Due to a problem with the Ambersoft Distribution site, this new version of SpotCollector is only available via the DXLabSuite Distribution site. Before directing the Launcher to upgrade SpotCollector, check the "Distribution site" selector at the top of the Launcher's Configuration window; if it's currently set to Ambersoft, change it to DXLabSuite; then proceed to direct the Launcher to upgrade SpotCollector as usual. If your "Distribution site" selector was set to Ambersoft, please make a note of it; after I restore the Ambersoft distribution site to service, I will send email asking all you whose "Distribution site" selectors were set to Ambersoft to restore them to that selection; this spreads the "load" over two distribution sites, maintaining good download performance when a new DXLab release becomes available. This release - prevents an errorlog.txt entries from being generated when Prune or Compact operations are initiated with no Spot Database open - updates the Main window's Filter panel caption with the Need filter active to accurately reflect the state of the Filter panel's Mrthn checkbox - color codes the WWV panel A textbox background based on A-index range (tnx to Joe W4TV) - in the "Digital Mode Application" panel on the Configuration window's General tab, indicates whether the specified Digital Mode Application is interoperating with SpotCollector - "connected" - or not - accepts an "Activate K1JT station" directive containing a callsign, frequency, and K1JT mode that if SpotCollector is connected to one or more instances of WSJT-X causes the appropriate instance to QSY to the base of the K1JT mode's sub-band in the specified K1JT mode, and populate its "DX Call" with the specified callsign; see note 4 below - provides a new "Don't prune needed Spot Database Entries" option in the "Size Control" panel that when checked prevents the pruning of Spot Database Entries needed for DXCC, IOTA, VUCC, WAS, WAZ, or WPX awards *** Spot Database Entries only needed for Marathon awards will still be pruned *** "Clear Spot Database" functions ignore the new "Don't prune needed Spot Database Entries" option - updates the ConfigurationAudio.htm, CollectingWWV.htm, ConfigurationDatabase.htm, and SpotDatabase.htm documentation files Notes: 1. Update your firewall and anti-malware applications to consider the new versions of SpotCollector.exe to be "safe" a. 0/14 Jotti scanners detected malware in SpotCollector.exe or SC_WSJTX.exe b. 0/73 VirusTotal scanners detected malware in SpotCollector.exe; 0/73 VirusTotal scanners detected malware in SC_WSJTX.exe 2. If this upgrade doesn't work correctly, see the "After an Upgrade" section of http://www.dxlabsuite.com/dxlabwiki/ApplicationStoppedWorking 3. After upgrading, to revert to the previous version of SpotCollector, see http://www.dxlabsuite.com/dxlabwiki/RevertApplicationVersion 4. The ability to accept and process an "Activate K1JT station" directive is used by the next version of Commander to properly respond when you click on a callsign in its Bandspread or Spectrum-Waterfall window for a station that is operating in a K1JT mode like FT8. SpotCollector 9.8.3 is available via the DXLab Launcher, and via http://www.dxlabsuite.com/download.htm 73, Dave, AA6YQ