This release - prevents the errorlog.txt entry Launch.HandleTerminateTimer: Control array element '1' doesn't exist (tnx to Craig K9CT) - informs the user if an upgrade can't be completed because a file is in use or write-protected (tnx to David K4ZZR) - prevents an errorlog.txt file entry from being generated by Install.SiteURL (tnx to Bob K0FYI) - refuses to start if another instance of the Launcher is already running - selects the DXLab Apps tab when the user clicks the Config window's New? button - if the user attempts to Activate or Update a Workspace with one or more DXLab applications running, displays the applications that must be terminated before this operation can be invoked (tnx to Phil GU0SUP) - informs the user if the Launcher is configured to utilize a distribution site via the internet but cannot access the internet (tnx to John KJ1J) - when the Main window's Start button is clicked, replaces the Start button with an Abort button that if clicked terminates the application startup process (tnx to Rich W3ZJ) - updates the Configuration.htm and ControllingApplications.htm documentation files DXLab Launcher 1.8.8 is available via the DXLab Launcher and via 73, Dave, AA6YQ