To facilitate rapid real-time logging with minimum screen space consumption, DXKeeper provides a QSO Capture window, activated by clicking the Capture button located on the Log QSOs tab. The QSO Capture Window records 48 items, all but four of which (call, DXCC, tx frequency, and mode) are optional. By dragging the Capture window's lower border up or down, the Capture window can be configured to display from as few as two items to all items. Clicking the Cfg button in the Capture window's upper-right corner displays the Capture Layout window, which provides row-by-row control over which Capture window items are visible.
Clicking the Lookup button, or striking the Enter key in the Call textbox, or striking the Tab key in the Call textbox results in the following actions:
if the Shift key is depressed when striking the <enter> key in the Call textbox, the name, QTH, Address, Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision, Secondary Administrative Subdivision, Comment, CQ, ITU, Grid 1, Grid 2, Grid 3, Grid 4, IOTA, SOTA, Sent Via, User-defined, LotW membership, and membership items are cleared
if the Ctrl or Shift key is depressed when the Lookup button is clicked, the name, QTH, Address, Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision, Secondary Administrative Subdivision, Comment, CQ, ITU, Grid 1, Grid 2, Grid 3, Grid 4, IOTA, SOTA, Sent Via, User-defined, LotW membership, and membership items are cleared
if the Alt key is depressed when the Lookup button is clicked, all location-based Capture items are cleared, and the Capture window's items are then populated from from an override (if present) and the selected callbook; information from previously-logged QSOs is not utilized
if the LotW database is installed, checks the LotW membership box if the callsign in the Call textbox is a known participant in the ARRL's Logbook of the World, subject to the Maximum age of most recent LotW upload setting
if the eQSL AG database is installed, checks the membership box if the callsign in the Call textbox is an Authenticity-Guaranteed member of
the callsign's font colored is set to indicate its DXCC/Challenge/Toplist, IOTA, CQ DX Marathon, VUCC, WAS, CQ WAZ, and CQ WPX award progress (for those awards for which realtime award tracking is enabled), as specified in the Capture Callsign font colors panel on the Capture and Log Page Display Colors window
if the award progress is Unworked DX Band or Mode, Unworked DX Counter, Unconfirmed DX, Tagged Special Callsign, or Verified DX, then the callsign is rendered in bold font
if the award progress is Unneeded DX, then the callsign is rendered in regular font
the callsign's background color is set to indicate its participation in LoTW and Authenticity-Guaranteed, as specified in the Capture Callsign and Log Page Display background colors panel on the Capture and Log Page Display Colors window.
if the Display Previous QSOs on Lookup box is checked and the Alt key was not depressed when Lookup button is clicked,
filters the log page display to show only previous QSOs with the Call or a variant of the Call (e.g. with a portable, QRP, or mobile designator), and displays a last QSO section at the bottom of the Capture window with the date, time, frequency, and mode of the most recent QSO
unless an override for the callsign is defined in DXView or SpotCollector,
initializes the DXCC entity, Region, name, QSL via, QTH, Grid 1, IOTA, QSL address, email, web, Primary Administrative Subdivision, Secondary Administrative Subdivision, ITU, CQ, continent, IOTA, ARRL Section, DOK, member and LotW member items using information found in previous QSOs, with priority given to information extracted from the most recent QSOs (the QSL address is not visible in the Capture window, but will be logged with the other items)
if a User-defined item's Init box is checked, initializes the item using information found in previous QSOs, with priority given to information extracted from the most recent QSOs
if the Display callsign progress on Lookup box is checked, displays the Callsign Progress window, which shows the bands and modes on which previous QSOs were made
if Display previous comments on Lookup box is checked, displays a scrollable window containing comments extracted from previous QSOs with the same base callsign, each preceded by the QSO's start time and terminated by the QSO's callsign
updates the DXCC item, if not already set, based on the Call's prefix, and updates the Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision, CQ, ITU, and IOTA items if they can be unambiguously determined from the Callsign; DXView's Main window will be updated with this information
if the USAP database is installed and the DXCC item is K, KH6, or KL7, updates the Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision (US State) and CQ items, and updates the ITU item if it is unambiguously determinable from the US State;DXView's Main window will be updated with this information
if the RDA database is installed and the DXCC item is R1F, UA, UA0, or UA2, updates the DXCC, Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision (Russian Oblast) and Secondary Administrative Subdivision (Russian District) items, and updates the CQ, ITU, and IOTA items if they can be unambiguously determinable from the Oblast
if a Callbook is installed, selected, and configured for automatic initialization, it's database is queried to set the name, QTH, Continent, Primary Administrative Subdivision, Secondary Administrative Subdivision, CQ, ITU, IOTA, Address, QSL Via, and Grid 1 items, if not already set (the Address item is not visible in the Capture window, but it will be logged with the other items)
updates the az(imuth) and path items to the values used in the last rotator control command issued by DXView if running with rotator control enabled, or from their previous value if DXView is either not running or is running with rotator control disabled
updates the IOTA item, if not already set, if it can be determined from the Call's prefix
updates the ARRL section, continent, ITU, and CQ items, if not already set, if they are determinable from the prefix (these items are not visible in the Capture window, but will be logged with the other items)
sets the tx frequency, rx frequency, and mode items from your transceiver's current settings (if Commander is running) or from their previous values (if Commander isn't running); if Commander is running and interoperating with a Satellite Tracking application,
sets the tx frequency item to the active satellite's uplink frequency reported by the Satellite Tracking application for the active satellite
sets the rx frequency item to the active satellite's downlink frequency reported by the Satellite Tracking application for the active satellite
sets the mode item to the transceiver mode reported by the Satellite Tracking application for the active satellite
if Commander is running and interoperating with a Satellite Tracking application, sets the sat name and sat mode items reported by the Satellite Tracking application for the active satellite
sets the RST sent and RST rcvd items if either the run-mode box or the Initialize RST fields box is checked
sets the transmit pwr item based on the default transmit power settings
if the Log Special Callsign Tags box is checked, Special Callsign Tags provided by DXView and SpotCollector will be appended to the Comment item
if the Capture callsign generates prop forecast box is checked with DXView and PropView both running, directs PropView to generate a propagation forecast for the station's location on the captured TX frequency.
Allowing the mouse cursor to linger over the DXCC item when it contains a DXCC entity prefix will prompt DXKeeper to display a popup window containing the full name of the DXCC entity. Similarly, allowing the mouse cursor to linger over a State or Province item will prompt DXKeeper to display a popup window containing the full name of the state or province.
Typing a question mark (?) character in the Call textbox starts a timer and display a red line above the Call textbox.. When the timer expires after the specified number of seconds, the red line will disappear, and the next character you type into the Call textbox that isn't a question mark character will replace the left-most question mark character. Typing a space character while the red line is visible will cause the timer to immediately expire and the red line to disappear, so the next character you type into the Call textbox that isn't a question mark character will replace the left-most question mark character.
If the first letter of the callsign you enter is an exclamation point, DXKeeper assumes that you are logging a CQ, an unsuccessful call, a test, or some other transmission that you wish to record but does not represent a QSO. Such log entries are not assigned a DXCC prefix, do not initiate a Callbook database lookup, and are not included in award tracking statistics.
Double-clicking or striking the Enter key in the Grid 1 textbox updates DXView's display to show the specified grid square as its current position. Depressing the CTRL key while double-clicking the Grid 1 textbox updates DXView's display and rotates the antenna to the short-path heading; depressing the ALT key while double-clicking the Grid 1 textbox updates DXView's display and rotates the antenna to the long-path heading.
Clicking the Begin button, striking Alt-B in any Capture window field, or striking CTRL-B in any Capture window field
sets the QSO start time
hides the Begin button until the QSO is logged or cleared, or the End button is clicked
displays the QSO start time
displays the End button
If the QSO's start time has not already been set, typing a received signal report into the RST rcvd textbox with the Set QSO start when RST Rcvd box checked will also perform the above 4 actions.
Clicking the End button or striking CTRL-E in any Capture window item
sets the QSO end time
hides the End button until the Begin button is clicked
displays the QSO end time
displays the Begin button
Checking the QSL Requested box indicates that a QSL card or label should be sent and a confirmation requested. If logged, the QSO's QSL Sent and QSL Rcvd items will be set to 'R' (for requested); when you later run the QSL Workflow, the Add Requested button will automatically generate a QSL card or label for this QSO; printed cards and 2-column labels will bear a "please!" in their QSL? column.
Checking the use bureau box indicates that the QSL should be sent via the QSL bureau. If logged, the QSO's QSL Sent Via item will be set to 'B'.
Checking the LotW member box indicates that the callsign participates in the ARRL's Logbook of the World. If logged, the QSO's LotW Member item will be set to 'Y'.
Checking the member box indicates that the callsign is an Authenticity Guaranteed member of . If logged, the QSO's Member item will be set to 'A'.
Checking or unchecking the contest-mode box enables or disables Contest-mode.
Double-clicking the RST_Sent or RST_Rcvd item with a Mode selected will set the item to 59 (if the selected mode is a phone mode) or 599 (if the selected mode is not a phone mode).
Double-clicking the QSL Via item invokes the Address Editor .
Double-clicking the Comment item will invoke a Comment editor window that makes it easier to enter or modify lengthy content; click the Save button to preserve your changes, or the Cancel button to abandon them.
Double-clicking an item's label will filter the Log Page Display to show all QSOs whose item matches the value in the Capture window. If the Capture window's IOTA item contains OC-005, for example, double-clicking the IOTA label will filter the Log Page Display to show all QSOs whose IOTA item is OC-005.
If an item has a default value, Ctrl-double-clicking that item's label will display the Configuration window and place the mouse cursor in the default value,
Uncapitalized first letters of each word entered into the Name or QTH items will be automatically capitalized unless the word contains a capitalized letter.
Striking the Enter key in the QTH item initiates a word-by-word inspection of the QTH item.
If the QTH item contains a valid grid square and the QSO's, then the QSO's Grid 1 item will be set to the Grid Square found in the QTH item
If the QTH item contains a valid US State abbreviation, and the QSO's DXCC entity is USA or Alaska or Hawaii, then the QSO's State item will be set to the State found in the QTH item
If the QTH item contains a valid Canadian Province abbreviation, and the QSO's DXCC entity is Canada, then the QSO's Province item will be set to the Province found in the QTH item
If the QTH item contains a valid ARRL Section abbreviation, and the QSO's DXCC entity is USA or Alaska or Hawaii or US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico or US Pacific possessions, or Canada, then the QSO's ARRL Section item will be set to the ARRL Section found in the QTH item
If the State, Province, ARRL Section, and Grid Square items found in the QTH item unambiguously identify a CQ Zone, then the QSO's CQ zone item will be derived from the information found in the QTH item
If the State, Province, ARRL Section, and Grid Square items found in the QTH item unambiguously identify an ITU Zone, then the QSO's ITU zone item will be derived from the information found in the QTH item
Clicking the Clear button with Contest-mode unchecked requests confirmation (if Prompt on Capture Clear is enabled) and then clears all Capture items, presents the Begin button, clears the Log Page Display filter, and selects the last QSO in the Log Page Display; if Contest-mode checked, the TX# item is not cleared.
depressing the Alt key while clicking the Clear button eliminates the request for confirmation even if Prompt on Capture Clear is enabled
if Audio Recording is enabled with the Automatically start and stop recording option also enabled, clicking the Clear button will stop audio recording and abandon the recorded audio file
Clicking the Log button
computes the DX station's latitude and longitude if the Grid 1 item is populated
computes the antenna azimuth if
the antenna path selector is set to shortpath or longpath
your QTH latitude and longitude is provided by the specified myQTH, or by a default QTH latitude and longitude
computes the QSO distance if the antenna azimuth was computed and
the computed antenna azimuth lies within 10 degrees of the specified antenna azimuth
no antenna azimuth is specified
if the Grid 1, Grid 2, Grid 3, or Grid 4 item specifies a valid two-character Maidenhead Field, appends 00aa to the item to make it a valid Maidenhead Grid Square
places the Iota item in standard format (e.g. AF1 will be changed to AF-001)
clears the log filter, if set
notes the time at which the QSO ended
if the sat name selector is not empty, records the QSO with its Propagation mode item set to SAT
if the CTRL key was depressed when the Log button was clicked, or if the Upload an eQSL... box is checked, uploads the QSO to; if this upload is successful,
the QSO's eQSL sent item is set to Y
the QSO's eQSL date sent item is set to the current UTC date
the QSO's eQSL rcvd item is set to R
If you have multiple operator callsigns and multiple accounts, you can prevent the upload of QSOs whose operator callsigns don't match the currently specified username by checking the Don't upload QSOs whose operator callsign isn't the specified Username box.
if the Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to LotW box is checked, uploads the QSO to LotW; if this upload is successful,
the QSO's LotW sent item is set to U
the QSO's LotW date sent item is set to the current UTC date
the QSO's LotW rcvd item is set to R
enters the QSO into the current log (if Contest-mode is disabled and the Don't log Capture window Contest, TX#, RX# if contest mode disabled option is enabled, the Capture window's Contest ID, TX#, and RX# items are not included with the logged information)
plays the "Windows Default Beep" sound If the Provide audible feedback box is checked
if the Generate local spot on Capture log option is enabled and SpotCollector is running, an outgoing local spot will be generated
if Audio Recording is enabled,
if the Shift key was depressed when the Log button was clicked or if Automatically start and stop recording is enabled,
the word Audio in the recorded audio filename is replaced with the Call specified in the Capture window, e.g. P5DX-2016-04-01 01:02:03
the recorded audio filename is placed in the QSO's audio file item, accessible via the Details panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
if the Alt key was depressed when the Log button was clicked, any recorded audio or audio file is discarded
clears all items
presents the Begin button
Note that striking CTRL-<enter> or CTRL-L in any Capture Window item is equivalent to clicking the Log button.
If the Log Page Display is filtered to show previous QSOs with the station in the Call item, the number of previous QSOs is parenthetically appended to the Call item's label, whether or not the main log window is visible. Clicking on the Call item's label will display the main log window, should it be minimized. Information about the most recent QSO -- date, time, frequency, mode, and QSL status -- is displayed in the Capture window is appropriately resized; click the window maximize button on the right side of the title bar to expand the Capture window enough to show all information.
With Contest Mode disabled, a Log Page Display entry will be rendered in red font if its Callsign, Band, and Mode match those in the Capture window; this can help avoid duplicate QSOs; with Contest Mode enabled, a Log Page Display entry will be rendered in red font if its Callsign, Band, Mode and Contest ID match those in the Capture window.
If required items are missing or contain invalid values, clicking the Log button highlights the labels of these items in red, but does not enter the QSO into the current log. Frequencies not falling within a defined band are considered invalid. Callsign validity checking can be enabled or disabled via the Flag Invalid Callsigns setting. If a Capture item's data exceeds its specified maximum length, its label will be highlighted in red and the Log button will not enter the QSO into the current log.
You can include substitution commands in the QSL msg item to include information determined by your current location.
Uncapitalized first letters of each word entered into the Name or QTH items will be automatically capitalized unless the word contains a capitalized letter.
To allow operation without removing one's hands from the keyboard, `DXKeeper provides keyboard shortcuts for navigating among the Capture Window's items.
Clicking in the call box or tx freq box with the middle mouse button will direct Commander to activate its Bandspread window.
Generating an Outgoing Spot with Information from the Capture window
If SpotCollector is running and has been configured to generate cluster spots, then clicking the Spot button will use the Capture window's Call, TX frequency, and Mode items to generate a DX spot,
if the Spot split frequency setting is enabled, outgoing spot notes will include the difference between the Capture window's TX and RX frequencies unless that difference exceeds 9.9 KHz, in which case the full TX frequency will be included
If the band is 6m or above and a Grid 1 item has been captured, it will also be included as a spot note; if the operator's gridsquare is specified in the current myQTH, then it will also be included in the spot note
if the SOTA item is specified, it will be included in the spot note
if the Spot POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags option is enabled and a user-defined item whose caption is POTA is defined, the tag it specifies will be included in the spot note
if the Spot POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags option is enabled and a user-defined item whose caption is WWFF is defined, the tag it specifies will be included in the spot note
While clicking the Spot button,
Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Spot button will display a dialog box that lets you specify notes to be included in the spot; in this case, you must manually include the mode and or gridsquare in the notes should that be appropriate.
Depressing the ALT key while clicking the Spot button will direct SpotCollector to generate a "local spot", meaning that a spot database entry is created but the no spot is sent to the spotting network.
Depressing both the CTRL and ALT keys while clicking the Spot button combines both of the above actions: you'll be prompted to specify notes for a local spot.
If WinWarbler is running and Capture window F-Keys via WW is checked, then striking the function keys F5 through F12 in a Capture window textbox will invoke a WinWarbler macro, with Shift key and Alt key modifiers functioning as they would within WinWarbler. Striking the Esc key in a Capture window textbox will abort any active WinWarbler transmission.
Logging Information
Required for Award Tracking
To track progress towards awards like WAS, USA-CA, RDA, WAJA, JCC, JCG, and AJA, DXKeeper provides items in its Capture window that let you record a callsign's Primary Administrative Entity and its Secondary Administrative Entity. Some DXCC entities formally define a set of Primary Administrative Subdivisions, e.g. States in the United States, Oblasts in Russia, and Prefectures in Japan; unique abbreviations or codes are used to identify these primary subdivisions. For such entities, DXKeeper provides an appropriately-labeled (e.g. state, oblast, prefecture) selector lets you choose from among the valid codes; if you click the ? button to the left of this selector, DXKeeper's Capture Administrative Subdivision Selector window will appear, which provides a cross-reference between code or abbreviation and full name, and lets you choose a primary subdivision by clicking in either the window's Code or Name selector.
If a country contains multiple DXCC entities, then when you select one of these entities the selector will provide choices valid for the selected entity; if a QSO's DXCC entity is Asiatic Russia, for example, the subyekt selector will only offer Oblasts located in Asiatic Russia.
ADIF defines the District of Columbia (DC) as a Primary Administrative Entity of the United States. DXKeeper's WAS report treats QSOs with stations in the District of Columbia as being in Maryland; its Worked All Counties report treats QSOs with stations in the District of Columbia as being in Maryland's Washington County.
ADIF defines Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) as a Primary Administrative Entity of Canada, replacing the previous separate provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador
Some of the DXCC entities that define a set of Primary Administrative Subdivisions formally define a set of Secondary Administrative Subdivisions for each of their Primary Administrative Subdivision, e.g. Counties in the United States, Districts in Russia, and Cities and Guns in Japan; unique abbreviations or codes are used to identify these secondary subdivisions. For such entities, DXKeeper provides an appropriately-labeled (e.g. county, district, city/gun) selector lets you choose from among the valid codes; if you click the ? button to the left of this selector, DXKeeper's Capture Administrative Subdivision Selector window will appear, which lets you choose a secondary subdivision by clicking in either the window's Code or Name selector.
ADIF defines 28 Alaskan Counties; DXKeeper expect these to be logged with Alaskan QSOs. The Worked All Counties report automatically maps these counties to the correct Judicial District and reports your County progress accordingly.
For entities that do not define Primary or Secondary Subdivisions, DXKeeper provides pri sub and sec sub textboxes with which any subdivision name can be recorded; you could use this to capture a subdivision name for QSO with a country that does not formally define its subdivisions.
The Capture window also provides region and DOK items to record entity-specific information required for certain awards.
For a summary of what information to record in what item for each supported award, see the table here.
If you have a soundcard whose input is connected to your transceiver's audio output, you can use the Capture window to initiate and terminate the recording of an audio file in .wav format at 6K bytes per second.
the audio file's name will be Audio-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-NN-SS.wav (where YYYY-MM-DD-HH-NN-SS is a date-and-timestamp specifying the moment at which recording began)
the audio file will be saved in the folder MyDocuments\DXLab\QSOAudio, which will be automatically created if it does not yet exist; clicking the Audio Recording Configuration window's Display button will direct Windows Explorer to display the contents of this folder
The Capture window provides an Audio button between its Clear and Log buttons. The icon present on this button indicates the current state of audio recording, and the action that will be taken when the button is next clicked:
Audio button icon | current state | action when clicked | action when CTRL-clicked | action when Shift-clicked | action when Alt-clicked |
![]() |
Disabled | display the Audio Recording Configuration window | |||
![]() |
Ready | start recording, new state: Recording | display the Audio Recording Configuration window | start recording, new state: Recording | start recording, new state: Recording |
![]() |
Recording | stop and save audio to file, new state: Recorded | stop and save audio to file, new state: Recorded | stop and save audio to file, new state: Ready | stop and discard, new state: Ready |
![]() |
Recorded | start playing the last recorded audio file | stop playback | new state: Ready | discard recorded audio file, new state: Ready |
To enable audio recording,
depress the CTRL key while clicking the
Capture window's
In the
Recording Configuration window
that appears, check the Enable box; this will set the state
of audio recording to Ready,
replacing the Capture window's
button with its
In the Recording or Recorded states,
Shift-clicking the Capture window's Log button will log the QSO and
replace the word Audio in the recorded audio filename with the Call specified in the Capture window, e.g. P5DX-2016-04-01 01:02:03
place the recorded audio filename in the QSO's audio file item, accessible via the Details panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
Alt-clicking the Capture window's Log button will log the QSO and discard any recorded audio or audio file
To play the audio in a logged QSO's audio file item, either click in the item (in the Details panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab), or right-click the QSO's entry in the Log Page Display and select the Play Audio command at the bottom.
Enabling the Audio Recording Configuration window's Automatically start and stop recording option will automatically record each QSO's audio and include the audio filename with the logged QSO:
inserting a character into the Capture window's Call item either directly or by the action of an another application (other than WinWarbler) in any state other than Recording will start audio recording and set the state to Recording
invoking the Capture window's Log function by button click or keyboard shortcut will log the QSO and
replace the word Audio in the recorded audio filename with the Call specified in the Capture window
place the recorded audio filename in the QSO's audio file item, accessible via the Details panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
set the state to Recorded (so the most recent audio file can be played)
invoking the Capture window's Clear function by button click, keyboard shortcut, or directive from another application will stop audio recording and abandons the recorded audio file
If the Audio Recording Configuration window's Automatically delete QSO Audio file option is enabled, deleting a QSO that specifies an audio file will automatically delete that audio file.
To display the Audio
Recording Configuration window,
depress the CTRL key while clicking the
Capture window's
or click the Audio
Recording Config button at the
bottom of the Configuration window's General tab.