Number Description Version implemented 1 independent squelch thresholds for each receive channel 1.1 2 installation files don't fit on a standard floppy disk 1.3.1 3 make receive channel color coding more obvious 1.3.4 4 user-selectable font name, style, size, and color 1.5 5 resizable screen, resizable display panes 1.5 6 save the contents of a receive pane to a file 1.5 7 user control of receive and transmit trace widths in waterfall display 1.5 8 ability to capture operator name, QTH, and signal reports, with macro-substitution commands for the captured data 1.5 9 compute and display peak IMD, with a macro-substitution command for the captured data 1.5 10 don't clutter taskbar with icons for configuration and macro definition screens 1.5.2 11 remember previous window state (maximized, minimized) on startup 1.5.2 16 QSO logging, preferably via interface to a common logging program 1.5.6 17 copy selected text from receive panes to windows clipboard 1.5.6 18 transmit the contents of a file 1.5.6 22 don't clear waterfall display on resize to or from a minimized window state 1.5.6 23 remember the directory last used to save files and transmit files 1.5.6 12 more macro buttons 1.5.7 24 ability to hide tooltips (pop-up control explanations) 1.5.7 25 properly detect callsigns containing (ill-advised) slash-0's 1.6.7 13 ability to initiate and terminate tuning from the main window 1.6.2 14 ability to enable and disable AFC from the main window 1.6.2 20 add setting to specify pathname of browser with which to view online help 1.6.2 15 spectrum display 1.6.4 28 color waterfall display 1.6.4 29 vector display 1.6.6 32 ability to edit large macros 1.6.7 33 remember the contents of "xcvr freq" between sessions 1.6.7 26 maintain separate QSO information per receive channel 1.6.9 36 capture and log transmit power 1.6.9 37 provide contest mode with automated receive and transmit serial number capture, processing, and logging 1.6.9 38 make "display 0 as Ø" optional 1.7.1 30 optionally key the transceiver through the transceiver control program rather than consume a 2nd com port 1.7.2 39 able to activate transceiver PTT via Transceiver Control Software (CI-V Commander version 2.2 or later) 1.7.2 40 import/export macros to file (individually or by bank) 1.7.7 47 button to clear the transmit pane 1.7.7 49 optional DXBase-compatible ADIF export 1.7.9 50 eliminate need to specify UTC offset 1.8.1 54 double-clicking on an RST report in transmitted text places the report in the "RST sent" rather than "RST rcvd" textbox 1.8.1 57 provide baseline clipping for waterfall display 1.8.9 27 identification reminder 1.9.0 58 select channel and frequency with one gesture within the waterfall 1.9.0 59 replay the last 25 seconds of received audio 1.9.0 51 ability to QSY transceiver to achieve a desired audio offset 1.9.1 53 spectrum display gain control 1.9.1 60 provide baseline clipping for spectrum display 1.9.1 61 during initialization, reset com port modem control signals RTS and DTR 1.9.3 62 capture and log gridsquares 1.9.4 63 display captured gridsquares on DXView's world map 1.9.4 64 transmitter offset ( in case transmitter and receiver frequencies differ) 1.9.5 66 RTTY support via MMTTY and external RTTY modem 2.0.0 67 If Commander is running, automatically set transceiver mode 2.0.0 68 Control of external RTTY modem speed and shift 2.0.1 69 XY display for soundcard RTTY (MMTTY) 2.0.7 70 option to transmit by character or by word in soundcard RTTY (MMTTY) 2.0.9 72 keyboard shortcuts for navigating between the Transmit Pane and QSO Info text boxes 2.1.0 73 when transceiver is QSY'd to achieve a desired audio offset for one channel, the audio offsets of the other two channels are appropriately adjusted 2.1.0 74 online help for RTTY operation 2.1.0 75 reduced CPU load generated by PSK decoding (PSKCore 1.1.3) 2.1.2 76 option to allow control characters in the Transmit Pane to be sent to the external modem 2.1.3 77 ability to enable/disable soundcard RTTY's XY tuning display 2.1.5 79 audio frequency markers 2.1.6 80 treat "period" and "underscore" as delimiters for callsign, name, and QTH capture 2.1.8 81 provide the ability to enable or disable the soundcard RTTY bandpass filter with a control on WinWarbler's main window 2.1.9 82 right-clicking in the waterfall display is equivalent to clicking the Optimal Offset button 2.1.9 52 ability to send transceiver control commands from macros (requires Commander 3.3.0 or later) 2.2.0 87 settings for current latitude, longitude, grid square, course, and speed with macros supporting transmission of these settings and the optional ability to update these settings from an attached NMEA-compliant Global Positioning Satellites receiver 2.2.2 83 right-clicking a macro button invokes the macro editor 2.2.3 88 ability to set transceiver to a specified mode (requires Commander 3.4.1 or later) 2.2.3 65 ability to specify USB vs LSB operation so that QSO frequency can be properly computed as either xcvr_freq + audio_offset or xcvr_freq - audio offset 2.2.4 84 compensate for soundcard frequency error 2.2.5 90 PSK signal strength bar color matches that of active channel when signal strength exceeds squelch threshold 2.2.6 91 macro command to QSY transceiver to the optimal PSK or RTTY offset 2.2.6 92 macro command to QSY transceiver to specified frequency 2.2.6 93 macro commands to set modulation and sideband 2.2.6 94 macro commands to set transmit and receive channel frequencies 2.2.6 95 macro commands to select current channel, enable/disable AFC, enable/disable NET 2.2.6 96 automatic archiving of received and transmitted characters 2.2.6 97 in PSK31 mode, buttons that QSY to the next highest or next lowest signal 2.2.6 98 implement Test and Shutdown DDE messages 2.2.7 100 macro tooltips display macro contents 2.2.8 99 place external rtty modem in command mode on shutdown 2.2.9 101 when a new callsign is double-clicked or entered, perform a Pathfinder lookup (requires Pathfinder 4.1.3 or later) 2.3.1 31 resizable transmit pane 2.3.2 103 permit user control of macro button font and face colors 2.3.4 104 in PSK31 mode, activate the "QSY to next highest signal" and "QSY to next lowest signal" functions with the right and left arrow keys, respectively 2.3.5 105 accept DDE frequency and mode directives (used by SpotCollector 1.5.7 and later) 2.3.6 106 switch between PSK and soundcard RTTY modes without unloading and then reloading the MMTTY engine 2.3.6 107 send PSK and RTTY spots to SpotCollector (1.5.7 or later) 2.3.6 109 provide a button that resets colors to reasonable values 2.4.1 110 warn the user if a control's foreground and background colors have insufficient contrast 2.4.1 112 macro commands to control soundcard rtty baud rate and shift 2.4.1 113 macro commands to control external modem rtty baud rate and shift 2.4.1 114 reset PSK IMD Peak detector when frequency is changed by clicking in the waterfall display or by selecting the next higher or next lower signal 2.4.1 115 ability to specify transceiver mode as SSB or RTTY during PSK operation 2.4.1 116 automatically update DXKeeper's Capture window with data from the QSL info panel (DXKeeper 1.8.6 or later) 2.4.2 78 add additional macro sets 2.4.4 117 restore or minimize main window and earth window on command from other DXLab applications 2.4.4 118 macro commands to switch between macro banks 2.4.4 119 dedicated macros to be executed on entry to PSK and RTTY modes 2.4.4 120 when directed to clear the QSO Info panel, reset DXKeeper's Capture window (if DXKeeper 1.9.1 or later is running) 2.4.4 123 callbook searches that are unsuccessful because the callsign is not found in the callbook no longer pop up a message box displaying this information 2.4.8 124 when directing DXView to lookup a callsign, the gridsquare -- if available -- will be used for precise location 2.4.8 125 Inform the DXLab Launcher (version 1.0.6 or later) when the main window's windowstate (normal, miminized, or maximized) changes 2.4.9 126 add a QSL Requested checkbox to the main window's QSL Info panel 2.5.3 128 set KAM's FLOW to OFF during initialization 2.5.3 129 independent waterfall "color" settings for PSK and soundcard RTTY 2.5.4 130 includes MMTTY version 1.6.3 2.5.4 135 if IMD hasn't been measured, the <IMD> macro should return "not measured" 2.5.6 136 if the Name field hasn't been set, the <Name> macro should return "om" 2.5.6 131 add a Notes field to the QSO Info panel 2.5.6 132 add a QSL Via field to the QSO Info panel and a <Via> macro substitution command 2.5.6 134 when capturing a Name or QTH, automatically capitalize the first letter of each word, and make all subsequent letters lower case 2.5.7 127 macro command that logs and uploads a QSO to (DXKeeper 2.1.6 or later) 2.5.7 133 automatically capitalize the contents of the QSO Info panel's Call and Via textboxes 2.5.7 141 don't require RX# in contest mode 2.5.7 144 user command that logs and uploads a QSO to (DXKeeper 2.1.6 or later) 2.5.7 139 Add a default QSL Msg box to the Configuration window's General tab 2.5.8 145 Add a QSL Msg box to the Main window's QSL Info panel 2.5.8 146 Log Address, County, and State information obtained from a callbook lookup 2.5.9 148 while receiving PSK, right-clicking the in the waterfall or spectrum display un-checks Net and sets the transmit frequency 2.6.2 155 PSK63 support 2.6.2 156 Optionally restore windows appearing on a secondary monitor during the previous session on the secondary monitor at startup 2.6.2 157 Support PSK31 and PSK63 Doppler AFC mode 2.6.3 158 MMTTY version 1.6.4 2.6.3 159 while receiving soundcard RTTY, right-clicking the in the waterfall or spectrum display un-checks Net and sets the transmit frequency 2.6.3 160 permit rapid switching between Doppler-tracking and non-Doppler-tracking AFC settings by clicking on the Receive AFC checkbox label 2.6.4 161 optionally flag callsigns not containing at least one letter and one number as invalid when logging is attempted 2.6.4 162 don't over-write already populated QSO Info fields with information from previous QSOs or callbook lookup 2.6.5 163 log IOTA information obtained from previous QSOs or callbook lookup 2.6.5 164 modulation macro accepts BPSK63 and QPSK63 parameters 2.6.6 137 provide a <lastQSO> macro that describes the most recent QSO with this station 2.6.7 (requires DXKeeper 2.5.7 or later) 155 add a "Clear transmit pane" entry to the Transmit pane's popup menu 2.6.7 165 <logqso> macro should not wait for the logging operation to complete before continuing 2.6.7 166 take sideband into account when displaying audio frequency markers 2.6.7 168 changes to contest mode, contest name, and contest tx serial number are conveyed to DXKeeper (if running) 2.6.7 (requires DXKeeper 2.5.7 or later) 21 vertically-resizable waterfall/spectrum display 2.6.9 169 use Down and Up arrow keys (rather than Left and Right) to activate the Prev Signal and Next Signal functions, respectively 2.6.9 170 clear the LastQSO information when the QSO Info panel is cleared, either directly, or via the <ClearQSO> macro 2.6.9 171 provide a command button for toggling the QSO Info display of Notes or QSL Msg 2.7.0 172 if in PSK31 or PSK63, delete any unsent characters when the transmit pane is cleared 2.7.0 173 provide preset frequencies that can be selected with a single click 2.7.0 174 <LastQSO> macro expands to "This is our first QSO" if there have been no previous QSOs. 2.7.0 175 <LastQSO> macro indicates the number of previous QSOs if the have been previous QSOs 2.7.0 (requires DXKeeper 2.6.5 or later) 178 60m support 2.7.0 179 provide button in Main window's PSK receive panel that toggles modulation between BPSK and QPSK 2.7.0 180 additional macros: <qsonumber>, <rx_freq>, <tx_freq> 2.7.0 182 PSKCORE version 1.1.7
- single DLL supporting PSK31 and PSK63
- 30% reduction in PSK63 CPU loading
- no waterfall reset when switching between PSK31 and PSK63
2.7.2 183 in PSK31 or PSK63, provide the optional ability to designate a receive channel as the QSO channel 2.7.2 184 display numeric PSK instantaneous signal quality 2.7.3 185 if Net is checked, Ctrl-clicking a receive pane in PSK31 or PSK63 mode designates that pane's receive channel as the QSO channel 2.7.3 186 option to reverse the actions associated with right-clicking and CTRL-right-clicking in the waterfall display 2.7.4 187 use two-stage previous QSO and Callbook lookup provided by DXKeeper 2.6.6 and later 2.7.6 156 ability to zoom and pan the waterfall display on its frequency axis 2.7.8 188 support for PSK31 and PSK63 in LSB mode 2.7.8 189 provide a RTTY-R Transceiver mode option for PSK operation 2.7.8 190 support soundcard RTTY and external RTTY modem operation in AFSK USB and FSK RTTY-R 2.7.8 195 permit specification of transceiver mode independent of modulation for soundcard and extermal rtty modem operation 2.7.9 196 consider - a word separator (in receive panes) 2.8.1 198 log BSPK31 and QPSK31 QSOs as PSK31 (eliminate configuration settings) 2.8.1 199 permit selection of a PKT transceiver mode for PSK, Soundcard RTTY, or External RTTY modem operation 2.8.2 201 PSK frequency display offset 2.8.3 35 option to show receive frequencies via triangles in the frequency scale 2.8.5 108 monitor all PSK signals in a specified frequency segment, capture callsigns to produce an active display of band activity 2.8.5 149 display a transmit frequency marker above the waterfall display 2.8.5 151 ability to monitor more than 3 channels 2.8.5 207 automatically swap captured callsigns during turnovers 2.9.2 208 improved callsign extraction logic 2.9.3 209 allow user control of channel monitor window font size 2.9.3 210 allow user control of channel monitor locked channel frequency designator color 2.9.3 211 independent gain controls for the PSK waterfall and spectrum displays 2.9.3 212 make triangular frequency markers solid rather than outlines 2.9.3 213 Channel Monitor window displays average signal quality for each locked monitor channel 2.9.3 214 Provide an Auto Lookup setting that determines whether or not DXKeeper is directed to perform a previous QSO and Callbook lookup when double-clicking on a received callsign, double-clicking in the Call textbox, or striking the Enter key in the Call textbox 2.9.3 215 Provide a ? button that directs DXKeeper to perform a previous QSO and Callbook lookup 2.9.3 207 ability to select MMTTY profiles 2.9.6 217 in PSK Receive pane, replace History checkbox with a checkbox that enables/disables Broadband Decoding 2.9.7 218 support Broadband Decode with Spectrum Display 2.9.7 219 checkboxes to enable/disable the PSK and RTTY startup macros 2.9.8 222 when broadband decoding is enabled, display a Stations Heard window that shows each received callsign, its frequency, channel, signal quality, relative strength, minutes since last heard, number of times heard, and QSO partner 2.9.9 223 when broadband decoding is enabled, provide the option to generate local spots in SpotCollector for heard stations 2.9.9 224 ignore new station heard reports whose quality or strength are less than 10 3.0.0 225 include MMTTY version 1.6.5 3.0.0 111 replace the color selector on the Configuration window's Display tab with the standard Windows color picker 3.0.2 227 provide the ability to reset a macro button's face color to the current Windows color scheme button face color 3.0.2 228 warn the user if a receive pane font color is identical to the transmitted text font color, as this prevents differentiation between sent and received signal reports 3.0.2 233 detect "CQDX" in the Broadband decoder 3.0.4 234 sort the Heard List by clicking in a column header; clicking the same column a second time switches between ascending and descending order 3.0.4 235 replace Stations Heard window Reset and Channel Monitor controls with a right-mouse menu 3.0.4 236 remove the Channel column from the Stations Heard List 3.0.4 239 replace Channel Monitor window Reset button with a right-mouse menu 3.0.4 237 optionally show incoming data in the Stations Heard List 3.0.5 238 optionally hide the Channel Markers when the Channel Monitor window is not enabled 3.0.5 240 if a PSK receive pane is not visible, hide its tuning display marker or trace 3.0.5 241 provide the ability to show or hide the Strength, and Quality columns in the Stations Heard List 3.0.5 242 ability to optimize for light-on-dark or dark-on-dark receive panes, adjusting the color of the marker background and trace borders to ensure contrast 3.0.5 251 provide a "Preset QSL Requested" checkbox 3.0.6 252 Depressing the CTRL key while click on the QSO Info pane's Spot button should prompt the user for spot notes, which are pre-initialized to the mode 3.0.6 253 striking the Enter key in the QSO Info panel's Gridsquare textbox should cause DXView (if running) to highlight the selected location 3.0.6 86 CW transmission with macros via
- serial port modem control signal
- parallel port signal
3.0.7 202 0x, 4x and 8x vert height options for the tuning display 3.0.7 251 Checking QSL? should set QSL Rcvd to 'R' (as well as QSL Sent) 3.0.7 254 provide a Help button on the Config window's Broadband Decode tab 3.0.7 256 Process function key buttons when they are struck in QSO Info items 3.0.7 258 option to preset RST Sent and Rcvd textboxes to 599 3.0.7 260 if the user CTRL-clicks the Spot button and then clicks Cancel in the spot notes dialog, or fails to enter spot notes, then WinWarbler asks the user whether or not to proceed with the spot 3.0.7 259 when presented with a spot with a QSX in CW or RTTY mode, set the transceiver to split frequency mode 3.0.8 262 the split between soundcard and external RTTY modem panes is preserved when switching to and from other modes 3.0.9 263 keyboard shortcuts for increasing/decreasing CW speed
+1 wpm: RightArrow
-1 wpm: LeftArrow
+5 wpm: UpArrow or CTLR-RightArrow
-5 wpm: DownArrow or CTRL-LeftArrow
3.0.9 264 don't show a blank waterfall display space when running external modem RTTY without soundcard RTTY 3.1.0 265 provide CW autostart mode, which when enabled initiates CW transmission whenever a character appears in the transmit pane, either by direct keystroke or via macro execution 3.1.0 266 provide the option of displaying CW characters as they are transmitted 3.1.0 267 when presented with information from a Spot Database entry by SpotCollector,
if the QSO Info panel contains information from an in-progress QSO and the (new) "prompt on QSO Info panel overwrite" box is checked, then ask the user whether to log the QSO Info data, abandon the overwrite, or proceed (overwrite without logging)
clear the QSO Info panel
set the QSO Info panel callsign to the Spot Database Entry's callsign
if in contest mode or if the "Preset RST fields to 59/599" is checked, preset the RST sent and received fields to 59/599
if the "automatic lookup" box is checked, direct DXKeeper to perform a previous QSO and Callbook lookup and place the results in the QSO Info panel
3.1.0 268 provide an autostop option, which when enabled stops CW transmission if there is nothing more to transmit 3.1.1 269 Set the current receive pane's QSO start time when a macro containing the <RSTSent> or <TX_serial_number> commands is executed if a QSO start time has not already been set 3.1.1 270 don't update the transceiver frequency and mode when clicking in a RTTY receive pane if that pane is already the current pane 3.1.1 271 provide a <loadmacrobank: filename> macro command that loads the current macro bank from the specified file in WinWarbler's scripts folder 3.1.1 272 provide a <cwspeed: n> macro command that adjusts the CW speed in words per minute
<cwspeed: 20> sets the CW speed to 20 words per minute
<cwspeed: +5> increases the CW speed by 5 words per minute
<cwspeed: - 3> decreases the CW speed by 3 words per minute
3.1.1 276 disable the "assert PTT during CW" setting if the PTT tab's PTT Mode panel is set to none 3.1.3 277 ability to key via a PTT port's modem control signal not in use for PTT 3.1.3 231 expand external modem and GPS serial port support to COM9-15 3.1.5 278 CW transmission and reception via an external modem (e.g KAM, PK232) 3.1.5 279 Ctlr-W in any QSO info panel clears all QSO Info panel fields 3.1.5 280 striking a tab character in the QSO Info panel's Callsign field is equivalent to striking the Enter key 3.1.5 281 <cwspeed> macro takes effect after the preceding character is transmitted (except when transmitting via external modem) 3.1.5 274 ability to perform CW keying via specified parallel port signals
databits 0 through 7 (pins 2 through 9)
initialize printer (pin 16)
select input (pin 17)
3.1.6 282 when keying via the parallel port, assert its strobe signal (pin 1); when not keying via the parallel port, de-assert this signal 3.1.6 283 add new macros: <lastqsocount>, <lastqsodate>, <lastqsotime>, <lastqsofreq>, <lastqsomode>, <lastqsostatus> 3.1.7 284 maintain the receive pane size used in PSK and RTTY operation separately from CW operation and preserve this between operating sessions 3.1.7 286 the auto start and auto stop settings disabled if the Send control characters from Transmit Pane setting is checked while in CW mode with keying via the external modem; this prevents keystrokes intended to control the external modem from initiating transmission 3.1.8 287 when switching between CW via the external modem and RTTY via the external modem, leave the external modem's serial port open, rather than close it and then re-open it 3.1.8 289 display a macro bank's last loaded filename in the Macro Definition window, and in the Main window's macro frame 3.2.0 290 display current receive pane's QSO start time in QSO Info panel's caption 3.2.3 85 phone support: startup phone macro, additional macros:
- <Play: filename> command -- plays the designated .wav file
- <Say: message> -- speaks the message
- <SayCallsign> -- speaks the QSO Info panel's callsign
- <SayCallsignPhonetics> -- speaks the QSO Info panel's callsign phonetically
- <SayTXSerial> -- speaks the TX serial number
3.2.5 291 If the transceiver is in CW or RTTY or AM or FM when WinWarbler starts up, then WinWarbler can unambiguously determine its proper startup mode. If the transceiver is in SSB, should use its "mode at last shutdown" to choose, if that mode is compatible with the current transceiver mode.
3.2.6 294 accept phone spot directives from SpotCollector 3.2.6 295 the PTT Port panel caption (Config window, PTT tab) displays its function in the current mode: unused, PTT, MMTTY FSK, or MMTTY PTT & FSK 3.3.2 292 provide the option for State, Province, County, CQ, ITU, and IOTA to be available in the QSO Info window 3.3.3 302 provide the option for DXCC prefix, Continent, and TX Serial number to be available in the QSO Info window 3.3.4 300 Replace the current "ALT-click in the waterfall" to select receive pane 2 by "CTRL-SHIFT-click in the waterfall". 3.3.5 302 accept ALT shortcut keys in QSO Info panel controls and in the Transmit pane 3.3.5 303 provide the option for TX Power and Contest Name to be available in the QSO Info window 3.3.5 304 the Cont item should be a selector 3.3.6 305 add a Begin button to the QSO Info panel 3.3.6 306 display sound card names in the Config window's Soundcard PSK tab 3.3.6 307 provide the ability to display the multimedia mixer's record and playback controls 3.3.6 308 relocate the Clear Minilog button to the Config window's General tab 3.3.7 309 add an End button to the QSO Info panel 3.3.7 310 Alt-B starts the QSO associated with the current receive pane 3.3.7 311 add an option that determines whether receiving or capturing an received signal report starts the QSO associated with the current receive pane 3.3.7 312 Improve the captions of the buttons that activate the multimedia mixer's record and playback windows, and initialize the record and playback windows to the selected soundcard 3.3.8 313 re-arranged QSO Info fields for improved operational efficiency 3.3.8 314 Alt-M navigates to the Transmit pane 3.3.8 315 add a Ham button to the RTTY Receive panel when soundcard RTTY is enabled; when clicked, this button directs MMTTY to restore ham defaults for Mark, Shift, etc. 3.3.8 317 arrange QSO Info items so that DXCC prefix is available when the QSO Info panel is contracted 3.3.9 318 accept "new entry" information from DXKeeper 3.3.9 319 the QSO Info panel caption indicates with which receive pane its data is associated 3.4.0 320 shift CW to use receive pane 0 3.4.0 321 callsigns whose first character is !, or have suffixes of /mm (maritime mobile) or /am (aeronautical mobile) should be logged with a country code of 0 and no DXCC prefix 3.4.1 323 provide the option to prevent the logging of QSOs for which no DXCC prefix has been specified unless the callsign is a mobile or begins with ! 3.4.2 324 ability to log DXCC country code without DXKeeper or DXView running 3.4.2 325 improve QSO Info panel layout, and display last QSO info in extended QSO Info panel if DXKeeper is running 3.4.2 326 accept and display Last QSO information with "new entry" information from DXKeeper (4.0.8 or later) 3.4.3 327 if RTTY or RTTY-R is designated as the transceiver mode for use with PSK31 or PSK63, and WinWarbler was running PSK31 or PSK63 when terminated, and WinWarbler starts up with Commander running and the transceiver in RTTY or RTTY-R mode, then resume PSK31 or PSK63 operation (rather than start up in RTTY) 3.4.5 328 provide DDE linkages to all new QSO Info fields so that DXKeeper Capture fields can automatically track (DXKeeper 4.0.8 and later) 3.4.7 329 direct DXKeeper to initialize the Capture window's myQTHID when the user activates a callsign by striking enter in the Callsign textbox, double--clicks on a received callsign, etc. (requires DXKeeper 4.0.8 or later) 3.4.7 330 PSK and RTTY window configurations are now independent 3.4.7 331 show disabled entries for uninstalled soundcards in the Soundcard panel on the Config window's Soundcard PSK tab 3.4.8 293 provide a setting that determines whether setting RST_Rcvd sets the QSO start time 3.5.2 332 incorporate PSKCORE version 1.1.9, which improves decoding by running the soundcard at 48 khz 3.5.2 333 splitter bars extend through the panel identifiers 3.5.2 316 when double-clicking on continent portion of an Iota tag, set the IOTA item 3.5.5 334 clicking on a word in RTTY pane performs a letters/figures swap and toggles the word's underlining 3.5.5 298 SCS PTC II support
define CWInitialXmitCRLF external modem command to delay tracking of transmitted CW characters until initial status message has been received
define additional external modem commands to permit separation of RTTY initialization commands into two parts separated by a specified delay
define additional external modem commands to permit separation of CW initialization commands into two parts separated by a specified delay
3.5.6 335 provide an option to automatically clear items in the QSO Info panel when a callsign is entered or captured 3.5.7 261 WinKey support 3.5.8 336 improvements to Last QSO macros
- <LastQSODate> - use ISO yyyy-mm-dd format
- <LastQSOTime> - use hh:mm format
- <LastQSOFreq> - display 3 digits to the right of the decimal point
- <LastQSO> - all of the above
3.5.8 338 clicking on a label in the Main window's Mode panel displays the appropriate Config window tab for that mode 3.6.2 339 WinKey improvements
- option to enable WinKey-generated PTT during CW
- sidetone enable and frequency selection
- option to ignore speed potentiometer setting
- Farnsworth keying
- Paddle swap
- Paddle echoback
- AutoSpace
- Paddle modes (iambic A, iambic B, unimatic, bug/straight)
- speed potentiometer upper and lower bounds
- <cwspeed: pot> macro sets speed to last known speed potentiometer setting
- WinKey panel (Config window, CW tab) displays WinKey version #
3.6.2 345 set minimum WinKey CW speed to 5 WPM 3.6.3 346 expand PTT serial port options from 8 to 16 3.6.3 347 pass the | character to WinKey, as WinKey version 9 uses it to lengthen dit times 3.6.5 344 when Contest mode is enabled and DXKeeper 4.2.7 (or later) is running and configured to display previous QSOs on lookup, designate duplicate QSOs with a red Dup! to the left of the QSO Info panel's Call label 3.6.6 348 provide the ability to control the WinKey settings for
- compensation
- first extension
- dot/dash ratio
- paddle switchpoint delay
3.6.7 343 expand PSK soundcard device selection from 4 to 16 3.6.9 344 PSK soundcard device selector should show soundcard # 3.7.0 349 ability to control the soundcard on which outgoing voice is played 3.7.2 350 accept macro invocations from other applications 3.7.2 352 striking the Enter key in the QSO Info panel's Name or QTH textboxes will capitalize every word in the textbox 3.7.3 354 provide the ability to enable or disable "assert PTT during CW" from the Main window's CW transmit panel 3.7.3 359 double-clicking on a transmitted or received word containing 2 digits while not in contesting mode should place those two digits in the sent or received RST 3.8.1 194 changes to the Xcvr Freq textbox should QSY the transceiver if Commander is running 3.8.3 363 in CW mode, provide the option to substitute T for 0 and N for 9 in RSTsent, RSTrcvd, tranmit_power, rx_serial_number, and tx_serial_number macros 3.8.4 364 provide <UTChour> and <UTCminute> macro substitution commands the generate 2-digit UTC hour and 2-digit UTC minute respectively 3.8.4 365 allow independent reversal of reception and transmission when operating RTTY using the MMTTY engine 3.8.5 367 when WinWarbler receives an activated DX spot, convey the spot to DXView and Pathfinder (if running) whether or not DXKeeper is running, and whether or not "automatic lookup" is enabled 3.8.6 368 depressing the ALT key while clicking the QSO Info panel's Spot button directs SpotCollector to generate a local spot rather than a cluster spot 3.8.7 369 provide independent selection of the soundcard to be used for phone operation 3.9.0 366 provide a contest mode option that, when enabled, causes WinWarbler to place focus in the RX# textbox when the user double-clicks on a Spot Database entry or Commander Bandspread spot that is routed to WinWarbler 3.9.1 371 When saving a macro bank for the first time in a session, initialized the "Save Macro" dialog with the folder and filename from which the macro bank was last loaded 3.9.2 372 resize the Heard window when its quality, strength, and data columns are enabled or disabled 3.9.6 353 make the location of .wav files used in phone mode be user specified (default to WinWarbler's phone folder) 3.9.7 373 depressing the Shift key while clicking the Spot button generates a local spot (without switching macro banks, as using the Alt key would do) 3.9.8 374 improve reporting of macro errors 3.9.9 375 improve messages when the user attempts to use the PTT port for CW keying 3.9.9 376 ALT-double-clicking a single word that's a valid grid square captures it as the grid square; otherwise, its captured as the QTH. Without ALT, double-clicking a grid square has no effect unless the gridsquare happens to be a valid callsign, in which case its captured as the callsign. 3.9.9 378 provide an entry in each pane's right-click menu that displays the pane's archive file 3.9.9 379 provide the option to have the tuning display frequency scale highlight PSK and RTTY band segments defined in files 3.9.9 380 increase # of frequency presets from 8 to 12 4.0.0 381 if an invalid or unavailable PTT port is selected for CW, phone or PSK, then, reset the PTT port to 'none' 4.0.1 382 if an invalid or unavailable PTT port is selected for soundcard RTTY, reset the PTT port to 'none' 4.0.2 383 if the DXCC selector is set to "K", ALT-double-clicking on word that's a valid state abbreviation sets the QSO Info panel's State selector and places the capitalized state abbreviation in the QSO Info panel's QTH textbox 4.0.2 384 if the DXCC selector is set to "VE", ALT-double-clicking on word that's a valid province abbreviation sets the QSO Info panel's Province selector and places the capitalized Province abbreviation in the QSO Info panel's QTH textbox 4.0.2 385 ALT-double-clicking a word containing 2 characters places the word in the QSO Info panels' QTH textbox with no change in capitalization 4.0.2 386 When a callsign lookup is performed with DXKeeper is running, color the callsign based on need for the entity, entity-band, or entity-mode:
- bold red: unworked
- bold blue: worked, but not confirmed
- black: confirmed
4.0.2 387 provide a <QSOBeginUTC> macro that generates the QSO's begin time in hhmm format 4.0.2 388 provide the ability to invert RTTY transmission and reception from the Main window's RTTY panels 4.0.3 389 provide the ability to delete Heard List entries via the right-mouse menu, or by striking the delete key 4.0.3 390 adds <modulation: cw> and <modulation: phone> macro commands 4.0.7 391 highlight Stations Heard entries whose "with" column matches the operator's callsign 4.1.0 392 provide the ability to specify a Search callsign, and highlight Stations Heard entries whose "call" column matches the Search callsign 4.1.0 393 highlight Stations Heard entries whose "with" column matches the Search callsign 4.1.1 394 provide a setting that controls the Stations Heard list's font size 4.1.1 395 allow the user to specify the optimal offset for soundcard RTTY AFSK operation 4.1.3 396 with Contest Mode enabled - moves the cursor focus to the RX# textbox after you strike Enter in the QSO Info panel's call textbox
- doesn't move the cursor focus to the Transmit pane after a macro is invoked
4.1.6 397 with Contest Mode enabled, any operation the clears the QSO Info panel will move the cursor focus to the QSO Info panel's Callsign textbox 4.1.7 398 with broadband decoding enabled, double-clicking the BBD label on the Main window's PSK Receive panel, or clicking the Display Stations Heard button on the Config window's Broadband Decoding tab will display the Stations Heard window 4.1.8 399 recognize gridsquares containing slashed zeroes, and convert them to numeric zeroes when captured 4.1.8 400 allow specification of the means by which FSK control is conveyed when operating with soundcard RTTY, with the ability to use EXTFSK 4.1.8 401 if the soundcard RTTY sideband is changed, change the external modem to the same sideband; if the external modem sideband is changed, changed soundcard RTTY to the same sideband 4.1.8 402 record connected program information in the errorlog 4.1.8 403 allow specification of the an optimal offset for soundcard RTTY to which the center tone is set on RTTY startup or when the Receive panel's "Default" (previously "Ham") and Opt buttons are clicked 4.1.8 404 when navigating with shortcuts that employ the Alt key, remember the state of the macro bank selecting Alt box and restore it when the navigation is complete or the Alt key is released 4.1.8 405 when using the Alt key while double-clicking decoded information, remember the state of the macro bank selecting Alt box and restore it when the Alt key is released 4.1.8 406 the Escape Insert, F2, and F4 keys are functional with the cursor focus in any QSL Info panel textbox 4.1.8 407 provide a <clear_transmit_pane> macro that clears the transmit pane and any not-yet-transmitted data 4.1.8 408 when in contest mode or with "initialize RST items to 599" enabled, setting focus in the QSO Info panel's RST Sent or RST Rcvd textboxes selects the current contents 4.1.8 409 change PSK soundcard clock adjustment control to a textbox 4.1.8 410 add a new DDE command that specifies frequency, QSX frequency, and mode 4.1.9 411 when the Station's Heard window is closed, its icon should not remain on the Windows task bar 4.1.9 412 remember Stations Heard column widths between operating sessions 4.1.9 413 if WinWarbler's Main window was minimized when it was terminated, then it should be minimized when next started 4.2.0 414 clicking a Main window button or selector moves the cursor focus to the Transmit pane if not in Contest mode, or to the RX# textbox if in Contest mode 4.2.0 415 In CW mode, the PageUp and PageDown keys increment and decrement the WPM respectively 4.2.0 416 if not in Contest mode, disable the Contest, TX#, and RX# textboxes in the Log QSO's panel, and log the ADIF Contest, STX, and SRX items as empty strings 4.2.0 417 provide an option that when enabled while not in Contest mode, disables the Contest, TX#, and RX# textboxes in the QSO info panel, and logs the ADIF Contest, STX, and SRX items as empty strings 4.2.1 418 Support the following macros:
<clear_receive_pane> clears the current receive pane
<clear_receive_pane: 0> clears receive pane 0 (if its visible)
<clear_receive_pane: 1> clears receive pane 1 (if its visible)
<clear_receive_pane: 2> clears receive pane 2 (if its visible)
4.2.1 46 provide a PSK signal strength indicator 4.2.3 142 right-clicking in a receive display pane in which one or more contiguous characters have been selected produces a window with buttons that let you choose a destination textbox in the QSL Info panel into which those characters are copied 4.2.3 204 CTRL-clicking the color-coded panel to the left of a receive pane selects and maximizes that pane and minimizes the others. CTRL-clicking the color-coded panel to the left of a maximized receive pane displays all receive panes. 4.2.3 351 provide the ability to specify a default TX#, and the ability to specify whether it should be incremented between QSOs 4.2.3 419 if contest mode is enabled, display the current contest ID in the Main window's title bar; if the current contest ID is not specified, display "Contest: ?" 4.2.3 421 permit alphanumeric characters to entered into the QSO Info panel's RX# and TX# textboxes 4.2.3 422 in Contest mode, depressing CTRL and ALT while double-clicking a received word places that word in the QSO Info panel's RX# textbox 4.2.3 423 in Contest mode, depressing CTRL and ALT while selecting received words places those words in the QSO Info panel's RX# textbox 4.2.3 424 provide independent Mark offsets for FSK LSB and FSK USB operation with Soundcard RTTY 4.2.3 425 provide Mark offsets for AFSK, FSK LSB, and FSK USB operation with an external RTTY modem 4.2.3 426 permit the user to click on a soundcard RTTY frequency whose tones are less than 100 hz or greater than 3000 hz, but depict the associated waterfall traces with dotted lines to highlight the fact that no transmission or decoding will occur 4.2.4 427 CTRL-clicking the color-coded panel to the left of a receive pane only enlarges or hides panes if the operating mode is PSK31 or PSK63 4.2.5 428 CTRL-clicking the color-coded panel to the left of an enlarged PSK receive pane restores all PSK receive panes to their previous state 4.2.5 429 ALT-CTRL-clicking the color-coded panel to the left of an enlarged PSK receive pane restores all previously-visible PSK receive panes, dividing the available space among them equally 4.2.5 430 right-clicking a receive pane when the operating mode is PSK31, PSK63, or RTTY with both soundcard RTTY and external modem RTTY active displays a menu that includes a new "equalize all receive panes" item that when clicked distributes the available space equally among all receive panes 4.2.5 431 with the mouse cursor in the QSO Info panel's Callsign tab, striking the Tab key places the mouse cursor in the Transmit pane unless Contest mode is enabled, in which case the mouse cursor is placed in the QSO Info panel's RX# item. 4.2.5 432 when directed to execute a macro containing the <log_qso> or <log_eqsl_qso>command, verify that the QSO is valid before executing the macro; if the QSO is not valid, flag the invalid fields, and do not execute the macro 4.2.6 436 CTRL-Click in a receive pane while operating RTTY should not unlock the pane if it was originally locked 4.2.8 435 On a Winkey paddle interrupt, immediately terminate all sending via macro and/or buffer 4.2.9 437 with Log Debugging Info enabled, place the list of WaveOut device assignments in the errorlog.txt file at startup 4.3.3 439 respond to a DDE directive to reset all windows to the primary monitor 4.3.3 448 when configured to send PSK stations heard to SpotCollector as local spots, include each station's strength in the spot notes 4.3.5 449 provide a <archivetimestamp> macro command that when executed writes a timestamp into the active pane's archive file, if archiving is enabled 4.3.5 450 provide an automatic archiving timestamp option that, when it and automatic archiving are enabled, writes a timestamp to each active pane's archive file every 5 minutes 4.3.5 451 provide the option to reverse the rotation of the soundcard RTTY XY display 4.3.8 452 provide a PK900 modem command file 4.3.8 453 when handling a NewEntry directive from SpotCollector with DXKeeper not running, direct DXView to perform the antenna rotation if DXView is running 4.4.2 457 selecting a URL in a receive pane with the Alt key depressed directs the selected browser to navigate to that URL 4.4.7 458 provide the option to specify a user-defined radio command sequence to be sent after any QSY directive 4.4.8 459 improves the KAM, PK232, and PK900 modem command files 4.4.8 462 add an LED display in the CW Transmit panel that flashes with the generated CW 4.5.1 463 save changes to contest parameters to the registry immediately 4.5.4 464 provide a <delayedxcvrcommand> macro that issues a transceiver command after a specified interval 4.5.4 465 tabbing out of the QTH Info panel's Name or QTH textbox capitalizes its contents 4.5.5 467 provide a <prev_tx_serial_number> macro substitution command 4.5.5 468 provide a <repeat: R, T> macro command that repeats a macro R times with T second intervals between 4.5.6 469 provide the ability to specify the minilog pathname 4.5.6 470 provide the ability to display the minilog 4.5.6 471 n the QSO Info panel's Grid textbox,
- CTRL-double-clicking conveys the grid to DXView and directs DXView to rotate the antenna to the short-path heading
- ALT-double-clicking conveys the grid to DXView and directs DXView to rotate the antenna to the long-path heading
4.6.0 472 increase the size of the QSO Info panel's Clear and ToggleSize buttons 4.6.3 474 capture the antenna bearing and path from DXView (if running) and log them 4.6.4 475 only provide three-digit zero fill for <rx_serial_number>, <tx_serial_number>, and <prev_tx_serial_number> if the increment tx# setting is enabled 4.6.4 476 provide the ability to select the Key and PTT output port when using WinKeyer version 2 4.6.6 477 reverse PTT output port designators to match WinKey implementation 4.6.8 478 update WinKey PinConfig register when output ports are changed 4.6.8 479 selecting a transceiver freq in the QSO Info panel should set the transceiver to its primary VFO and reset split 4.6.8 480 support a <cwstopspeed> macro that defines a speed to be set after transmission completes 4.6.9 481 enlarge the soundcard RTTY XY display 4.7.0 482 provide a <lookup> macro that directs DXKeeper, DXView, and Pathfinder to perform previous QSO, callbook, DXCC database, and QSL route lookups 4.7.1 483 eliminate the <cwstopspeed> macro and instead ensure that the <cwspeed> macro is interpreted at the correct time when generating CW internally or via WinKey 4.7.1 484 allow a hex address to be directly specified for the parallel port 4.7.1 485 use an ISO format date in the Main window's title bar 4.7.2 486 improve parallel port hex address selection 4.7.2 473 log the TX and RX frequencies separately in FREQ and RX_FREQ 4.7.3 487 display transmit frequencies in the CW and Phone transmit panels 4.7.3 488 properly display waterfall frequencies when operating split 4.7.3 489 log both transmit and receive frequencies 4.7.3 490 place XCVR RX Freq textbox above the XCVR TX Freq selector in the QSO Info panel 4.7.4 491 provide ALT-M as a keyboard shortcut to the QSO Info panel's XCVR RX Freq textbox 4.7.4 492 on the Config window's General tab, create "QSO Info" and "Auto Archiving" panels 4.7.4 493 in the General panel on the Config window's General tab, provide a "split frequency operation" box that
- when checked, XCVR RX Freq and XCVR TX Freq track Commander's receive and transmit frequencies, respectively
- when unchecked, XCVR RX Freq and XCVR TX Freq both track Commander's Main VFO frequency
4.7.4 494 improve QSO Info panel layout and labeling 4.7.5 495 provide a <prev_callsign> macro command that displays the contents of the QSO Info panel's Call textbox when the previous QSO was logged 4.8.0 497 with "split frequency operation" enabled and the transceiver in split mode, the optimal offset function should leave the same VFO selected after its completion as was selected before its initiation 4.8.1 499 when directed to terminate in CW mode with keying via Winkey and the "WinKey Speed" box not checked, send a command to WinKey to return speed control the speed potentiometer, and wait 5 seconds for WinKey to process this command before terminating 4.8.2 500 move the RX and TX transceiver frequency displays out of the QSO Info panel into a separate Xcvr Freq panel 4.8.3 501 enhancement #499 should not require WinWarbler to currently be in CW mode 4.8.3 502 when generating an outgoing spot in CW mode, spots the CW receive frequency 4.8.3 356 provide a tune capability for CW and RTTY 4.9.2 499 double-clicking a QSO Info panel item caption directs DXKeeper (if running) to filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs whose item contains the current value 4.9.3 504 provide a macro command that enables or disables split frequency operation if Commander is running 4.9.9 505 provide a macro command that sets the transmit VFO to a specified offset from the receive VFO if Commander is running 4.9.9 506 double-clicking a QSO Info panel item caption underlines that caption for 1 second to provide visible feedback 4.9.9 507 disable the CW serial port when CW mode is not selected 5.0.1 509 add the option to automatically upload to when logging a QSO 5.0.5 510 provide the option to specify default outgoing spot notes 5.0.8 511 Vista audio mixer support 5.1.0 513 add a <loadfullmacrobank> macro command that can load a macro bank from a full pathname 5.1.2 514 add a <lastqsoband> macro command 5.1.4 515 add a <fileraw: filename> macro command that does not append a newline character if the specified filename is not terminated with one 5.1.5 516 typing a frequency into the "Xcvr Freq" panel's TX selector and striking the Enter key with Commander running should disable split frequency operation and select VFO A before setting the transceiver to the specified frequency 5.1.7 517 in CW mode, interpret the PageUp or PageDown keys as meaning "increase or decrease WPM by 2" respectively 5.1.8 518 provide the option of saving macro font and button colors when saving macros to a file, and load these colors when loading a macro file that specifies them 5.1.8 520 provide the option to not display dynamic information in window title bars (Vista workaround) 5.2.0 521 display line breaks in the Transmit pane if the Transmit pane is configured to display more than one line 5.2.1 519 add the ability to enable/disable and configure MMTTY's notch filter 5.2.2 522 provide the ability to position MMTTY's notch filter by ALT-clicking in the waterfall or spectrum display 5.2.3 523 provide the option of specifying the name of the folder into which auto archive files are generated if auto archiving is enabled 5.2.5 524 notify Commander when the CW speed changes with the "CW Keying" panel set to "Xcvr Ctrl SW" 5.2.6 525 provide an Opt button in the Stations Heard window that QSYs the transceiver to an optimal audio offset and optional resets the Broadband Decoder 5.2.6 526 track the CW speed provided by Commander when the CW Keying mode is set to "XCVR CTRL SW" and the transceiver reports its CW keying speed 5.2.7 527 provide <spot_cluster> and <spot_local> macro commands 5.2.8 529 If SpotCollector is running, track the current SFI, A-Index, and K-index, and log this information 5.3.2 530 include BAND_RX when saving a QSO in the minilog or to a logging application 5.3.2 532 the <LastQSO> macro should return "this is our last QSO together" when invoked with no previous QSO 5.3.5 533 During soundcard RTTY operation in FSK, show the transmit mark and space frequencies in the tuning display if they differ from the receive mark and space frequencies 5.3.5 534 provide the ability to specify an independent default transmit power for each mode 5.3.6 535 provide the ability to disable AFC after invoking the Optimal Offset function by
- depressing the CTRL key when clicking the Opt button
- depressing the ALT key while right-clicking in the waterfall or tuning display
- using the new <optoffsetdisableafc> macro command
5.3.6 536 provide the ability to disable AFC after invoking the Default Frequencies (Def) button by depressing the CTRL key 5.3.6 537 provide the option to include a QSX frequency in outgoing spot notes 5.4.0 538 allow EXTFSK to be specified for FSK control without requiring the PTT port to be set to None 5.4.1 539 provide a QSO selector in the RTTY Transmit panel that specifies whether soundcard RTTY or the External RTTY Modem should always be used for transmission 5.4.2 540 display the current Operating Mode in large letters on the Main window 5.4.3 541 enable the transceiver mode to be set to PKT-R when operating in PSK or RTTY modes 5.4.3 542 insert a blank line into the Minilog after logging a QSO 5.4.3 543 provide the option to specify an Operating Mode to be activated when the transceiver is switched to each of CW, CW-R, USB, LSB, RTTY, RTTY-R, PKT, or PKT-R. 5.4.3 544 make it possible to choose the default contest identifier from a list of ADIF-defined contest identifiers 5.4.4 545 accept CQ zone, ITU zone, IOTA tag, and Primary Administrative Entity from SpotCollector 5.4.7 546 with the Operating Mode set to RTTY, both soundcard RTTY and External RTTY Modem active, and the RTTY Transmit panel's QSO selector set to 'S' or 'X', then the "QSO Info" panel doesn't distinguish between information captured from the two receive panes 5.4.7 547 convey CQ zone, ITU zone, IOTA tag, and Primary Administrative Entity to DXKeeper after receiving them from SpotCollector 5.4.8 548 disable the "Log QSOs" panel's Spot button if SpotCollector isn't running or if SpotCollector is running but with outgoing cluster spots disabled 5.4.8 549 provide a "transmit split" option for PSK31 and PSK63 operation that when enabled places the transceiver in split mode and transmits on the specified optimal offset 5.4.8 550 if DXKeeper is running but a callbook lookup directive to DXKeeper is rejected, issue a retry 5.4.9 551 Change the <LastQSO> macro to generate "This is the first time we've worked" 5.5.5 552 when generating an outgoing spot, include the "QSO Info" panel's grid square in the spot notes 5.5.5 558 after directing DXKeeper to perform a lookup, use the LotW component of its results 5.5.7 559 provide primary and secondary administrative entity textboxes in the QSO Info panel for DXCC entities other than US, Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada 5.5.8 560 provide a Continent selector in the QSO Info panel 5.5.8 561 provide the option to move the cursor focus to the "RST Sent" item after entering a new callsign when not in Contest mode 5.5.8 563 highlight the callsign of stations known to participate in LotW with a yellow background 5.5.8 564 provide macro commands to move the mouse cursor focus to the QSO Info panel's Call or RST_SENT textboxes 5.5.9 566 rename the "QSO Info" panel's Notes box to Comment for consistency with DXKeeper 6.0 5.5.9 555 have CW use the "QSO Info" data from pane 0 and instead of Pane 1 so the user can switch modes between CW, Phone, Soundcard RTTY, and PSK (pane 0) with no change in the information displayed in the QSO Info panel 5.6.3 577 use SpotCollector's LotW color to highlight LotW callsigns in the QSO Info panel 5.6.3 578 when directed to service a spot database entry activated in SpotCollector, don't automatically restore the Main window if it is minimized 5.6.4 579 add additional items to the QSO Info panel for consistency with DXKeeper 6
- CQ/WAE region
- ARRL section
- Buro checkbox
- LotW member checkbox
- member checkbox
- antenna azimuth
- antenna path
5.6.8 580 expand the previous "toggle QSO Info panel height" button to progressively increase the QSO Info panel's height, and then set it back to its minimum 5.6.8 582 provide a "preset Buro Checkbox" option on the Config window's Log tab 5.6.8 572 in CW operation, provide the option to send O instead of T as the "cut number" for 0 5.6.9 582 accept and display decode CW characters from other applications 5.6.9 575 selecting a soundcard in the new "PSK & RTTY soundcard" panel on the Config window's Soundcard tab updates the MMTTY engine as well as the PSKCORE engine 5.7.1 582 provide a right menu option that clears all receive panes and the transmit pane 5.7.4 556 if a valid grid square is specified in the "Position and Vector" window's position panel, logs the current latitude, longitude, and gridsquare using the standard MY_LAT, MY_LON, and MY_GRIDSQUARE tags 5.7.9 586 if a valid grid square is specified in the "Position and Vector" window's position panel, provides the option to generate a myQTHID from the grid square specified "Position and Vector" window's position panel a log this myQTHID with each QSO 5.7.9 557 selecting a receive pane for which a callsign has been captured should convey the callsign to DXView if running 5.8.1 565 provide a way to enable/disable contest mode from the Main window 5.8.1 568 add a DXCC Prefix column to the Stations Heard list 5.8.1 587 preferentially seeks to use the DXCC.txt file in DXView's Databases folder, if its present 5.8.1 588 adds a <Rotate> macro command that directs DXView to rotate the antenna to its shortpath or longpath heading as specified by the QSO Info panel's Path selector, and adds <RotateSP>, and <RotateLP> macro commands 5.8.2 589 provide the ability to specify an independent output soundcard for use with soundcard RTTY 5.8.3 590 remove <Rotate> macro command added to 5.8.2 5.8.3 591 add com9 through com16 to the "FSK Control" selector on the Config window's RTTY tab 5.8.4 582 provide the ability to specify an independent output soundcard for use with PSK31 and PSK63 5.8.7 586 provide the option to automatically request a propagation forecast from DXView whenever a new callsign is captured 5.8.8 587 provide the option to automatically generate a local spot for each logged QSO 5.8.8 588 make the "QSO Info" panel's Comments box properly display multi-line text, and provide a "Comment Editor" window that is activated by double-clicking in the Comment box 5.8.8 589 provide the option to use SpotCollector's color coding to identify a callsign whose entity, entity-band, and/or entity mode are unworked, unconfirmed, and/or confirmed 5.8.8 455 maintain independent horizontal pan and zoom settings for PSK and RTTY, switching them when the user changes modes and remembering them between operating sessions 5.9.0 583 With WinWarbler's Main window active, allowing the mouse cursor to linger over a Macro button for a few seconds will display an explanatory popup showing what would be sent if the associated macro were invoked. Substitution commands will be replaced by the substitution text unless that that substitution text is empty, in which case the name of the command enclosed in angle brackets will be displayed. 5.9.0 584 provide the option to individually disable popup explanations for macro buttons 5.9.0 586 support station, operator, and owner callsigns
- station callsign
- appears in the main window title bar
- appears in the STATION_CALLSIGN field of each exported log record
- can be inserted into macros via the <mycall> command
- operator callsign
- appears in the OPERATOR field of each exported log record
- can be inserted into macros via the <opcall> command
- owner callsign
- appears in the OWNER_CALLSIGN field of each exported log record
- can be inserted into macros via the <ownercall> command
5.9.7 587 add a <setstationcall:> macro command 5.9.8 588 add PSK125 support 6.0.2 589 provide a <XcvrSlider> macro that directs Commander to set the value of a command-generating slider 6.0.4 590 depressing the CTRL key while striking the Enter key or double-clicking in the "QSO Info" panel's Callsign box is the equivalent of clearing the "QSO Info" panel, re-entering the callsign, and striking the Enter key 6.0.4 138 Provides a <Greeting> macros that returns "Good morning", "Good afternoon", or "Good evening" as a function of the Callsign's local time, or "Good day" if DXView 3.0.4 or later is not running, or cannot determine the local time from the callsign 6.1.0 591 if DXView 3.0.4 or later is running, capturing a callsign or performing a lookup displays the the local time in the "QSO Info" panel's upper-right corner 6.1.0 592 Provides a <Greeting_abbrev> macros that returns "GM", "GA", or "GE" as a function of the Callsign's local time, or "GD" if DXView 3.0.4 or later is not running, or cannot determine the local time from the callsign 6.1.1 593 if transceiver's Split and Dual Receive are both enabled, display the transmit frequency scale above the PSK or RTTY waterfall 6.1.2 594 add rst_rcvd and transmit_pane options to the <focus> macro command 6.1.3 596 when Commander 7.4.1 (or later) is running, detect when the active transceiver requires frequency synchronization before logging or spotting, and performs that synchronization 6.1.5 597 if a QSO's status is "started", display its start time in the Log QSOs panel in red font; if a QSO's status is "stopped", display its start time in the Log QSOs panel in blue font 6.1.5 599 provide an "auto-stop after idle" option that when enabled in PSK or RTTY mode, automatically terminates transmission after idle characters are sent for 15 consecutive seconds 6.2.0 600 after a QSO is started by clicking the Begin button or clicking ALT-B, subsequent clicks of the Begin button or clicks of ALT-B update the QSO start time 6.2.2 601 provide the option to specify in an External Modem Control File that the modem does not permit type-ahead before transmitting so that WinWarbler can compensate and provide type-ahead 6.2.3 602 checking the "QSO Info" panel's eQSL box means that the station is an Authenticity Guaranteed member of 6.2.6 603 accept eQSL "lookup" information from DXView and DXKeeper, and highlight Authenticity Guaranteed participation using background colors specified in SpotCollector 6.2.6 604 update "Contest ID" selector to include EPC contests 6.2.8 605 provide <prisub> and <secsub> macros that return the contents of the "QSO Info" panel's "Pri sub" (or State or Province) and "Sec sub" (or County) items 6.2.8 606 can optionally display the resizable, always-on-top "MMTTY Engine" window, shows a spectrum, waterfall, and XY display 6.2.9 607 provides the ability to control the quality of the "MMTTY Engine" window's XY display 6.2.9 608 maintains independent tuning display heights for PSK and RTTY modes 6.2.9 609 provides the ability to control the MMTTY Engine window's spectrum/waterfall width and XY display size 6.3.0 122 if a user creates a multiline macro by double-clicking in the contents field, translate the CR to <13><10> in the macro 6.3.6 610 eliminate the "Split frequency Operation" option by making Split frequency Operation permanently enabled 6.3.6 612 change the "QSO Info" panel's Contest box to a selector pre-populated with contest names 6.4.1 613 if "display decoded text" is enabled on the Config window's "Stations Heard" panel, display a checkbox labeled DS to the right of the "Stations Heard" window's Search box that when checked flags Heard List entries with a red asterisk if the Search box contents appear in the decoded text 6.4.4 614 provide the option to specify a default RST Sent and RST Rcvd 6.4.6 615 accept Region information returned from a lookup by DXKeeper 8.0.7 (and later) 6.4.8 616 accept Region information from SpotCollector 5.0.3 and later when the user double-clicks a digital-mode spot database entry that contains a region code 6.4.8 621 implement the <TuneFreq: RX> and <TuneFreq: TX> macros 6.4.9 622 if the "QSO Info" panel's RST Sent item is empty, extend the <RSTSent> macro substitution command to return the contents of the "RST Sent & Received" box in the "Default Settings" panel on the Config window's Log tab 6.4.9 623 default signal reports can be specified as X/Y, where X is used if the current mode is phone and Y is used if the current mode is not phone (defaults to 59/599) 6.5.0 624 include the current default "RST sent & rcvd" in the "initialize RST items" option caption 6.5.1 625 provide <saytransmitpane> and <saytransmitpanephonetics> macro commands 6.5.1 626 <say> macro commands play the file space.wav when they encounter a space character 6.5.1 627 provide a <comment:> macro 6.5.1 611 provide control over whether the MMTTY Engine window is "always on top" 6.5.2 628 accept accurate grid squares provided by DXView 3.3.2 and later 6.5.7 629 when a Spot Database Entry is activated, place its Tags in the "QSO Info" panel's Comment box 6.6.0 630 provide a "paddle-only" sidetone option when a WinKey2 is selected 6.6.1 631 provide macro commands to enable or disable WinKey output ports 6.6.2 632 provide a blank entry in the RTTY Receive panel's Profile selector so soundcard RTTY can be run without selecting a profile, thereby retaining user modifications to decoding settings 6.6.4 633 name the blank entry in the RTTY Receive panel's Profile selector <current settings> 6.6.5 634 expand the number of Profiles from 8 to 16 6.6.5 635 provide a Profile Editor window that allows the user to store the current settings to a Profile and set that Profile's name 6.6.5 637 when selecting a Profile, enable or disable the Bandpass and Notch filters as specified in that profile 6.6.6 638 on first installation, provide illustrative macros for PSK, RTTY, and CW 6.6.6 639 provide an <xcvrqsy: H> macro command that directs Commander to change the transceiver's frequency by the specified value in hertz (which can be a negative number) to the nearest 10 hertz 6.7.2 621 add user-defined fields to WinWarbler's "QSO Info" panel and provide the ability to display the "User Items" tab of DXKeeper's Config window 6.7.3 640 harvest the primary administrative subdivision returned by a DXView lookup 6.7.4 641 provides a <dx> macro substitution command that with DXView running is replaced by the distance to one's QSO partner 6.7.4 642 provides an <antpath> macro substitution command that with is replaced by a phrase describing the antenna path 6.7.4 643 permits the use of com ports 8 through 16 on the Config window's PTT tab when operating PSK31, PSK63, or PSK125 6.7.4 644 provide an "auto-minimize" option in the "MMTTY Engine window" panel on the Config window's RTTY tab 6.7.5 645 depressing the Shift key while double-clicking an entry in the Stations Heard or Channel Monitor windows sets the transmit frequency to that of the selected entry as well as the receive frequency 6.7.7 646 typing CTRL 1 through CTRL 9 in the "QSO Info" panel's RST Sent or RST Rcvd box sets the signal report to 51 through 59 if the "Operating Mode" panel is set to Phone or 519 through 599 if the "Operating Mode" panel is not set to Phone 6.7.7 647 replace the "automatic local spot" option with a "local spot on callsign acquisition" option 6.7.7 648 if a grid square is specified in the "Position and Vector Configuration" window's position panel, or if DXKeeper is running and specifies the operator's grid square, include the operator's grid square in the notes of spots whose frequency is 50 mHz or higher 6.8.1 649 provide separate audio frequency markers for PSK and RTTY 6.8.1 650 provides a "log Special Callsign Tags" option that governs whether special callsign tags reported by DXView and SpotCollector are append to the QSL Info panel's Comment textbox 6.8.2 653 provide a Dual Peak Filter checkbox for soundcard RTTY operations 6.8.4 243 remember Monitor list column widths between operating sessions 6.8.6 655 switch to QPSK mode when directed by SpotCollector to handle a QSPK31, QPSK63, or QPSK125 spot 6.8.6 656 only provide the Dual Peak Filter checkbox if running MMTTY 1.68 or later 6.8.6 657 if SpotCollector is running, use the background colors it defines for LotW and eQSL participation, and the font colors it defines for "unneeded", "unconfirmed", and "unworked" 6.8.8 658 provides <xcvra=b> and <xcvraxb> macros that direct Commander to equalize and swap VFOs respectively 6.8.9 659 if the transceiver supports RTTY submodes and Commander 8.7.2 or later is running, notify the user if the transceiver's RTTY submode is inconsistent with WinWarbler's Soundcard RTTY and/or RTTY Modem AFSK/FSK settings 6.9.0 660 provide a "Radio selection & PTT" setting in the CW Keying panel's "parallel port" sub-panel that when enabled with Commander running
- encodes an ID for the currently selected radio on parallel port pins 16 and 14
- asserts parallel port pin 17 when WinWarbler is transmitting
6.9.0 661 offer Data-L and Data-U transceiver modes when Commander's primary transceiver supports them 6.9.4 662 provide the ability to specify the font used on Macro buttons 6.9.6 436 ability to specify the font used in the QSO Info panel 7.0.0 665 increase the Repeat macro's "listening time" parameter maximum from 15 to 30 seconds 7.0.3 668 provide macros that can control the state of a specified user-defined sequence in Commander:
- <setxcvrsequencename: sequence,name>
- <setxcvrsequenceledcolor: sequence,color>
7.0.8 669 When the soundcard engine will be used for transmission, extend the "RTTY Transmit" panel to indicate whether this transmission will be via AFSK or FSK. 7.0.9 670 provide full control over the fonts used in the Stations Heard and Channel Monitor windows 7.0.9 671 update frequencies in the PSK channel monitor when the PSK Opt button is clicked 7.1.0 672 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the PSK Opt button disables the current receive channel's AFC 7.1.0 673 enable the PSK Stations Heard list to continue monitoring live entries after the PSK Opt button is clicked 7.1.2 674 include an updated DXCC.txt file 7.1.3 675 enable the "QSO Info" panel's RST sent and rcvd items to accept alphanumeric characters, and to interpret CTRL-A to mean "select current contents" 7.1.4 676 accept sent and rcvd signal reports between 2 and 8 characters in length where the first character is required to be an integer less than or equal to 5 and the second character is required to be an integer, but with no constraints on the following characters 7.1.5 677 add a configuration option than determines whether nonstandard signal reports are accepted 7.1.6 678 add <BeginQSO> and <EndQSO> macro commands 7.1.7 679 add <Band> and <Mode> macro commands 7.1.9 680 if the soundcard can't be opened for PSK operation, display the reason why 7.2.0 681 when a callsign is captured in the Main window's QSO Info panel with DXKeeper running and if WinWarbler's "Automatic lookup" option enabled, populate user-defined items with information harvested from previous QSO for items whose Init box is checked on the "User Items" tab of DXKeeper's Configuration window 7.2.2 682 when in Phone mode, respond to a report from Commander that the transceiver has switched modes to SSB, AM, or FM by changing the "Xcvr Mode" selector on the Configuration window's Phone tab to the transceiver's new mode 7.2.3 683 when information is received from a double-clicked spot database entry, populate the "QSO Info" panel's grid item with the entry's grid square if its precision is 6 characters 7.2.4 684 provide a <PriXcvr: n> command that directs Commander (9.4.6 or later) to select Primary Radio n where n is in the range of 1..4 7.2.6 685 when contest mode is disabled, display Dup! in the "QSO Info" panel if a "previous QSO lookup" determines that a QSO has already been logged with the callsign in the current mode on the current band 7.2.9 686 changes to the "QSO Info" panel font are also made to the Comment Editor font. 7.3.0 688 when transmitting CW via Commander, clicking the Abort button sends an AbortCW message to Commander 7.3.1 689 enable the <xcvrsequence>, <setxcvrsequencename>, and <setxcvrsequenceledcolor> macros to reference user-defined sequence numbers greater than 15 7.3.2 691 save soundcard selection by name rather than number 7.3.7 692 when transmitting CW via the transceiver control application from a macro that includes both <start> and <stop> commands, conveys the macro-generated text to the transceiver control application in a single message 7.3.9 693 capturing a callsign conveys that callsign to SpotCollector's "Outgoing Spot" panel 7.4.1 694 on the "Position and Vector Configuration" window if the GPS is disabled and DXKeeper is running, then update the position panel to reflect the default MyGrid currently selected in DXKeeper 7.4.1 695 when directed to log a QSO that specifies a grid square, export the QSO's latitude and longitude 7.4.1 696 if a position is specified in the "Position and Vector Configuration" window and the Main window's "Log QSOs" panel specifies both a valid grid square and an Antenna Path of 'S' or 'L', then when directed to log a QSO, compute and export the Distance 7.4.1 697 compute the distance displayed by the <DX> macro, referring to the "Position and Vector Configuration" window's new "DX units" panel to determine whether distances should be displayed in miles or kilometers 7.4.1 698 extend the <spot_cluster> and <spot_local> macro commands to include the digital mode, split, and default spot notes 7.4.1 699 obtain Region information from a DXView lookup 7.4.2 700 in response to CTRL-A being struck in any QSO Info panel textbox, select that textbox's current contents 7.4.4 701 when performing a callbook lookup, set the state to Alaska or Hawaii if the entity is Alaska or Hawaii 7.4.5 702 depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Main window's Help button displays "Getting Started with CW, Phone, PSK, and RTTY" 7.4.5 703 remove option to export the Minilog using non-ADIF frequencies for DXBase 7.4.6 704 provide the ability to control a WinKey's hang time and ultimatic priority 7.4.6 705 provides a "don't change Xcvr sideband" option that when enabled with Commander running, will not change the transceiver's mode from CW to CW-R or from CW-R to CW 7.4.6 706 provide a <TUNEFREQ TX_IND> macro command that
- With the transceiver in split and with a PSK mode active, directs Commander to select the transceiver's TX VFO, and configures WinWarbler's tuning display to show the TX VFO frequency when receiving in a PSK mode.
- With the transceiver in split and with RTTY mode active, directs Commander to select the transceiver's TX VFO, and configures WinWarbler's tuning display to show the TX VFO frequency when receiving in RTTY mode.
7.4.8 705 when generating an outgoing spot with "Spot split frequency" enabled, decrease the minimum split displayed in the outgoing spot note to greater than 31 hz if operating in PSK31 mode, greater than 63 hz if operating in PSK63 mode, and greater than 125 hz if operating in PSK125 mode. 7.5.0 706 when generating an outgoing spot with the operating mode set to PSK31, PSK63, or PSK125, and "Spot split frequency" enabled, specify the split frequency to the hertz in the outgoing spot note 7.5.0 707 provide a "Tuning Display Frequency Scale" panel on the Configuration window's Display tab that provide control of the font metrics (name, size, bold, italics) used to render frequencies in the Tuning Display's Frequency Scale 7.5.1 708 move the "highlight PSK & RTTY sub-bands" option from the Configuration window's General tab to the Display tab's "Tuning Display Frequency Scale" panel, and provide the ability to specify the colors to be used to render frequencies within a PSK or RTTY sub-band and frequencies not within a PSK or RTTY sub-band 7.5.1 709 provide the option to display RTTY decoded by the 2Tone decoder in a separate receive pane 7.5.7 710 enable reception of characters into the 2Tone receive pane to be suspended and un-suspended 7.5.8 711 when only MMTTY and 2Tone RTTY decoding are enabled, separate their receive panes with a single splitter bar 7.5.8 712 automatically register XMMT.OCX with "run as administrator" if it fails to register with normal privilege 7.6.0 762 include the 2Tone.pdf documentation file 7.6.2 763 if WinWarbler cannot register XMMT.OCX due to Windows Permissions, inform the user to perform a one-time start of WinWarbler with "Run as Administrator" 7.6.2 764 don't terminate an already-running instance of MMTTY when 2Tone is enabled 7.6.3 765 add Contests added to ADIF 3.0.3 to contest selectors 7.6.5 766 the Ins key should only initiate transmission if none of CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT is depressed 7.6.8 767 add <autoarchive: on> and <autoarchive: off> macro commands 7.6.8 768 support "to-the-second" latitudes and longitudes 7.7.0 769 support ADIF 3.0.4 CONTEST_ID enumeration 7.7.4 770 include 2Tone version 13.10b
- Changes to ATC sampling width
- Changed Squelch to remember status
- Modified AFC function for improved lock through the use of a non-linear function
- Improved the Setup sound card receive open & close functions for increased reliability with WinXP.
7.7.7 772 accept email address and web URL information from DXKeeper and log this information with a QSO 7.7.8 773 provide an Outgoing Spot window from which cluster and local spots with notes can be generated 7.7.9 774 provide <tune: on>, <tune: off>, and <tune: toggle> macro commands 7.8.1 775 include 2Tone version 13.12a 7.8.3 776 extend the "Outgoing Spots" panel to display in blue font the spots notes that will be conveyed if the user clicks its Cluster or Local button, including the operating modes, notes the user specifies, split, and grid square 7.8.4 777 in CW mode with the "AutoStart" option disabled, don't send the contents of the transmit pane until a start operation is initiated 7.8.5 778 in CW mode with the "AutoStart" option enabled and Word mode selected, don't send the contents of the transmit pane until transmission is initiated 7.8.6 779 with "PSK Split" enabled, directs Commander to enable split without enabling dual receive (requires Commander 10.6.1 or later) 7.8.8 780 allow the contents of the transmit pane to be modified before transmission is initiated in CW, PSK, or RTTY mode 7.8.9 781 when an external RTTY modem is enabled, provide a "cmd" checkbox in the Main window's RTTY transmit panel that when checked causes keystrokes in the Transmit pane to be immediately sent to the modem 7.9.5 782 includes a KamPlus external modem definition file that initializes XmitEcho to On 7.9.5 783 include 2Tone version 14.02a 7.9.6 784 when an external CW modem is enabled, provide a "cmd" checkbox in the Main window's CW transmit panel that when checked causes keystrokes in the Transmit pane to be immediately sent to the modem 7.9.7 785 provide fine-grained CW speed control over KAM external modems 7.9.8 786 add CWOPS-CWT and RAC to the contest ID selector 8.0.0 787 when directed to log a QSO when DXView is not reporting an antenna azimuth, compute the antenna azimuth from the grid square (if available) 8.0.5 788 accept a <bidirectional> macro command that causes a macro to be executed on both mouse-down and mouse-up 8.0.6 789 provide an External modem control file containing no command definitions that can be used with External RTTY decoders that convey output via RS-232, including transceivers like the IC-7800 and IC-7700 8.0.9 790 provide a <localtime>macro command that displays the local time in hh:mm format 8.1.0 791 accept SetWWCall and StartWWLookup directives from other applications 8.1.0 792 extend SetWWCall to initialize QSO Info panel items as described in the documentation for capturing a new callsign 8.1.1 794 double-clicking the QSO info panel's Grid label should direct DXkeeper to filter the Log Page Display to display all QSOs with a matching grid square, ignoring any sub-square 8.1.4 795 provide a "display-only" WPX textbox in the QSO Info Panel; double-clicking the WPX label should direct DXkeeper to filter the Log Page Display to display all QSOs with a matching WPX prefix 8.1.4 796 Provide the ability to choose from among all available soundcard devices, not just the first 16 8.1.4 797 provide the ability to specify soundcard, PTT, CW, and RTTY settings for each of the four primary transceivers supported by Commander and automatically select the appropriate settings when Commander reports the selection of a new primary transceiver 8.1.4 798 offer DIGL and DIGU transceiver modes when Commander's primary transceiver supports them 8.1.5 799 with DXKeeper and DXView running, the lookup operation should highlight a Special Callsign in bold font with the specified color 8.1.6 800 increase the speed at which Shift-F10 removes the Windows menu 8.1.7 801 provide a <delayedxcvrsequence> macro command 8.1.7 802 informs DXView on startup 8.1.8 803 limit to 16 soundcards until PSKCore and MMTTY are updated 8.2.2 771 provide macro substitution commands that extract information from DXKeeper's default myQTH: <myqthgrid>,
<myqthlatitude>, <myqthlongitude>, <myqthcity>, <myqthprimarysubdivision>, <myqthsecondarysubdivision>, <myqthcqzone>, <myqthituzone>, <myqthiota>, and <myqthrig>8.2.4 804 provide a set of macro commands that can be used in RTTY mode to enable or disable AFC, BPF, Notch, and DPF 8.2.4 805 provide a <nameonly> macro substitution command that returns the contents of the "QSO Info" panel's Name textbox 8.2.5 806 provides a <myqthant> macro substitution command that returns the contents of the Ant item in DXKeeper's default myQTH 8.2.5 807 provides a <myqthbandant> <bandant> macro substitution command that returns a description of the antenna in the Ant item in DXKeeper's default myQTH for the current band 8.2.5 808 added modem control for TinyFSK 8.2.5 809 increase the font size of captions in the "QSO Info" panel 8.2.9 810 if the "Set QSO time when RST Rcvd" option is enabled, the QSO start time will be set when the start time has not yet been set and the user types a character into the "QSO Info" panel's "RST Rcvd" box or double-clicks a received signal report; having the "initialize RST items to 599" option enabled will not set the QSO's start time when a callsign is captured 8.3.4 811 increase the width of the "QSO Info" panel's Call, Via, Grid, IOTA, and Pwr boxes 8.3.5 812 formats grid squares returned by callbook lookups and captured from decoded text 8.3.5 813 With the Model selector set to "Xcvr Ctrl App" on the Configuration window's "External Modem" tab, RTTY characters conveyed to WinWarbler by Commander (version 11.3.8 or later) can be displayed in WinWarbler's external modem receive pane 8.3.8 814 RTTY characters transmitted while the external modem receive pane is active can be conveyed to Commander for transmission 8.3.8 815 with the external modem receive pane active, respond to a click of the RTTY transmit panel's stop button or execution of a <stop> macro by directing Commander to stop RTTY transmission after all characters have been sent 8.3.9 816 With the Model selector set to "External" on the Configuration window's "External Modem" tab, display characters received via DDE message in the external modem receive pane 8.4.0 817 With the Model selector set to a modem file that contains "externalrcv=y" command, display characters received via DDE message instead of via the external modem serial port 8.4.0 818 With the Model selector set to "Decoder App" on the Configuration window's "External Modem" tab, display characters received via DDE message in the external modem receive pane 8.4.1 687 provide support for MultiRadio operation - PTT operation
- startup macros
- PSK settings
- RTTY settings
- CW settings
- Phone settings
- Soundcard settings
8.4.6 819 include 2Tone version 15.05a 8.4.7 820 provide macros that can specify which soundcard to use 8.4.7 821 provide the option of using extfsk64.fsk 8.4.9 822 provide an xcvrfiltergroup macro command that sets Commander's Filter Group 8.5.4 823 with "use multiple monitors" enabled, relocates to the primary monitor any window that can't be displayed on a monitor 8.5.7 824 work around Microsoft OS version reporting defect so that Windows 10 is properly reported in errorlog.txt file startup headers 8.5.7 150 ability to choose from among standard QSL messages defined in DXKeeper 8.5.9 667 provide a choice of 8 default QSL messages 8.5.9 825 when the "Use DXKeeper's Candidate QSL Messages" option is enabled, prevent the user from modifying WinWarbler's "Candidate QSL Messages" as such modifications will not be retained 8.6.0 826 when the "Use DXKeeper's Candidate QSL Messages" option is enabled, automatically update Candidate QSL Messages to reflect changes made in DXKeeper (version 13.2.2 or later) 8.6.2 827 when SpotCollector specifies an NPOTA park code in an activated Spot Database Entry and there's a user-defined item whose caption is NPOTA, place the park code in that user-defined item 8.6.2 828 update DXCC entity list used when DXView is not installed 8.6.4 830 provide the ability to record and log QSO audio 8.7.0 831 provide macro commands that enable, disable, start, and stop Audio Recording 8.7.2 832 extend the log and log_eqsl macro commands to optionally log an audio filename based on the QSO Info panel's callsign 8.7.2 833 ensure that a logged audio file is not discarded by subsequent user action or inaction 8.7.4 834 enable WinKey transmission of MN, AA, WA, IM, and ID CW characters 8.7.5 835 provide the option to send Ø as MN rather than a numeric 0 8.7.6 836 enable WinKey transmission of WA for Á and á characters 8.7.8 837 enable WinKey transmission of GM for Ñ and ñ characters 8.7.8 838 provide <audio_autostartstop_enable> and <audio_autostartstop_disable> macro commands 8.7.8 839 In the "QSO Info" panel's "Last QSO" box, change "QSL received" to "QSL card rcvd" 8.8.0 840 remove the "Display information in title bars" option from the Configuration window's General tab 8.8.0 841 provide the option to generate outgoing spots with grid squares in "SpotterGrid<P>DXGrid" format 8.8.0 842 rename the "auto-stop after idle" option to "terminate transmission after long idle" 8.8.0 843 provides an "auto stop" option in the "keyboard mode" panel on the Configuration window's RTTY tab 8.8.0 844 provides an an "Auto format" panel on the Configuration window's RTTY tab 8.8.0 845 provide a macro substitution command that transmits the contents of a specified user-defined item 8.8.4 846 when run for the first time on a computer, display WinWarbler's License for the user's acceptance 8.8.4 847 provide a button on the Configuration window that when clicked displays WinWarbler's License 8.8.4 847 add Grid 2, Grid 3, and Grid 4 to the Main window's "QSO Info" panel; Grid => Grid 1 8.8.5 848 add SOTA to the Main window's "QSO Info" panel 8.8.5 849 provide the option to select up to 64 serial ports for RX-TX switching (PTT), CW generation, FSK generation, and TNC control 8.8.7 850 provide the ability to specify from which soundcard channel RTTY audio is demodulated 8.8.7 851 provide a RTTYChannel macro that can specify from which soundcard channel RTTY audio is demodulated 8.8.7 852 display the installed version of Scomm in the Port panel on the Configuration window's PTT tab 8.8.9 853 on startup, update Scomm32x.ocx from Components folder if appropriate 8.9.2 854 add CWOPS-CW-OPEN, HA-DX, and REP-PORTUGAL-DAY-HF to the contest selectors 8.9.8 857 the CTRL-L, ALT-J, and ALT-L keyboard shortcuts for logging a QSO will direct DXKeeper to upload the QSO to eQSL if the "Upload to eQSL when logging" option is enabled 9.0.2 858 provide the option to direct DXKeeper to submit a logged QSO to LoTW 9.0.3 859 provide <log_lotw_qso> and <log_eqsl_lotw_qso> macros 9.0.3 860 enable the user to select an existing folder in which QSO Audio files are stored 9.0.4 861 with CW Keying set to "serial port RTS", "serial port DTR", or "parallel port", interpret | to mean "half a dit space", consistent with WinKeyer 2 9.0.6 862 provide a "set QSO start on lookup" option 9.0.9 863 when transmitting CW using a Winkey, breaking in with a paddle connected to the Winkey will terminate any currently repeating macro 9.1.0 864 provide the ability to direct the MMTTY engine to use TINYFSK 9.1.3 865 move the "QSO Info" panel's Log button further away from its X button. 9.1.4 866 if the file tinyfsk.fsk is present in the WinWarbler folder, add TINYFSK to all "FSK Control" selectors 9.1.4 867 accept up to 4 grid squares from an override (requires DXView 4.4.5 or later) 9.1.6 868 support SpotCollector need coloring for "unworked DX Band or Mode" 9.2.0 829 provide an "Operator first name" setting that specifies the user's first name, and an <opfirstname> macro that transmits it 9.2.2 856 add AM and FM selectors to the "Operating Mode Selection" panel on the Configuration window's General tab 9.2.2 869 provide an option that controls whether DXKeeper is directed to upload a QSO to Club Log after logging it 9.2.2 870 interpret SHIFT+INS in the transmit pane to mean "paste" 9.2.3 871 change name of Z3 to "North Macedonia" 9.2.5 872 provide a "2Tone Reception" panel on the MultiRadio Configuration window's Soundcard tab 9.2.7 619 extend the macro editor to offer a list of valid macro commands from which to choose 9.2.8 873 accept POTA, SOTA, and WWFF tags from SpotCollector 9.2.9 874 provides <myqthsig> and <myqthsiginfo> macro commands (requires DXKeeper 15.8.1 or later) 9.3.0 875 with the Keying panel on the Configuration window's CW tab set to "serial port RTS", "serial port DTR", "PTT port RTS", "PTT port DTR" or "parallel port", transmit CW for "international" characters Ä, ä, Æ, æ, Á, á, Å, å, É, é, Ñ, ñ, Ö, ö, Ø, ø, Ü, and ü 9.3.2 876 populates "FSK Control" selectors with all .FSK files found in WinWarbler's folders on startup, or when new Update buttons are clicked 9.3.5 877 only populates "FSK Control" selectors with .FSK files whose total filename length is 12 or less (for consistency with MMTTY) 9.3.6 878 on the Configuration window's RTTY tab, provide a selector in the 2Tone panel populated versions of 2Tone present in WinWarbler's folder 9.3.6 879 include 32-bit and 64-bit versions of 2Tone 2102a 9.3.6 880 accept Secondary Administrative Subdivision information from DXView and SpotCollector and uses it to populate the Sec item in the Main window's "Log QSOs" panel 9.3.9 881 accepts ARRL Section information that DXKeeper 16.4.5 (or later) includes in the results of a "lookup" operation 9.4.1 882 provide a new "Spot IOTA, POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags" option in the "Outgoing Spots" panel on the Configuration window's General tab 9.4.1 883 when generating an outgoing spot using the <spot_cluster> or <spot_local> macro commands, follows the grid-spotting style specified in the "Outgoing Spots" panel on the Configuration window's General tab 9.4.1 793 makes the SIG and SIG_INFO items accessible via the Main window's 'QSO Info' panel 9.4.7 884 provides a "QSO Info Layout" window that governs the layout of items in the "QSO Info" panel 9.4.7 885 enables user control over the presence of "row 12" in the "QSO Info" panel 9.5.0 886 provide a Layout panel on the Main window that enables selection of a saved "QSO Info" panel layout 9.5.1 887 provide <SIG> and <SIG_INFO> macros 9.5.2 29 provide color-coded frequency cursors for each receive channel that blink for awhile after a channel's frequency is changed 34 direct management of Windows audio mixer settings; retain/restore settings for each band and mode (PSK/RTTY) 43 multiple CWID strings and macro substitution commands 44 ability to hide/restore a specific receive pane 45 receive pane timers showing "time since last incoming char" 48 ability to remap function key assignments 55 automatically start transmitting when the transmit pane contains characters 56 automatically stop transmitting when the transmit buffer empties 89 measure and report soundcard frequency error 140 Track user modification of QSO Info on a field-by-field basis so that clearing all fields is unnecessary after a Callbook lookup on an erroneous callsign 143 ability to specify the foreground and background color of text in the QSO Info panel textboxes 147 ability to modify waterfall background color and magnitude-to-color lookup table 153 option to conserve CPU cycles by switching off the waterfall display once a QSO is in progress 154 waterfall frequency indicators should immediately cover the entire waterfall height 167 ability to specify Alt-X keys as alternatives to F keys for command and macro invocation (e.g. Alt-t for transmit) 176 display thumbprint pictures (KH6TY format) 177 provide text-to-speech 181 additional macros: <rx_audiofreq>, <tx_audiofreq> 193 DDE interface for macro execution and for refresh of macro parameters (captions, colors) from registry settings 197 double-clicking the RTTY XY display should open a window containing a resizable XY display 200 ability to receive PSK with transceiver in CW mode and transmit with transceiver in SSB mode, with an appropriate frequency offset 203 ability to reset the errorlog.txt indication in the Main window's title bar 205 option to replace the waterfall traces with numbered indicators above the waterfall 206 macro that is executed before WinWarbler terminates 216 ability for macros to invoke macros 220 1.5x horizontal magnification 221 ability to configure MMTTY FFT bandwidth to 500hz, 1000hz, 1500hz 229 ability to switch a PK-232/PSK from the TNC to sound card mode and vice versa 232 implement "Next Signal" and "Prev Signal" with a dedicated receive channel whose modulation (PSK31 or PSK63) and squelch threshold could be configured prior to pushing it up or down the band in search of a valid signal; make the "dwell time" user specified. 245 provide the option to save the Stations Heard list to a text file 246 provide option to set transceiver to CW during PSK reception (need BFO offset) 247 ability to filter Channel Monitor list so that only locked channels are displayed 248 replace Stations Heard window with a list of Heard callsigns displayed in the Channel Monitor window above the Channel Monitor list; provide a macro whose value is the currently-selected callsign in this list 249 correctly capture "CQ DX" or more generally "CQ X" 250 provide independent RX pane configurations for BBD disabled and BBD enabled 255 create a DDE-accessible cell that contains the soundcard number when transmitting via that soundcard, and -1 when not transmitting 275 the ability to PTT via a specified parallel port databit or pin 16 285 when directing MMTTY to suspend or unsuspend, time out if MMTTY doesn't respond within an appropriate time, write an entry to errorlog.txt, and either retry the message or shut down MMTTY 296 provide the ability to specify the location of the MMTTY engine 297 ability to run two instances of the MMTTY engine
- decode two signals simultaneously
- optionally display a waterfall and a spectrum display simultaneously
299 ability to work with external modems using baudot code 301 allow paddles to be connected to parallel port pins and used to generate CW 322 indicate the need for an adjustment to the soundcard clock rate, as does WinPSK 337 support for HAL DXP-38 as an external RTTY modem 341 If you double-click on a RTTY spot that includes a QSX, WinWarbler currently sets the RTTY RX and TX frequencies to the DX station's transmit frequency, and also sets the transceiver to split mode with its alternate VFO set to he DX stations' reported RX frequency. That's fine with an external modem, but for soundcard RTTY the alternate VFO should be set to the reported RX frequency adjusted by the optimal audio offset and possibly by an AFSK offset.
If the RX and TX frequencies are close enough, then the transceiver should be left in simplex with separate TX and RX audio offsets. This requires setting the transceiver frequency to the DX station's RX frequency and verifying that the RX and TX frequencies would fit in the passband.355 optional, user-specified transmit timeouts for each mode 357 provide the ability to calibrate CW transmission speed when the timing is software-generated 360 mute the mixer microphone channel when transmitting in RTTY (AFSK) or PSK31/PSK63 361 CW spectrum display and decoding 362 option to automatically save QSO transcript to a uniquely-named file in a specified folder and log the filename with the QSO. 370 expand the number of preset frequencies that can be selected, and provide the ability to specify a mode for each 433 provide the ability to clear all three receive panes, the QSO Info for those three receive panes, and the Stations Heard window; provide the option to do this automatically on band change 434 modifying an item in the QSO Info panel should reset its caption (if the caption was red and blinking) 438 scrolling a receive pane upward should automatically lock that pane 440 provide the ability to individually invert RTTY TX and RX with the PTC-II (Enh 2005-10-26) 441 additional DDE operations:
1. SetWPM x (set the WPM)
2. SetPTT true/false
- false then uncheck PTT box, i.e. no PTT is used. This will be used for radios that support VOX and can be put into VOX via a command.. I will do this thru the general commanding interface in Commander.
- true then automatically engage PTT as long as there are chars to be sent and shut down PTT x seconds after last character is sent
3. SendChar "string" : add string to existing buffer, so there is a continuous stream of characters.
4. AbortSend: Immediately abort and clear send buffer, and restore to RX442 further improve cursor handling in contest and non-contest mode
- increase consistency (remember active textbox when a macro is invoked)
- exploit context (e.g. Callsign textbox is empty, so activate it)
443 assert a serial port modem control signal when one or more PSK stations are present in the Broadband Decoder's Stations Heard window 444 provide a macro substitution command that produces the number of QSOs in the currently open DXKeeper log 445 extend the Stations Heard window and its associated waterfall markers to work in RTTY mode, with additions triggered when the operator double-clicks a decoded callsign 446 provide mouse-wheel control of transceiver frequency 447 with a callsign, frequency, and mode specified in the QSO Info panel, striking the Enter key in the call textbox with DXKeeper running should indicate whether working the station would provide a new means of confirming an unworked and desired entity, entity-band, or entity-mode 454 provide the ability to switch PSK and soundcard RTTY operation between the soundcard's left and right channels 460 allow user to enter measured soundcard clock frequency; compute and display the necessary adjustment in PPM 461 provide the option to clear the Stations Heard window when a QSY changes the PSK band 466 after QSYing the transceiver due to a RTTY or PSK offset, undo the offset by QSYing the transceiver if the user switches to Phone or CW 471 be able to send asterisk to PK232 from RTTY startup macro (required for autobaud detection) 483 provide the ability to control RTTY XY display quality 484 accept a measured soundcard clock rate, compute the adjustment in PPM, and populate the PSK soundcard clock adjustment 496 provide a <lastfirstname> macro (requires support from DXKeeper) 498 mute WinKey2 sidetone via paddle 502 use long fnBOBMAKOGetXYEx(long OverSamp, long *px, long *py) in to obtain higher-quality XY data 503 handle parallel port addresses larger than 15 bits 508 when the user double-clicks an entry in the stations heard or channel monitor window, set the color of that entry to the color associated with the then-active receive pane; when a receive pane's frequency changes, it should compare its frequency to that of the same-colored stations heard or channel monitor entries, and reset those colors if their frequencies differ by more than X 512 ability to support QRSS by sending CW at speeds below 1 WPM 528 add a "scratch" textbox to the QSO Info panel whose contents can be transmitted via a <scratch> macro command, and provide a <clear_scratch> macro command 567 provide the option to not activate WinWarbler's Main window when a "NewEntry" message is received from SpotCollector 570 if transmitting with the output buffer empty and no incoming keystrokes for more than 5 minutes, abort transmission 573 provide the option to precede a Log or Spot operation by sending an Icom transceiver back-to-back VFO exchange operations and then delay X seconds before performing the Log or Spot 576 Add a "Window Action" selector to each of the 8 transceiver modes in the "Operating Mode Selection" panel whose choices are "<nothing>", "activate", and "minimize" to govern the behavior of WinWarbler's Main window when the user directly changes the transceiver mode 581 enable the <Repeat> macro to work when generating CW via transceiver control software 585 show the progress of sending the text that has been typed into the transmit pane by changing the font color, and allow the backspace key to backspace only to that last character that hasn't been sent yet
595 provide a means of triggering execution of a macro after the transceiver switches from TX to RX (after all characters have been transmitted) 617 provide a symbol (perhaps ~) than generates a half-dot length CW space 620 provide a notch filter for use during PSK operation 636 when generating a local spot from the Broadband Decoder, provide the option to require a 3rd "hearing" if the signal strength is less than X 651 provide a horizontal zoom setting of 1.5 652 provide "minimal" Main window option for CW: no Xcvr Freq, Operating Mode, or Macro panels 654 provide the option to specify the keystrokes used to generate CW prosigns 663 include a "Region" column in the Stations Heard list that is populated by DXCC and USAP database lookups 664 color-code entries in the Stations Heard list based on eQSL and LotW participation 666 provide "QSY down to next RTTY signal" and "QSY up to next RTTY signal" functions 690 provide a macro command that selects the soundcard's left or right channel 855 disable the "Operating Mode Selection" panel's RTTY selector if RTTY isn't the selected "Xcvr Mode" in the "Modulation and transceiver mode" panel on the Configuration window's RTTY tab, and do the same for the RTTY-R, DATA-L, and DATA-U selectors. If you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.