DXView Enhancement Requests


Number Description Version implemented
1 prevent user violation of DXCC Database integrity 1.0.4
7 plot logged QSOs or worked/confirmed/verified DXCC entities (requires DXKeeper 1.0) 1.0.4 
10 interoperate with WinWarbler (requires WinWarbler 1.8.8) 1.0.4 
11 display Continent, CQZone, and ITUZone 1.0.4
6 filter spot display based on region of spotted station, region of spotting station, band, and mode 1.1.1 
13 control Yaesu and M2 rotators (with alignment and compensation) 1.1.1
14 show distances in miles or kilometers 1.1.1
15 show selected location's time zone 1.1.2
16 show selected location's local time (supersedes #15) 1.1.4
22 control rotators using Hygain protocol 1.2.1
23 add deleted DXCC entities 1.2.1
24 6-character gridsquares 1.2.2
25 show gridsquare when directed by another application (requires WinWarbler 1.9.4) 1.2.2 
26 SpotCollector support 1.2.3
8 permit position selection via direct latitude and longitude entry 1.2.6
17 start a DXKeeper log entry for the Search panel Callsign  (requires DXKeeper 1.2.5) 1.2.9
27 Support for rotators controlled by ARSWIN 1.2.9
5 display spots captured from DX Clusters, Telnet Clusters, and DXS 1.3.1
28 ability to filter plots by band, mode, and origin 1.3.1
30 display callsign, frequency, and time associated with a plotted spot (requires SpotCollector 1.0.5) 1.3.4 
31 display callsign, frequency, mode, and time associated with a plotted spot( requires SpotCollector 1.0.5) 1.3.5 
32 double-clicking near a plotted spot selects that spot, sets the transeceiver frequency and mode (via Commander), and initializes a DXKeeper log entry (requires SpotCollector 1.0.5) 1.3.5 
34 handle fractional time zones  1.3.9
35 interoperate with Pathfinder (version 4.0.2 or later) 1.4.0
37 support for Heath HD1780 IntelliRotor 1.4.1
29 optionally display a window that is entirely visible on a VGA monitor 1.4.5
19 access to ITU and CQ zone maps 1.4.5
21 ability to add a new DXCC entry 1.4.5
2 full DXCC Database maintenance documentation 1.4.5
38 place map and DX information in separate windows 1.4.5
41 ability to plot the current log's progress table 1.4.7
42 option to select continent map with or without Antarctica 1.5.0
43 support for Test and Shutdown DDE messages 1.5.0
44 ability to show solar position at a specified date and time 1.5.0
45 support for PropView beacon display and rotator control 1.5.1
46 option to display the country name in spot popups 1.5.2
48 use shading to differentiate sunlit and nighttime areas 1.5.3
51 restore or minimize main window and earth window on command from other DXLab applications  1.5.8
52 accept a gridsquare from other DXLab applications as a more accurate indication of a previously-specified position  1.5.8
53 displays IOTA designators that can be determined from a DXCC prefix and makes this information available to other DXLab applications 1.5.8
9 drive Pathfinder's callbook search mechanism 1.6.2
56 only display location popups on world map if mouse cursor is within 500 miles (800 kilometes) of a spot 1.6.3
57 popups for log progress plots include the DXCC entity name 1.6.3
58 accept "update log filter" DDE messages 1.6.4
59 Inform the DXLab Launcher (version 1.0.6 or later) when the main window's windowstate (normal, miminized, or maximized) changes 1.6.4
60 when directed by another DXLab application to minimize all windows, remember whether the World Map window was visible and if so, restore it when later directed to restore the Main window 1.6.4
62 clicking on a progress code in the Progress panel should filter DXKeeper's log to show only QSOs with the designated DXCC entity on the progress indicator's band or mode 1.6.6
63 When accepting a callsign from DXKeeper, accept an optional DXCC Prefix and use it rather than perform a callsign lookup (with DXKeeper 2.0.7 or later) 1.6.8
64 Improve the accuracy of callsign lookups from DKeeper accompanied by a DXCC Prefix 1.6.9
66 add a DDE command that sets the current position by specifying a latitude and longitude 1.7.1
69 if the file DDEClients.txt is present in DXView's folder, assume its enumeration of DXView clients with one client name per line, and inform each listed client that DXView is active 1.7.2
70 add a DDE command that specifies the current bearing 1.7.2
71 add a DDE command that rotates the antenna to the current bearing's short path or long path 1.7.2
72 ability to invoke MapQuest showing the current location at a specified initial zoom 1.7.2
73 display an 11-band by 4-mode Progress Details grid  1.7.3 (requires DXKeeper 2.3.6 or later)
61 optionally plot spots on DXAtlas 1.7.4
74 color-code entries in the Progress Details grid 1.7.4
75 handle callsigns with a /mobile designator 1.7.4
76 correct solar position to account for the earth's elliptical orbit around the sun 1.7.5
77 the DX Atlas window should minimize or restore when DXView is directed by the DXLab Launcher to minimize or restore 1.7.5
78 show sunrise and sunset times 1.7.5
79 optionally log diagnostic information to errorlog.txt 1.7.7
80 when directed by the DXLab Launcher, reset all windows to the primary monitor 1.7.7 (and DXLab Launcher version 1.1.4 or later)
81 show current solar position in the Config window's Solar Position panel  1.7.9
82 allow window positions on secondary monitors to be stored between sessions 1.8.3
87 when selecting a spot on the world map by double-clicking, use the DXCC prefix stored with the spot rather than recompute it from the call (see defect #60) 1.8.7
88 support the SARtek rotor protocol 1.8.7
89 expand the width of the Callsign field  1.8.8
91 display connected servers in Main window's title bar 1.9.0
92 display shortpath bearing in world map spot popups 1.9.0
93 double-clicking on a world map spot should direct DXKeeper to display all previous QSOs with the callsign or with the prefix, as specified by configuration setting 1.9.1
94 depressing the Ctrl or Alt keys while double-clicking a world map spot will rotate the antenna to the spot's short path or long path heading respectively 1.9.1
95 add a new table to the DXCC database that contains
  • a version number

  • an indication of whether the user has modified the DXCC database

97 display the DXCC database version, and append a + if the user has modified the database 1.9.2
99 support for TIC ring rotors 1.9.3
50 automatically compress the generated DXCC database 1.9.5
18 provide the option to displace the auroral zones as a function of the current K index 1.9.5
107 display the largest magnetic latitude encountered by a signal path (short or long) 1.9.5
108 during table construction, report prefixes that are too long (and ignore them) 1.9.5
109 display the current K index from SpotCollector (if running) 1.9.5
110 remember modified DXCC database column widths between operation sessions 1.9.5
111 provide the ability to specify the generated DXCC database version and modification settings 1.9.5
112 provide additional wildcards for prefix definition
  • $ - expands to the letters A through G, I through K, and M through Z, generating 24 prefix-to-Entity associations (used in defining US prefixes for the 0, 6, 7, 8, and 9 call areas)

  • % - expands to the letters A through G, I through K, M through N, and Q through Z, generating 23 prefix-to-Entity associations (used in defining US prefixes for the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 call areas)

  • & - expands to the letters A through G and I though K, generating 10 prefix-to-Entity associations (used in defining US AA prefixes)

  • ! - expands to the letters A through I, generating 9 prefix-to-Entity associations (used in defining the U prefixes assigned to European Russia)

113 report duplicate prefix assignments 1.9.5
98 expand serial port support to COM9-15 1.9.6
102 provide keyboard shortcuts for Main window functions 1.9.6
103 provide keyboard shortcuts for DXCC window functions 1.9.6


handle prefix special cases:

  • associate KC4XXX with Antarctica (US bases)

  • associate KA2XX through KA9XX with Japan (foreign operators)


96 provide the option to display a line on the world map connecting both parties of a spotted QSO for which the endpoint gridsquares were captured 1.9.7
116 display the contents of the progress grid in bold font 1.9.7
117 provide a Config button on the World Map window 1.9.7
118 accepts a spot's grid square from Spot Collector, uses it to plot the spot's location, and provides it to DXKeeper if the user later's double-clicks the plotted spot 1.9.7
68 when an IOTA designator is entered and Enter is struck, display the prefix, DXCC country, island name, and plot the position 1.9.8
119 depressing CTRL or ALT while clicking in the World Map window moves the rotator to the selected position's shortpath or longpath bearing, respectively 1.9.8
120 provide an option that determines whether the data in the Info window's Progress grid are displayed in normal or bold font 1.9.8
121 provide the option to not display DX Spot text information on the DX Atlas map 1.9.9
86 the World Map display should only appear on startup if it was visible during the previous session 2.0.0
122 When displaying spots on the DX Atlas world map, use each spot's callsign as its label; if the mouse cursor hovers over a label, display the spot's callsign, frequency, mode, grid, and spot time in a popup window 2.0.1
123 support the AlfaSpid rotator 2.0.1
124 support the M2 RC2800PX rotator 2.0.6
126 use "C" rather than "F" in the Progress grid to denote confirmed bands and modes 2.0.8
132 LP-Rotor support 2.1.1
133 provide the ability to stop an ARSWIN or LP_Rotor when rotating 2.1.3
129 Prosistel rotator support 2.1.4
134 enhance responsiveness to plot requests from other DXLab applications 2.1.4
135 depressing the CTRL key while clicking on the world map directs PropView (if running) to create a propagation forecast to the selected location 2.1.5
136 precede "rotate" commands to M2 RC2800OX with an A as required by latest firmware 2.1.6
137 TrackBox rotator support 2.1.7
139 DXCC panel provides prefix and entity selectors, and a country code textbox; the country code textbox displays its contents in red font until a lookup is performed by striking the Enter key. 2.1.9
140 the Search panel's Callsign textbox displays its contents in red font until a lookup is performed 2.1.9
144 provide an option to open the most recent Log if DXKeeper is not running 2.2.4
143 provide for 16 DXCC entity overrides, and make them accessible to SpotCollector and DXKeeper 2.2.5
145 provide the ability to toggle between the display of  short path and long path distance 2.2.5
146 maintain the QSX associated with each spot, and provide the option of setting the transceiver to that QSX when the user double-clicks the spot (if Commander is running, and with SpotCollector 2.9.2 or later) 2.2.5
147 double-clicking a plotted spot on the world map activates WinWarbler if the spot's mode is PSK31, PSK63, or RTTY and WinWarbler is running 2.2.5
148 add a DX Spots panel to the Config window's Plot Settings tab with controls that determine behaviour when a plotted spot is double-clicked on the world map:
  • whether or not the transceiver should be placed into Split mode if the plotted spot specfies a QSX frequency
  • if the plotted spot is RTTY, the mode into which the transceiver should be set if WinWarbler isn't running
  • if the plotted spot is CW, the mode into which the transceiver should be set, with the option to activate WinWarbler
  • if the plotted spot is SSB, FM, or AM, the option to activate WinWarbler

The Lifetime and Include Country in Popup controls have been relocated from the Config window's General tab to the PlotSettings tab's DX Spots panel.

149 If the DXCC Award objectives specified in DXKeeper indicate that a mode is sought, but there are no confirmed QSOs with the selected DXCC entity in that mode, then the background of that mode's cells will be white rather than the window's background color.. Similarly, if the DXCC Award objectives specified in DXKeeper indicate that a band is sought, but there are no confirmed QSOs with the selected DXCC entity on that band, then the background of that band's cells will be white rather thant the window's background color. 2.2.9
150 display IOTA status and notes 2.3.1
152 when an IOTA tag is selected and DXKeeper is running, display the DXCC progress for the IOTA tag's DXCC entity 2.3.7
153 support Google Maps 2.3.8
154 ability to ignore DXView updates from SpotCollector by locking its display 2.3.9
155 ability to query QRZ.com via Pathfinder to update DXCC entity, CQ zone, ITU zone, and time zone 2.3.9
156 ability to highlight stations known to QSL via LotW 2.3.9
157 ability to control the colors used to highlight stations known to QSL via LotW 2.4.0
158 provide a panel on the Config window's General tab that displays the versions of the DXCC, IOTA, and LotW databases 2.4.0
159 record "connected DXLab applications" information in the errorlog.txt file 2.4.1
160 provide a Maidenhead Field overlay for the world map 2.4.5
161 provide the ability to specify the bands on which rotator control directives from other applications are accepted 2.4.6
162 display the most recent rotator heading and path, and make this information accessible to other applications 2.4.6
163 display logged QSOs on the build-in world map
  • indicate whether the all logged QSOs are plotted, or just those matching a specified filter

  • provide the option of showing only logged QSOs that are unworked, unconfirmed, confirmed, or verified

  • if the mouse cursor hovers near the plot of a logged QSO on the world map, display the QSO's callsign, DXCC entity, frequency, mode, and grid square 

164 displays logged QSOs and logged DXCC entities on the DX Atlas world map 2.4.8
165 add a PKT option to the "RTTY mode if WinWarbler not running" panel 2.4.8
166 provide the option to display maidenhead field and grid square status on the DX Atlas world map 2.5.0
167 save and restore DX Atlas settings from the DXAtlas.ini file so that settings changes made when operating DX Atlas standalone are applied when running DX Atlas via DXView, and vice versa 2.5.0
168 provide the option to display information on the DX Atlas map, or only display plots and have the information appear when the mouse cursor hovers near a plot 2.5.0
169 clicking on the DX Atlas world map while not in pan mode should select the designated location, updating the Main window's latitude, longitude, distance, grid, and heading textboxes 2.5.0
170 clicking on a DX spot on the DX Atlas world map while depressing the Shift key QSY's the transceiver to the spot frequency (if Commander is running), initializes the QSO in DXKeeper's Capture window (if DXKeeper is running), and performs a Pathfinder lookup (if Pathfinder is running)
  • if the Ctrl key is depressed instead of the Shift key, the antenna is also rotated to the spotted station's shortpath heading
  • if the Alt key is depressed instead of the Shift key, the antenna is also rotated to the spotted station's longpath heading
172 when a command to plot a DX spot arrives and additional commands are queued, wait 15 seconds before refreshing the world map display to amortize this over multiple spots 2.5.6
173 retain specified K-index between operating sessions 2.5.7
174 improvements to Plot function
  • popup display includes callsign, DXCC prefix, DXCC entity name (if enabled), and grid square
  • if Commander is running, current transceiver frequency and mode is associated with each plot for filtering purposes, and appears in popup displays
  • depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Plot button displays a small window in which the frequency and mode can be specified; this frequency and mode is associated with each plot for filtering purposes, and appears in popup displays
177 provide the ability to quickly modify the solar position time by minute, hour, day, week, or month 2.6.0
178 provide the ability to specify the color used to render solid circles representing DX spots, logged QSOs, and DXCC entities on the built-in world map 2.6.2
179 provide the ability to specify the color used to render solid circles representing DX spots, logged QSOs, and DXCC entities on the DXAtlas world map 2.6.3
180 expand the Mode filter to support Chip64 and all ADIF2-specified modes 2.6.5
181 when started for the first time, prompt the user to specify a QTH, accepting either a grid square or a latitude and longitude 2.6.8
185 when connecting to a Trackbox rotator, send it the command to place it in host mode 2.6.9
186 if the Sunrise/Sunset window is open when a new location is selected, automatically calculate the sunrise/sunset table values for that location 2.7.2
187 use the ISO date format in the Main and World Map window title bars 2.7.5
188 support a second antenna with an independent rotator offset, and update the "last rotator heading" when switching between antennas  2.7.8
189 provide an asynchronous lookup command that updates the Main and Earth windows without waiting to return results 2.7.9
90 add 60m, 4m, and 70cm to the band filter 2.8.1
105 add a "Continent" filter panel to the "Plot Filters" tab on DXView's Config window 2.8.1
185 provide the option of not displaying UTC times in window title bars (Vista workaround) 2.8.2
188 if the USA callsign-to-gridsquare database USAP.mdb is present in DXView's Databases folder, use this database to determine the location of callsigns in the United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Marianas Islands, and American Samoa. 2.8.6
189 if a valid QTH location has been specified, make the current day's sunrise and sunset time available to other DXLab applications 2.8.9
190 provide LotW participation info to other DXLab applications 2.9.1
191 provides a new DXCC database wildcard @  that expands to the letters A through L, and R through U, Y, and Z, generating 18 prefix-to-Entity associations (used in defining Chinese prefixes) 2.9.1
192 provide two new DXCC database wildcard formats (see documentation)
  • [a-b;c-d;e-f;...]
  • [!a-b;c-d;e-f;...]
193 selecting an entity by name should update the Main window's information and progress display 2.9.3
195 display timezone as a UTC offset 2.9.6
201 display the version of each installed database, the version of each available database, and provide a means of downloading and installing a new database 2.9.7
142 provide interoperation with the N1MM antenna rotator, which reports rotator position 2.9.8
202 provide the ability to set a DXCC database's EntityChanged setting 3.0.0
203 when installing or upgrading a DXCC database whose EntityChanged setting is set to 'Y',
  • upgrade the DXCC.txt file used by WinWarbler
  • notify the user to direct DXKeeper and SpotCollector to perform a Recompute operation after the DXCC database installation or upgrade is complete
204 provide the option to direct PropView to generate a propagation forecast when a callsign lookup is performed via DXView's Info window 3.0.1
205 accept an LotW database URL in the downloaded file that specifies current database versions 3.0.2
206 display "new db!" in red font above the Main window's Config window when a new database version is available 3.0.3
141 support multiple rotator selection by transceiver frequency via the N1MM Rotor application 3.0.3
208 make the currently-selected location's local time accessible to other applications 3.0.4
209 handle the new Australian prefix rules for external territories specified in http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD..PC/PC=PC_1255#call

When presented with a 6-character VK9 callsign, determine the entity by inspecting the 5th character (C, L, M, N, W, or X) 

210 inform the user if a database exists but cannot be opened 3.0.8
211 provide the ability to download the eQSL AG database, and indicate whether callsign holds eQSL AG status or both eQSL AG and LotW status 3.0.9
212 save each database's currently-installed version in the Windows Registry so the Launcher can inform the user whether or not new versions are available without opening the databases 3.0.9
213 accept a command to display the Config window's Databases tab 3.1.5
214 update the Sunrise and Sunset times for the current QTH on startup 3.1.7
215 save each database's currently-installed version in a file in DXView's Databases folder so the Launcher can inform the user whether or not new versions are available without opening the databases even if the user is employing workspaces 3.1.7
216 when downloading a new version of a database, don't replace the existing version unless the download succeeds 3.1.7
217 while downloading a new version of a database, display the approximate number of bytes expected 3.1.7
218 clicking the "new DB!" message displays the Config window's Databases tab 3.1.8
220 provide antenna preset buttons, each of whose caption and heading can be specified 3.2.0
221 make antenna preset buttons widths scalable with the Info window size 3.2.1
187 add "CQ country" and "WAE country"  as <Reg:> tags in the DXCC Database's Location item 3.2.5
223 rename the Info window's Region box to Location; it displays <Reg:> and <Pri:> tags when a Region and or Primary Administrative Region is specified 3.2.5
224 rename the Config window's "Entity Overrides" tag to "Overrides", and extend each override to include a Location, CQ zone, ITU zone, Gridsquare, IOTA tag, Time zone, and an expiration date 3.2.5
225 extend the USAP database lookup to place a <Pri:> tag in the Info window's Location box  3.2.5
226 make Region and Primary Administrative Subdivision available to other applications 3.2.5
227 provide the ability to clear an Override, and the ability to clear all expired Overrides 3.2.5
228 enable the display of ANSI characters in 
  • the  Info window's Location box
  • the Config window's Overrides tab's Location boxes
  • DXCC Database window's Location box and Location column
229 accept a command to perform a DXCC entity query without updating the World Map window 3.3.2
230 when performing a callsign lookup that is resolved via an entity override, include the override's grid square in the lookup results provided to other DXLab applications 3.3.2
231 depressing the CTRL key while striking the Enter key with cursor focus in the Main window's callsign box initiates a Shortpath rotation 3.3.5
232 eliminate unnecessary lookup and grid update operations 3.3.6
233 update database size estimates 3.3.7
234 make the Distance Unit setting available to other applications 3.3.9
235 display "E", "B", and "M" in the Main window's Progress panel 3.4.0
236 display the "last LotW upload date" in the Main window's DXCC panel 3.4.1
237 update database file sizes 3.4.3
238 provide the option to query SpotCollector's "Special Callsign" database when performing lookup operations, and display any resulting tags on DXView's Main window  3.4.3
239 on the Config window's "Plot Settings" tab, the Selection panels' QSOs option setting persists between operating sessions 3.4.3
240 if the Config window's "Plot Settings" tab, the Selection panels' QSOs option is enabled, QSOs are plotted on the DX Atlas world map 3.4.3
241 provide entity-driven ham word and phrase translation 3.4.5
242 with PropView running, double-clicking a spot plotted on the native world map while depressing the Shift key  will initiate a propagation forecast 3.4.7
243 double-clicking a phrase in the translation table places that phrase in the Windows Clipboard 3.4.8
244 use great circle routes when plotting spotted QSOs 3.5.1
245 after upgrading the DXCC database, display change notes for the new version 3.5.2
246 provide the ability to view change notes for the available version of the DXCC database 3.5.2
247 center the information displayed in the Main window's Progress panel 3.5.4
248 when the mouse cursor is in the Main window's Prefix box and the Enter key is struck or the Go button is clicked, direct DXKeeper to display realtime progress based on the callsign's DXCC entity, CQ country, and CQ zone 3.5.6
249 In the "RTTY mode if WinWarbler not running" panel on the Config window's "World Map" tab, provide a PKT-R, Data-L, and Data-U options as a function of the current transceiver's capability 3.5.6
252 add Antarctica to the Continent Filter on the Configuration window's "Plot Settings" tab 3.5.7
253 add Green Heron and Idiom Press to the "Rotator Control" tab's Model selector 3.5.8
65 add "Transceiver band only" spot filter 3.5.9
255 automatically update the expected number of bytes to be downloaded in the progress indicator shown when updating a database 3.6.1
257 In the Main window's DXCC Progress Grid, use DIGI rather than RTTY 3.6.6
260 Provide the ability to specify the Google Map Type: roads, satellite, hybrid, or terrain 3.6.9
261 Ctrl-clicking a cell in the Main window's DXCC Progress Grid directs DXKeeper to filter the Log Page Display by callsign, band and/or mode (requires DXKeeper 10.6.1 or later) 3.7.0
265 if a callsign is of the form A/B with B shorter than A and B having a length of more than 2 characters, then consider A the dominant component if B does not contain a digit 3.7.3
266 provide optional interoperation with Google Earth 3.7.3
267 provide the ability to select the size of icons used to represent DX stations, spotting stations, logged stations, and entities on  Google Earth 3.7.4
269 maintain and display locations to degree-minutes-seconds accuracy 3.7.8
270 enable specification of a station callsign, and use the QTH latitude and longitude as the location of this station callsign 3.7.8
271 accept precise position updates from other DXLab applications 3.8.0
272 support the Povorotka rotator 3.8.1
273 change name from Povorotka to Radant APU1-A 3.8.2
274 improve Mi-Km conversion accuracy 3.8.2
275 when an IOTA tag is specified, display its location with "to the second" accuracy 3.8.3
276 when a DXCC entity is selected that contains more than 1 IOTA group, replace the IOTA box with an IOTA selector populated with an IOTA tag for each group 3.8.3
278 accept directives to open and close the Special Callsign Database 3.8.5
279 inform DXKeeper when an override callsign changes 3.8.6
280 when plotting a logged QSO, determine the region by analyzing the logged callsign, compare that region with the logged DXCC entity, and if they match, plot the location of the region 3.8.7
281 When using the DX Atlas world map, enable the user to change the signal path display between short path and long path 3.8.8
282 Provide an option to automatically update the UTC date and sunrise/sunset times in the Sunrise/Sunset window at the beginning of each UTC day 3.8.8
283 allow the size of the DXCC database's Prefix List field to be unlimited, and expand its textbox in the DXCC window 3.8.9
284 ignore CR and LF characters in the DXCC database's Prefix List field 3.9.0
285 add JT9 to the "Mode Filter" panel on the Configuration window's "Plot Settings" tab 3.9.4
286 provide the ability to select the font, font size, font color, and font metrics used to display labels on DX Atlas 3.9.5
287 expand the number of Antenna Presets to 30 3.9.7
288 eliminate unnecessary Pathfinder lookups 3.9.9
291 increase the number of active DX QSOs that can be simultaneously displayed from 512 to 4096 4.0.2
292 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Main window's Google button initiates a Google search for the selected entity 4.0.4
115 if Commander is running, highlight the Progress table band currently "addressed" by the transceiver's band; if WinWarbler is running, highlight the Progress table mode currently "addressed" by WinWarbler's Operating Mode 4.0.5
294 update the default North Magnetic Pole location to 86 4' N latitude and 153 21' W longitude based on NOAA estimates 4.0.7
295 provide the ability to trigger the display of active DX stations on the world map on each of a set of specified bands, in sequence 4.0.8
296 provides the option to direct SpotCollector (7.1.4 or later) to announce bands as their active DX stations are displayed in sequence 4.0.9
297 accepts a DDE command that sets the QTH latitude and longitude and QTH location 4.0.9
298 clicking the last heading box sets the ShortPath to the last heading 4.1.4
299 with "use multiple monitors" enabled, relocates to the primary monitor any window that can't be displayed on a monitor 4.1.7
300 work around Microsoft OS version reporting defect so that Windows 10 is properly reported in errorlog.txt file startup headers 4.1.7
301 restores control over Google Maps zoom level 4.1.7
302 add MDS to the Rotor Model panel 4.1.8
303 with the "Generate propagation forecast" option enabled and Commander and PropView running, clicking the words Short or Long in the Main window's Heading panel directs PropView to generate a short-path or long-path forecast from the currently-selected location using the transceiver's current band 4.1.9
304 in the Rotator Control tab's Model panel, replace "Idiom Press" with Rotor-EZ 4.2.0
299 support the current version of N1MM Rotor 4.2.2
305 support a GridDXCC database that enables the a specified 4-character grid square to be mapped to the DXCC entity or entities that contain it 4.2.4
306 with the GridDXCC database installed, when a grid square is typed into the Main window's Grid box and the Enter key is struck, indicate which DXCC entity or entities are contained in the grid square 4.2.5
307 with the GridDXCC database installed, when a latitude or longitude is typed into the Main window's Location panel and the Enter key is struck, indicates which DXCC entity or entities are contained in the grid square that contains the specified location 4.2.5
308 with the GridDXCC database installed, when a location is selected on the built-in or DX Atlas world map, indicate which DXCC entity or entities are contained in the grid square that contains the location 4.2.5
309 when run for the first time on a computer, display the DXView License for the user's acceptance 4.2.5
310 provides a "Gray-Line" mode that displays the beginning and end of sunrise and sunset Gray-line openings between your QTH and the currently selected location 4.2.7
311 when a sunrise, sunset, GL start, or GL end time is clicked, sets the built-in world map to display the sun's position and terminator at that time 4.2.7
312 return DXView's World map to the current time when the Sunrise/Sunset window is closed 4.2.8
313 add a Calculate button to the Sunrise/Sunset window that is enabled when the DX Latitude, DX Longitude, or Starting Date box contents are modified 4.2.8
314 extend the rotator serial port to use COM1 through COM99 4.3.0
315 add FT8 mode filter 4.3.4
316 reduce "spot display" wait time from 16 seconds to 4 seconds 4.3.5
317 provide an option to report the computed short path heading when rotator control is disabled, or when rotation objectives are not accepted for the current transceiver band 4.3.8
318 replace the 16 fixed Overrides with an "Override List" whose capacity is limited only by available storage  4.4.0
319 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, change the name of the Add button to New, eliminate the asterisked row, and automatically select the new Callsign cell 4.4.1
320 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, add a Save button that is enabled when a new Override is modified  4.4.1
321 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, clicking the Update button deletes all overrides whose source is ClubLog and then populates the Override List with overrides generated from Club Log exception; Ctrl-clicking populates each generated override's location information based on its DXCC entity 4.4.1
322 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, clicking the Delete button deletes the currently-selected override; ctrl-clicking the Delete button deletes all filtered overrides 4.4.1
323 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, enable navigation of cells within a row with the Tab and Shift-Tab keystrokes 4.4.1
324 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, provide the ability to right-click the "Override List" and select the "Clear override contents" command 4.4.1
325 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, the "Populate from override contents from Entity" command no longer computes a grid square, but when DXView completes a lookup using an override that lacks a grid square, it computes a location and heading based on the override's DXCC entity 4.4.1
326 provide the option to specify the IP address of the computer hosting N1MM Rotor 4.4.3
327 provide a function on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab that performs the "Populate from override contents from Entity" function on all filtered Overrides 4.4.4
328 make all 4 override grid squares available in response to "lookup" operations from other applications 4.4.5
329 on the Configuration window's "Rotator Control" tab, provide an "Enable at startup" option 4.4.6
263 provide the ability to populate the Override List from Jim AD1C's BigCTY exception list  4.4.8
331 striking the Enter key in the "Override Filter" panel's textbox will filter the Override List with the callsign specified in the textbox 4.4.8
332 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, display the "modification date of last Club Log exceptions used to update the Override List" and "date the Big CTY exceptions were last used to update the Override List" 4.4.8
333 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, invoking the ClubLog and BigCTY functions will display an "Override Update Report"  window showing changes to existing entries on the Override List 4.4.8
334 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, invoking the ClubLog, BigCTY, Update, or multi-entry Delete functions with SpotCollector running will terminate SpotCollector before deleting or modifying any Override List entries 4.4.8
335 when determining location, ignore /LH,  /ND, and /YL suffixes 4.4.9
336 identify CQ/WAE regions in Big CTY overrides 4.4.9
337 when determining location, ignore /FF, /MM1, /MM2, and /MM3 suffixes 4.5.0
338 when determining the location of a callsign containing 2 slashes, ignores  /QRP,  /MM,  /MM1,  /MM2,  /MM3,  /AM,  /MOBILE,  /ND,  /LH,  /YL, and  /FF suffixes 4.5.0
339 when determining location, ignore /KT suffixes 4.5.3
340 update position of magnetic pole 4.5.3
341 provide a "My" filter that when enabled limits the display of spots and QSOs on the world map to those whose by "spotting station"  matches the "station callsign" specified on QTH panel of Configuration window's General tab 4.5.3
342 extend the "My" filter to also include Spots and QSOs whose "spotting station" is the specified "station callsign" followed by a hyphen followed by anything else 4.5.4
343 add FT4 to the "Mode Filter" panel on the Configuration window's "Plot Settings" tab 4.5.5
344 compute and display the maximum geomagnetic latitude when using DX Atlas 4.5.6
345 remove the "determine the DXCC entity from the 5th character in a 6-character VK9 callsign"  rule (enhancement #209) 4.5.8
346 change Z3 to "North Macedonia" in the DXCC.txt file referenced by WinWarbler 4.5.9
347 add checkboxes for Domino, ISCAT, and QRA64 to the "Mode Filter" panel on the Configuration window's "Plot Settings" tab 4.6.3
348 when directed to open a log file, obtain the User-specified digital mode family and display its DXCC award progress 4.6.3
349 extend the "Mode Filter" panel on the Configuration window's "Plot Settings" tab to recognize variants for CHIP, HELL, JT4, JT65, JT9, and Olivia 4.6.3
350 determine the location of a callsign whose override doesn't specify a grid square by querying the USAP and DXCC databases 4.6.5
351 add MSK144 and WSPR to the Mode Filter panel on the Configuration window's Plot Settings tab 4.6.6
352 more prominently display the current antenna direction 4.6.8

when "Rotator Control" is enabled on the Configuration window's "Rotator Control" tab, more prominently displays the antenna without increasing the Main window's height

354 provides a new "Display GeoMag panel checkbox in the Options panel on the Configuration window's General tab 4.6.9
355 provide the option to direct a Green Heron, Hygain, MDS, Rotor-EZ, M2 RC2800-PA, M2 RC2800PX, or Yaesu antenna rotator to report its position once per second, and display that position in DXView's Main window 4.6.9
356 provide the option to direct a Prosistel antenna rotator to report its position once per second, and display that position in DXView's Main window 4.7.2
357 direct a Prosistel antenna rotator to not continuously report its position 4.7.3
358 when first receiving a position report from a Prosistel rotator, direct to stop continuous position reporting 4.7.4
359 disable Prosistel rotator position reporting 4.7.5
360 double-clicking the callsign, prefix, entity, cont, grid, CQ, ITU, or IOTA labels in DXView's Main window with DXKeeper running directs DXKeeper to filter its Log Page Display by callsign, DCCC entity, continent, 4-character grid square, CQ zone, ITU zone, or IOTA tag 4.7.7
361 improve DXKeeper Filter panel captions specified by enhancement #360 4.7.8
362  add tooltips to Main window labels  specified by enhancement #360 4.7.9
363 populates the Main window's GeoMag panel whether the native world map window is visible or not 4.8.2
364 retains the Plot panel's My setting between operating sessions 4.8.3
365 support for microHAM ARCO: serial port and TCP 4.8.3
366 support both forms of Yaesu rotator position reporting 4.8.3
367 support for RDA database updates and lookups 4.8.4
368 CTRL-A in the Heading panel's short and long textboxes selects their contents 4.8.4
369 updates the Club Log exceptions URL employed to populate the Override list 4.8.4
370 enables a secondary administrative subdivision to be specified in an Override's Location item 4.8.4
371 update RDA Database functionality 4.8.5
372 provide the option to make the World Map window "always on top" 4.8.8
373 provide the ability to specify the icons used to plot the user's QTH, the currently selected location, active stations, spotting stations, and logged stations on Google Earth 4.8.8
374 add Help buttons to the Configuration window's "Override List" and "Databases" tabs, and make them display the appropriate section of the reference documentation 4.8.9
376 display last eQSL.cc upload dates 4.9.6
3 DXCC Database search and sort
4 user control of colors used to display spots, beam headings, the selected position, your QTH, and the sun's position
12 show gray-line (commence/end when sun is 6/12/18 degrees below horizon)
20 access temperature conversions
33 notify SpotCollector and DXKeeper whenever the DXCC database has been updated, avoiding the need to manually terminate and restart those applications
39 make the World Map window resizable
40 provide azimuthal equidistant projection map
54 display un-worked/worked/confirmed Grid squares
55 display city locations (when map is appropriately zoomed)
49 add the ability to display spots filtered by "need" (the equivalent of SpotCollector's need filter), and color-code spots by degree of need
62 add map showing time zones and international dateline 
69 perform date-sensitive prefix lookups by filtering the DXCC database's prefix table by date
71 provide user control over DX Atlas label colors and fonts
83 ability to plot only QSOs matching a specified Contest_ID
85 when displaying a DX station's local time, take local daylight savings time into account
104 add QSL Bureau information to the DXCC database and to DXView
106 Add a "Reverse Spots" option to the Map window's Plot panel; when this option is selected,  DXView applies the Continent filter to the spotting station, applies the Origin filter to the DX, and plots the location of the spotting station, ideally in a unique color
128 option to use SpotCollector filters to filter DXView spots, ignoring native filters
130 option to display QSOs when only approximate DX location is available
131 option to display DXCC entities that are "unworked for DXCC mixed", etc. (add "Any" checkboxes to the "Band Filter" and "Mode Filter" panels
151 provide the ability to update an existing spot with a more accurate location
171 capture street address from DXKeeper and provide the option to submit this to Google Maps for US stations instead of lat/lon
176 replace the radio buttons in the World Map window's Map panel with a drop-down selector that is populated with the names of all world maps found in the WorldMaps sub-folder of WinWarbler's Maps folder
182 in the Progress panel, use different cell background colors for confirmed and verified status
183 CTRL-clicking a cell in DXView's progress grid should limit the QSOs displayed in DXKeeper's Log Page Display to those matching the cell's progress indicator
184 compensate for Windows DPI settings other than 96 by using the LoadImage and SelectObject APIs (GP page 168)
186 add a field to the DXCC database that indicates whether QSOs with a prefix are valid for DXCC (e.g. to handle VE0 callsigns)
194 expand the Entity field width to 40 characters
197 accept CTRL-clicks from DX Atlas
199 when opening a database whose pathname is hardwired, check for a .accdb prefix if the .mdb prefix is not found
200 recognize the .accdb as well as the .mdb database suffix
207 enable the user to specify ant1 vs ant2 selection by band
219 accept a DDE command that specifies two locations and draw the path between them on the world map
248 provide the ability to play a "pronunciation" .wav file when the user CTRL-double-clicks a word or phrase in the Translation window
249 when performing a lookup of a callsign of the form A/B where A and B indicate different DXCC entities, populate the Translation windows with translations for the languages used in each DXCC entity
250 when the user selects a language by clicking a row in the Translation window, make the name of the selected language accessible to other DXLab applications
251 Improve the usability of the Unworked and Unconfirmed options when plotting DXCC entities
  • the filters should be ANDed for the negative statuses, and ORed only or the positive ones....
  • provide "Worked", "Confirmed" and "Verified", with a single "NOT" check-box that applies to the combined filter...
254 provide the ability to specify the font size used in the Translations window
256 enable the specification of precise locations for locations that fit entirely within a Maidenhead grid sub-square
258 when a callsign is selected, indicate whether or not it's needed for Marathon or WAZ
259 optionally maintain a database generated from the Club Log "Supercheck Partial" (SCP) that DXKeeper can use for vetting logged callsigns
264 provide the option to display PSK-only or RTTY-only DXCC award progress (requires DXKeeper enhancement 1703)
277 when a DXCC entity is selected, populate the IOTA selector with all Island Groups present in that entity, including those like EU-115 that aren't fully contained in that entity 
289 provide the ability to select a rotator serial port as a function of band
290 provide the ability to select a rotator serial port as a function of primary transceiver
293 provide the ability to highlight unworked, worked, or confirmed CQ zones
375 provide a user-selectable font color to distinguish entity-band-mode combinations confirmed via Club Log in its Main window's display of DXCC Progress (requires DXKeeper enhancement # 2618)



If you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.