WinWarbler Online Help Contents
The QSO Info
panel at the top WinWarbler's Main window can provide up to 11 rows of textboxes and
selectors in which to specify items to be logged. After a
callsign is specified with DXKeeper
running, a 12th row can display the number of
already-logged QSOs with that callsign, and the details of the most recent QSO
with that callsign. The first 3 rows of textboxes and selectors are always visible
in the Main window's QSO Info panel.
The column of 9 Enable Row checkboxes
in the QSO Info Layout window determine which of the lower 9 rows of textboxes
and selectors are visible.
Clicking the QSO Info Layout
Enable All Rows button will make all 12
rows of textboxes and selectors visible in the
QSO Info panel. Clicking the
QSO Info Layout window'
Disable All Rows button will
hide the bottom 9 rows of textboxes and selectors.
The QSO Info Layout window's Saved Layouts panel enables you to save and subsequently restore four different QSO Info panel layouts. Clicking one of this panel's Save buttons remembers the current configuration of Enable Row checkboxes. Clicking one of this panel's Select buttons restores the previously-saved configuration of Enable Row checkboxes. You can use each saved layout's Notes to provide a reminder of its purpose. A Layout panel containing four numbered buttons is provided on the Main window, either to the right or below the Xcvr Freq panel (depending upon the number of rows present in the Main window's QSO Info panel); clicking one of these buttons is equivalent to clicking a Select button in the QSO Info Layout window's Saved Layouts panel; allowing the mouse cursor to hover over a numbered button in the Main window's Layout panel will display an explanatory popup with the button's saved layout's Notes enclosed in parenthesis.
You can direct WinWarbler to display its QSO Info Layout window by
- clicking the Arrange Items button at the bottom of the QSO Info panel on the Configuration window's Log tab.
- depressing the CTRL key while clicking the
button in the Main window's
QSO Info panel