Sorting the Log Page Display

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To view the Log Page Display in order of each QSO's begin time, click the UTC button in the Sort panel below the log page display; you can specify whether the order is ascending or descending. To view the Log Page Display in callsign order, click the Call button in the Sort panel below the log page display. 

You can sort by any column in the Log Page Display by double-clicking on its caption. The first time you do this, the Log Page Display will be sorted in ascending order of the selected column; if you double-click the caption again, the Log Page will be sorted in descending order. The Sort panel's caption will indicate how the Log Page Display is being sorted by displaying the caption of the Log Page Display column you double-clicked, followed by the word desc if the order is descending. 

For more sophisticated sorts, click the Adv button above the Log Page Display to show DXKeeper's Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window; you can also display this window by clicking the Adv button at the bottom of the Main window's Check Progress tab. In this window's User-defined Sorts panel, you can compose four different sorts, each containing multiple sort items. To compose a sort, select the first item to be sorted in the First item sub-panel; if the first item is to be sorted in ascending order, click the First item sub-panel's Ascend button, otherwise click the Descend button. If there is a second item to be sorted, select it in the Second item sub-panel; if there is a third item to be sorted, specify it in the Third item sub-panel. Double-clicking in one of the four sort textboxes at the bottom of the User-defined Sort panel will assemble the specified sort in that textbox. To apply a sort, click the Select radio button to its right, and click the User button in the Main window's Sort panel. You can directly edit a user-defined sort; doing so will reset the Select radio button to its right. Clicking a user-defined sort's Select radio button with the User button in the Main window's Sort panel already selected will immediately sort the Log Page Display.

The DXCC field is defined with a String data type, so sorting the Log Page Display in DXCC field order will produce the sequence 1, 10, 11, 12, ...19, 100, 101, 102 ... To numerically sort the Log Page Display in DXCC field order, specify VAL(DXCCID) in the expression assembled in the sort textbox. You can similarly use VAL(Band) to numerically sort by band.

Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Filter panel's X button both resets the Log Page Display filter and sorts the Log Page Display in ascending or descending order of each QSO's begin time.

Invoking a Sync QSLs or Sync LotW QSLs operation sorts the Log Page Display in order of eQSL date rcvd or LotW date rcvd respectively. Similarly, Invoking a Sync Club Log QSLs or Sync QRZ QSLs operation sorts the Log Page Display in order of Club Log date rcvd or QRZ date rcvd respectively.

The four VCR-like control buttons on the Main window's Log QSOs tab allow you to select the first, previous, next, or last QSO in the Log Page Display. You can similarly navigate the Log Page Display using the CTRL-Home, PageUp, PageDown, and CTRL-End keys respectively. The number displayed between these control buttons indicates the position of the currently-selected QSO in the Log Page Display as it is presently sorted. Note that the Auxiliary panel's QSO# item does not represent the QSO's order --  beyond the fact that a QSO with a smaller QSO# was logged before a QSO with a larger QSO#.