SpotCollector Online Help Contents
DXLab's Overrides mechanism lets you
handle a DX callsign that does not conform to standard prefix allocations
handle a DX callsign whose prefix is ambiguous with respect to DXCC entity or operating location
provide specific location information for a station operating in a needed CQ zone, continent, grid square, or IOTA tag
DXView, DXKeeper, SpotCollector, and WinWarbler all check for Overrides when determining a station's location. You can specify, modify, or delete Overrides via the Overrides tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window:
DXCC Entity the DXCC entity from which the station is operating; if DXView is running; left-clicking a DXCC entity or striking the Enter key performs a DXCC database lookup that initializes the other components of the override -- Location, CQ, ITU, Cont, Gridsquare, IOTA, and Time -- if they are unspecified Location the name of the location from which the station is operating
- use the <Pri:> tag to specify an ADIF Primary Administrative Subdivision code, e.g. <Pri:SC>
- use the <Reg:> tag to specify a DXKeeper Award Region code, e.g. <Reg:IT9>
CQ the CQ zone from which the station is operating ITU the ITU zone from which the station is operating Cont the Continent from which the station is operating Grid the Maidenhead Gridsquare from which the station is operating IOTA the IOTA tag for the island from which the station is operating You can also specify, modify, or delete Entity Overrides via the Overrides tab on DXView's Configuration window; any such changes will be reflected in SpotCollector's Overrides tab, and vice versa.