from which they were last restored in the SQL Filters window's title bar 9.2.0
751 recognize VARA in spot notes to mean that the Mode is "VARA HF" 9.2.1
752 respond more rapidly to user actions on the Spot Database Display 9.2.3

In response to double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is a K1JT mode, the only behavior that is contingent on SpotCollector being connected to WSJT-X as a spot source is using the Entry's band to determine to which WSJT-X instance (if there are more than one) the Entry's Callsign, mode, and gridsquare should be sent

754 In response to double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is a K1JT mode, SpotCollector compares the Entry's frequency to the lower and upper bounds for the Entry's band and mode in the selected BandModes.txt file. If the Entry's frequency is between those bounds, then Commander is directed to QSY to the lower bound; otherwise, Commander is directed to QSY to the Entry's frequency 9.2.5
755 In response to double-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is a K1JT mode, SpotCollector compares the Entry's frequency to the lower and upper bounds for the Entry's band and mode in the selected BandModes.txt file. If the Entry's frequency is between those bounds, then Commander is directed to QSY to the lower bound. If the BandModes.txt file does not specify bounds, or if the Entry's frequency is not between the specified bounds, Commander is directed to QSY to the Entry's frequency rounded down to the next lowest 1 kilohertz 9.2.7
756 In response to right-clicking a Spot Database Entry whose mode is a K1JT mode and selecting the QSY command, SpotCollector compares the Entry's frequency to the lower and upper bounds for the Entry's band and mode in the selected BandModes.txt file. If the Entry's frequency is between those bounds, then Commander is directed to QSY to the lower bound. If the BandModes.txt file does not specify bounds, or if the Entry's frequency is not between the specified bounds, Commander is directed to QSY to the Entry's frequency rounded down to the next lowest 1 kilohertz 9.2.7
757 includes the file BandModes 2022-01-06.txt, which redefines the frequency ranges of two FT4 sub-bands: 7047.5-7050 and 14.080-14.083 9.2.8
758 on the Configuration window's "Spot Database Display" tab, provide a new Autoscroll panel with an "Enable on newly-needed Entry" checkbox 9.3.1
759 with "Enable on newly-needed Entry" enabled, enable auto-scroll if a needed Spot Database Entry is created or promoted and passes the current (non-SQL) Spot Database Filter 9.3.2
760 SC_WSJTX 1.1.6 waits one half second before conveying a change in the WSJT-X "DX Call" to SpotCollector 9.4.1
761 extends WAS Realtime Award Tracking to include FT8 and FT4 endorsements 9.4.1
762 when unable to successfully log a QSO received from WSJT-X, informs the user and appends the ADIF record for that QSO to a file named UnloggedQSOs.adi in SpotCollector's Databases folder 9.4.2
763 left-clicking a Spot Database Entry populates the textbox in DXKeeper's Filter panel with the Entry's callsign 9.4.3
764 left-clicking a Spot Database Entry directs Pathfinder to perform a lookup 9.4.5
765 provide the option to automatically direct DXKeeper upload QSOs logged via WSJT to QRZ 9.4.6
766 provide the option to highlight the words 73 and RR73 in the the WSJT-X Band Activity window with a specified font color 9.4.6
768 inform user if compaction is active while a QSO is being logged 9.4.6
769 if mswinsock cannot be installed, display instructions that will enable it to be installed 9.4.6
770 provide the option to prune the spot database to a specified maximum size 9.4.6

the Test buttons in the "Announced callsign phonetically" and "Sound Files" panels on the Configuration window's "Audio Alarm" tab will inform the user if the necessary folder or file does not exist.

772 detects both 4-digit and 5-digit POTA tags 9.4.7
773 disambiguates what should be unambiguous grid square specifiers in spot notes - like <> and <TEP> - in case the spotting station has reversed the grid squares 9.4.7
774 while using the direct interoperation with WSJT-X, when a Spot Database Entry for a station operating in K1JT mode is double-clicked, prevents WSJT-X from issuing an incorrect QSY directive to Commander 9.5.8
775 on the Configuration window's Overrides tab, the "Display Overrides" button is always visible if no override database exists or if DXView is not running; clicking the button in these circumstances displays an explanation 9.5.9
776 inform the user that DXView isn't running if a Spot Database Entry's "Create Override" command is invoked with DXView not running 9.6.0
777 when connected to WSJT-X, convey the process priority specified on the Configuration window's Process Priority panel to SC_WSJT-X 9.6.1
752 color code the WWV panel K textbox based on the NOAA G-scale 9.6.1
753 provide a "Maximum age of eQSL upload" option in the Controls panel on the Configuration window's Spot Database tab 9.6.2

in the Spot Database Display, provides a new "Ignore future spots of " command to the right mouse menu that adds the Entry's callsign to the Special Callsign List with no tags

755 add "VARA HF" to the "Mode Filter" window and "VARA" to the web server's Mode Filter 9.6.5
756 changes "VARA HF" to "VARA"  in the "Mode Filter" window, and filters all VARA submodes 9.6.6
757 recognizes VARAC, VARA FM 1200, VARA 9600, and VARA SAT in spot notes 9.6.6
758 In the Pre-filtering window's "Discard incoming spots in selected mode families" panel, VARAC, VARA FM 1200, VARA 9600, and VARA SAT are considered "Other Digital" 9.6.6
759 when inspecting spot notes, the presence of the word WCA means a POTA tag is not present 9.6.7
760 provide a new "Special Callsign Database" panel on the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab that displays the name of the current Special Callsign Database, and provides the option to switch between a Special Callsign Database referenced by all users of the computer hosting SpotCollector and a Special Callsign Database whose name incorporates the Operator Callsign Specified on the Configuration window's General tab; before changing the Special Callsign Database, SpotCollector directs DXView to terminate 9.7.0

1. clicking the "Make unique to X" button leaves the SpecialCallsigns.mdb file in place


2. if the file X_SpecialCallsigns.mdb already exists and you click the "Make unique to X" button, SpotCollector switches to using the existing X_SpecialCallsigns.mdb file


3. if the file SpecialCallsigns.mdb already exists and you click the " Use with all Operator Callsigns" button, SpotCollector switches to using the existing SpecialCallsigns.mdb file

762 provide a "Leaderboard Start Date" panel on the configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab 9.7.3
763 in the Configuration window's "Special Callsigns" tab, adds checkboxes that enable pursuit of Leaderboard bands, modes, and band-modes to the Leaderboard panel 9.7.4
764 update the pop-up menu's "Display Award Tracking" window to display Leaderboard band, mode, and band-mode award progress 9.7.5
766 color code the WWV panel A textbox background based on A-index range 9.8.2
767 in the "Digital Mode Application" panel on the Configuration window's General tab, indicate whether the specified Digital Mode Application is connected or not connected 9.8.2
768 accept an "Activate K1JT station" directive containing a callsign, frequency, and K1JT mode that if SpotCollector is connected to one or more instances of WSJT-X causes the appropriate instance to QSY to the base of the K1JT mode's sub-band in the specified K1JT mode, and populate its "DX Call" with the specified callsign 9.8.3
769 provide a new "Don't prune needed Spot Database Entries" option in the "Size Control" panel that when checked prevents the pruning of Spot Database Entries needed for DXCC, IOTA, VUCC, WAS, WAZ, or WPX awards; note Spot Database Entries only needed for Marathon awards will still be pruned 9.8.3
46 provide a Telnet server for spot distribution
51 use Forward/Back mouse buttons to activate SpotCollector's "back" and "forward" spot history traversal functions 
52 detect "reversed" and "inverted" in RTTY spot notes, and convey this information to WinWarbler
64 ability to initiate TNC macros at a specified frequency 
77 Gracefully accept a new DXCC database from DXView
81 ability to select Spot Database entries and repetitively QSY the transceiver among them at a specified rate
82 provide a DDE-accessible textbox that contains the most recently-received raw spot, and identify the source of the spot
85 provide a window that displays the UTC time in large numbers
96 optionally announce DX spot frequencies
97 if the spot stack is empty when the user double-clicks on a spot, record the current frequency and mode on the spot stack so that the user can return to it by clicking the left arrow button
98 ability to capture a session's incoming spots to a file and later replay the file for demo purposes
100 ability to archive and restore solar data
108 make "concentrated" spots available via a telnet socket (for other applications)
113 provide the ability to run cluster macros on startup and/or on connection
121 option to announce all needed spots as they arrive
130 user specification of announcement fields and order
132 allow definition of PSK31 and PSK63 sub-bands
141 when the Frequency filter and Frequency sort are both active, have the cursor track the transceiver frequency
142 don't generate an audio announcement if WinWarbler is transmitting on the same soundcard
150 the ability to specify frequency offsets for SSB, CW, and RTTY so that those whose transceiver frequency isn't the correct "spotting frequency" can generate accurate spots in these modes
168 provide the option of defining Needed in support of "work every entity on every specified band-mode combination"
171 optionally sound an alarm when a Unworked (as opposed to Unconfirmed) entity, entity-band, or entity-mode is spotted
190 ability to save Band, Mode, Continent, and Origin filter settings to a named file, and restore
196 extend web server to emit an RSS feed
207 provide the ability to define a list of callsigns, each with a band and mode selector, with the optional ability to color and announce "matches" on this list even if "needed" entries are not being announced
213 provide the ability to differentiate between spots needed for an all-time new entity, spots needed for a new entity-band, and spots needed for a new entity-mode 
222 provide the option of auto-pruning at preset time intervals, and the ability to save the pruned information to an archival database that can later be restored
236 in notes of PSK spots, interpret number followed by hz as audio offset and add to spot frequency (e.g. 1200 hz, 1200hz)
252 provide a second Spot Database Display with independent filtering and sorting
258 provide the option of writing an HTML representation of the Spot Database to a file every X minutes
275 accept a directive from DXKeeper to update the "color" of each entry in the Spot Database, and have DXKeeper send this directive after each import operation
291 provide the ability to route digital spots to different applications based on mode
294 allow the user to specify a different digital mode application for each mode (CW, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, others),
311 update each Spot Database Entry's DXCC entity and progress when a new DXCC database version is detected
318 provide the option to refine the current Spot Database Display filter with an additional filter
329 provide the option to convey SpotCollector's Band, Mode, Origin, and Continent filters to DXView
330 provide the option to filter by short-path bearing (+/-  a pre-specified range from the current antenna heading, as reported by DXView)
331 use the #CQDX IRC channel to facilitate collaborative DXing among defined sub-groups
332 add a new Y/N field to each Spot Database Entry called Watch, provide right mouse entries to set a Spot Database Entry's Watch item to 'Y' or 'N', and provide a Watch checkbox that when checked filters the Spot Database Display to show only entries whose Watch item is set to 'Y'; also provide a way to simultaneously set the Watch items of all Spot database entries to 'N'
334 provide separate control of colors for unworked bands and modes
335 provide the option to highlight spot database entries for either known LotW participants or all-time new ones with a yellow background
338 provide a new "priority" field whose value is set by a user-specified "need" hierarchy and provide the ability to sort and/or filter by priority
354 display all times in the Band Filter panel with a colon to separate hours and minutes
355 provide the ability to modify a Spot Database Display entry's Mode (updating "need" as required)
357 provide the option to collect and record WCY data instead of WWV data
362 provide the option to edit a spot database entry's callsign, frequency, mode, and dxcc entity
364 when opening a database whose pathname is hardwired, check for a .accdb prefix if the .mdb prefix is not found
378 add "copy to clipboard" to each spot source window's right mouse menu
399 provide the ability to distinguish "confirmed via LotW" from "confirmed via Card" (requires DXKeeper #1219)
420 provide the option to consider worked-but-unconfirmed entity-bands and entity-modes as needed, whether or not the spotted station was previously worked on the spotted entity-band or in the spotted entity-mode
439 allow the incorporation of user-defined SQL expressions in other SQL expressions, e.g. <SQLFilter1>
478 announce a Spot Database Entry when its first spotted from the user's region (as defined by the "Operator location" panel on the Configuration window's General tab)
480 define a "Need" tag for special callsigns, and extend the Needed SQL to include 

Tags like '*SpecialNeed*'

514 extend the Special Callsign Database to support wildcard characters
530 enable the Propagation window's vertical scrollbar to be controlled via mousewheel 
602 add the 137 KHz and 496 KHz bands to the Band Filter
649 retain the "distance from spotting station to QTH" for each spot, and use it to periodically recompute the ODX field of each Spot Database Entry
673 support WAS band-mode endorsements as award objectives
692 inform Commander and DXView when a Spot Database Entry is deleted
711 optionally specify a date range in leaderboard tags
726 provide a right-click option to remove a Spot Database Entry's callsign from the Special Callsign list
765 provide the ability to plot the locations of spotting stations that have spotted the user's callsign  



f you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.