A confirmation is the last courtesy of a QSO. Many hams
pursue awards that require proof that a submitted QSO actually happened;
confirmations provide that proof.
Before the internet, hams sent each
other paper QSL cards via
postal mail; QSL cards are accepted a proof of contact by all amateur radio
award sponsors. When sending a QSL card to request a QSL card in return, a
self-addressed stamped envelope was often included; if the recipient resided in
a different country, a self-addressed envelope and sufficient funds to cover the
postage were included.
QSL bureaus eliminated the cost of postage and envelopes, but greatly
increased the time delay from request to receipt.
In the early 2000s, two
"electronic" QSLing services became available: the ARRL's
Logbook of the World (LoTW), and eQSL.cc.
Club Log introduced its Online QSL Request Service (OQRS), which enables DXers to request confirmation of a QSO uploaded to Club Log without mailing an outgoing QSL accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope and funds for return postage. Unless you're located in a rare DXCC Entity, CQ Zone, or administrative subdivision, QSL Managers for DXPeditions and rare DX stations are not interested in your QSL card; having to open thousands of incoming envelopes bearing small bills and self-addressed envelopes can consume large amounts of QSL Manager time. OQRS eliminates this overhead by enabling a DXer to electronically convey a request for confirmation to the QSL Manager; the DXer can optionally include funds (using PayPal) for postage and a return envelope for QSL card delivery via direct mail, or the DXer can instead request that the QSL card be delivered at no cost via the QSL buro.
If a QSO you've uploaded to Club Log matches what your QSO partner uploaded, you can through Club Log request a confirmation, either via the QSL buro or, with via direct mail using PayPal to fund the return postage. Club Log did not initially provide confirmations, but now does so; they are accepted for RSGB's IOTA awards.
DXKeeper supports six independent kinds of QSLing:
via paper QSL cards, Reply cards, or QSL labels that you can print on card stock or labels, or that are printed by sending an ADIF or tab-delimited file to an external QSL-generating application - like DXQSL, QSLCardCreator, or Microsoft Word, and are then inserted into envelopes or address labels printed with postal addresses
via paper QSL cards or QSL labels that confirm reports from Shortwave Listeners (SWLs).
You can choose to confirm a QSO by any one or more of these QSL kinds.
Paper QSL
cards, Reply
cards, QSL labels affixed to cards,
and SWL
confirmations can be routed by postal mail directly to
your QSO partner, directly to the SWL, or to a QSL bureau.
Traditionally, the need to load your printer with index
stock or labels has made QSLing a batch workflow, rather than an activity
accomplished at the time you log a QSO. After accumulating some number of QSOs
for which confirmation is desired, you identify the QSOs, load the printer with
index stock or blank QSL labels, print QSL cards or Reply cards or labels for each designated
QSO, reload the printer with envelopes or blank address labels, print addresses
for each QSL, and finally update the original QSOs to indicate that QSLs
have been sent. DXKeeper thus provides a QSL Queue in
which to assemble a batch of QSOs from which QSL card or labels will be
generated, and from which envelopes and envelope labels will be printed with
destination postal addresses.
Dedicated label printers make it possible to print a
QSL label or address label without first loading a printer with the appropriate
media, so DXKeeper provides the ability to immediately print a label from a
logged QSO without going through the QSL Queue.
Given the inability to modify submitted QSOs in eQSL.cc
or LoTW, the batch upload functions for
these two confirmation services first populate the QSL Queue with QSOs to be
submitted so that you can review them before uploading them.
Club Log, and
QRZ permit the
deletion of submitted QSOs, so QSOs are submitted to these services in a single
step, bypassing the QSL Queue.
You can modify a QSL Queue entry's callsign,
date and time, QSL Manager, Sent Via, QSL Message, or postal address items;
completing the modification updates the logged QSO from which the QSL Queue
entry was created.
QSL Queue is displayed on the Main window's QSL tab, which is
both vertically and horizontally resizable. The QSL Queue is stored in each
log file, so if you switch log files, you will
also switch QSL Queues.
For printing a batch of QSL cards, QSL labels, envelopes, and address labels, these operations are provided:
populate the QSL Queue with a set of QSOs of your choosing for your review
QSOs indicating that your QSO partner requested a QSL (can be made the default for all QSOs)
QSOs that if confirmed would advance your progress towards the awards you are pursuing
a set of QSOs that you filtered the Log Page Display to contain
create a text file showing the postal addresses to which each QSO in the QSL Queue will be sent, for your review
print QSL cards or QSL Reply cards or QSL labels, or generate an entry in an ADIF or tab-delimited file for each QSO in the QSL Queue
print addresses on envelopes or labels for each QSO in the QSL Queue
update each QSO with an entry in the QSL Queue to reflect the outgoing confirmation generated, and remove that entry from the QSL Queue
For submitting a batch of QSOs to eQSL.cc, LoTW, Club Log, and QRZ, these operations are supported:
upload a batch of logged QSOs that haven't already been submitted to the service
automatically upload QSOs to the service in real time as they are logged via the Capture window on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
automatically upload QSOs to the service in real time if so directed by an external application that has conveyed a QSO to be logged
upload a selected logged QSO to the service
synchronize: download confirmation information from the service, and update each logged QSO that has been confirmed by the service to reflect that confirmation
The workflows for batch uploading via eQSL.cc or LoTW are similar:
choose the QSL kind (eQSL or LoTW)
populate the QSL Queue with the QSOs to be uploaded, for your review
upload the QSOs from the QSL Queue, update each QSO to reflect successful uploading, and remove it from the QSL Queue
If you intend to upload a large number of QSOs to eQSL, the following workflow will be faster than populating the QSL Queue and uploading from there:
filter the Log Page Display so that all QSOs to be uploaded are visible
use the Main window's Export to eQSL function to generate an ADIF file that can be uploaded to eQSL.
The exact threshold depends on your computer's performance, as well as on the bandwidth of your internet connection, but more than a few hundred QSOs is a good guideline for using the Export functions rather than the Upload functions.
Similarly, uploading more than 1000 QSOs to LoTW is best accomplished with the following workflow:
filter the Log Page Display so that all QSOs to be uploaded are visible
use the Main window's Export to LoTW function to generate an ADIF file that can be processed by the ARRL's TQSL program to produce a file that can be uploaded to LoTW
The workflows for uploading a batch of logged QSOs to Club Log and QRZ are similar:
upload QSOs not already uploaded to the service, update each QSO to reflect successful uploading, and remove it from the QSL Queue
Club Log's
Online QSL Request Service (OQRS)
enables DXers to request confirmation of a QSO uploaded to Club Log without
mailing an outgoing QSL accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope and
funds for return postage.
Immediate Operations
DXKeeper provides a set of immediate
QSLing operations that act on the QSO currently selected in the Log
Page Display.
If the QSL Queue is empty, right-clicking on a QSO in the Log Page Display will produce a popup menu containing the following commands
Print Address on Envelope or Print Address on Single Label (depending upon which is selected in the Address Via panel)
Print Self-addressed Envelope or Print Self-addressed Single Label (depending upon which is selected in the Self-addressed panel)
Upload to LoTW - if the selected QSO doesn't begin with an exclamation point (!) or if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked
Upload to eQSL.cc - if the selected QSO doesn't begin with an exclamation point (!) or if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked
Whether the QSL QSL Queue is empty or not:, the popup menu will include these commands
Add entry to QSL Queue - If the selected QSO doesn't begin with an exclamation point (!) or if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked
Upload to Club Log - if the selected QSO doesn't begin with an exclamation point (!) or if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked
Upload to QRZ - if the selected QSO doesn't begin with an exclamation point (!) or if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked
Selecting one of these commands in the popup menu by left-clicking will immediately perform the action; before selecting Print QSL card, Print Address on Envelope or Print Self-addressed Envelope, load your printer with the appropriate media. Note that selecting Print QSL card will uncheck the Print Preview option.
DXKeeper can update your
logged QSOs to reflect confirmations, whether in the form of QSL cards received
via postal mail or via the electronic confirmation services eQSL.cc, LoTW,
Club Log, or
QRZ; the
process of updating your log to reflect confirmations received from an
electronic confirmation service is referred to as Synchronization.
DXKeeper provides a Sync All function that can be
configured to synchronize with eQSL.cc, synchronize with LoTW, upload updated
QSOs to Club Log, upload updated QSOs to QRZ, synchronize with Club Log, and/or
synchronize with QRZ - all in a single user-initiated action.
Responding to requests for confirmation, soliciting
confirmations, and tracking confirmation received require status information to be recorded with each QSO. DXKeeper
separately tracks the confirmation of each QSO by QSL card,
eQSL.cc ,LoTW,
Club Log, and
QRZ. For
each of these kinds of QSLing, there are four items stored with
each QSO: outgoing status, outgoing date, confirmation status, and confirmation
QSO Item | QSL Cards & Labels | eQSL.cc | LoTW | Club Log | QRZ | Meaning |
outgoing status | QSL sent | eQSL sent | LoTW sent | Club Log Sent | QRZ Sent |
outgoing date | QSL date sent | eQSL date sent | LoTW date sent | Club Log date sent | QRZ date sent | date on which the outgoing QSL was printed or uploaded and accepted |
confirmation status | QSL rcvd | eQSL rcvd | LoTW rcvd | Club Log rcvd | QRZ rcvd |
confirmation date | QSL date rcvd | eQSL date rcvd | LoTW date rcvd | Club Log date rcvd | QRZ date rcvd | date on which the incoming QSL was received |
For the QSO currently selected in the Log Page Display,
all four QSL status items for QSL Cards & Labels are accessible via the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
the four eQSL status and the four LoTW status items are accessible vial the Online QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
with the
Club & QRZ box
checked, the four Club Log status and the four QRZ
status items are also accessible vial the
Online QSL panel on the Main
window's Log QSOs tab
When initiating QSL operations , start by choosing the QSL kind by making a selection in the QSL Via panel on the Main window's QSL tab:
Selection |
Meaning |
QSL cards |
print QSL cards, 4 per page |
Reply cards | print Reply cards, 4 per page |
single labels |
print QSL labels via a label printer |
2-column labels | print QSL labels, typically 20 per page |
3-column labels | print QSL labels, typically 30 per page |
eQSL.cc | upload QSOs to eQSL, synchronize with eQSL |
LoTW | upload QSOs to LoTW, synchronize with LoTW |
Club Log | upload QSOs to Club Log, synchronize with Club Log |
QRZ | upload QSOs to QRZ, synchronize with QRZ |
ADIF file | save QSO information in a specified file using ADIF format for QSL generation by another application |
tab-delimited file | save QSO information in a specified file using tab-delimited format for QSL generation by another application |
QSL cards, Reply cards, QSL labels, ADIF files, and tab-delimited files are all used to produce hardcopy QSL cards that are physically conveyed to the station you worked; these kinds are therefore collectively referred to as QSLs.
After you populate the QSL Queue with one or more entries, your ability to change the QSL Via panel's selection becomes limited. You can switch among QSL cards, Reply cards, QSL labels, ADIF files, and tab-delimited files, but you cannot switch from any of these to the LoTW or eQSL.cc selections, or vice versa. You also can't switch between LoTW and eQSL.cc. If you've populated the QSL Queue and decide you must change the QSL Via panel's selection, either complete the current QSLing operation first, or clear the QSL Queue. Neither Club Log nor QRZ upload operations utilize the QSL Queue
To print QSL cards or labels from QSOs, or to submit QSOs to eQSL or LoTW, start by adding those QSOs to the QSL Queue.
After choosing the QSL
kind, you can place an individual QSO in the QSL
Queue by right-clicking on its entry in the Log
Page Display; in the pop-up menu that appears, left-click the Add
to QSL Queue command.
With QSL Via panel
set to cards or labels, you can add a Shortwave Listener (SWL) confirmation for
a QSO to the QSL
Queue by right-clicking that QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and then left-clicking the
pop-up menu's Add
SWL Entry to QSL Queue command.
You can direct DXKeeper to populate the QSL Queue with multiple QSOs in order to
respond to all requests for confirmation from QSO partners, including those received via Club Log Inbound OQRS
solicit confirmation of all worked but un-confirmed and un-requested QSOs needed to achieve your DXCC/Challenge/Toplist, CQ DX Marathon, IOTA, VUCC, WAS, WAZ or WPX objectives
solicit confirmation of all QSOs shown in a CQ DX, CQ Field, or USA-CA progress report as worked but un-confirmed and un-requested
solicit confirmation of all QSOs in the Log Page Display, which you can filter to contain a desired subset of your logged QSOs
To designate a QSO for which an outgoing QSL should be printed or uploaded, set the appropriate outgoing status item in that QSO to R. If you'd like the QSO confirmed, also set the appropriate confirmation status item in that QSO to R; in the case of QSL cards and 2-column QSL labels, this will result in the a "please!" being printed in the card's or label's QSL? column. To have every outgoing QSL card or label print "please!" in its QSL? column unless its QSO is already confirmed, enable the Outgoing QSLs request confirmation unless already confirmed option.
To designate a QSO for which no outgoing QSL card or label should be generated, set its QSL sent item to N.
The Main window's QSL and Online QSL panels provide full access to the outgoing status fields for QSL Card, eQSL.cc, and LoTW. The QSL panel also provides an RR button, which when clicked simultaneously sets the outgoing status to R and the confirmation status to R.
While we may only send a QSL card if asked or if needed to solicit a confirmation, there is good reason to upload every logged QSO to eQSL.cc and LoTW, assuming you have accounts with each; by doing so, you provide confirmation of your QSO to those in need. Thus DXKeeper provides an Initialize eQSL sent to 'R' box that when checked will automatically set the eQSL.cc outgoing status to R whenever you log a QSO, and an Initialize LoTW sent to 'R' box that when checked will automatically set the LoTW outgoing status to R whenever you log a QSO. Even if you have no immediate plans to use eQSL.cc or LoTW, leaving these boxes in their default checked setting is a good idea; if you eventually change your mind, your QSOs will already be flagged for uploading.
With DXKeeper configured to always designate QSOs for
upload to eQSL.cc and
the only decision you must make is whether to send a paper QSL. If you are logging
QSOs from the Capture window and decide that you'd like a QSL card -- or are
asked for a card by your QSO partner -- check the Capture window's QSL
Requested box; if you log the QSO with this box checked, both the QSL
outgoing status and confirmation status will be recorded as R.
If you are logging QSO's via the Main window, clicking the QSL panel's RR will
have the same effect.
The Add Requested function on the Main window's QSL tab responds to requests for confirmation from a QSO partner; it
notes the QSL kind you have selected
scans all QSOs in the Log Page Display in reverse chronological order for any QSO whose outgoing status for the selected QSL kind is set to R (you can terminate the scan by clicking the Stop button)
creates an entry in the QSL Queue for each such QSO it locates, and optionally specifies routing by setting QSL Via to 'B' or 'D' or 'E'
LoTW requires that only QSOs made with the same station callsign be uploaded together. When the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW, the Add Requested operation enforces this by ignoring any QSO whose station callsign does not match the station callsign specified in the current LoTW station location; a message will be displayed if one or more QSOs have not been added to the QSL Queue for this reason. When the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW, the Add Requested operation also ignores QSOs that specify a Propagation Mode not supported by LoTW; QSOs that specify no Propagation Mode, or a Propagation Mode mode of AUE, AUR, BS, EME, ES, F2, FAI, ION, MS, RS, SAT, TEP, or TR will be added to the QSL Queue.
If the Add Requested no dup band-modes option is enabled, the Add Requested function will not create a QSL Queue entry unless doing so would give the receiving station a new band or mode, or unless the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW or eQSL.cc .
If the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked, QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) will not be added the the QSL Queue. If the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked, QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) will be added the the QSL Queue; the exclamation point (!) will be removed from such callsigns when they are printed or when they are uploaded to eQSL or LoTW.
The Add Requested function is governed by
options on the Add Requested
panel (Configuration window, General tab).
Besides memorializing memorable QSOs, we send QSLs to solicit QSO confirmations needed to achieve our DXing objectives. DXKeeper provides the Add Needed function to automate this process for the following awards:
ARRL DX Century Club (DXCC), based on settings in the DXCC/TOP Bands & Modes panel
ARRL DX Century Club Challenge, based on settings in the DXCC/TOP Bands & Modes panel
Top List, based on settings in the DXCC/TOP Bands & Modes panel
CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ), based on settings in the WAZ Bands & Modes panel
CQ Worked All Prefixes (WPX), based on settings in the WPX Bands & Modes panel
The Add Needed function scans all QSOs in the Log Page Display in descending date order for QSOs whose confirmations are required for the awards you've selected, considering the DXing objectives you have specified - but ignoring any QSO whose QSL sent item is set to N or I; for each such QSO, the Add Needed function
sets the QSO's QSL outgoing status and confirmation status to R
sets the QSO's Select item to Y
creates an entry in the QSL Queue for each such QSO it locates
If more than one unconfirmed QSO is available for an award objective, only the most recent QSO is added to the QSL Queue.
On the assumption that all QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and/or eQSL.cc, the Add Needed function is only available when the QSL kind is QSL cards, Reply cards, QSL labels, ADIF files, or tab-delimited files. When Add Needed finds a QSO whose confirmation is required, it adds this QSO to the QSL Queue.
If the Add Needed requests all with same call box is checked, it Add Needed locates all other QSOs with the same station that haven't been confirmed via QSL card, and adds these to the QSL Queue.
If the Add Needed requests all with same mgr box is checked, Add Needed locates all other QSOs with the same QSL manager that haven't been confirmed via QSL card, and adds these to the QSL Queue.
Add Needed can optionally specify routing by setting QSL Via to 'B' or 'D' or 'E' for each QSO it adds to the QSL Queue.
The Add Needed
function is governed by options on the
Add Needed panel
(Configuration window, General tab).
The Add All function creates an entry in the QSL Queue for each QSO in the Log Page Display - independent of whether its needed and/or requested. By filtering the Log Page Display before invoking Add All, you can choose only those QSOs within a date range, or with a particular DXCC entity, or on a specified band.
LoTW requires that only QSOs made with the same station callsign be uploaded together. If the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW, the Add Requested operation enforces this by ignoring any QSO whose station callsign does not match the station callsign specified in the current LoTW station location; a message will be displayed if one or more QSOs have not been added to the QSL Queue for this reason.
If you are just starting with LoTW, Add All is an efficient way to select all of a log's QSOs for uploading; because eQSL.cc uploading is optimized for interactivity, it will be faster to upload a large number of QSOs by using Export to eQSL.cc.
The Add All function will ignore any QSO
If the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked, QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) will not be added the the QSL Queue. If the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked, QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) will be added the the QSL Queue; the exclamation point (!) will be removed from such callsigns when they are printed or when they are uploaded to eQSL or LoTW.
For other awards -- like ARRL
Worked All Continents or
All Japan Prefectures (WAJA), you must designate needed confirmations by
clicking the RR button on the Main window's QSL panel, and then
click Add Requested; reports generated from the Main window's Check
Progress tab do indicate which confirmations are required for these awards.
Routing: Direct, via the QSL bureau, or via Electronic File Transfer (EFT)
Each QSL Queue entry's Sent Via item indicates how the QSL should be sent:
Routing Sent_Via - by postal mail directly to your QSO partner D - by postal mail to a QSL bureau B - by electronic conveyance (EFT), e.g. email or file transfer E
To change a QSL Queue entry's routing, click in it's entry's Sent Via cell, and a down-facing black triangle will appear. Click the triangle, and a dropdown selector will appear that lets you choose the desired routing; the entry's left-most column will display a pencil icon, indicating that the entry has been modified but not saved. Click any other QSL Queue entry to save the modified entry; DXKeeper will propagate the modified Sent Via item to the QSO from which the QSL Queue entry was generated. Note: if the QSL Queue contains a single entry that you've modified, save it by clicking the right-facing arrow button and then the left-facing arrow button in the group of VCR-like buttons below the QSL Queue's lower-right corner. When the Update Log function is initiated, each QSO's Sent Via item will be updated from its QSL Queue entry's Sent Via item.
You can sort the QSL Queue in ascending or descending order of any of its columns: double-clicking on a column's caption sort's the QSL Queue in ascending order of that column. Double-clicking on the same column's caption again sorts the QSL Queue in descending order of that column.
With the QSL Via panel set to QSL cards, Reply cards; 2-column labels; 3-column labels; ADIF file; or tab-delimited file, QSL Queue entries that are missing an Address item and have a Sent Via item not set to buro are highlighted in red font.
To specify or modify the Address item of a entry in the QSL Queue, to change its Sent Via, QSL Manager, or QSL Msg items, double-click its entry to display DXKeeper's QSL Editor window; from this window, you can direct Pathfinder (if running) to perform a QSL route lookup on the callsign, or on the QSL manager's callsign. When you click the QSL Editor's Save button, any changes you've made to the Address, QSL Manager, or QSL Msg items will update both the QSL Queue entry and the logged QSO; any change made to the Sent Via item will update the QSL Queue entry only. If the Alt key is depressed when the entry is double-clicked, DXKeeper will also direct DXView (if running) to display information about the entry's callsign, including DXCC progress by band and mode.
Double-clicking a QSL Queue entry while depressing the Ctrl key will locate the log entry from which the QSL Queue entry was created, and display it in the Main window's Log QSOs tab.
Each entry in the QSL Queue contains a QSL box. By default, each entry's box is checked, which enables the entry for QSL Queue operations. A QSL Queue entry whose QSL box is not checked will be ignored by all operations except clearing the QSL Queue. You can use the EnableAll and DisableAll function to quickly enable or disable all QSL Queue entries. Disabling a QSL Queue entry is useful when you're not yet ready to send a QSL card or label, perhaps because you expect to make additional QSOs with the station and want to print them all on a single card or label.
Click the QSL Queue panel's Clear button will remove each QSO from the QSL Queue:
if the QSL Via panel is set to QSL cards, QSL labels, 2-column labels, 3-column labels, ADIF file, or tab-delimited file, each QSO's QSL Rcvd item is set to its value at the time the QSO was added to the QSL Queue
if the QSL Via panel is set to eQSL.cc and the QSO's eQSL Rcvd item is set to R, its eQSL Rcvd item is cleared
if the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW and the QSO's LoTW Rcvd item is set to R, its LoTW Rcvd item is cleared
QSL cards and Reply cards can be printed either one card per page, or four cards per page, with dimensions you specify; a printer capable of handling card stock is recommended. Information to be printed on each QSL card can be specified on the configuration window's QSL Cards tab; you can optionally specify a background image to be printed on each QSL card. QSL cards and Reply cards are sorted in DXCC prefix order. Cards for stations within the continental US (DXCC prefix K) are additionally sorted in call district order, with 1-letter prefix 4 area callsigns preceding 2-letter prefix 4 area callsigns. When printed four cards per page, each page can be thought of as having four quadrants, with quadrant1 in the upper left, quadrant 2 in the upper right, quadrant 3 in the lower left, and quadrant4 in the lower right. DXKeeper places QSL cards and Reply cards into quadrants in a specific order that, if maintained, avoids the need to sort the final deck by DXCC prefix after the cards are separated with a paper cutter. To achieve this order, start with the cards in quadrant 1, then append the cards in quadrant 2, then quadrant 3, and finally those in quadrant 4. If the QSL Via item contains a valid callsign, its DXCC prefix will be used for sorting purposes.
Most printers cannot print right to an edge; each printer imposes a set of margins. If the QSL card or Reply card dimensions you specify will not fit within these margins or would produce a card that is too small to contain the minimum information, DXKeeper will so inform you. Your printer's margins are depicted in the Print Preview window as shaded areas. You can optionally direct DXKeeper to ignore the printer imposed margins; this could damage your printer, so do so at your own risk.
Single labels, two-column labels, and three-column labels can be printed with QSL information and with addresses; Dimensions of each can be specified on the configuration window's QSL Labels tab and Address Labels tab. On installation, DXKeeper is pre-configured to support
1.1" x 3.2" (Dymo 30252) single labels
1" x 4" (Avery 8161 for inkjet printers, Avery 5961 for laser printers) 2-column labels.
1" x 2.625" (Avery 8160 for inkjet printers, Avery 5960 for laser printers) 3-column labels
You can specify QSL label dimensions in either inches or millimeters. QSL labels are also sorted in DXCC prefix order, starting with the top row of labels and proceeding down the page. As with QSL cards, If the QSL Via item contains a valid callsign, its DXCC prefix will be used for sorting purposes.
Setting column 2 offset to 0 reduces the number of label columns per page to one
Setting column 2 offset to 0 and setting labels per column to 1 produces one label per page; this can be used to print label information directly onto pre-printed QSL cards,
The Station Callsign printed on a QSL card, Reply card, or QSL label is taken from the QSO's station callsign item, which should specify the callsign you used over the air.
Dates are printed on QSL cards and labels using a format you specify.
While a RST_Sent item can contain up to 8 characters, QSL cards, Reply cards, Single labels, and 2-column labels only print the first 4 characters of the signal report; 3-column labels print all 8 characters of the signal report. Reply cards only print the first 4 characters of the received signal report.
When QSLing via QSL cards, Reply cards, or QSL labels, DXKeeper will by default confirm multiple QSOs with the same station on the same card or label if
the station callsign items of each such QSO are identical
the Via item of each such QSO are identical
if multiple QTH's are in use, the QTH components, e.g. street, city, state, country, and postal code, of each such QSO are identical
there is space on the cards or labels
the Confirm Multiple QSOs per QSL box is checked
If desired, you can restrict QSL cards, Reply cards, or QSL labels to confirm exactly one QSO -- uncheck the Confirm Multiple QSOs per QSL box.
If you want outgoing QSL cards or QSL labels to bear the word "thanks!" if the QSO is already confirmed in LoTW, then check the Consider LoTW confirmations in outgoing card/label QSL? "please/thanks" decisions box.
If you want QSL cards to include a background image, select and enable an appropriate bitmap image file.
If you want QSL cards to include the QSL manager (from the QSO's Via item if this contains a valid callsign) in the confirmation line, then check the Include QSL Mgr in confirmation box. An example of a confirmation line including a QSL manager is
confirming a 2X QSO with YV1DIG via FJ/AA6YQ
If you want single labels or 2-column labels to include the QSL manager (from the QSO's Via item if this contains a valid callsign) in the confirmation line, then check the Include QSL Mgr in confirmation box. An example of a confirmation line including a QSL manager is
7O1NU confirms 2X QSO with AA6YQ via F6FNU
If you want 3-column labels to display the QSL manager (from the QSO's Via item if this contains a valid callsign) and the words 'pse QSL!' (unless every QSO on the card is confirmed, in which case the words 'tnx QSL!') along each label's bottom edge, then check the Include QSL Mgr & pse/tnx QSL box. To have every outgoing 3-column label display the words 'pse QSL!' unless all QSOs on the label are confirmed, enable the Outgoing QSLs request confirmation unless already confirmed option.
For QSLs to be sent via the QSL bureau, you can configure QSL cards, single labels, 2-wide labels, and 3-wide labels to include the designation [x buro] (where x is the DXCC prefix for the destination QSL bureau).
QSL substitution commands found in a QSO's QSL message item will be replaced before printing on QSL cards, Reply cards, or QSL labels. This allows you to personalize the QSL message with information about you, your QSO partner, your equipment, or conditions during the QSO..
Each QSL Queue entry's Sent Via item indicates whether the QSL should be sent via the QSL bureau, direct, or via EFT. You can change this routing. To print only cards or labels with a specified routing, check or uncheck the appropriate boxes in the Process QSLs and Addresses panel on the Main window's QSL tab:
If you print a Reply Card for a QSO, the Update Log function will set that QSO's Sent Via item to 'R
You can select different printers to be used for printing QSL cards, Reply cards, labels, and envelopes - or perform all printing with the same printer.
If you are printing QSL cards or Reply cards, then
make sure that dimensions and QSL Information textboxes have been properly specified on the QSL Configuration window's QSL Cards tab; you can customize the QSL Information textboxes with QSL substitution commands
on the QSL Configuration window's Printer tab, select and configure the desired printer
load the appropriate paper into the selected printer
on the Main window's QSL tab
disable any QSL Queue entries for which you don't want cards generated
check the Print Preview box in the Process QSLs and Addresses panel
click the Print QSL Cards or Print Reply Cards button
the Print Preview window displays a Sheets panel in the upper-right that shows the current sheet, and the total number of sheets to be printed
clicking the Print Preview window's Copy to Clipboard button copies the previewed image to the Windows Clipboard
inspect the cards to be printed by clicking the Print Preview window's Next button; if satisfied click its Print button
If you are printing QSL labels, then
make sure that dimensions and fixed information have been properly specified on the QSL Configuration window's QSL Labels tab
on the QSL Configuration window's Printer tab, select and configure the desired printer
load the appropriate paper or labels into the selected printer
on the Main window's QSL tab
disable any QSL Queue entries for which you don't want labels generated
if print 2-column or 3-column labels, specify the number of labels missing from the first sheet in the Missing Labels box
check the Print Preview box in the Process QSLs and Addresses panel
click the Print QSL Labels button
the Print Preview window displays a Sheets panel in the upper-right that shows the current sheet, and the total number of sheets to be printed
clicking the Print Preview window's Copy to Clipboard button copies the previewed image to the Windows Clipboard
inspect the labels to be printed by clicking the Print Preview window's Next button; if satisfied click its Print button
If the previewed QSL cards, Reply cards or QSL labels are unsatisfactory, you can make corrections to settings on the QSL Configuration window's QSL Cards tab or QSL Labels tab and then repeat the Print QSL Cards, Print Reply Cards or Print QSL Labels operation. If incorrect logged data other than callsign or begin time has been printed on any cards or labels, correct the erroneous logged data by double-clicking on a QSL Queue entry to display the associated QSO in the Main window, where you can correct the error and click the Log button. If a QSO has been logged with the wrong callsign or begin time,
correct the erroneous logged data
repeat the Add Requested and/or Add Needed operations you originally used to load the QSL Queue
repeat the Print QSL Cards, Print Reply Cards, or Print QSL Labels operation.
If you intend to print envelopes or address labels, you should verify that an address is available for each entry in the QSL Queue. Entries shown in red font are missing an address; to specify or modify the address of a station in the QSL queue, double-click its entry to display DXKeeper's QSL Editor window. When you click the QSL Editor's Save button, any changes you've made will update both the QSL Queue entry and the logged QSO.
Click the Create Address File button on the Main window's QSL tab to generate a report showing the address for each station that will receive a QSL. This report can be used to double-check the addresses, and later to ensure that the correct card is placed in the correct envelope. The Report one address per callsign option determines whether the generated report will include one address for each entry in the QSL Queue, or one address for each unique callsign in the QSL Queue.
The Address via panel on the Main window's QSL tab determines whether addresses will be printed on envelopes, single labels, 2-column labels, or 3-column labels.
If you are printing addresses on envelopes, then
make sure that dimensions and fixed information have been properly specified on the QSL Configuration window's Envelope tab
indicate whether the DX station's callsign should be appended to the first line of the address
indicate whether the DX address should be printed in upper case
on the QSL Configuration window's Printer tab, select and configure the desired printer
load the appropriate envelopes into the selected printer
on the Main window's QSL tab, click the Address Envelopes button
If you are printing addresses on labels, then
make sure that dimensions and fixed information have been properly specified on the QSL Configuration window's Address Labels tab
indicate whether the DX station's callsign should be appended to the first line of the address
indicate whether the DX address should be printed in upper case
on the QSL Configuration window's Printer tab, select and configure the desired printer
load the appropriate labels into the selected printer
on the Main window's QSL tab
if printing 2-column or 3-column labels, specify the number of labels missing from the first sheet in the Missing labels box
click the Address Labels button
When you have completed the printing of all QSL cards, Reply cards, QSL labels, envelopes, and/or address labels, click the Update Log button on the Main window's QSL tab. For each entry in the QSL Queue, this function will locate the logged QSO from which it was generated and
set the logged QSO's QSL sent to Y
set the logged QSO's QSL date sent to the current UTC date
if the outgoing QSL included a request for confirmation, then the logged QSO's QSL rcvd will be set to R unless its already set to Y or V
remove the entry from the QSL Queue
If the QSL Queue is empty, right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Print QSL Card command from the pop-up menu will immediately print a QSL card from the information in that QSO.
If the QSL Queue is empty and the Address via panel is set to Envelopes, right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Print Address on Envelope command from the pop-up menu will immediately print that QSO's address on an envelope, along with the specified return address and airmail indicator.
If the QSL Queue is empty and the Address via panel is set to Single Labels, right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Print Address on Single Label command from the pop-up menu will immediately print that QSO's address on a single label.
The Self-addressed panel on the Main window's QSL tab provides a Print button that when clicked produces a batch of self-addressed envelopes, single labels, 2-column labels, or 3-column labels. Envelopes are addressed to the return address specified on the QSL Configuration window's Envelopes tab using 14-point Arial font. Labels are addressed to the return address specified on the QSL Configuration window's Address Labels tab using 10-point Arial font. The Count box specifies the number of self-addressed envelopes or labels that will be printed.
If printing self-addressed envelopes, check the airmail indication box if you want "Airmail, Par Avion" printed on these envelopes
if printing on sheets of 2-column or 3-column labels, the Skip box box specifies the number of labels missing from the first sheet
When you receive a QSL card, you can use the Call filter to quickly locate the logged QSO; if the QSO parameters match, click the QSO panel's CFM button; this will set the logged QSO's QSL card QSL rcvd to Y and, if Optimize for Realtime QSO Entry is checked, set its QSL card QSL date rcvd to the current UTC date.
depressing the CTRL key while clicking the CFM button will also set the logged QSO's rcvd via item to D, meaning "received directly"
depressing the ALT key while clicking the CFM button will also set the logged QSO's rcvd via item to B, meaning "received via the QSL bureau"
If the Self-addressed panel is set to Envelopes, right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Print Self-addressed Envelope command from the pop-up menu will print one self-addressed envelope.
If the Self-addressed panel is set to Single labels, right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Print Self-addressed Single Label command from the pop-up menu will print one self-addressed label.
While an image of a QSL card - whether received electronically or generated by scanning a card - is typically not valid for awards, you can save it to a file, and record its pathname in the associated QSO's file item, which is accessible in the Details panel on the Main windows Log QSOs tab.
If a logged QSO's file item is empty, double-clicking it will display a Select this file window that will enable you to navigate to the file containing the image, and select it; the pathname of the selected file will be recorded with the QSO when you click the Save button below the Log Page Display
If a logged QSO's file item contains a pathname, double-clicking it will direct Windows to display the file using the application associated with the file's type, as indicated by its filename extension (e.g. .bmp or .jpg or .png)
While DXKeeper can generate QSL cards, their design is utilitarian, optimized for soliciting a confirmation at the lowest cost. There are applications that allow you to design more attractive QSL cards and print them with QSL information extracted from a file of QSO data in ADIF format:
There may also be services that accept your uploaded QSO data in ef="https://www.dxlabsuite.com/ADIF.htm">ADIF format, print QSL cards using a design you create, and distribute these cards via QSL bureaus. Setting the QSL kind to ADIF file allows you to generate QSL cards using such applications and services. You can also use mail merge techniques with applications like Microsoft Word to produce QSO cards; setting the QSL kind to tab-delimited file allows you to generate QSL cards using such applications.
Each QSL Queue entry's Sent Via item indicates whether the QSL should be sent via the QSL bureau, direct, or via electronic file transfer. You can change this routing. To print only cards or labels with a specified routing, check or uncheck the appropriate boxes in the Process QSLs and Addresses panel on the Main window's QSL tab:
To generate a file containing ADIF data for each entry in the QSL Queue,
The following replacements are made for each character in an exported tab-delimited field
DXKeeper stores the following ADIF information for each QSL Queue entry:
If a QSL Queue entry's App_DXKeeper_My_QTHID specifies a valid my QTH, information from the my QTH is included in the exported ADIF record using these fields:
QSL substitution commands in a QSO's QSL message item will be replaced before being placed in the ADIF file. This allows you to personalize the QSL message with information about you, your QSO partner, your equipment, or the conditions.
To generate a file containing tab-delimited data for each entry in the QSL Queue,
disable any QSL Queue entries that you don't want to include in the generated file
if you want the first record of the generated file to specify the caption for each field, check the Include a header in the tab-delimited file box in the Process QSLs and Addresses panel
click the Save TDF file button on the Main window's QSL tab; in the resulting Save Tab-delimited QSL records dialog, specify a folder and filename, and then click the dialog's Save button.
DXKeeper stores the following tab-delimited information in the following order for each QSL Queue entry:
QSL substitution commands found in a QSO's QSL message item will be replaced before being placed in the tab-delimited file. This allows you to personalize the QSL message with information about you, your QSO partner, your equipment, or the conditions.
After the ADIF or tab-delimited file has been created and processed, click the Update Log button on the Main window's QSL tab. This will do following for each successfully-processed entry in the QSL Queue:
set the logged QSO's QSL sent to Y
set the logged QSO's QSL date sent to the current UTC date
if the outgoing QSL included a request for confirmation, then the logged QSO's QSL rcvd will be set to R unless its already set to Y or V.
remove the entry from the QSL Queue
Any unsuccessfully-processed entries - denoted by an unchecked QSL box - will remain in the QSL Queue. Remove these by clearing the QSL Queue; their logged QSOs will continue to indicate that no outgoing QSL has been generate, so you can use an alternative QSLing strategy (e.g. printing cards or labels for direct mail).
When you receive a QSL card, you can use the Call filter to quickly locate the logged QSO; if the QSO parameters match, click the QSO panel's CFM button; this will set the logged QSO's QSL card QSL rcvd to Y and, if Optimize for Realtime QSO Entry is checked, its QSL card QSL date rcvd to the current UTC date.
depressing the CTRL key while clicking the CFM button will also set the logged QSO's rcvd via item to D, meaning "received directly"
depressing the ALT key while clicking the CFM button will also set the logged QSO's rcvd via item to B, meaning "received via the QSL bureau"
While reviewing your ARRL DXCC status report, you can also use the Call filter to quickly locate newly-verified QSOs, and then click the QSO panel's VFY button to set the QSL rcvd to V.
DXKeeper can generate QSL cards or labels that confirm reports from SWLs. To confirm such a report for a QSO, first, set the QSL Via panel to Cards, 2-column labels, or 3-column labels as desired. Then right-click on the QSO in the Log Page Display; in the popup menu, choose the Add SWL entry to QSL Queue option. DXKeeper will display a small SWL Confirmation window that prompts you for the SWL station's callsign and, optionally, a message that will appear on a QSL card or 2-column label. After you enter the SWL callsign, optionally enter the message, and click the window's OK button, the SWL Confirmation window will close, and an entry will be added to the QSL Queue. Such entries will generate QSL cards or labels when you invoke the Print QSL Cards or Print QSL Labels functions, as described above. Note that the QSL Queue can simultaneously contain entries that generate confirmations for QSO partners and entries that generate confirmations for SWLs.
Clicking the SWL Confirmation window's Cancel button will close the SWL Confirmation window without adding an entry to the QSL Queue.
While DXKeeper's SWL Confirmation window is visible, its Main window is locked.
The functions described in this section are available on the Main window's QSL tab when you set the the QSL Via panel to eQSL.cc.
To upload the contents of the QSL Queue to eQSL.cc
if you operate from more than one location, verify that the correct QTH Nickname is specified (or enable the Use each QSO's myQTHID as its QTH Nickname when uploading or exporting option)
connect to the Internet and then click the Upload to eQSL.cc button on the Main window's QSL tab.
If you've specified a QTH Nickname, that QTH Nickname is displayed beneath the last date and time of upload; clicking this QTH Nickname will display the QSL Setup window's eQSL tab, where the QTH Nickname setting can be modified.
DXKeeper transmits the following information to eQSL.cc for each entry in the QSL Queue:
QSL substitution commands found in a QSO's QSL message item will be replaced before uploading to eQSL.cc. This allows you to personalize the QSL message with information about you, your QSO partner, your equipment, or the conditions.
If you have multiple station callsigns and multiple eQSL.cc accounts, you can prevent the upload of QSOs whose station callsigns don't match the currently specified eQSL.cc username by checking the Don't upload QSOs whose station callsign isn't the specified Username box. You can optionally specify an eQSL.cc QTH Nickname to select a QTH in your eQSL.cc profile for each uploaded QSO, or you can specify that each QSO's myQTHID be used to as an eQSL.cc nickname to select a QTH in your eQSL.cc profile. If not needed, leave the QTH Nickname textbox empty.
Any uploaded QSO rejected by eQSL.cc as a duplicate is treated as if it had been uploaded successfully.
After this operation completes, DXKeeper will display an eQSL.cc Upload Report in a browser window; any QSLs rejected by eQSL.cc will be noted in this window. The current UTC date and time will appear under the Upload to eQSL.cc button to remind you when you last invoked this function; this information is stored in the current log. You can now disconnect from the Internet.
For each successfully uploaded QSL Queue entry, DXKeeper will perform the following for each enabled entry in the QSL Queue:
set the associated logged QSO's eQSL sent to Y
set the associated logged QSO's eQSL date sent to the current UTC date
set the associated logged QSO's eQSL rcvd to R
remove the entry from the QSL Queue
QSLs that were disabled or not successfully uploaded will remain in the QSL Queue after the Upload to eQSL.cc operation. If incorrect logged data other than callsign or begin time is at fault, double-clicking on the QSL Queue entry to display its associated QSO in the Main window, where you can correct the error and click the Log button. If an incorrect callsign or begin time was logged,
correct the logged data
repeat the Add Requested operations you originally used to load the QSL Queue
reconnect to the Internet and repeat the Upload to eQSL.cc operation
If you need to convey more than a few hundred QSOs to eQSL.cc, using Export to eQSL.cc will likely be faster.
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Upload to eQSL.cc command from the pop-up menu immediately uploads that QSO to eQSL.cc; if a QTH Nickname nickname is specified, it will be conveyed with the uploaded QSO.
The Upload to eQSL.cc command will be disabled if the selected QSO begins with an exclamation point (!) and the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked.
With the Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to eQSL option enabled, logging a QSO via the Capture window immediately uploads that QSO to eQSL.cc; if a QTH Nickname nickname is specified, it will be conveyed with each uploaded QSO.
To synchronize your log with eQSL.cc by downloading QSLs and matching them with logged QSOs,
if desired, specify an eQSL.cc QTH Nickname to limit the downloaded QSLs to those made from a specific QTH in your eQSL.cc profile
verify that the setting that establishes the maximum time variance for a match is correct
click the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs button on the Main window's QSL tab; DXKeeper will download the eQSL.cc Inbox for the specified username and update each confirmed QSO's eQSL rcvd item.
Under certain circumstances, you may wish to manually download an eQSL.cc Inbox and use the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs function to process its contents; to do so, check the Prompt the user to specify a file containing the already-downloaded contents of an eQSL.cc Inbox box before invoking Sync eQSL.cc QSLs. To manually download an eQSL.cc Inbox, log in to eQSL.cc and then navigate to http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/DownloadInbox.cfm .
The Sync eQSL.cc QSLs function remembers the date and time at which the last QSL reported was uploaded to eQSL.cc; this date and time is stored in the current log and shown beneath the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs button. When activated, this function directs eQSL.cc to supply only newly-arrived QSLs, thereby minimizing the amount of information to be downloaded and inspected. You can modify this date and time by double-clicking it; you'll be prompted to specify a new date and time, which will default to the date and time before the most recent invocation of the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs function after starting DXKeeper. Alternatively, you can force all QSLs to be downloaded and inspected by depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs button.
A logged QSO will be confirmed if it matches a downloaded QSL:
the callsigns are identical
the bands are identical
the modes are identical
the difference between start times must be less than the maximum time variance for a match setting
For each confirmed QSL,
DXKeeper will set the logged QSO's eQSL rcvd
to Y and its eQSL date rcvd
to the current UTC date. Any errors encountered while inspecting the
downloaded QSLs -- including QSLs that match no QSO in the current log --
will be displayed in an error report.
Each logged QSO's eQSL Member item
indicates how the QSO's callsign participates in eQSL:
N - not known to participate
Y - known to participate
A - known to participate, authenticity guaranteed
You can direct DXKeeper to update the eQSL Member item of each QSO in the Log Page Display.
When the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs function completes, DXKeeper displays a report showing
any errors encountered while inspecting the downloaded QSLs; each is preceded by Error:
any confirmations of desired (per your specified WAZ award objectives) but previously unconfirmed CQ zones, CQ zone-modes, or CQ zone-bands
If reports from Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) were received, a report containing them will be displayed.
After all logged QSOs have been updated, the Log Page Display is filtered to show only QSOs confirmed via eQSL.cc, and sorted in ascending or descending order of eQSL date rcvd ; the QSOs most recently confirmed via eQSL.cc will thus appear at the bottom of the Log Page Display. The Filter and Sort panel's captions will indicate how the Log Page Display is being filtered and sorted respectively. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Filter panel's X button both resets the Log Page Display filter and sorts the Log Page Display in ascending or descending order of each QSO's Begin time.
If you modify the callsign, QSO begin, band, mode, or submode item of a logged QSO that has already been uploaded to eQSL, the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs function will be unable to locate the QSO in your log to update it; to correct this situation,
right-click the Log Page Display entry for the
QSO, and select Upload to eQSL.cc from the popup menu
wait a few minutes for eQSL.cc to process your submitted QSO
on the Main window's QSL tab,
set the QSL Via panel to eQSL.cc
click the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs button
To be prompted when you modify the callsign, QSO begin, band, mode, or submode item of a logged QSO that has already been uploaded to eQSL, enable the Prompt on change to logged QSO already uploaded to eQSL.cc and/or LoTW option.
If a QSO has been confirmed via eQSL.cc, you can display an image of the QSL by clicking the Display button in the eQSL.cc sub-panel on the Online QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab. If the Retain eQSL images option is enabled, then DXKeeper will save downloaded images in its eQSL Images folder; when you click the Display button, DXKeeper will check for an already-downloaded image and display it if present, rather than download the image from eQSL.cc. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Display button directs DXKeeper to download a new image, replacing the already-downloaded image if one exists.
eQSL.cc can be configured to provide QSL images in JPG or PNG format; DXKeeper will place the downloaded image in a file whose extension is .jpg or .png as a function of the URL provided by eQSL.cc.
if Retain eQSL images is enabled, when you click the Display button, DXKeeper will check for an already-downloaded .jpg file and display its contents if present; if no .jpg issue is found, DXKeeper will check for an already-downloaded .png file and display its contents if present.
Clicking the b>Download
Images button will enable Retain
eQSL images, and download QSL images for all QSOs in the Log Page Display
that have been confirmed via eQSL.cc and
for which no QSL image is present in DXKeeper's eQSL Images
folder. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking Download Images
will download QSL images for all QSOs in the Log Page Display that have been
confirmed via eQSL.cc whether or not a QSL
image is already present in DXKeeper's
eQSL Images folder.
At the request of eQSL.cc management,
images will be downloaded at the rate of 4 per minute; if there are more
than 5 QSOs in the Log Page Display, DXKeeper will display the estimated
time required and ask you to confirm before proceeding to download images.
The functions described in this section are available on the Main window's QSL tab when you set the the QSL Via panel to LoTW.
When configured for use with LoTW and connected to the internet with TQSL version 2.0 or later installed, DXKeeper will on startup inform you if
your Callsign Certificate will expire within the next 60 days, in which case you should Run TQSL and request a renewal
a new Configuration Data file is available, in which case you should Run TQSL and initiate an update
a new version of TQSL is available
Each QSO uploaded to LoTW must at minimum include a Callsign, Band, Mode, and Begin date and time; satellite QSOs must specify a Propagation mode of SAT, as well as a Satellite Name. The following information is uploaded:
LoTW accepts only QSOs with specified modes; before uploading QSOs with a data mode not yet accepted by LoTW, configure TQSL to map this mode to DATA.
There are three ways to upload QSOs to LoTW:
Add QSOs to the QSL Queue, and then invoke the Upload to LoTW function.
Right-click an entry in the Log Page Display, and select the Upload to LoTW command
With the Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to LoTW option enabled, log a QSO via the Capture window
QSOs submitted to
LoTW QSOs must be digitally encrypted
before transmission to the ARRL, it is more
efficient wait until a batch of QSLs are needed before uploading them. Batches
of outgoing QSLs can be automatically assembled in
the QSL Queue. From there, they can be uploaded, and then used to
update your log to indicate the operation's success. You can optionally
enable automatic
uploading of QSOs logged via the Capture
window by checking the Upload each
QSO logged via the Capture window to LoTW box. box. You can also upload a QSO to
LoTW by right-clicking its entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the
Upload to
LoTW command.
To upload QSOs in the QSL
Queue to LoTW,
confirm that the LoTW station location and station callsign shown beneath the Upload to LoTW button on the Main window's QSL tab are consistent with the geographic location from which you made each of the QSOs in the QSL queue, and the callsign that you used over the air when making those QSOs; if not, select the appropriate station location and station callsign in the TQSL panel on the QSL Configuration window's LoTW tab before proceeding.
click the Upload to LoTW button on the Main window's QSL tab; if TQSL version 2.0 or later is installed, DXKeeper will create an ADIF file containing the enabled QSL Queue entries, invoke TQSL using the specified TQSL full pathname and TQSL station location, and direct TQSL do digitally sign (encrypt) your QSOs and upload them over the internet to LoTW.
if the callsign certificate associated with the selected LoTW station location is password-protected, TQSL's Enter password dialog box will appear; enter the password that unlocks the certificate's private key, and then click the OK button; to remove the password from a callsign certificate so that TQSL does not prompt you for a password each time you upload QSOs to LoTW, see Removing Password Protection from a Callsign Certificate.
DXKeeper's LoTW Upload dialog box will report progress as each QSO in the QSL Queue is processed
The Upload to LoTW function will not submit QSOs that would be rejected by LoTW or that are inconsistent with the selected LoTW station location; the QSL Queue entries of such QSOs will be disabled, and will remain in the QSL Queue at the completion of the Upload to LoTW operation:
Any QSO whose Propagation Mode item is set to SAT but whose Satellite Name item is unspecified
Any QSO that specifies a Satellite Name item but whose Propagation Mode item is not set to SAT
Any QSO whose Station Callsign item is inconsistent with the Station Callsign specified in the selected LoTW station location
Any QSO that references a myQTH that specifies an LoTW Station Location that doesn't match the selected LoTW station location
If the selected LoTW station location specifies a station callsign of [NONE], the Upload to LoTW operation will not upload any of the entries in the QSL Queue; it will disable every entry in the QSL Queue.
The UTC date and time shown immediately below the Upload to LoTW button indicate when you last uploaded QSOs to LoTW; this information is stored in the current log.
At the completion of the Upload to LoTW operation, DXKeeper will display
a report listing any QSL Queue entries not submitted to LoTW with an explanation for this inaction.
an LoTW Upload dialog box bearing the response from TQSL for those QSOs that were submitted to LoTW. If this response is not "all QSOs submitted were signed and uploaded", inspect the associated message to understand the problem, correct it, and invoke Upload to LoTW again.
DXKeeper will perform the following actions for each enabled entry in the QSL Queue that was successfully uploaded to LoTW:
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW sent to U, reflecting the fact that the QSO has been uploaded, but its individual acceptance by LoTW is unknown.
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW date sent to the current UTC date
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW rcvd to R
remove the entry from the QSL Queue
QSOs that were disabled or not successfully uploaded will remain in the QSL Queue after the Upload to LoTW operation.
If you've configured
DXKeeper to use TQSL version 1.14 or later, QSOs that have already been
uploaded to LoTW and not subsequently changed (e.g. by correcting the band or by
specifying a Gridsquare in your Station Location) will not be uploaded to LoTW,
and will prevent any other QSOs in the QSL Queue from being uploaded. TQSL
refers to such QSOs as duplicates, by which it means
"QSOs already uploaded to LoTW". If you
have good reason to re-upload a QSO that's already been uploaded but not
subsequently changed, enabled the
Permit uploaded of QSOs already uploaded to LoTW option before initiating an
Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the
Upload to LoTW button will direct DXKeeper to invoke the
Check LoTW Queue function after QSOs have been
submitted to LoTW.
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in
the Log
Page Display and selecting the
to LoTW command from the pop-up menu immediately uploads that QSO to LoTW using the
Station Location specified by the
QSO's myQTH ID item; if the myQTH doesn't specify a Station Location, or if the
QSO doesn't specify a myQTH ID item, then the QSO is uploaded using the
station location and station callsign specified in the TQSL panel on the QSL
Configuration window's LoTW tab.
The Upload
to LoTW command will be disabled if the selected QSO
begins with an exclamation point (!) and
QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked.
With the Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to LoTW option enabled, logging a QSO via the Capture window immediately uploads that QSO to LoTW using the Station Location specified by the QSO's myQTH ID item; if the myQTH doesn't specify a Station Location, or if the QSO doesn't specify a myQTH ID item, then the QSO is uploaded using the LoTW station location and station callsign specified in the TQSL panel on the QSL Configuration window's LoTW tab.
LoTW places
submitted QSOs in a Queue that is processed in "first-come, first-served" order,
typically successfully within a few minutes unless a contest has
recently been completed. The ARRL provides a
web page that displays
the approximate duration of the LoTW Queue as of the beginning of the current
hour and each of the 11 previous hours. Clicking the
Check LoTW Queue button will download
this web page, extract the estimated queue duration for the current hour, and
display it immediately beneath the Check LoTW Queue button for
the remainder of the current hour;
letting the mouse cursor hover over this estimated duration for a second or
three will display an explanatory popup containing both the estimated duration
and the time at which it was estimated. At the end of the current hour, the
displayed duration estimate will be cleared. Depressing the CTRL key while
clicking the Check LoTW Queue button will direct your default web browser to
display the entire LoTW Queue Status
web page.
After waiting an appropriate interval,
verify that the uploaded QSLs were accepted by connecting
to the Internet and clicking the Sync LoTW QSOs button. This will
direct LoTW to download all newly-accepted
QSOs, where newly-accepted is with respect to the last time you invoked Sync
this date and time is stored in the current log and shown beneath the Sync
button. Logged QSOs whose LoTW sent
is set to U will have that
status update to Y, reflecting acceptance by
date and time that the last uploaded QSO was accepted will appear under the Sync
LoTW QSOs button; this information is stored in the current log.
QSOs not accepted by LoTW will remain in the log with their LoTW sent set to U; you can filter the Log Page Display to show such QSOs by clicking the LoTW button in the Main window's Filter panel.
If you find such QSOs, check your LoTW account to determine whether they've simply not yet been processed, or been processed and generated errors. After correcting any erroneous QSOs
set each QSO's LoTW sent to R
repeat the Add Requested operations you originally used to load the QSL Queue
connect to the Internet and repeat the Upload to LoTW operation
repeat the Sync LoTW QSOs operation
You can modify the date and time shown beneath the Sync LoTW QSOs button double-clicking it; you'll be prompted to specify a new date and time. The next invocation of Sync LoTW QSOs will then direct LoTW to download all QSOs newly-accepted after the date and time you specified.
If you depress the CTRL key while invoking the Sync LoTW QSOs operation, DXKeeper will direct LoTW to download all accepted QSOs, and the update logged QSOs to reflect their acceptance as described above. If you depress the ALT key while invoking the Sync LoTW QSOs operation, DXKeeper will set the Select item of each accepted QSO to 'Y'. This can be used to identify any QSOs in your log that are not shown as accepted by LoTW. The ALT and CTRL keys can be simultaneously depressed while invoking the Sync LoTW QSOs to check for acceptance of all QSOs.
LoTW marks an uploaded QSO as confirmed if your QSO partner also uploads his or her QSO information to LoTW, and
the callsign in each uploaded QSO matches the station callsign of the other, including portable identifiers
the modes in each upload QSO belong to the same Mode Group (CW, DATA, IMAGE, PHONE)
the dates and times in each uploaded QSO are within 30 minutes of each other
for terrestrial QSOs, each uploaded QSO's band and RX band must match the values of the other QSO (band = band, RX band = RX band), or must match the opposite values of the other QSO (band = RX band, RX band = band)
for satellite QSOs, the propagation mode in each uploaded QSO must be SAT, and the satellite names must be identical
If more than one copy of a QSO reported by LoTW in response to the Sync LoTW QSOs operation is present in your log, each duplicate QSO's Select item will be set to Y.
To synchronize your log with LoTW by downloading confirmations (QSLs) and matching them with logged QSOs, click the Sync LoTW QSLs button on the Main window's QSL tab.
The Sync LoTW QSLs function remembers the date and time at which the last QSL reported was uploaded to LoTW; this date and time is stored in the current log and shown beneath the Sync LoTW QSLs button. When activated, Sync LoTW QSLs directs LoTW to supply only newly-arrived QSLs, thereby minimizing the amount of information to be downloaded and inspected. You can modify this date and time by double-clicking it; you'll be prompted to specify a new date and time, which will default to the date and time before the most recent invocation of the Sync LoTW QSLs function after starting DXKeeper. Alternatively, you can force all LoTW confirmations to be downloaded and inspected by depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Sync LoTW QSLs button.
A logged QSO will be marked as "confirmed via LoTW" if it matches a QSL downloaded from LoTW:
the callsigns are identical
the bands are identical
the modes are identical
the start times fall within the same minute
the station callsigns are identical (this requirement can optionally be eliminated, as discussed below)
All QSLs reported by LoTW specify a DXCC entity; QSLs downloaded from LoTW may include additional information provided by the QSLing station:
CQ zone
ITU zone
IOTA tag
Grid 1
Grid 2
Grid 3
Grid 4
Each logged QSO that matches a QSL downloaded from LoTW will be updated to reflect its confirmation:
the QSO's LoTW rcvd item will be set to Y
the QSO's LoTW date rcvd item will be set to the current UTC date
the QSO's LoTW cfm item will be set to indicate additional WAS, WAZ, VUCC, and NPOTA confirmations
an S in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid US state that matches the US state specified in the logged QSO (required for WAS award credit)
an M in the LoTW cfm item means that the QSO's mode exactly matches the mode uploaded to LoTW by your QSO partner (required for CQ Worked All Zones( WAZ) awards, and some ARRL Worked All States and CQ Worked All Prefixes Endorsements)
a D in the LoTW cfm item means that the QSO's mode and the mode uploaded to LoTW by your QSO partner don't exactly match, but are both considered to be digital modes for CQ Worked All Zones( WAZ
a G in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid grid square that matches the grid 1 item specified in the logged QSO (required for VUCC award credit)
a 2 in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid grid square that matches the grid 2 item specified in the logged QSO (required for VUCC award credit)
a 3 in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid grid square that matches the grid 3 item specified in the logged QSO (required for VUCC award credit)
a 4 in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid grid square that matches the grid 4 item specified in the logged QSO (required for VUCC award credit)
an I in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid IOTA designator that matches the IOTA item specified in the logged QSO
an N in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies park codes that match each of the park codes specified in the logged QSO's user item whose caption is NPOTA (required for NPOTA award credit)
a Z in the LoTW cfm item means that the LoTW QSL specifies a valid CQ zone that matches the CQ zone item specified in the logged QSO (required for WAZ award credit)
Right-clicking a QSO in the Log Page Display and selecting the Update from LoTW menu item performs the Sync LoTW QSLs operation on the selected QSO; this provides a quick way to update a QSO's LoTW cfm item after your QSO partner has re-uploaded the QSO with additional or corrected mode, US State, grid square, national park, or CQ zone information.
Clicking the
Update from LoTW button on the Main window's QSL
tab performs the Sync LoTW QSLs
operation on every QSO in the Log
Page Display. This operation should only be invoked after re-uploading
QSOs that LoTW may not consider "new", and thus would not be updated
by the Sync LoTW QSOs or Sync LoTW QSLs operation -- for example,
uploading QSOs with the
Permit uploaded of QSOs already uploaded to LoTW option enabled. Update
from LoTW should not be used when the Log Page Display contains more than 100
QSOs; instead, depress the CTRL key and invoke Sync LoTW QSLs, as this
will complete more rapidly.
If the
Sync LoTW QSLs or
Update from LoTW function encounter a QSO
with one or more items that don't match the information reported by LoTW, that
QSO's Select item will be set to 'Y'.
Any errors encountered while inspecting the downloaded QSLs will be displayed in a results report. QSLs that match no QSO in the current log are reported as errors if the Report unmatched QSLs as errors box is checked; this setting defaults to unchecked, and is maintained independently for each log.
If the Subdivisions box is checked, any LoTW confirmation with a station in the US, Hawaii, or Alaska that does not specify a valid US state will be reported.
If band or Sat boxes are checked in the VUCC Panel, any LoTW confirmation with a station on a band sought for VUCC (or with a propagation mode set to Satellite if the Sat box is checked) will be reported under any of these conditions:
the LoTW QSL does not specify a grid square, or specifies one or more invalid grid squares
the LoTW QSL specifies one or more grid squares that don't match any grid square specified in the logged QSO
the LoTW QSL does not specify one or more grid squares specified in the logged QSO
Each LoTW QSL is compared with its matching logged QSO. Information reported by LoTW that is not present in the logged QSO will be automatically added unless it is inconsistent with the callsign; for example, a logged QSO missing a Iota tag will be updated with the Iota tag contained in its matching QSL, but a QSO with AA6YQ missing a CQ zone will not updated with a CQ zone of 6. The comparison process compensates for syntactic differences; eu1 and EU-001 are considered identical, for example. If the a logged 4-character gridsquare matches the first 4 characters of the matching QSL's 6-character gridsquare, then the logged QSO will be updated with the 6-character gridsquare. When information reported by LoTW is inconsistent with the information contained in the QSO's matching QSL, however, the conflict is resolved as specified in the Handling of LoTW detail inconsistencies setting, which provides four choices
always replace the logged data with the LoTW QSL data
always preserve the logged data, ignoring the LoTW QSL data
always preserve the logged data, ignoring the LoTW QSL data, and describe each inconsistency in the report displayed when the Sync LoTW QSLs or Update from LoTW operation completes
display a dialog presenting the logged data and the LoTW QSL data so that the user can choose (the default setting)
If either the LoTW QSL or the logged QSO specifies more than one grid square, the Sync LoTW QSLs will as described above report logged grids that are not specified in the QSL, and grids specified in the QSL that are not logged in the QSO, but will not modify the logged grids with LoTW QSL data regardless of the Handling of LoTW detail inconsistencies setting.
If you submit a DXCC application using LoTW, the QSOs confirmed via LoTW to which DXCC credit is newly granted will not be reported the next time that you invoke the Sync LoTW QSLs function unless a newly-confirmed QSO has already been granted DXCC award credit.. The Update from LoTW function will update your logged QSOs to reflect the granting of DXCC credit by setting their LoTW rcvd items to V. If a confirmed QSO to which DXCC award credit has been granted is reported by the Sync LoTW QSLs function, that QSO's LoTW rcvd item will be set to V
When the Sync LoTW QSLs or Update from LoTW function completes, DXKeeper displays a report showing
any errors encountered while inspecting the downloaded QSLs; each is preceded by Error:
any confirmations of desired (per your specified DXCC award objectives) but previously unconfirmed entities, entity-modes, or entity-bands
any granting of DXCC award credit to desired (per your specified DXCC award objectives) entities, entity-modes, or entity-bands for which DXCC credit had not been previously granted
any changes to logged QSOs made as a result of
resolving inconsistencies
adding location information newly reported by LoTW, e.g. a CQ zone
deducing location information from location information newly reported by LoTW, e.g. an ARRL Section from a newly reported state and county
If the resolution of inconsistencies between LoTW QSL data and logged data resulted in changes to logged data that impact Realtime Award Tracking and SpotCollector is running, DXKeeper will offer to direct SpotCollector to recompute (update the Realtime Award Tracking information for each Spot Database Entry).
After logged QSOs have been updated, the Sync LoTW QSLs function filters the Log Page Display to show only QSOs confirmed via LoTW , and sorts it in ascending or descending order of LoTW date rcvd. The Filter and Sort panel's captions will indicate how the Log Page Display is being filtered and sorted respectively. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Filter panel's X button both resets the Log Page Display filter and sorts the Log Page Display in ascending or descending order of each QSO's Begin time.
If you modify the callsign, QSO begin, band, mode, submode or station callsign item of a logged QSO that has already been uploaded to LoTW, the Sync LoTW QSLs function will be unable to locate the QSO in your log to update it; to correct this situation,
right-click the Log Page Display entry for the
QSO, and select Upload to LoTW from the popup menu
wait a few minutes for LoTW to process the uploaded QSO
right-click the Log Page Display entry for the QSO,
and select Update to LoTW from the popup menu
To be prompted when you modify the callsign, QSO begin, band, mode, submode or station callsign item of a logged QSO that has already been uploaded to LoTW, enable the Prompt on change to logged QSO already uploaded to eQSL.cc and/or LoTW option.
The Sync LoTW QSOs and Sync LoTW QSLs functions remember the acceptance and confirmation dates and times of the most-recently processed QSO and QSL respectively; these times are shown beneath their buttons. When activated, these functions direct LoTW to supply only newly-arrived QSOs or QSLs, thereby minimizing the amount of information to be downloaded and inspected. You can, however, force all QSOs or QSLs to be downloaded and inspected by depressing the CTRL key while clicking the buttons that activate these functions.
If DXKeeper is unable to download uploaded QSOs or QSLs, verify that the ARRL's LoTW web site is operational; also verify that ARRL personnel have not changed your username and/or password.
If all of your QSOs are logged with the same station callsigns from the same location in a single log file, then the above facilities are all that are required to successfully maintain synchronization between your log and LoTW; If you have logged QSOs with multiple station callsigns, from multiple QTHs, and/or in multiple log files, then the following facilities can be used to accelerate processing.
By default,
will download all of your accounts QSOs or QSLs when you click Sync LoTW QSOs
and Sync LoTW QSLs respectively. If your current log contains only QSOs
made from a single station callsign, however, you can reduce both the download
and inspection times by specifying that callsign in the Limit
Sync operations to this callsign setting. This setting is maintained
independently for each log; loading a new log will automatically restore the
setting value you established when that log was loaded. When the setting
contains no callsign, all QSOs and QSLs in your
will be downloaded by Sync LoTW QSOs and Sync LoTW QSLs
respectively. Here's an example:
AA6YQ.mdb | FJ-AA6YQ.mdb | KP2-AA6YQ.mdb | |
Station callsigns contained in log's QSOs | KC6IGZ, N6YBG, AA6YQ | FJ/AA6YQ | KP2/AA6YQ |
Limit Sync operations to this station callsign | FJ/AA6YQ | KP2/AA6YQ | |
Report unmatched QSLs as errors | no | yes | yes |
Enabling Report unmatched QSLs as errors is only practical when downloading is limited to a single station callsign -- either because the LoTW account contains only QSOs and QSLs made with that station callsign, or because Limit QSO and QSL downloads to this callsign is set to a specific callsign, as in the FJ-AA6YQ.mdb and KP2-AA6YQ.mdb logs in the example above.
In circumstances where you are uncertain as to the station callsign used in one or more QSOs -- for example, AA6YQ vs. AA6YQ/1 -- one approach you can take is to
upload them all with the operator callsign set to AA6YQ
modify them all to have an station callsign of AA6YQ/1 and upload them again
QSOs submitted by your QSO partners will match one or the other.. By checking the Exclude station callsign when matching QSOs & QSLs to logged QSOs box, your QSOs will be properly confirmed when you run the Sync LoTW QSLs function.
If your computer is not connected to the Internet but you have access to an Internet connection from another PC, check the PC has no internet connection box. When you click the Prep LoTW upload button, DXKeeper will invoke TQSL as described above to generate a signed (.tq8) file, and then display the name of this file so you can move it to an internet-connected PC and manually upload it to LoTW. After this upload is accomplished, click the Update Log button; DXKeeper will then perform the following for each enabled entry in the QSL Queue:
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW sent to U, reflecting the fact that the QSO has been uploaded, but its individual acceptance by LoTW is unknown.
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW date sent to the current UTC date
set the associated logged QSO's LoTW rcvd to R
remove the entry from the QSL Queue
With the PC
has no internet connection box checked, invoking the
Sync LoTW QSO,
Sync LoTW QSL,
or Update from LoTW functions will result in DXKeeper prompting you to manually query
from an internet-connected PC and then move the file containing the query
results to a specified file on your
PC. When you click the OK button,
DXKeeper will process the query results as if they had been directly downloaded
from LoTW.
Clicking the Club Log operations panel's Upload to Club Log button will upload all logged QSOs whose Station_Callsign items matches the specified Club Log Callsign and that have never before been uploaded to Club Log, and whose uploads are not "prohibited" by their Club Log Sent items being set to N.
To instead upload all QSOs whose Station_Callsign items match the specified Club Log Callsign and whose uploads are not "prohibited" by their Club Log Sent items being set to N - whether or not they've already been uploaded to Club Log - depress the CTRL key while clicking the Upload to Club Log button
To instead upload all QSOs in the Log Page Display whose Station_Callsign items match the specified Club Log Callsign - no matter what their Club Log Sent items specify - depress the ALT key while clicking the Upload to Club Log button
The date and time shown beneath the Upload to Club Log button will be updated to show the time at which this operation was initiated; its only purpose is to provide a reminder to the user.
QSOs with
callsigns that begin with an exclamation
point (!) are not uploaded to Club Log unless the
QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked - in which case the ! is
removed from the callsign before it is sent to Club Log.
Club Log accepts QSOs
these bands.
If more than 5000 QSOs will be uploaded, DXKeeper automatically segments the action into files of 5000 QSOs; as Club Log limits the number of queued files to 10, a maximum of 50,000 QSOs can be submitted via the Upload button. Checking the Slow net box segments the action into groups of 250 QSOs, ensuring delivery when uploading via a slow internet connection; with this option enabled, a maximum of 2500 QSOs can be submitted via the Upload button. To submit larger numbers of QSOs to Club Log, use the Export ADIF for Club Log function to generate an ADIF file, and then upload that file to Club Log.
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Upload to Club Log: C command from the pop-up menu immediately uploads that QSO to Club Log using the station callsign C.
The Upload to Club Log command will be disabled if the selected QSO's callsign begins with an exclamation point (!) and the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked; if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked, the ! is removed from the callsign before it is sent to Club Log.
You can configure DXKeeper to automatically upload each QSO to Club Log when it is initially logged via the Capture window or via the Main window's Log QSOs tab.
QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) are not uploaded to Club Log unless the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked - in which case the ! is removed from the callsign before it is sent to Club Log.
The following items are included with each QSO uploaded to Club Log.
if the value is E or B or M, uploads the value V
if the value is S, uploads the value Y
if the value is X, uploads the value I - unless LoTW QSL rcvd is set to Y or S or V, in which case no value is uploaded
if the value is S, uploads the value Y
if the value is X, uploads the value I - unless QSL rcvd is set to Y or V or E or B or M, in which case no value is uploaded)
if the value is X, uploads the value I - unless QSL rcvd is set to Y or V or E or B or M, in in which case no value is uploaded)
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Delete from Club Log command immediately directs Club Log to remove that QSO from your account.
Clicking the Club Log operations panel's Sync Club Log QSLs button will direct Club Log to report all confirmations created on or after the date shown beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button. DXKeeper will direct Club Log to report all such confirmed QSOs. Each reported QSO's Club Log Rcvd item will be set to Y, and the date shown beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button will be updated to the current date.
Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Sync Club Log QSLs button will direct Club Log to report all confirmations, and set each confirmed QSO's Club Log Rcvd item to Y.
Double-clicking the date beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button will display the Club Log QSL Synchronization window, which will enable you to specify a date of your choosing.
Club Log confirms QSOs on these bands.
If your QSO partner has configured Club Log to accept confirmation requests, you can log in to your Club Log account and request confirmation of an uploaded QSO that matches what your QSO partner uploaded.
Clicking the Club Log operations panel's Home button will direct your web browser to display the Club Log home page.
Log in to your Club Log account
Select Log Search from the Tools menu along the left side of the Club Log home page
On the Log Search page that appears, specify the callsign of the Log to search
If one or more QSOs with the specified callsign have been confirmed, click the Request QSL Card button
After requesting a confirmation via Club Log, select the QSO in DXKeeper's Log Page Display, and click the QSL panel's OQRS button to indicate that you have requested its confirmation via an electronic QSLing service.
Using the Main window's Log QSOs tab to modify any item of a QSO whose Club Log status is set to Y will change the QSO's Club Log status to M.
If you receive many requests for confirmations, accepting OQRS requests will reduce the amount of incoming postal mail containing QSL cards, self-addressed envelopes, and small bills for postage. This Inbound OQRS service makes it easy to populate DXKeeper's QSL Queue with OQRS requests for confirmation via QSL cards/labels, eQSL,cc, and/or LoTW. Your PayPal account will be credited with funds for postage and return envelopes, and with donations.
Clicking the Club Log operations panel's Inbound OQRS button directs Club Log to report all new confirmation requests received since the date-and-time that the Inbound OQRS button was last clicked, which is shown beneath the Inbound OQRS button. Each confirmation request received will be matched with a logged QSO, using the +/- 15 minutes matching rule employed by Club Log. For each logged QSO that matches an incoming confirmation request,
if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked and the logged QSO's QSL Sent item is not set to N or I, or QSL Sent is set to Y but QSL Sent Via is not set to B or D,
the QSL Sent item is set to R
the QSL Sent Via item to B (for bureau) or D (for direct) as indicated in the confirmation request
if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'eQSL QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked and the logged QSO's eQSL QSL Sent item is not set to N, I, U, or Y, the eQSL QSL Sent item is set to R
if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'LoTW QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked and the logged QSO's LoTW QSL Sent item is not set to N, I, U, or Y, the LoTW QSL Sent item is set to R
the address item is set to the postal address specified in the confirmation request (note: addresses specified in UTF-8 Unicode will be ignored)
the email item is set to the email address specified in the confirmation request
any payment or donation information specified in the confirmation request is appended to the contents of the comment item
After each logged QSO matching a confirmation has been updated, a report listing confirmation requests that contained errors or did not match a logged QSO will be displayed, and the date-and-time shown beneath the Inbound OQRS button will be updated; this updated date-and-time is stored in the current log file.
With the QSL Sent, eQSL QSL Sent, and LoTW QSL Sent items of each matched QSO set as specified by the Inbound OQRS sub-panel checkboxes, confirmations requests can be fulfilled by
setting the QSL Via panel to Cards, Labels, ADIF file, tab-delimited file, eQSL.cc, or LoTW
invoking the Add Requested function to populate the QSL Queue
printing outgoing QSL cards or labels and their envelopes or address labels, uploading confirmations to eQSL.cc, or confirmations to LoTW
Depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Inbound OQRS button directs Club Log to report all confirmation requests, and update matching logged QSOs as described above.
Depressing the Alt key while clicking the Inbound OQRS button displays a file selector with which you can choose an ADIF file containing Inbound OQRS requests that you manually downloaded from Club Log; DXKeeper will process the requests in the file you select as described above.
Clicking the date-and-time displayed immediately below the Inbound OQRS button displays a window with which you can modify the date-and-time that will be used when the Inbound OQRS function is next invoked.
Before using DXLab's QRZ automation for the first time,
obtain a QRZ XML subscription; this is required to enable interoperation with DXKeeper via QRZ's programmatic interface
if you don't have a QRZ logbook for your current primary station callsign, click My Logbook in the dropdown menu that appears when you click on your callsign in the upper-right corner of your QRZ web page, and then click the Settings button in the upper-right corner of your QRZ Logbook web page; in the Settings window that appears,
in the Logbook Info section,
set the Start Date to be as early as the earliest QSO in your log
set the End Date to be an appropriately distant date in the future
click the QRZ Logbook API section's Show button to reveal your Logbook API Key
in the QRZ Logbook Selection panel on DXKeeper's QSL Configuration window's QRZ tab
click the New button
in the New QRZ Logbook Station Callsign and API Key window that appears, specify your Station Callsign and Logbook API Key, and then click the OK button
If you make (or made) QSOs with more than one station callsign, repeat steps 2 and 3 above for each station callsign.
The functions described in this section are available on the Main window's QSL tab when you set the the QSL Via panel to QRZ.
When a QSO is uploaded to QRZ,
the QSO's QRZ Sent item is set to Y
the QSO's QRZ date sent item is set to the current date
the QSO's QRZ LogID item is set to a unique logid generated by QRZ
Clicking the QRZ operations panel's Upload to QRZ button will upload all logged QSOs whose Station_Callsign items match the selected QRZ Logbook and that have never before been uploaded to QRZ, and whose uploads are not "prohibited" by their QRZ Sent items being set to N.
To instead upload all QSOs whose Station_Callsign items match the selected QRZ Logbook and whose upload is not "prohibited" by their QRZ Sent items being set to N - whether or not they've already been uploaded to QRZ, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Upload to QRZ button
instead upload all QSOs in the Log Page Display whose
Station_Callsign items
match the selected QRZ
Logbook - no matter what their
QRZ Sent items specify -
depress the ALT key while clicking the
Upload to QRZ button
The date and time shown beneath the Upload to QRZ button will be updated to show the time at which this operation was initiated; its only purpose is to provide a reminder to the user.
QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) are not uploaded to QRZ unless the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked - in which case the ! is removed from the callsign before it is sent to QRZ.
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Upload to QRZ: C command from the popup menu immediately uploads that QSO to QRZ using the station callsign C.
The Upload to QRZ command will be disabled if the selected QSO begins with an exclamation point (!) and the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is unchecked; ; if the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked, the ! is removed from the callsign before it is sent to QRZ.
You can configure DXKeeper to automatically upload each QSO to QRZ when it is initially logged via the Capture window or via the Main window's Log QSOs tab.
QSOs with callsigns that begin with an exclamation point (!) are not uploaded to QRZ unless the Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! box is checked - in which case the ! is removed from the callsign before it is sent to QRZ.
The following items are included with each QSO uploaded to QRZ.
if the value is S, uploads the value Y
if the value is X, uploads the value I - unless QSL rcvd is set to Y or V or E or B or M, in which case no value is uploaded)
if the value is X, uploads the value I - unless QSL rcvd is set to Y or V or E or B or M, in which case no value is uploaded)
Each user-defined item that specifies a Caption and whose ADIF box is checked
Right-clicking a QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and selecting the Delete from QRZ command immediately directs QRZ to remove that QSO from your account.
Clicking the QRZ operations panel's Sync QRZ QSLs button will direct QRZ to report all confirmations created on or after the date shown beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button. DXKeeper will direct QRZ to report the logid all such confirmed QSOs. Each reported QSO's QRZ rcvd item will be set to Y, and its QRZ rcvd date item and the date shown beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button will be updated to the current date.
depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Sync QRZ QSLs button will direct QRZ to report all confirmations, and set each confirmed QSO's QRZ rcvd item to Y
double-clicking the date beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button will display the QRZ QSL Synchronization window, which will enable you to specify a date of your choosing
If you have already established and populated a QRZ Logbook - for example, by exporting an ADIF file from your log in DXKeeper and then importing that file into your QRZ Logbook - you must first upload your logged QSOs from DXKeeper to your QRZ Logbook before you can update logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via QRZ using the Sync QRZ QSLs function described above. Doing so will not create duplicate QSOs but will require you to direct your QRZ Logbook to re-import your LoTW confirmations.
The Sync All function can automate the sequential invocation of 7 functions
Which of the above functions are performed when the Sync All function is invoked is governed by settings in the Sync All panel on the QSL Configuration window's General tab.
Buttons that initiate the Sync All functions are provided on the Main window's QSL tab (above the Help button) and on the Main window's Log QSOs tab (to the right of the Filter panel).
Before invoking the Sync All function for the first time, manually invoke each of the Sync and Upload functions that you've enabled to be sure they are correctly configured
The Upload to eQSL and Upload to LoTW functions are not automated by the Sync All function because batches of QSOs submitted to these services should be reviewed in the QSL Queue before they are uploaded. You can configured DXKeeper to automatically upload QSOs to eQSL and to LoTW as they are logged; most applications that send QSOs to DXKeeper to be logged can be configured to specify that they be automatically upload QSOs to eQSL and to LoTW.
Because the Sync LoTW QSLs function precedes the Upload to Club Log and Upload to QRZ functions, and QSOs newly confirmed via LoTW will be conveyed to Club Log and QRZ if uploads to those services are enabled
Any substitution command found in a QSL Information textbox will be replaced as described in the table below before printing that textbox's content on a generated QSL card. This allows you to incorporate information about your operating location, equipment, and conditions that can vary from QSO to QSO.
Any substitution command found in a QSL msg will be replaced as described in the table below before the message is
exported to an ADIF file with the Export ADIF for eQSL.cc option selected
This allows you to personalize
the QSL msg with information about you and your QSO
Command |
Replacement |
<ant> | your antenna (associated with the QTH) |
<band> | the QSO's band |
<bandant> | the antenna for the current band (associated with the QTH) |
<buro> | if the QSO's QSL_VIA is set to 'B' (bureau), [x buro] where x is the destination entity's DXCC prefix |
<callsign> | the callsign of the station specified in the QSO |
<city> |
the QTH's city |
<contestid> | the contest identifier |
<country> |
the QTH's country |
<county> |
the QTH's Secondary Administrative Subdivision (Sec sub) |
<countyexplicit> | if the QSO specifies a county, the QTH's Secondary Administrative Subdivision (Sec sub) followed by the word County; otherwise, nothing |
<cq> |
the QTH's CQ zone |
<currentutcdate> | the current UTC date formatted as specified in the QSL Date Format panel |
<destination> | the QSL manager's callsign if one is specified, otherwise the callsign of the station specified in the QSO |
<distance> | if the QSO's specifies a distance item, the replacement is the word "DX: " followed by the distance in miles or kilometers followed by either "mi" or "km" |
<dx> | if the QSO's specifies a distance item, the replacement is the distance in miles or kilometers followed by either "mi" or "km" |
<dxccentity> | the station's DXCC entity |
<email> | your email address (associated with the QTH) |
<grid> |
if the QTH's grid square is specified, then the replacement is the word "grid:" followed by the specified grid square; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<iota> |
if the QTH's Iota designator is specified, then the replacement is the specified Iota designator; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<itu> |
the QTH's ITU zone |
<latitude> |
the QTH's latitude in degrees and minutes |
<latitudewsecs> | the QTH's latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds |
<longitude> |
the QTH's longitude in degrees and minutes |
<longitudewsecs> | the QTH's longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds |
<meteor shower> | meteor shower name |
<mode> | the QSO's mode |
<mycall> | station callsign used during the QSO |
<myqthid> | the myQTH identifier recorded with the QSO |
<name> | the station's operator's name |
<opcall> | callsign of the station operator |
<opname> | your name (associated with the QTH) |
<ownercall> | callsign of the station owner |
<postalcode> |
the QTH's postal code |
<prisub> | the station's primary administrative subdivision |
<propmode> | if the QSO specifies a propagation mode, then the replacement is the word "prop: " followed by the propagation mode; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<qsobegin> | the time at which the QSO began, formatted as specified in the QSL Date Format panel |
<qsoend> | the time at which the QSO ended, formatted as specified in the QSL Date Format panel |
<qth> | the station's QTH (up to 30 characters) |
<rig> | your station equipment (associated with the QTH) |
<rstrcvd> | the signal report you received from your QSO partner |
<rxband> | if the QSO specifies a satellite, then the replacement is the phrase "rx band: " followed by the receive band; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<rxfreq> | if the QSO specifies a satellite, then the replacement is the phrase "rx freq: " followed by the receive frequency; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<rxpower> | the station's transmitter power |
<satconfirm> | if the QSO specifies a satellite, then the replacement is the phrase "via Satellite (" followed by the satellite name followed by ")"; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<satmode> | if the QSO specifies a satellite, then the replacement is the phrase "sat mode: " followed by the satellite mode; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<satname> | if the QSO specifies a satellite, then the replacement is the word "sat: " followed by the satellite name; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
<secsub> | the station's secondary administrative subdivision |
<SFI_A_K> | if the QSO specifies a solar flux, then the replacement is the phrase "SFI: sfi, A: a, K: k" where sfi, a, and k are the solar flux, a-index, and k-index logged with the QSO |
<sig> | your special interest group name (associated with the QTH) |
<signinfo> | your special interest group information (associated with the QTH) |
<srx> | the receive serial number or exchange logged with the QSO |
<srx_info> | the QSO's receive exchange info |
<state> |
the QTH's primary administrative subdivision (Pri sub) |
<streetaddress> |
the QTH's street address |
<stationgrid> | the station's grid square |
<stationiota> | the station's IOTA designator |
<stx> | the transmit serial number or exchange logged with the QSO |
<stx_info> | the QSO's transmit exchange info |
<submode> | the QSO's submode |
<txpower> | your transmitter's power |
<userdefined_0> | the QSO's user-defined item #0 |
<userdefined_1> | the QSO's user-defined item #1 |
<userdefined_2> | the QSO's user-defined item #2 |
<userdefined_3> | the QSO's user-defined item #3 |
<userdefined_4> | the QSO's user-defined item #4 |
<userdefined_5> | the QSO's user-defined item #5 |
<userdefined_6> | the QSO's user-defined item #6 |
<userdefined_7> | the QSO's user-defined item #7 |
<via> |
if the QSO specifies a QSL manager, then the replacement is the word "via" followed by the QSL manager's callsign; otherwise, the replacement is empty |
The substitution command <via> lets you include contents of the QSO's Via item on the QSL card. if the QSO's Via item is specified, then the replacement is the word "via:" followed by the contents of the Via item; otherwise, the replacement is empty. The <propmode> and <satname> fields work in a similar fashion. The <satmode>, <rxfreq>, and <rxband> commands only produce replacements if the QSO specifies a satellite name.