Configuring SpotCollector's Spot Database

SpotCollector Online Help Contents

The Spot Database tab contains 9 panels and a Pre-filter button.


Spot Database File panel

Pathname Specifies the full pathname of the Spot Database
Select Displays a file selector that can be used to specify a Spot Database pathname
Open After modifying the Pathname, click this button to open the Spot Database in that Pathname


Combination Criteria panel

Each incoming spot of a station is compare with existing Spot Database entries for that station. If, with respect to an existing Spot Database entry, the incoming spot lies within the time window and frequency range specified below, then the existing Spot Database entry is updated to reflect the incoming spot; otherwise, a new Spot Database entry is created.

Maximum separation in time (minutes) Specifies the time window, in minutes, into which an incoming spot must fall in order to be combined with an existing Spot Database entry
Maximum separation in frequency (kHz) Specifies the frequency range, in kHz., into which an incoming spot must fall in order to be combined with an existing Spot Database entry


Controls panel

Maximum age of valid incoming spots (minutes) Incoming spots whose age exceeds this value are not considered for entry in the Spot Database; a spot's age is computed as the difference between the time at which it was received (using your PC's UTC time) and the time at which it was sent (using the sender's UTC timestamp)
Maximum age of last LotW upload (months) a Spot Database Entry whose callsign is known to participate in LotW but whose last upload to LotW exceeds this age will have its LotW item set to 'N'; otherwise, its LotW item  will be set to 'Y'
  • if no value for this setting is specified, Spot Database Entries for stations known to participate in LotW will have their LotW items set to 'Y'. no matter when they last uploaded to LotW
  • changes to this setting will apply to subsequently-created Spot Database Entries; to apply a changed setting to existing Spot Database Entries, invoke the Recompute function
Maximum age of last eQSL upload (months) a Spot Database Entry whose callsign is known to be an eQSL Authenticity Guaranteed (AG) participant but whose last upload to eQSL exceeds this age will have its eQSL item set to 'N; otherwise, its eQSL item will be set to 'A'
  • if no value for this setting is specified, Spot Database Entries for stations known to participate in eQSL will have their eQSL items set to 'A'. no matter when they last uploaded to eQSL
  • changes to this setting will apply to subsequently-created Spot Database Entries; to apply a changed setting to existing Spot Database Entries, invoke the Recompute function
Record individual spot information When checked, each Spot Database Entry's Cumulative field records spotting stations, spot notes and, if enabled, spot frequencies received in ascending time order for display in the Individual Spots window
Record frequency with individual spot information When checked, each Spot Database Entry's Cumulative field maintains a list of all spot frequencies as well as spot notes received in ascending time order for display in the Individual Spots window
Record Skimmer Spot Notes When checked, each Spot Database Entry's Cumulative field record includes spot notes from Reverse Beacon Net Skimmers; if not checked, spot notes from Skimmers are not recorded
Maintain DXCC entity-band-mode fields

When checked, the BandModeProgress and BandModeWorked fields are populated when a Spot Database Entry is created, and updated when it is updated


Filters panel

Age Filter

Maximum age controls the Spot Database Age filter. When the Age filter is activated, only Spot Database entries spotted within the interval specified by Maximum age are displayed. With Maximum age set to 5, for example, a Spot Database entry whose RcvdTime is 7 minutes ago would not be displayed, whereas a Spot Database entry whose RcvdTime is 2 minutes ago would be displayed.

Frequency Filter


Range specifies the width of the Spot Database Frequency filter, in kHz on either side of the current transceiver frequency. When the Frequency filter is activated, only Spot Database entries whose frequencies lies within the specified range are displayed 
Need Filter Determines whether the Spot Database Need filter hides entries for all but unworked DXCC entities, or hides entries for all but unworked or unconfirmed DXCC entities


Log file referenced for award progress

Use Log last opened by DXKeeper

consult the log file that was last opened by DXKeeper, and automatically switch to any new log opened in DXKeeper

Use Log in specified pathname specify a log file to be consulted independently of what log file was last opened in DXKeeper
  • Select: when clicked, displays a window with which you can navigate to the desired pathname
  • Open: when clicked, uses the currently-specified pathname 
Query operator when DXKeeper Log changes ask the operator to choose when a log is opened in DXKeeper that is different than the one currently being consulted by SpotCollector


Size Control panel

The only limit to the growth of SpotCollector's Spot Database is the amount of free storage on its storage volume. Left to grow without bound, this will eventually reduce your PC's performance. Using facilities on this panel, you can manually "prune" the Spot Database's older entries, or clear it completely. You can also configure SpotCollector to automatically prune the Spot Database hourly; this makes it easy to limit the Spot Database to - for example - the last two days of Spot Database Entries or to a maximum of 20,000 Entries without requiring user attention. By adding callsigns to the Special Callsign list with a NoPrune tag, you can prevent Spot Database Entries for these callsigns from being pruned, independent of the age of these entries; use NoPrune to prevent the pruning of Spot Database Entries for stations whose operating patterns you are seeking to learn.

Prune Entries older than this age (days) If selected, all Spot Database entries older than this will be deleted by the Prune command, or when SpotCollector starts if you have the Prune Spot Database on startup box checked, or every hour if you have the Prune Spot Database hourly box checked. The granularity of this setting is "one hour"; thus specifying .04 will retain only Spot Database Entries whose age is one hour or less.

If the specified value is 0, the Prune operation will clear the Spot Database.
Prune Spot Database to this size (thousands) If selected, the oldest Spot Database Entries (by LastTime) will be deleted by the Prune command, or when SpotCollector starts if you have the Prune Spot Database on startup box checked, or every hour if you have the Prune Spot Database hourly box checked to reduce the Spot Database size to the specified number of entries, in thousands.

If the specified value is 0, the Prune operation will clear the Spot Database.
Prune When clicked, deletes all Spot Database entries older than the specified age.

Note: if the Prune entries older than this age (days) setting is less than 0.021 (the equivalent of one half hour), SpotCollector will ask if you want to clear the Spot Database.

Prune Spot Database on startup If checked, the Spot Database is pruned when SpotCollector starts; all Spot Database entries older than the specified age are deleted.

Note: if the Prune entries older than this age (days) setting is less than 0.021 (the equivalent of one half hour), the Spot Database will not be pruned on startup.

Prune Spot Database hourly If checked, the Spot Database is pruned when at the beginning of each hour; all Spot Database entries older than the specified age are deleted.

Note: if the Prune entries older than this age (days) setting is less than 0.021 (the equivalent of one half hour), the Spot Database will not be pruned hourly.

Current size The number of Entries in the Spot Database (not including deleted Entries)
Deleted entries The number of Spot Database Entries that have been deleted
Spots per minute since HH:MM Z the average rate of spot reception since the specified time, which is updated hourly; spots discarded by pre-filtering are not included in this statistic
Compact When clicked, rebuilds the Spot Database to eliminate deleted Entries
Clear Spot Database on startup If checked, the Spot Database is cleared when SpotCollector starts.
Clear When clicked, deletes all Spot Database entries regardless of age


Recomputation panel

Each Spot Database Entry includes award progress information obtained the log file referenced for award progress. If you modify or delete a logged QSO in DXKeeper, SpotCollector is automatically directed to update this award progress information. If you are planning to modify or delete many QSOs in DXKeeper, it may be more efficient to disable these automatic updates, and then perform one update after all changes have been made. 

If automatic updates are left disabled, SpotCollector may incorrectly identify Spot Database Entries for needed DX stations.

To update each entry in the Spot Database Display, click this panel's Recompute button, which

You must also update each entry in the Spot Database Display after upgrading to a new DXCC database version that defines one or more new DXCC entities, or modifies the DXCC Prefix or country code of one or more existing DXCC entities; do this by clicking this panel's Recompute button.

If you modify sub-band definitions, you can recompute each Spot Database Entry's band from its frequency by depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Recompute button.


Spot Statistics panel

Update interval Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which spot statistics are updated to reflect spots which are more than 60 minutes old


Web Server panel

Enabled If checked, enables SpotCollector's web server to respond to incoming requests so you can view the most recent entries in SpotCollector's Spot Database from any other PC on your LAN using a standard web browser
Port Specifies the TCP port used by SpotCollector's web server
  • most web browsers assume port 80 unless the URL includes an explicit port
  • use a port other than 80 if you are already running a port 80 web server on your PC
Spots per page SpotCollector's web server displays the most recent N Spot Database entries, where N is specified by this parameter
Refresh interval (minutes) SpotCollector's web server provides updates every N minutes, where N is specified by this parameter (decimal values are permitted, with a minimum value of .1)
Restart Restart SpotCollector's web server, e.g. after a network outage
Include SP and LP Probabilities if checked, includes columns for short path and long path opening probabilities in the full-size web page generated by SpotCollector's web server


Process Priority panel

This panel specifies SpotCollector's priority with respect to other running applications.


Pre-filter button

Clicking the Pre-filter button displays SpotCollector's Pre-filtering window, from which you can configure SpotCollector to ignore incoming spots by band, by mode family, or by origin. The word Enabled will appear beneath this button when in SpotCollector's Pre-filtering window, the Enable box is checked, and at least one box in the Ignore incoming spots on selected bands, Ignore incoming spots in selected mode families, or Ignore incoming spots from selected origins panels is checked.