PropView Online Help

PropView uses the included IONCAP, ICEPAC, and VOACAP propagation prediction engines to forecast the minimum and maximum useable frequencies between two locations over a specified 24 hour period. Results are rendered in an easy-to-understand color-graphic display.  You can specify locations via direct grid square or latitude/longitude entry.


DXView enables location selection by typing a callsign or DXC prefix, or by clicking on locations on its world map.

Commander can be configured to direct PropView to generate a propagation forecast when you click on a callsign in its Bandspread window or its Spectrum Waterfall window.

SpotCollector can be configured to to direct PropView to generate a propagation forecast when you double-click an entry in its Spot Database Display, and to generate forecasts for active stations.

NCDXF Beacon Monitor

PropView can assess actual propagation by monitoring beacons in the NCDXF/IARU Network, either by band, by location, or by bearing from your QTH. When Commander (version 3.7.3 or later) is running, PropView can automatically QSY your radio to the current beacon's frequency. When DXView is running, PropView can display the current beacon location on DXView's world map and rotate your antenna to the appropriate bearing.


Downloading and Installation


Forecasting Propagation

Monitoring Beacons