DXKeeper can
report your progress towards 26 DXing Award Families
generate outgoing QSLs that request needed confirmations
select confirmed QSOs to be submitted for award credit
update logged QSOs to reflect the granting of award credit
For seven of these award families, DXKeeper provides Realtime Award Tracking (RAT) service, which enables SpotCollector to immediately identify active DX stations with whom a QSO would advance your award progress, and which enables DXKeeper to immediately identify QSOs whose confirmation would advance your award progress:
Progress reporting is accomplished by scanning each QSO in the Log Page Display to generate a classic Progress Report, which can be viewed and saved to a file for future reference. This approach is flexible because the Log Page Display can be filtered before generating the report, for example to contain QSOs made during a particular time interval, or from a particular location, or on a particular band, or in a particular mode. DXKeeper can generate progress reports for all supported awards. However, scanning the Log Page Display takes time proportional to the number of QSOs present. Even the few seconds required to scan a small log is too long when the goal is to determine whether an incoming DX spot is needed.
An award's Realtime Award Tracking service immediately indicates whether a QSO with a newly-spotted DX station would advance your progress towards that award. Each award's Realtime Award Tracking service is automatically updated whenever you log a new QSO, or modify a logged QSO in a way that might alter your progress towards its award. Performing such updates by scanning every QSO in the log -- a process referred to as recomputation -- would be a lengthy process. DXKeeper employs selective recomputation, scanning only the minimal subset of all logged QSOs required to determine the impact of any change on award progress. If you change the mode of a QSO with A92GE from RTTY to CW, for example, only QSOs with Bahrain need be scanned in order to update DXCC award progress. Such updates are usually fast enough to be invoked automatically, rather than requiring the user to initiate the action. However, DXKeeper can be directed to temporarily disable automatic updates when the user intends to make many progress-affecting changes to logged QSOs, after which Realtime Award Tracking can be updated once
When a log is created, Realtime Award Tracking for the ARRL DXCC and TopList awards is automatically enabled. Realtime Award Tracking for the other six award families can be enabled via the Configuration window's Awards Tab. Realtime award tracking information can be viewed and queried in DXKeeper's Realtime Award Tracking window, which provides a tab for each of the above seven awards; to display this window, click the RAT button above the Log Page Display on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, or click one of the Realtime buttons in panels on the Main window's Check Progress tab.
The Main window's Check Progress tab provides the ability to
generate award progress reports
report the ages of outstanding confirmation requests
analyze confirmations by band, mode, and kind (hardcopy, LoTW, eQSL)
generate award submission reports
manage award credits
initiate the execution of scripts that can filter the Log Page Display and generate award progress reports
initiate recomputation to update Realtime Award Tracking
The awards for which DXKeeper provides progress reporting have differing requirements as to which items must be recorded with a QSO in order to properly determine credit. A table describing the requirements for each supported award is provided here.
DXKeeper can generate a wide variety of award progress and submission reports. The format of all dates used in these reports is specified via the Date Format panel on the Config window's Reports tab. Generated reports are placed in files in DXKeeper's Reports sub-folder with filenames constructed from your callsign, the report name, and the report date, e.g.
AA6YQ Marathon Unlimited Mixed Progress 2014-12-15.txt
AA6YQ Marathon Formula Mixed Submission 2014-12-01.csv
AA6YQ Worked All DOKs 2008-11-27.txt
AA6YQ Worked All Prefixes Summary 2008-08-23.htm
Generated reports are saved as text files unless otherwise noted to produce files in HTML or CSV (comma-separated values) formats. After generating a progress report file, DXKeeper will display the report using the default viewer application for the file type assigned in Windows; typically, this assignment is
Notepad for .txt files
Microsoft Internet Explorer for .htm files
Microsoft Excel for .csv files
You can alter these assignments using the File Types tab in the Folder Options window, which appears when you click the Folder Options... item in Windows Explorer's Tools menu.
Most reports consider only QSOs in the Log Page Display, thereby enabling you to produce band-specific, mode-specific, or timeframe-specific reports by appropriately setting the Log Page Filter. If you have operated from more than one location, filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs made from locations valid for the award whose progress is being reported. The Card Aging reports consider all QSOs in the Log Page Display regardless of filter.
The Main
window's Check
Progress tab provides panels from which reports can be generated for
families and groups of awards:
The Progress button generates a detailed DXCC progress report for current and deleted DXCC entities from QSOs in the Log Page Display.
QSOs made prior to 1945-11-15 are ignored
CW QSOs made prior to 1975-01-01 are included in the DXCC mixed and band statistics, but not in the CW statistics
Satellite DXCC statistics are displayed for QSOs made prior to 1965-03-01 whose Prop Mode item is set to SAT; such QSOs are not included in the statistics DXCC mixed, mode, or band statistics
If the QRP option is enabled, only QSOs that specify a transmit power that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 watts are considered
This report considers both QSL card and LoTW confirmations; if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, eQSL confirmations are also considered.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Hide unworked entities in progress report option lets you suppress the listing of unworked DXCC entities in the generated report
The Submission button displays the DXKeeper DXCC Submission window, from which you can assemble a DXCC submission -- a set of confirmed QSO in the Log Page Display to which DXCC award credit has not been granted -- to be submitted to the ARRL's DXCC desk. You can also generate the DXCC Record Sheet required to accompany your award application, and generate an ADIF file that can be directly submitted to the ARRL's DXCC Online.
The QSL Kind button generates a text report showing DXCC confirmations by QSL card, eQSL, LoTW, and the combination of eQSL and LoTW; if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, this report shows the combination of eQSL, LoTW and eQSL confirmations.
The Realtime button displays the DXCC tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window, from which you can
analyze your DXCC and TopList progress by band, mode, and confirmation status
generate DXCC/TopList progress summaries in text or HTML
The Compare button reports any discrepancies between your DXCC Account credits and the current log's DXCC Entity, Entity-Band, and Entity-Mode award credit by using your LoTW username and password to download the ARRL's DXCC Award Credit Report for the specified DXCC account number; this report shows the entity, entity-band, and entity mode credits you've been granted for each DXCC entity.
This function requires your LoTW account to be linked to your DXCC account.
This function requires you to have Specified the correct DXCC account number
If you have only one DXCC account, your DXCC account number is most likely 1.
If you have more than one DXCC account, or if invoking the Compare function produces a "Downloaded DXCC Verification file specifies no linkage to DXCC record" message, you can determine the correct DXCC Account Number by using this procedure.
In the generated report, these abbreviations are used in the Log Status and ARRL Status columns:
C - confirmed
V - DXCC Credit Granted
The Credits button displays DXKeeper's DXCC Credits Granted window, which enables you to manage your DXCC credits by
downloading your DXCC Credits from the specified DXCC account number on the ARRL web site by using your LoTW username and password, reporting any DXCC Credits that are newly granted or modified since the last time you downloaded your DXCC Credits
analyzing DXCC Credits that have not yet been linked to a logged QSO
automatically linking DXCC Credits and QSOs that exactly match, setting each QSO's QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD item to V (if it's not already set to V)
manually linking DXCC Credits and QSOs that don't exactly match; inexact matches are typically required because a DXCC Credit's date and/or callsign have been incorrectly entered, but occasionally because a DXCC Credit's band and/or mode have been incorrectly entered
The Progress button generates an HTML report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing detailed progress towards the CQ Worked All Zones( WAZ) awards specified in the WAZ Bands & Modes panel based on each QSO's CQ Zone item.
The Submission button displays the WAZ Submission window, from which you can initiated assembly of a WAZ submission -- a set of confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display to which WAZ award credit has not been granted that would if granted advance progress towards pursued WAZ awards -- and generation of a spreadsheet for each pursued WAZ award listing both newly-submitted QSOs and QSOs to which WAZ credit has already been granted.
The Summary button generates a text report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing a summary of progress towards the CQ Worked All Zones( WAZ) awards specified in the WAZ Bands & Modes panel based on each QSO's CQ Zone item.
In the above three functions,
If a QSOwith an empty CQ Zone encountered, a DXCC database query will be initiated to determine the QSO's CQ Zone; if the result is unambiguous, the QSO will be updated with the new CQ Zone item, and the QSO will be considered
If the 5 Band WAZ box is checked, QSOs on the 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m bands prior to 1979-01-01 are ignored in the "5-band", "band-mixed" and "band-mode" report sections; If the 5 Band WAZ box is unchecked, QSOs on these bands prior to 1973-01-01 are ignored in the "band-mixed" and "band-mode" report sections, and no "5 band" report section is generated.
QSOs confirmed via a QSL card or via an eQSL confirmation with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed in the above reports; before invoking any of the above three functions, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
QSOs confirmed via
LoTW will only be
considered confirmed for WAZ if they meet two requirements:
A QSO whose WAZ_Verify item is set to S is considered confirmed and submitted, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose WAZ_ Verify item is set to V is considered confirmed and verified (WAZ credit granted), independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose WAZ_ Verify item is set to I is ignored, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Credits button generates
a WAZ Credit spreadsheet in DXKeeper's Reports folder for each pursued WAZ award with QSOs to which WAZ credit has already been granted
the name of each generated spreadsheet incorporates your callsign, the WAZ award, and the current date
on receipt of these spreadsheets, the CQ WAZ Award manager will update LoTW to reflect your WAZ credits
a WAZ Credit Report in DXKeeper's Reports folder that summarizes the content of each WAZ Credit spreadsheet; the name of the Credit report incorporates your callsign and the current date
The Realtime button displays the WAZ tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window.
The Progress button generates a detailed progress report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing confirmation status for WPX prefixes, prefix-bands, and prefix-modes for the CQ Worked All Prefixes (WPX) award, based on each QSO's WPX item and the WPX Bands & Modes panel settings.
The Submission button displays the WPX Submission window, from which you can assemble an CQ WPX submission -- a set of confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display to which WPX award credit has not been granted -- to be submitted to the CQ WPX award manager for one or more awards. This window also enabled you to generate submission reports listing the QSOs you're submitting for specific awards.
The Summary button generates an HTML report from QSOs in the Log Page Display summarizing progress towards the CQ Worked All Prefixes (WPX) award, based on each QSO's WPX item.
In the above functions,
QSOs confirmed via QSL card, via LoTW, or via eQSL with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed; before invoking any of the above three functions, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
A QSO whose WPX_Verify item is set to S is considered confirmed and submitted, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose WPX_Verify item is set to V is considered confirmed and verified, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose WPX_Verify item is set to I is ignored, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Realtime button displays the WPX tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window.
the WPX Credit Spreadsheet will contain 1 to 4 worksheets, labeled CW, DIGITAL, MIXED, and SSB.
Each entry in each worksheet will at minimum specify a callsign and a WPX prefix; a band and continent may also be specified. DXKeeper will locate the chronologically first logged QSO that matches the worksheet entry.
if the logged QSO's WPX prefix item matches the WPX prefix specified in the worksheet entry, then the logged QSO's WPX Verify item will be set to V.
if the logged QSO's WPX prefix item does not match the WPX prefix specified in the worksheet entry but the latter is consistent with DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation, then the logged WPX prefix item will be replaced with the WPX prefix specified in the entry, and the logged QSO's WPX Verify item will be set to V.
if the logged QSO's WPX prefix item does not match the WPX prefix specified in the worksheet entry, then the logged QSO's WPX Verify item will not be set to V; if the logged WPX prefix item is not consistent with DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation, then the logged WPX prefix item will be replaced with the results of DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation.
if the logged QSO does not specify a WPX prefix item and the WPX prefix specified in the worksheet entry matches DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation, then the logged WPX prefix item will be set to the WPX prefix specified in the entry, and the logged QSO's WPX Verify item will be set to V
if the logged QSO does not specify a WPX prefix item and the WPX prefix specified in the worksheet entry is inconsistent with DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation, then the logged QSO's WPX Verify item will not be set to V; the logged WPX prefix item will be replaced with the results of DXKeeper's WPX prefix computation.
the Progress button generates a report from QSOs visible in the Log Page Display showing all Islands On The Air confirmed or worked, based on each QSO's IOTA item.
if a QSO whose IOTA item is empty is encountered, a DXCC database query will be initiated to determine the QSO's IOTA; if the result is unambiguous, the QSO will be updated with the new IOTA item, which will be listed in the first section of the generated report
if the IOTA Database is installed, then
QSOs with an IOTA tag marked as deleted will be ignored
optionally, clicking the Progress button will also create IOTA_Worked and IOTA_Confirmed update files for IOTAMem4WIN in DXKeeper's Reports sub-folder or
IOTA accepts QSOs confirmed via QSL card, QSOs confirmed via Club Log, and QSOs confirmed via LoTW. Thus a QSO confirmed via QSL card (QSL_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V) or LoTW (LoTW_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V with an I in its LoTW Cfm item), or Club Log (Club Log Rcvd is set to Y ) is considered confirmed in this report unless its IOTAVerify item is set to N, in which case it is considered worked
*Y in the progress report's LoTW Cfm column means that the QSO's IOTA item exactly matches the IOTA designator submitted by your QSO partner to LoTW, and is thus considered "confirmed for IOTA".
by filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Submission button displays the IOTA Submission window, from which you can assemble an Islands On The Air submission -- a set of confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display to which IOTA award credit has not been granted -- to be submitted to Islands on the Air. This window also enables you to generate a submission report listing the QSOs you submit. A QSO confirmed via LoTW whose IOTA designator matches the IOTA designator submitted by your QSO partner will be submitted in preference to a QSO confirmed via LoTW that lacks this match; in the generated Submission Assembly report, a QSO confirmed via LoTW whose IOTA designator matches the IOTA designator submitted by your QSO partner is indicated with an asterisk in the report's LoTW Cfm column. Instructions for submitting QSOs confirmed via LoTW to Islands On The Air are here.
In the above functions,
A QSO whose IOTAVerify item is set to S is considered confirmed and submitted, independent of QSL_Rcvd or LoTW_Rcvd
A QSO whose IOTAVerify item is set to V is considered confirmed and verified, independent of QSL_Rcvd or LoTW_Rcvd
A QSO whose IOTAVerify item is set to D or I is ignored
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
if the log specifies more than one QTH,
QSOs that specify a QTH whose IOTA box is unchecked are ignored
QSOs that don't specify a QTH are ignored
The Update button prompts you to select a comma-delimited IOTA Status File that you've obtained by selecting Download QSOs from the IOTA web page's My IOTA menu, updates your logged QSOs with the information contained in that Status File, and generates an "Islands On The Air Status Update" report summarizing the results of the Update operation.
if a logged QSO does not specify an IOTA item, the logged QSO's IOTA item will be updated with the tag specified in the IOTA Status File
if a logged QSO specifies an IOTA item different than that specified in the IOTA Status File, the logged QSO's IOTA item will be changed to the tag specified in the IOTA Status File
if a logged QSO's IOTA verified item is not set to V and the status in the IOTA Status File is Accepted, the logged QSO's IOTA verified item will be set to 'V'
if a logged QSO's
IOTA verified item
is set to V and the status in the
IOTA Status File is not
Accepted, the logged QSO's
IOTA verified item will remain
set to 'V'
The Realtime button displays the IOTA tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window.
The CQ DX Marathon defines 7 award classes:
QRP Limited
QRP Unlimited
Formula 100W
Formula Unlimited
The CQ DX Marathon involves the pursuit of CQ Countries and CQ zones, and defines four possible objectives:
Single band
Single Mode
Multiple band (Challenge class only)
CQ Countries include DXCC entities and countries within certain DXCC entities; such internal countries, like Bear Island and Sicily, are referred to as "regions". When logging a QSO with a station in one of these regions, set its region item to the appropriate code by clicking the ? button adjacent to the region selector in the Capture window or the Awards panel in the Main window's Log QSOs tab.
To be considered for CQ DX Marathon, a logged QSO
must specify the transmit power consistent with
the Marathon objectives that you are pursuing. You can
specify a default transmit power
to be logged with every QSO, a
transmit power to be logged as a function of band, or a
transmit power to be logged as a function of mode.
Since CQ DX
Marathon precludes the use of repeaters and satellites, each QSO you log should
also specify the propagation mode used. You
can specify a default propagation
mode to be logged with every QSO, or a
propagation mode to be logged as a function of band. Alternatively, you can
DXKeeper to consider logged QSOs that don't specify a propagation mode as valid
for Marathon.
You can pursue multiple CQ DX Marathon objectives and classes during the year, but at the end of the year, you can only make a submission for one class and objective, e.g. QRP Limited on 10m, or Formula 100W on 20m, or Challenge. The options in the Marathon Bands & Modes panel govern the generated Marathon progress report and are used by SpotCollector in determining which active DX stations to highlight as needed for all of the classes and objectives that you are pursuing. However, the generated Marathon submission file is governed by the Class and Category specified in the Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information window.
QSOs considered for inclusion in your CQ DX Marathon submission can be risky for several reasons:
you are uncertain that you logged your QSO partner's callsign correctly; as a result, the QSO may specify the wrong Country or the wrong CQ Zone.
the CQ Marathon Award Manager has indicated that a
QSO's callsign
may not be valid for CQ DX Marathon, pending the submission or approval of
required documentation
To avoid submitting a "risky" QSO for a country or CQ zone when a "not risky" QSO is available for that country or CQ Zone, DXKeeper provides Country Risk and Zone Risk items in each QSO. When a QSO's Country Risk item is unspecified, the risk is nominal: the QSO's logged Country is likely to be correct and valid; Similarly, when the QSO's Zone Risk item is unspecified; the risk is nominal: the QSO's CQ Zone is considered likely to be correct and valid. Setting a QSO's Country Risk item to L means that you are certain the QSO's Country is both accurate and valid; similarly, setting a QSO's Zone Risk item to L means that you are certain the QSO's CQ Zone is both accurate and valid. For example, a QSO confirmed by an authenticity-guaranteed (AG) member of eQSL can be considered to have low Country Risk and low Zone Risk. A QSO made under conditions so noisy that you're not certain that you logged the correct callsign, on the other hand, should be considered to have a high Country Risk and Zone Risk; both items should be set to H, meaning that the QSO should not be submitted for its country or zone unless no lower-risk QSOs with its country or zone are available. If the CQ Marathon Award Manager has ruled that QSOs with a specific callsign are not valid, the QSO's Country Risk and Zone Risk items should be set to I, meaning that this QSO should not be submitted under any circumstances.
If the the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, the Marathon submission generator will automatically consider countries and Marathon zones of QSOs confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ to be low risk
So you can continue to seek QSOs more likely to be valid for Marathon countries and zones, Realtime Award Tracking for Marathon countries ignores QSOs whose Country Risk items are set to H, and Realtime Award Tracking for Marathon zones ignores QSOs whose Zone Risk items are set to H.
In the DX Marathon panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab,
The Progress button generates a CQ DX Marathon progress report for the specified current year and Marathon Bands & Modes panel settings based on each QSO's DXCC entity and any CQ Prefix specified in its Region item, on its Country Risk and Zone Risk items, and on the Marathon Bands & Modes panel settings.
To generate this report for a year other than the current year, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Progress button; DXKeeper will prompt you to specify a year.
To verify the entry for each CQ country by performing a callbook lookup and to verify the entry for each CQ zone by performing a callbook lookup (and if that fails, a DXView lookup), depress the ALT key while clicking the Progress button. Depressing the SHIFT key while clicking the Progress button will verify only entries not confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed member of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ for each CQ country and each CQ zone.
If the Include QSOs with no propagation mode box is unchecked, QSOs whose propagation mode is unspecified will not be included in the progress report
If a maximum transmit power is specified is specified, QSOs whose transmit power is unspecified or whose transmit power exceeds the specified maximum transmit power will not be included. in the progress report
QSOs whose Zone Risk is nominal but whose logged CQ zone is inconsistent with information from the DXCC database, USAP database, or Override List will have their Zone Risk items to set to High unless they are confirmed via LoTW and their LoTW Confirmation item contains the letter Z, meaning "CQ Zone confirmed via LoTW".
When choosing a QSO for each CQ DX Marathon Country to include in the progress report,
QSOs whose Country Risk items are set to I are ignored
first priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are set to L and, if the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, QSOs whose Country Risk items are unspecified and are confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ
second priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are unspecified, abbreviated as N (for Nominal) in the progress report.
third priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are set to H
When choosing a QSO for each CQ DX Marathon Zone
QSOs whose Zone Risk items are set to I are ignored
first priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are set to L and, if the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, QSOs whose Country Risk items are unspecified and are confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ
second priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are unspecified, abbreviated as N (for Nominal) in the progress report.
third priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are set to H
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated progress report to consider only QSOs made with a particular operator callsign or from a particular "my QTH".
The entry for each CQ Country or Zone shows the lowest-risk QSO selected
the QSO's Date and Time, Band, Mode, and Callsigns
whether the QSO has been confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed member of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ
the QSO's country or zone risk
if the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is disabled, the risk (either its Country Risk or Zone Risk)
Note: the "By
continent" statistics are included in the progress report's
Mixed Analysis section is an aid to directional
prioritization; continent plays no role in any CQ DX Marathon Class.
the Submission button generates a CQ DX Marathon submission report in txt format and a submission file in XML format for the specified current year, the specified Class, and the specified Category based on each QSO's DXCC entity and Region items
To generate this report and submission file for a year other than the specified current year, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Submission button; DXKeeper will prompt you to specify a year.
If the Include QSOs with no propagation mode box is unchecked, QSOs whose propagation mode is unspecified will not be included.
Only QSOs whose transmit power items are consistent with the specified Class will be included.
Only QSOs whose band or mode are consistent with the specified Class and specified Category will be included
QSOs whose Zone Risk is nominal but whose logged CQ zone is inconsistent with information from the DXCC database, USAP database, or Override List will have their Zone Risk items to set to High
When choosing a QSO for each CQ DX Marathon Country
QSOs whose Country Risk items are set to I are ignored
first priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are set to L and, if the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, QSOs whose Country Risk items are unspecified and are confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, or Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL
second priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are unspecified, abbreviated as N (for Nominal) in the submission report..
third priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Country Risk items are set to H
When choosing a QSO for each CQ DX Marathon Zone
QSOs whose Zone Risk items are set to I are ignored
first priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are set to L and, if the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, QSOs whose Country Risk items are unspecified and are confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, or Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL
second priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are unspecified, abbreviated as N (for Nominal) in the submission report.
third priority is given to QSOs made earliest in the year whose Zone Risk items are set to H
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated submission to consider only QSOs made with a particular operator callsign or from a particular "my QTH".
The submission report and submission file are both created in DXKeeper's Reports folder. You can direct the Marathon Submission Tool to upload the generated submission file.
in the above functions, if the log specifies more than one QTH,
QSOs that specify a QTH whose Marathon box is unchecked are ignored
QSOs that don't specify a QTH are ignored
ARRL does not accept "hybrid" VUCC applications containing QSOs confirmed via QSL cards
and QSOs confirmed via LoTW; instead, a
submission must contain only QSOs confirmed via QSL cards, or only QSOs
confirmed via LoTW. Functions in the
VUCC Submission window enable you to generate and manage a QSL card
submission, or an LoTW submission. When the VUCC Submission
window's QSL Cards option is enabled, both VUCC progress
reports and submissions are generated by reviewing logged QSOs in descending
order of QSO start date; thus when a grid square is confirmed by more than one
logged QSO, the more recent QSO will be chosen. When the VUCC Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations option is enabled, both VUCC
progress reports and submissions are generated by reviewing logged QSOs in
ascending order of LoTW confirmation date; thus when a grid square is confirmed
by more than one logged QSO, the QSO first confirmed via LoTW will be chosen.
The VUCC Submission window's Preference selector determines
whether a QSO confirmed via both QSL Card and
will be considered part of a QSL Card submission or an LoTW
submission when assembling and managing a VUCC submission.
The Progress button generates a VUCC progress report for satellite QSOs in the Log Page Display and for Log Page Display QSOs in the bands from 6m to light based on each QSO's Grid 1, Grid 2, Grid 3, and Grid 4, items, and based on the VUCC Bands & Modes panel settings.
The Submission button displays the VUCC Submission window, from which you can assemble a VUCC submission -- a set of confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display to which VUCC award credit has not been granted -- to be submitted to the ARRL for one or more VUCC awards. This window also enables you to generate a submission report listing the QSOs you submit.
In the above functions
Only QSOs made on or after 1983-01-01 are considered.
If the log specifies more than one QTH,
QSOs that specify a QTH whose VUCC box is unchecked are ignored
QSOs that don't specify a QTH are ignored
A QSO confirmed via QSL card (QSL_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V) is considered confirmed
A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that specifies a Gridsquare that matches the QSO's gridsquare is shown as confirmed; A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that does not specify a gridsquare that matches the logged Gridsquare will be considered worked, and shown in the progress report's "LoTW Cfm" column as Missing.
If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then eQSL confirmations are also considered.
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to S is considered confirmed and submitted, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to V is considered confirmed and verified, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to I is ignored, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
Each QSO's distance is displayed in miles or kilometers, as specified in the Distance Unit panel
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Realtime button displays the VUCC tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window
The Progress button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the ARRL Worked All Continents award (WAC) based on each QSO's Continent item.
If a QSO whose Continent item is empty is encountered, a DXCC database query will be initiated to determine the QSO's Continent; if the result is unambiguous, the QSO will be updated with the new Continent item, which will be considered in the generated Progress report.
Only QSOs confirmed via QSL card or LoTW are considered confirmed for this award.
If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then eQSL confirmations are also considered.
By filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated
report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a
particular operator callsign, etc.
The CQ Fields button generates a CQ Field progress report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing all Maidenhead Fields confirmed or worked based on each QSO's Grid 1 item.
Only QSOs made on or after 1980-01-01 are considered is this report.
Only QSOs confirmed via QSL card or via eQSL with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed in this report
Before generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
If the include LoTW confirmations... setting is enabled, then LoTW confirmations are also considered.
The Grids button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing all Maidenhead Grid Squares confirmed or worked based on each QSO's Grid 1 item.
Only QSOs confirmed via QSL card are considered confirmed for this award..
If the Include LoTW confirmations... setting is enabled, then LoTW confirmations are also considered.
If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then eQSL confirmations are also considered; bbefore generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database.
Each QSO's distance is displayed in miles or kilometers, as specified in the Distance Unit panel
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Progress button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the CQ DX award based on each QSO's DXCC entity and any CQ Prefix specified in its Region item.
QSOs confirmed via QSL card or via eQSL with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed in the above report
Before generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
If the Include LoTW confirmations... setting is enabled, then LoTW confirmations are also considered.
By filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated
report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a
particular operator callsign, etc.
The Progress button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with US, Alaskan, and Hawaiian stations showing progress towards the ARRL Worked All States award based on each QSO's Primary Administrative Subdivision item and on WAS Bands & Modes panel settings.
The Submission button displays the WAS Submission window, from which you can assemble a WAS submission -- a set of confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display to which WAS award credit has not been granted -- to be submitted to the ARRL for one or more awards. This window also enabled you to generate submission reports listing the QSOs you're submitting for specific awards.
In the above functions,
If the log specifies more than one QTH,
QSOs that specify a QTH whose WAS box is unchecked are ignored
QSOs that don't specify a QTH are ignored
QSOs confirmed via QSL card are considered confirmed.
A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that specifies a state that matches the logged state is considered confirmed; A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that does not specify a state that matches the logged state is considered worked.
If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, eQSL confirmations are also considered.
A Digital-mode QSO confirmed only via LoTW will be considered confirmed for Mixed and Band progress, but will only be considered confirmed for Mode progress if LoTW has reported an exact mode match; a QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation with an exact mode match will have an M in its LoTW cfm item. Digital-mode WAS Endorsements only accept LoTW confirmations in which the QSO mode exactly matches your QSO partner's uploaded mode; for these Endorsements, modes belonging to the same Mode Group are not sufficient.
QSOs with stations in the District of Columbia are treated as being in Maryland, consistent with WAS rules and ADIF.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Realtime button displays the WAS tab in the Realtime Award Tracking window
North American progress reports
The USA-CA button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with US, Alaskan, and Hawaiian stations showing progress towards the CQ United States Counties Award (USA-CA) award based on each QSO's Secondary Administrative Subdivision item.
QSOs whose Propagation Mode items are de is ECH, INTERNET, IRL, RPT, or SAT are ignore
An error report will be generated if QSOs are encountered whose Secondary Administrative Subdivision items are inconsistent with their Primary Administrative Subdivision item.
Only QSOs confirmed via QSL card or via eQSL with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed in this report; before generating a USA-CA progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
ADIF defines 28 Alaskan Counties; DXKeeper expects these to be logged with Alaskan QSOs. This progress report automatically maps these counties to the correct Judicial District and reports your County progress accordingly.
USA-CA rules governing the independent cities of Virginia, Nevada, and the District of Columbia are specified here.
The Canada button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with Canadian stations showing progress towards the RAC Canadaward based on each QSO's Primary Administrative Subdivision item.
the RAC Canadaward specifies that "All QSOs must be on one band only. Separate awards will be issued for each band and mode on which the applicant qualifies." Thus for each band or mode being pursued, the user should filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs on that band or in that mode, and then generate a progress report. Operators pursuing multiple bands or modes (including the 5 band Canadaward) can construct a script that generates progress reports for each targeted band and mode.
QSOs confirmed via QSL card and LoTW are considered confirmed in this report; if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, eQSL confirmations are also considered.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The WAJA button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with Japan, Minami Torishima, and Ogasawara showing progress towards the Worked All Japan Prefectures (WAJA) award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO.
The JCC button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with Japan, Minami Torishima, and Ogasawara showing progress towards the Japan Century Cities (JCC) award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision and Secondary Administrative Subdivision items of each QSO.
A QSO whose Secondary Administrative Subdivision specifies a Ku will be counted towards the Ku's parent City for this award.
The JCG button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with Japan, Minami Torishima, and Ogasawara showing progress towards the Japan Century Guns (JCG) award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision and Secondary Administrative Subdivision items of each QSO.
The AJA button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display with Japan, Minami Torishima, and Ogasawara showing progress towards the All Japan (AJA) award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision and Secondary Administrative Subdivision items of each QSO.
if a QSO's Secondary Administrative Subdivision specifies a City or Ku, it will be counted towards this award
QSOs confirmed via QSL card, eQSL, and LoTW are considered confirmed for these awards.
Before generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
If the Include LoTW confirmations... setting is enabled, LoTW confirmations are also considered.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The DX World button generates a progress report showing progress towards the QRZ DX World award
The U.S. button generates a progress report showing progress towards the QRZ United States award
Only QSOs confirmed via QRZ are considered for these awards
The Progress button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the Russian Oblast Award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO whose DXCC entity is European Russia, Asiatic Russia, Franz Josef Land, Kaliningrad, or Malyj Vysotski.
The Submission button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing confirmed Russian Oblasts based on the DXCC entity and Primary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO whose DXCC entity is European Russia, Asiatic Russia, Franz Josef Land, Kaliningrad, or Malyj Vysotski.
Only QSOs made on or after June 12, 1991 and confirmed via QSL card are considered for this award.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The Progress button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the Russian District Award based on the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO from European Russia, Asiatic Russia, Franz Josef Land, Kaliningrad, and Malyj Vysotski.
The Submission button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing confirmed Russian Districts based on the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO from European Russia, Asiatic Russia, Franz Josef Land, Kaliningrad, and Malyj Vysotski.
Only QSOs made on or after June 12, 1991 and confirmed via QSL card, eQSL, or LoTW are considered for this award.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The DDFM button generates a text report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the REF Diplôme des Départements Français de la Métropole awards based on each French and Corsican QSO's Primary Administrative Subdivision item.
The DOKs button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards DARC DOK awards based on each German QSO's DOK item.
The FFMA button generates a Fred Fish Memorial Award progress report (6m only) based on each QSO's Grid 1, Grid 2, Grid 3, and Grid 4, items,
Only QSOs made on or after 1983-01-01 are considered.
If the log specifies more than one QTH,
QSOs that specify a QTH whose VUCC box is unchecked are ignored
QSOs that don't specify a QTH are ignored
A QSO confirmed via QSL card (QSL_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V) is considered confirmed
A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that specifies a Gridsquare that matches the QSO's gridsquare is shown as confirmed; A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that does not specify a gridsquare that matches the logged Gridsquare will be considered worked, and shown in the progress report's "LoTW Cfm" column as Missing.
If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then eQSL confirmations are also considered.
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to S is considered confirmed and submitted, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to V is considered confirmed and verified, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
A QSO whose VUCC Verify item is set to I is ignored, independent of its QSL_Rcvd item
Each QSO's distance is displayed in miles or kilometers, as specified in the Distance Unit panel
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
The GC button generates a progress report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the ARRL's 2018 International Grid Chase event in which points are issued to gridsquare-band-mode combinations confirmed via LoTW on a month-by month basis. Progress is tracked on the bands from 160m through 23cm. Points are only issued to QSOs whose LoTW confirmations specify one or more grid squares; up to 4 grid squares can be specified in each QSO for "grid boundary" and "grid corner" operations. The progress report includes
Worked, Confirmed and "Grid Unconfirmed" grid-band-mode counts for each month of the current year up to the current month; "Grid Unconfirmed" refers to a grid square in a QSO confirmed via LoTW whose LoTW confirmation does not specify the grid square.
Year-to-date Worked, Confirmed and "Grid Unconfirmed" grid-band-mode counts
A band-vs-mode matrix for each grid square worked or confirmed during the current month
The Helv 26 button generates a progress report for the Union of Swiss Shortwave Amateurs (USKA) Helvetia 26 award family based on each Swiss QSO's Canton specified in its Primary Administrative Subdivision item. Only QSOs confirmed via QSL card can be submitted for these awards.
The Holyland button generates a progress report for the Israeli Amateur Radio Club's Holyland award based on each Israeli QSO's IARC area specified in its Region item; only QSOs made on or after January 1, 1992 and confirmed via QSL card are considered for this award.
The KDN button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the Korean Amateur Radio League's Korean District Number Award based on the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO with the Republic of Korea. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the KDN button generates a Submission Report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing confirmed Korean Districts based on the Secondary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO with the Republic of Korea.
The SOTA button generates text progress reports and .csv submission files from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards Summits on the Air awards based on the contents of each QSO's SOTA item, which should contain a SOTA reference for your QSO partner's summit. If you have operated from SOTA summits, configure a user-defined item whose caption is MY_SOTA_REF, and populate it with the SOTA reference for the summit from which you made the QSO.
When clicking the SOTA button, the state of
the ALT and CTRL keys determine whether activator or chaser reports or
submission files are generated:
ALT | CTRL | Generated file |
Chaser progress report | ||
X | Chaser submission file in comma-delimited (.csv) format | |
X | Activator progress report | |
X | X | Activator submission file in comma-delimited (.csv) format |
Generated submission files include the contents of each QSO's QSL Msg item.
If you use a spreadsheet application to edit a generated .csv file, be sure to retain 4-digit formatting in the time column, or the resulting .csv file will not be accepted.
To generate an activator progress report or
submission file for a specific summit that you've activated - say
W1/AM-003 -
then assuming you set the caption of user-defined
item 0 to MY_SOTA_REF, filter the Log Page Display with this SQL expression
before depressing the ALT key and clicking the SOTA button:
The User button displays the User Item Progress Report Selector window:
select one of the 8 User Items for which to generate a progress report
user items logged with each QSO cannot contain a single or double apostrophe
if the selected User Item is enabled in the Progress Report Generation panel, clicking the Generate Progress Report button will generate a Progress Report for that item so long as the item's caption does not contain characters like / or \ that cannot be included in a Windows filename
any ' or " characters in the specified user item will be display as ` characters in the progress report
any control characters in the specified user item will be displayed as space characters in the progress report
whether or not eQSL or LoTW confirmations are considered valid in the Progress Report is determined by settings in the Progress Report Generation panel; before generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
if you set a user item's caption to POTA,
double-clicking a Spot Database Entry in SpotCollector will populate the user item with the contents of the Entry's POTA field.
an outgoing spot generated from the Capture window or from the Main window's Log QSOs tab with the Spot POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags option enabled will include that user item's contents (presumably a POTA tag) in the outgoing spots notes
if you set a user item's caption to WWFF,
double-clicking a Spot Database Entry in SpotCollector will populate the user item with the contents of the Entry's WWFF field.
an outgoing spot generated from the Capture window or from the Main window's Log QSOs tab with the Spot POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags option enabled will include that user item's contents (presumably a WWFF tag) in the outgoing spots notes
The WAB button generates a text report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the Worked All Britain awards based on each British, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish, Guernsey, Jersey, and Isle of Man QSO's WAB square specified in its Region item.
The WABP button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the Belgian Amateur Radio Society's Worked All Belgian Provinces Award based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO with Belgium. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the WABP button generates a Submission Report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing confirmed Belgian Provinces based on the Primary Administrative Subdivision item of each QSO with the Belgium.
The WAE button generates a report from QSOs in the Log Page Display showing progress towards the DARC Worked All Europe award based on each QSO's DXCC entity and any WAE Prefix specified in its Region item. The WAE 2 point low-band QSOs setting determines whether this report credits 160m and 80m QSOs with 1 band point or 2 band points. QSOs uploaded to the DARC Contest Logbook are accepted for the this award, including
Authenticity-guaranteed QSOs confirmed via eQSL; before generating a progress report, consider updating your logged QSOs to reflect eQSL participation based on the most recently downloaded eQSL database
Thus QSOs confirmed via QSL card, via LoTW, or via eQSL with an Authenticity Guaranteed member are considered confirmed in the WAE Progress report.
The WAHUC button generates a progress report for the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society's Worked All Hungarian Counties award based on each Hungarian QSO's Primary Administrative Subdivision item.. Only QSOs made on or after March 1, 1968 and confirmed via QSL card are considered for this award.
The WAIP button generates a progress report for the Italian Radioamateur Association's Worked All Italian Provinces award based on each Italian and Sardinian QSO's Primary Administrative Subdivision item. Only QSOs made on or after April 1, 1990 and confirmed via QSL card are considered for this award.
The WIA button generates a progress report for the Wireless Institute of Australia's DXCC Award. QSOs confirmed via QSL Card, Authenticity-guaranteed eQSL, LoTW and Club Log are considered for this award.
The WITU button generates a progress report for the RSGB Worked ITU Zones award based on each QSO's ITU zone.
The YASME button generates a progress report showing QSOs with YASME operations specified in the current YASME database.
QSOs confirmed via QSL Card, LoTW, and Authenticity-guaranteed eQSL are considered for this award.
to check the date of the YASME database that DXKeeper is using, click the Database Info button at the bottom of the Configuration window's General tab.
the current YASME database is available here; download it into DXKeeper's Databases folder, replacing the existing YASME.mdb file; then restart DXKeeper
Unless otherwise stated, only QSOs confirmed via QSL card are considered confirmed for the above awards.
By filtering the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a particular operator callsign, etc.
Additional Reports and Functions
The Report button on the Main window's Log QSOs tab generates a report containing every QSO visible in the Log Page Display.
The order of items, and their captions and widths are specified by the Log Page Display panel; you may find it convenient to establish specific settings for your report that differ from those used in normal Log Page Display viewing, and save these settings in a Log Page Display layout file for quick recall.
By filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above
reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a
particular operator callsign, etc.
The Card Aging button reviews the QSOs in the Log Page Display and generates a report of needed, outstanding QSL cards by age; the Select item of each such QSO is set to Y, enabling additional filtering.
A needed QSL card is one whose receipt would advance your progress towards an award family for which Realtime Award Tracking is enabled
An outstanding QSL is one whose QSO's QSL_Sent item contains Y (meaning "sent") and whose QSL_Rcvd item contains R (meaning "requested").
An outstanding QSL card's age is the number of weeks between the day the QSL was sent and the current date.
the Optional report item selector lets you select any log item to appear in the generated report; selecting QSL_SENT_VIA, for example, would show how each outstanding QSL was routed
If an
Expiration age is
specified, this function also offers to expire any QSO whose needed, outstanding QSL
card has an age exceeding the
specified Expiration age
by setting the QSO's QSL_Rcvd,
LoTW_Rcvd, and eQSL_Rcvd
items to X.
The QSL Stats button generates and a report showing QSO, outgoing count, incoming count, and return rate statistics for QSL cards, eQSL, LoTW, Club Log, and QRZ by mode and by band for each QSO in the Log Page Display.
By filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the above
reports to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes, to a
particular operator callsign, etc.
The Uniques button generates a report showing all unique callsigns in the Log Page Display, sorted alphabetically buy callsign -- included mobile stations, and stations whose callsigns are preceded by !. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Uniques button generates a unique callsign report sorted in descending order of "mixed QSO count". Depressing the ALT key while clicking the Uniques button generates a unique callsign report sorted in descending order of "number of bands worked".
In these reports,
the RTTY statistics count QSOs made in the RTTY mode only (e.g. QSOs in PSK and other modes that generate DIGI credit for DXCC are not included)
the PSK statistics count QSOs made in modes designated as PSK
the Digi statistics
count QSOs made in digital modes that generates
DIGI credit for DXCC, but are not RTTY and are not designated
as PSK
Generating a Uniques report populates a UniquesReport.mdb database that can be loaded into a spreadsheet application for analysis
The First QSOs button sets the Select item of each QSO in your log to Y if it's the chronologically first QSO with its callsign, or to N if the QSO's callsign was already worked in an earlier QSO; the Log Page Display is then filtered to show only QSOs whose Select item is set to Y.
The Reports
button directs Windows Explorer to display the files in DXKeeper's Reports
The Scripts button lets you select and execute a script file containing directives that filter the Log filter the Log Page Display and generate any of the reports described above. Here, for example, is the contents of a script file that will generates a set of 5-band Worked All US States reports:
filter Band='160m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_160.txt
filter Band='80m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_80.txt
filter Band='40m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_40.txt
filter Band='20m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_20.txt
filter Band='15m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_15.txt
filter Band='10m'
report us_states c:\program files\dxlab suite\dxkeeper\reports\us_states_10.txt
The Recompute button reconstructs all realtime award tracking information in the current log by examining each QSO in the current log. It populates unspecified items when possible; for example, an ARRL section from a US State. It reports QSOs with invalid items as Errors, and flags those QSO as broken by setting their Broken items to 'Y'.
If the CTRL key is depressed when the Recompute button is clicked, each QSO's WPX prefix will be computed from its callsign.
If the Alt key is depressed when the Recompute button is clicked, correctable errors in primary and secondary administrative subdivisiions and in ARRL sections will be corrected and the corrections reported as Actions; for example, each inconsistent ARRL section item will be replaced with a value deduced from its QSO's DXCC entity, State, and County items.
If the Subdivision validity checking box is checked, then this function will
correct common misspellings of US Counties and Canadian Province abbreviations, reporting changes as Actions
check the validity of each QSO's Primary and Secondary Administrative Subdivisions; QSOs with invalid Subdivisions will be reported as Errors , but will not be flagged as broken; however, they will be revealed by the Broke filter .
If a QSO is missing its WPX prefix item, computes it
If a QSO's DXCC Prefix does not match its DXCC ID (country code), then the DXCC Prefix is updated, and an Action entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete
If a QSO is missing critical items, has an end date and time that occurs before its beginning date and time, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete.
If a QSO's grid 1 item is missing or invalid, computes it from the QSO's latitude and longitude items if they are specified; otherwise, if the grid 1 item is invalid, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete.
If a QSO's latitude or longitude items are missing or invalid, computes them from its grid 1 item if it is specified; otherwise, if the latitude or longitude items are invalid, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete.
If a QSO's propagation mode item specifies SAT but its satellite name item is empty, or if its satellite name item specifies a satellite but its propagation mode item does not specify SAT, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete.
If a QSO with Alaska, Hawaii, or the Continental US does not specify an ARRL section item, the ARRL section item will be populated based on the QSO's DXCC entity, State, and County. If the QSO's specified ARRL section item is inconsistent with its DXCC entity, State, and County items, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete.
If the Flag invalid callsigns box is checked and a QSO contains an invalid callsign, then the QSO is flagged as broken, and an Error entry is appended to the report displayed when the function is complete
Each of the preceding actions will be included in the report displayed when the function is complete. If the Recompute function encounters no QSOs that generate Action or Error entries, no report is generated.
QSOs flagged as broken can be viewed using the Broke filter.
The Select Calls
button prompts you to select a text file containing one callsign on each
line; every QSO in the Log Page Display
with one of these callsigns will have its Select
item set to Y.
The Clear Select
button sets the Select
item of all logged QSOs to N.
The Adv
button displays the Advanced Sorts, Filters, and Modifiers window, from
which you can sort the Log Page Display, Filter
the Log Page Display, and modify multiple QSOs
The Config
button displays the Configuration
window's Awards tab.
The Help button displays this online documentation
In the DXCC, Challenge, TOP panel, clicking the Submission button displays the DXCC Submission window, from which you can assemble a DXCC Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed -- via QSL cards or via LoTW -- but to which a DXCC Credit has not been granted. As of April 2, 2012, the DXCC desk no longer accepts "hybrid" applications containing QSOs confirmed via QSL cards and QSOs confirmed via LoTW; instead, a submission must contain only QSOs confirmed via QSL cards, or only QSOs confirmed via LoTW. Functions in the DXCC Submission window enable you to generate and manage a QSL card submission, or an LoTW submission.
QSOs made prior to 1945-11-15 are ignored
CW QSOs made prior to 1975-01-01 may be submitted for DXCC mixed and band award creidt, but not for the DXCC CW award credit
A QSO is considered to be included in your QSL card submission if either its QSL Rcvd item is set to S; a QSO is considered to be included in your LoTW submission if its LoTW Rcvd item is set to S.
You can manually add a QSO to your QSL card submission by setting its QSL Rcvd item to S using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab; you can manually add a QSO to your LoTW submission by setting its LoTW Rcvd item to S using the Online QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab. You may find filtering the Log Page Display (especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window) and generating Log Reports helpful in choosing QSOs to submit.
Alternatively, the Assemble Submission function described below automatically creates or expands your submission to include all confirmed QSOs whose verification would advance your DXCC progress on the bands and modes selected in the DXCC Bands & Modes panel.
if the DXCC Submission window's QSL Cards box is checked, this function creates or expands your QSL card submission
if the DXCC Submission window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked, this function creates or expands your LoTW submission
A QSO confirmed via a QSL card to which a DXCC Credit has been granted has its QSL Rcvd item is set to V (for verified); a QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation to which a DXCC Credit has been granted has its LoTW Rcvd item is set to V (for verified). A DXCC entity, entity-band, or entity-mode for which you have received DXCC Credit is referred to as verified.
The DXCC Submission window's View Submission, Create Planning Report, Create Card Record Sheet, Create LoTW Record Sheet, Export Card ADIF File, Verify Submission, and Reset Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission(s) manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function.
The Assemble Submission function finds all confirmed but unsubmitted and unverified QSOs visible in the Log Page Display whose DXCC entity is unverified, or whose band is selected in the DXCC/TOP Bands & Modes panel and whose entity-band is unverified, or whose mode is selected in the DXCC/TOP Bands & Modes panel and whose entity-mode is unverified; if the QRP option is enabled, only QSOs that specify a transmit power that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 watts are considered. In each such QSO,
a QSL Rcvd item that is currently set to Y will be changed to S if the QSL cards box is checked, adding the QSO to your QSL card submission
a LoTW Rcvd item that is currently set to Y will be changed to S if the LoTW Confirmations box is checked, adding the QSO to your LoTW submission
If a QSO's QSL Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd are both currently set to Y and if both QSL cards and LoTW Confirmations boxes are checked, then the DXCC Submission Preference panel determines whether QSL Rcvd is set to S (adding the QSO to your QSL card submission ) or LoTW Rcvd is set to S (adding the QSO to your LoTW submission ).
The View Submission function shows all QSOs visible in the Log Page Display that are included in your QSL card submission if the QSL cards box is checked, or that are included in your LoTW submission if the LoTW Confirmations box is checked. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function will show all QSOs included in the QSL card submission or LoTW submission -- whether or not they are visible in the Log Page Display.
The Create Planning Report function generates a report showing all QSOs visible in the Log Page Display that are included in your QSL card submission and your LoTW submission . QSOs in the report
are sorted by DXCC entity prefix
show what unverified entity, entity-band, and/or entity-mode for which the QSO will yield DXCC Credit when submitted
show whether a QSL card or LoTW confirmation is being submitted
If a QSL card is being submitted and the QSO specifies a QSL#, it's also included in the report. This report also shows the total number QSOs visible in the Log Page Display that are being submitted.
The Create
Card Record Sheet function generates a DXCC
Record Sheet report showing each QSO visible
in the Log Page Display whose QSL
Rcvd item is S, sorted by band, mode, and entity prefix. A Card Record Sheet
is required if you'll be submitting QSL cards to a Card Checker.
A Card Record Sheet is not required if you are sending cards
directly to the ARRL's DXCC desk. The ARRL requires QSOs confirmed by QSL cards
that confirm multiple QSOs to appear at the end of the Card Record Sheet. If you are submitting
QSL cards that confirm multiple QSOs, assign the same unique QSL#
to each QSO confirmed by the same QSL card; the Create Card Record
Sheet function will place QSOs having identical QSL#
items at the end of the generated Card Record Sheet; it accomplishes this by
setting temp to Y
in QSOs with identical QSL# items, and
by setting temp to N in QSOs that specify either no QSL# or
that specify a unique QSL#.
If you don't appropriately specify QSL#
items in such QSOs, you must manually move these QSOs to the end of
the Card Record Sheet after it's been generated.
The Create LoTW Record Sheet function generates an LoTW Record Sheet report showing each QSO visible in the Log Page Display whose LoTW Rcvd item is S, sorted by entity, band, and mode to assist you in selecting credits on the LoTW web site.
The Export Card ADIF File function generates an ADIF file containing records for each QSO visible in the Log Page Display whose QSL Rcvd item is S, sorted by band, mode, and entity prefix -- but with QSOs having identical QSL# items sorted at the end of the file; this is accomplished by setting temp to Y in QSOs with identical QSL# items, and by setting temp to N in QSOs that specify either no QSL# or that specify a unique QSL#. This ADIF file is accepted by the ARRL's Online DXCC.
The Verify Submission function updates your log to reflect the granting of DXCC credit by the ARRL. For all QSOs visible in the Log Page Display,
if the QSL cards box is checked, then if a QSO's QSL Rcvd item is currently set to S it is changed to V
if the LoTW Confirmations box is checked, then if a QSO's LoTW Rcvd item is currently set to S it is changed to V.
The Reset Submission function performs an "undo" operation on your DXCC Submission; for all QSOs visible in the Log Page Display,
if the QSL cards box is checked, then if a QSO's QSL Rcvd item is currently set to S, it is changed to it's previous value, which could be Y, E, B, or M
if the LoTW Confirmations box is checked, if a QSO's LoTW Rcvd item is currently set to S, it is changed to Y
When the ARRL's DXCC desk approves a QSL card or LoTW confirmation you've submitted, you are granted a DXCC Credit for the entity, band, and mode specified on the card or in the LoTW confirmation; the DXCC Credit also specifies the callsign and QSO date specified on the card or LoTW confirmation. Since it computerized in 1991, the DXCC desk has created a database record for each DXCC Credit granted, assigning it a unique DXCC Credit Number. Over the past several years, the ARRL has expanded its LoTW web site to enable ops to view their DXCC credits online. DXKeeper's Sync LoTW QSLs function will update logged QSOs to reflect DXCC credit granted to QSOs confirmed via LoTW - but only if they are included in the set of QSLs being reported as "new" since the date shown beneath the Sync LoTW Button.
Clicking the Credits button in the DXCC, Challenge, & TopList panel on the Check Progress tab of DXKeeper's Main window displays the DXCC Credits Granted window, which enables you to
download all of your DXCC Credits from the ARRL web site, reporting any that are newly granted or modified since the last time you downloaded your DXCC Credits
analyze DXCC Credits that have not yet been linked to a logged QSO, reporting those that
exactly match a logged QSO and thus could be automatically linked
don't exactly match any logged QSO
are duplicates of another DXCC Credit
automatically link DXCC Credits and QSOs that exactly match, setting each QSO's QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD item to V (if it's not already set to V)
manually link DXCC Credits and QSOs that don't exactly match; inexact matches are typically required because a DXCC Credit's date and/or callsign have been incorrectly entered, but occasionally because a DXCC Credit's band and/or mode have been incorrectly entered
Depending upon how many DXCC Credits you've been granted, initially linking your current DXCC Credits to your logged QSOs will take some time and effort. DXCC Credits generated from
LoTW confirmations are generally accurate, but ~25% of the DXCC Credits generated from submitted QSL cards specify erroneous QSO Begin times or erroneous QSO Callsigns that prevent automatic linking. Once these have been dealt with, you need only download and link DXCC Credits when the DXCC desk notifies you that new DXCC credits have been granted, or that DXCC Credit errors you submitted have been corrected.
Users with paper logbooks full of QSOs not yet entered into DXKeeper can optionally
generate credit-only QSOs from un-linked DXCC Credits, a process that links each credit-only QSO to the DXCC Credit from which is was generated. While this will not populate DXKeeper with every QSO, it will populate DXKeeper with the QSOs needed to generate "DXCC credit granted" statistics consistent with the ARRL's DXCC statistics, immediately enabling the use of DXLab's automation for seeking out and confirming needed DXCC entities, entity-bands, and entity-nodes.
Like award progress information, DXCC Credits are stored in their own section of your log file. Thus backing up your log
file will backup your DXCC credits along with your QSOs. You can move all of this information from one PC to another
by simply moving your log file.
Note that DXKeeper's
Sync LoTW QSLs function will update your
logged QSOs to reflect QSOs confirmed via LoTW to which DXCC Credit has been
granted. The functions described above will update logged QSOs to reflect DXCC
credit granted, whether the QSO was confirmed via LoTW or via QSL card.
Your downloaded DXCC Credits may include more than one DXCC Credit for the same QSO; this typically (but not always) manifests as a DXCC Credit created from an
LoTW confirmation, and a DXCC Credit for the same entity, band, mode, callsign, and date that appears to have been created from a QSL card confirmation -- even though no QSL card was submitted for credit. To prevent such duplicate DXCC Credits from causing errors, they are automatically flagged as duplicates by the DXCC
Credits Granted window's AutoLink function. You can also
manually flag a DXCC Credit as a
duplicate by setting its Duplicate item to Y.
If a DXCC credit exactly matches a logged QSO but the
QSL RCVD items either both indicate "confirmed" or both indicate
"not confirmed", DXKeeper cannot determine whether to set the QSO's QSL
RCVD item to V or its
QSL RCVD item to V; such DXCC credits are thus
ambiguous. However, DXKeeper's
Sync LoTW QSLs function will update your
logged QSOs to reflect QSOs confirmed via LoTW to which DXCC Credit has been
granted; if you're using
Sync LoTW QSLs function, then any QSO whose
QSL RCVD items either both indicate "confirmed" or both indicate
"not confirmed" must have been granted DXCC credit for a QSL card submission,
because otherwise
Sync LoTW QSLs would have updated it to
reflect credit granted to an LoTW confirmation. The DXCC Credits Granted
window thus provides a
Resolve ambiguous confirmations
option that, when enabled, causes the Analyze
and AutoLink functions to
assume that DXCC credit granted to a QSO whose QSL
QSL RCVD items either both indicate "confirmed" or both indicate
"not confirmed" are the result of credit being granted to a QSL card
DXKeeper can automatically link DXCC Credits and logged QSOs whose DXCC entities, Bands, Modes, Callsigns, and QSO Begin times match exactly. Entry errors made when a DXCC Credit was created will prevent an exact match, so DXKeeper enables you to manually link a DXCC Credit to a logged QSO so long as the two specify the same DXCC entity.
a link between a DXCC Credit and a logged QSO whose DXCC entities, Bands, Modes, Callsigns, and QSO Begin times all match exactly is referred to as a exact link
a link between a DXCC Credit and a logged QSO whose DXCC entities, Bands and Modes match exactly is referred to as a link with a minor inconsistency (because their Callsigns and/or QSO Begin times don't match exactly)
a link between a DXCC Credit and a logged QSO whose DXCC entities match exactly is referred to as a link with a major inconsistency (because their Bands and/or Modes don't match exactly)
A DXCC Credit specifies 6 core items:
Credit Number (ARRL-assigned) with C or L appended to identify card or LoTW credits respectively
Credit Entity
Credit Band
Credit Callsign
Credit Begin time (Card credits only specify a Begin date)
Credit Duplicate (set to N if the credit is not a duplicate, or Y if the credit is a duplicate)
associates 5 additional items with each downloaded DXCC Credit:
Link Status
None: not linked
Exact: links with exact matches
Minor: links with minor mismatches (Callsign, Begin time)
Major: links with major mismatches (Band, Mode)
QSO Band: if linked, the linked QSO's band
QSO Mode: if linked, the linked QSO's mode
QSO Callsign: if linked, the linked QSO's callsign
QSO Begin time: if linked, the linked QSO's begin time
the Logged QSO's DXCC Credit Number item specifies the DXCC Credit's Credit Number
the DXCC Credit's Link Status indicates the quality of the link (exact, minor discrepancies, major discrepancies)
the DXCC Credit's four QSO items specify the logged QSO's band, mode, callsign, and begin date-and-time
An unlinked logged QSO has an empty DXCC Credit Number item.. An unlinked DXCC Credit has its Link Status set to none, an empty QSO Band, QSO Mode, QSO Callsign, and QSO Begin items.
To maintain the integrity of links between DXCC Credits and logged QSOs,
do not use the Modify QSOs panel to modify a QSO's DXCC Credit Number item
do not export a QSO to an ADIF or tab-delimited file, modify the contents of that QSO's DXCC Credit Number, and then import the modified QSO
you suspect that links have been damaged, invoke the DXCC
Credits Granted window's Repair
This window provides the following facilities:
the Selected QSO panel, which displays items from the QSO currently selected on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
the Selected DXCC Credit panel, which displays items from the currently selected DXCC Credit
the DXCC Credit Display, a table whose rows depict some or all of your DXCC Credits, subject to filtering by the DXCC Credit Filter panel
the DXCC Credit Filter panel, which enables you to filter the DXCC Credit Display by
DXCC entity prefix
Credit Callsign (callsign specified in the DXCC Credit; strike the Enter key after typing in a callsign)
QSO Callsign (callsign of the logged QSO to which the DXCC Credit is linked; strike the Enter key after typing in a callsign)
Duplicate status (via the Dup
panel's checkbox No and Yes checkboxes)
Link status (via the Link to QSO panel)
Clicking this panel's All button will remove all filtering from the DXCC Credit Display so that all DXCC Credits are present.
The DXCC Credits Granted window provides capabilities that facilitate the linking and general management of DXCC Credits:
clicking the Selected QSO panel's Link button will link the credit in the Selected DXCC Credit panel to the logged QSO in the Selected QSO panel
clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Show Credit button will direct the specified web browser to display the DXCC Credit's information on the ARRL web site
depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Show Credit button will display the DXCC Credit's ARRL Credit Number in a small popup window
when the selected QSO is linked to a DXCC Credit,
the QSO panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab appends the words linked to DXCC Credit to its caption
the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab enables its Display credit button
clicking the Display credit button selects the linked DXCC Credit in the DXCC Credits Granted window
depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Display credit button will display the linked DXCC Credit's ARRL Credit Number in a small popup window
depressing the Alt key while clicking the Display credit button will direct ythe specified web browser to display the linked DXCC Credit's information on the ARRL web site
to select a linked DXCC Credit's logged QSOs, click the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Select QSO button
if the Auto QSO Selection box is checked, selecting a linked DXCC Credit will automatically select the QSO linked to that DXCC Credit
if the Resolve ambiguous confirmations box is checked, the Analyze and AutoLink functions will assume that ambiguous DXCC credits - credits granted to a QSO whose QSL RCVD and LoTW QSL RCVD items either both indicate "confirmed" or both indicate "not confirmed" are the result of DXCC credit being granted to a QSL card confirmation.
checking a DXCC Credit's Dup box in the DXCC Credit Display will set its duplicate item to Y, marking it as a duplicate credit; unchecking a DXCC Credit's Dup box will set its duplicate item to N, marking it as not a duplicate.
To unlink a linked DXCC Credit and logged QSO, select that DXCC Credit, select the logged QSO to which it is linked by clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Select QSO button, and click the Selected QSO panel's Unlink button.
To generate a printable report of all DXCC Credits present in the DXCC
Credit Display, click the DXCC
Credits Granted window's Report button.
Clicking the Download button at the bottom of the DXCC Credits Granted window will download your DXCC Credits from the ARRL's web site.
This function requires your LoTW account to be linked to your DXCC account.
This function requires you to have Specified the correct DXCC account number
If you have only one DXCC account, your DXCC account number is most likely 1.
If you have more than one DXCC account, you can determine the correct DXCC Account Number by using this procedure.
Downloading your DXCC Credits can take awhile, depending upon the number of DXCC Credits to be downloaded, the current performance of the ARRL's servers, and your internet connection speed. At the completion of the Download operation, newly downloaded or updated DXCC Credits will accessible via the DXCC Credit Display, and a report will be displayed showing
New DXCC Credits granted since the last time the Download function was invoked
Changes in previously downloaded DXCC Credits
Errors encountered during the download process
Summary Statistics
Clicking the Analyze button at the bottom of the DXCC Credits Granted window will review your DXCC Credits and display a report describing the action that would be taken for each unlinked DXCC Credit not already marked as a duplicate if the AutoLink function were invoked:
would be marked as a duplicate because it matches a logged QSO that is already linked
would be linked to a logged QSO, whose LoTW QSL RCVD item would be set to V
would be linked to a logged QSO, whose QSL RCVD item would be set to V
would be linked to a logged QSO, with no change to the QSO's LoTW QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD item
The report also notes DXCC Credits that can't be automatically linked because they
are missing information
don't exactly match any logged QSO
match more than one logged QSO
exactly match one logged QSO, but are ambiguous with respect to which of
QSL RCVD should be to set to V;
if the Resolve ambiguous
confirmations box is checked, the Analyze
function will assume that ambiguous DXCC
credits are the result of DXCC credit being granted to a QSL card
Clicking the AutoLink button at the bottom of the DXCC Credits Granted window will, after offering to backup your log because both logged QSOs and DXCC credits can be modified by this operation, attempt to perform one of the following actions on each previous-unlinked DXCC Credit not already marked as a duplicate:
mark the DXCC Credit as a duplicate because it matches a logged QSO that is already linked
link the DXCC Credit to a logged QSO, whose LoTW QSL RCVD item would be set to V
link the DXCC Credit to a logged QSO, whose QSL RCVD item would be set to V
link the DXCC Credit to a logged QSO, with no change to the QSO's LoTW QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD item
The report also notes DXCC Credits that were not automatically linked because they
are missing information
don't exactly match any logged QSO
match more than one logged QSO
exactly match one logged QSO, but are ambiguous with respect to which of QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD should be to set to V; if the Resolve ambiguous confirmations box is checked, the AutoLink function will assume that ambiguous DXCC credits are the result of DXCC credit being granted to a QSL card confirmation.
The DXCC Credits Granted window's facilities enable you to manually link DXCC Credits with logged QSOs when
the DXCC Credit and logged QSOs don't exactly match each other's DXCC entity, Band, Mode, Callsign, and/or QSO Begin date (typically due to entry errors in the DXCC credit)
the DXCC Credit exactly matches more than one logged QSO (typically because you logged more than one QSO with the same Callsign on the same Band and Mode during the same day)
the DXCC Credit exactly matches one logged QSO, but DXKeeper can't link them because it can't determine whether the QSO's QSL RCVD or LoTW QSL RCVD should be set to V
The process of manually linking a DXCC Credit with a logged QSO involves 3 steps:
select an unlinked DXCC Credit that isn't a duplicate by clicking on it in the DXCC Credit Display
this credit will appear in the Selected DXCC Credit panel
If the DXCC Credit Display contains a lot of already-linked DXCC Credits, you can more rapidly locate unlinked DXCC Credits by
unchecking all but the None box in the DXCC Credit Filter panel's Link to QSO subpanel.
unchecking the Yes box and checking the No box in the DXCC Credit Filter panel's Dup subpanel.
select the logged QSO to which that DXCC Credit should be linked by clicking on that QSO's in entry the Log Page Display
this QSO will be displayed in the Selected QSO panel, whose caption will indicate whether or not the selected QSO is already linked to a DXCC Credit
variances between the selected QSO and the selected DXCC Credit will be highlighted by displaying their labels in red font in the Selected DXCC Credit and Selected QSO panels
link the selected DXCC Credit to the selected QSO by clicking the Selected QSO panel's Link button
After you select a DXCC Credit in step 1, locating candidate QSOs can be accelerated by clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Show QSO(s) button, will initiate a 3-stage search to populate the Log Page Display with QSOs that most closely match the selected DXCC Credit:
by filtering the Log Page Display for logged QSOs whose DXCC prefix, Band, Mode, Callsign, and Begin time exactly match those of the selected DXCC Credit
if the previous stage fails to locate a logged QSO, by filtering the Log Page Display for logged QSOs whose DXCC prefix, Band, Mode, and Callsign exactly match those of the selected DXCC Credit
if the previous stage fails to locate a logged QSO, by filtering the Log Page Display for logged QSOs whose DXCC prefix, Band, and Mode exactly match those of the selected DXCC Credit
Depressing the
Ctrl key while clicking the Show QSO(s) button will filter the
Page Display to show all QSOs with the selected DXCC Credit's callsign;
depressing the Alt key while clicking the Show QSO(s) button will filter the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with
the selected DXCC Credit's DXCC entity. If after invoking one of the above filtering options the
Page Display contains more than one QSO, click on the one you wish to link to the selected DXCC Credit
Credits Granted window provides additional capabilities that facilitate the
linking and general management of DXCC Credits:
clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Show Credit button will direct the specified web browser to display the DXCC Credit's information on the ARRL web site
depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Ctrl will display the DXCC Credit's ARRL Credit Number in a small popup window
when the selected QSO is linked to a DXCC Credit,
the QSO panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab appends the words linked to DXCC Credit to its caption
the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab enables its Display credit button
clicking the Display credit button selects the linked DXCC Credit in the DXCC Credits Granted window
depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Display credit button will display the linked DXCC Credit's ARRL Credit Number in a small popup window
depressing the Alt key while clicking the Display credit button will direct the specified web browser to display the linked DXCC Credit's information on the ARRL web site
to select a linked DXCC Credit's logged QSOs, click the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Select QSO button
if the Auto QSO Selection box is checked, selecting a linked DXCC Credit will automatically select the QSO linked to that DXCC Credit
To unlink a linked DXCC
Credit and logged QSO, select that DXCC Credit, select the logged QSO to
which it is linked by clicking the Selected
DXCC Credit panel's Select QSO
button, and click the Selected
QSO panel's Unlink button.
To generate a printable report of all DXCC Credits present in the DXCC
Credit Display, click the DXCC
Credits Granted window's Report button.
A Credit-only QSO is generated from an
unlinked, non-duplicate
DXCC Credit
and placed in your log. The generated QSO's DXCC
entity, Band,
Mode, Callsign, and
Begin time are all taken from the DXCC Credit. Such QSOs count towards all
awards; they are distinguished by their CreditOnly item being set to
Credit-only QSOs can be automatically generated from all unlinked, non-duplicate DXCC Credits, or can be manually generated one-at-a-time from the selected DXCC credit.
Before initiating automatic generation, review the last analysis of your DXCC Credits to verify that you want Credit-only QSOs generated for each unlinked, non-duplicate DXCC Credit.
Then check the DXCC Credits panel's Credit-only QSO creation box
on the Configuration window's Awards tab, and click the DXCC
Credits Granted window's Create QSOs
button. At the completion of the operation, DXKeeper will display a printable
report listing the Credit-only QSOs inserted into the current log. When you are done automatically generating Credit-only QSOs,
uncheck the Credit-only QSO creation box to prevent the inadvertent creation of Credit-only QSOs.
A Credit-only QSOs can be manually generated from an unlinked, non-duplicate DXCC Credit by
checking the DXCC Credits panel's Credit-only QSO creation box on the Configuration window's Awards tab
selecting that Credit in the DXCC Credit Display
clicking the Selected DXCC Credit panel's Create QSO button
If the DXCC credit from which the QSO is generated
specifies an invalid callsign, the generated QSO's callsign will be set to UNKN0WN
(with a zero, not the letter O!).
If DXCC credit from which the QSO is generated
specifies a mode but does not specify a band, the generated QSO's band will be
set to 20m, and its
RCVD item will be set to M, meaning that entity and
entity-mode credit has been granted. If DXCC credit from which the QSO is
generated specifies a band but does not specify a mode, the generated QSO's mode
will be set to SSB, and its
RCVD item will be set to B, meaning that entity and
entity-band credit has been granted. If DXCC credit from which the QSO is
generated does not specify a mode or a band, the generated QSO's band will be
set to 20m, its mode will be set to SSB, and its
RCVD item will be set to E, meaning that entity credit
has been granted. In these circumstances, the Partial
DXCC Credit option is enabled so that M, B, and E will be
available in the QSL
RCVD selector.
When you are done manually generating Credit-only QSOs, uncheck the
Credit-only QSO creation box to prevent the inadvertent creation of Credit-only QSOs.
clicking the Repair button will review each linked DXCC
Credit and each linked QSO to verify the integrity of those links, repair any that are damaged,
update the
QSL RCVD items of each QSOs linked to a DXCC Credit, and display a report listing all repair actions
depressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Repair button will unlink all DXCC Credits and QSOs
depressing the Alt key while clicking the Repair button will unlink all DXCC Credits and QSOs, and then delete all downloaded DXCC Credits using your web
browser, log into your LoTW
account click on the Awards
tab Beneath the Your
LoTW ARRL DXCC (DX Century Club) Account(s) heading, click the Select
DXCC Award Account button if a table like
this appears beneath the Account Status heading with a
"View Award Credit Matrix" hyperlink at the bottom, your
LoTW and DXCC accounts are linked. If your accounts are not
linked, then click the Link Account button the DXCC
Account Menu along the left side of the page. Specify the callsign
under which your current LoTW certificate was issued, along with any
other callsigns used with this certificated. Then click the Request
Linking button; ARRL staff will respond to this request by linking
your DXCC and LoTW accounts. Using your web browser, navigate to https://LoTW.arrl.org/LoTWuser/awards?awg_id=&ac_acct= Log in with your
LoTW username and password
Click the Awards tab Under the Your LoTW ARRL DXCC (DX Century Club) Account(s) heading on the left, use the "pulldown" selector to choose a DXCC account, and then click the Select DXCC Award Account button beneath the selector. Your browser will display a table summarizing your DXCC Account Status.
If a hyperlink named View Award Credit Matrix appears beneath this table, then examine the URL your browser is displaying; it will look like
https://LoTW.arrl.org/LoTWuser/awardaccount?awardaccountcmd=status&awg_id=DXCC&ac_acct=n Where the above URL shows n, the selected DXCC account's account number will appear. Specify
this DXCC account number in the Log Settings panel on the Config
window's Log tab. If
a hyperlink named View Award Credit Matrix does not appear
beneath this table, then you must first link your LoTW account to your
DXCC record before you can proceed further:
the Link Account hyperlink in the Notes section to
the left of the Account Status table Your
web browser will display a Link Account page, in which you
must specify the current callsign and any past callsigns
associated with your DXCC record After
specifying the appropriate current and past callsigns, click the Request
linking hyperlink Your
link request will be submitted to the ARRL; when you receive
notification that this request has been processed, repeat steps 1
through 5 above to determine the DXCC Account number to specify in the Log Settings panel on the Config
window's Log tab. DXKeeper includes a comprehensive DXCC database, which it
uses to lookup DXCC prefixes and country codes, and to initialize log file
progress grids -- when a log file is first created, or when you click the Recompute
button. You can always obtain an up-to-date DXCC database by downloading www.dxlabsuite.com/dxview/DXCC.exe
and extracting its contents (the file DXCC.mdb)
into your DXKeeper Databases
subfolder. The pathname and version of the DXCC database currently in use is
displayed in the DXCC
Database panel on the Configuration window's Databases tab. You can maintain your own DXCC database using the
application DXView, a freeware application that displays DXCC info and country
maps, and plots spots, beam headings, solar position, and the solar terminator
on a world map. If, when DXKeeper starts, it finds DXView installed on your PC,
DXKeeper uses DXView's DXCC database, ignoring its own. Thus DXCC database
updates you make with DXView are accessible to DXKeeper with no further action
on your part. In the IOTA panel, clicking the Submission button
displays the IOTA Submission window, from which you can assemble an
IOTA Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed
via QSL
cards but to which IOTA Credit has not been granted. A QSO is considered to be included in your
IOTA Submission if either its IOTAVerified
item is set to S. You can manually add a QSO to your
IOTA submission by setting its IOTAVerified
item to S by using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs
tab. You may find
filtering the Log Page Display
(especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window)
and generating Log Reports helpful
in choosing QSOs to submit. Alternatively, the Assemble
Submission function described below automatically creates or expands your
submission to include all confirmed QSOs whose verification would
advance your IOTA progress. The IOTA
Submission window's View
Submission, Create Submission Report,
Verify Submission, and Reset
Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission
manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function.
The Assemble
Submission button finds all confirmed and not-yet-submitted QSOs visible
in the Log Page Display whose IOTA designators has not been
granted award credit, and sets their IOTAVerified
items to S. The View
Submission button shows all QSOs visible
in the Log Page Display that are included in your IOTA
Submission. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function
will show all QSOs included in your IOTA Submission whether or not they are visible
in the Log Page Display. The Create
Submission Report button generates a report from QSOs visible
in the Log Page Display that are included in your IOTA
if the IOTA
Database is installed, then QSOs with an IOTA tag marked as deleted
will be ignored by filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated
report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes,
to a particular operator callsign, etc. The Verify
Submission button updates your log to reflect the granting
of IOTA credit by Islands on the
Air . For all QSOs visible
in the Log Page Display, if a QSO's IOTAVerified
item is currently set to S, it is changed to V
The Reset
Submission button performs an "undo" operation
on your IOTA Submission; for
all QSOs visible in
the Log Page Display, if a QSO's IOTAVerified
item is currently set to S, it is cleared.
Note that you can directly switch among
Submission windows by appropriately setting the Award Family selector.
In the VUCC panel on the Main window's Check
Progress tab, clicking the Submission button
displays the VUCC Submission window, from which you can assemble
a VUCC Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed
via QSL
cards or LoTW but to which VUCC Credit has not been granted. The
ARRL does not accept "hybrid" VUCC applications containing QSOs confirmed via QSL cards
and QSOs confirmed via LoTW; instead, a
submission must contain only QSOs confirmed via QSL cards, or only QSOs
confirmed via LoTW. Functions in the
VUCC Submission window enable you to generate and manage a QSL card
submission, or an LoTW submission.
When the VUCC Submission window's QSL Cards option is
enabled, VUCC submissions are generated by reviewing logged QSOs in descending
order of QSO start date; thus when a grid square is confirmed by more than one
logged QSO, the more recent QSO will be chosen. When the VUCC Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations option is enabled, VUCC submissions
are generated by reviewing logged QSOs in ascending order of LoTW confirmation
date; thus when a grid square is confirmed by more than one logged QSO, the QSO
first confirmed via LoTW will be chosen. A QSO is considered to be included in your
QSL card Submission if its VUCCVerify
item is set to S, its QSL Rcvd
item is set to Y, S, or V, and the QSO is not confirmed via
LoTW. A QSO is considered to be included in your VUCC
LoTW Submission if its VUCCVerified
item is set to S, its LoTW
Rcvd item is set to Y, S, or V, and the QSO
is not confirmed via QSL card. The handling of a QSO confirmed via both QSL
card and LoTW is determined by the VUCC Submission window's
Preference selector: if Cards is selected,
such QSOs are considered for inclusion in your VUCC QSL card Submission; if
is selected, such QSOs are considered for inclusion in your VUCC
LoTW Submission. You can manually add a QSO
confirmed via QSL card to your
QSL card submission by setting its VUCCVerified
item to S using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs
tab; you can manually add a QSO confirmed via LoTW to your LoTW submission by setting its
VUCCVerified item to S using the QSL panel on the
Main window's Log QSOs tab. You may find
filtering the Log Page Display
(especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window)
and generating Log Reports helpful
in choosing QSOs to submit. Alternatively, the Assemble
Submission function described below automatically creates or expands your
submission to include all confirmed QSOs whose verification would
advance your VUCC progress on the bands and modes selected in the VUCC
Bands & Modes panel.
if the VUCC Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked, this function creates or expands
your QSL card submission if the VUCC Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked, this function creates or
expands your LoTW submission If your preference is to submit as many LoTW
confirmations as possible, and then submit as many QSL card confirmations as
is necessary to obtain credit for all confirmed grid squares,
set the VUCC Submission
window's Preference selector to LoTW generate your VUCC LoTW submission
before you generate your VUCC QSL card submission If, on the other hand, your preference is to
submit as many QSL card confirmations as possible, and then submit as many
LoTW confirmations as is necessary to obtain credit for all confirmed
grid squares,
set the
VUCC Submission
Preference selector to Cards generate your VUCC QSL card submission
before you generate your VUCC LoTW submission The VUCC Submission window's View
Submission, Create Submission Report,
Verify Submission, and Reset
Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission
manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function. If the VUCC Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked, these functions operate on your
VUCC QSL card Submission; if the VUCC Submission
window's LoTW box is checked, they operate on your VUCC LoTW Submission.
The Assemble
Submission button finds all confirmed and not-yet-submitted QSOs
in the Log Page Display whose grid squares have not been granted
award credit, and sets their VUCCVerify
items to S. The View
Submission button shows all QSOs
in the Log Page Display that are included in your VUCC Submission. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function
will show all QSOs included in your VUCC Submission whether or not they are present
in the Log Page Display. The Create
Submission Report button generates a report from QSOs present
in the Log Page Display that are included in your VUCC Submission.
by filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated
report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes,
to a particular operator callsign, etc. The Verify
Submission button updates your log to reflect the granting of
VUCC credit by the ARRL. Every QSO present
in the Log Page Display whose VUCCVerified
item is currently set to S has its VUCCVerified
item changed to V.
The Reset
Submission button performs an "undo" operation
on your VUCC Submission; every QSO present
in the Log Page Display whose VUCCVerified
item is currently set to S has its VUCCVerified
item cleared.
Note that you can directly switch among
Submission windows by appropriately setting the Award Family selector. In the WAS panel on the Main window's Check
Progress tab, clicking the Submission button
displays the WAS Submission window, from which you can assemble
a WAS Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed
via QSL
cards or LoTW but to which WAS Credit has not been granted. The
ARRL's WAS award program permits the same confirmed QSO to be submitted for
more than one award. For example, a confirmed 6m CW QSO with a station in Hawaii might initially be submitted with an application for the CW WAS
award and granted WAS credit, and then years later be submitted with an
application for the 6m WAS award. Thus Submission Reports generated for WAS awards
include QSOs whose WASVerified item is set to
V as well as S. A QSO is considered to be included in your
WAS Submission if its WASVerified
item is set to S. You can manually add a QSO
to your WAS Submission
by setting its WASVerify
item to S using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs
tab. You may find
filtering the Log Page Display
(especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window)
and generating Log Reports helpful
in choosing QSOs to submit. Alternatively, the Assemble
Submission function automatically creates or expands your WAS Submission by
considering confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display
which if granted WAS credit would
advance your progress towards the WAS awards selected in the WAS
Bands & Modes panel.
if the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked, QSOs confirmed via QSL card are
considered if the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked, QSOs confirmed via LoTW
are considered if the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked but its LoTW Confirmations box
is not checked, then a QSO confirmed by both QSL card and LoTW will only be
considered if the WAS Submission
window's Preference selector is set to Cards. if the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked but its QSL Cards
box is not checked, then a QSO confirmed by both QSL card and LoTW will only
be considered
if the WAS Submission
window's Preference selector is set to
LoTW. If your preference is to submit as many LoTW
confirmations as possible, and then submit as many QSL card confirmations as
is necessary to obtain credit for all confirmed states,
set the WAS Submission
window's Preference selector to LoTW check the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box and uncheck its QSL Cards box invoke the Assemble
Submission function check the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box and uncheck its LoTW Confirmations box invoke the Assemble
Submission function If, on the other hand, your preference is to
submit as many QSL card confirmations as possible, and then submit as many
LoTW confirmations as is necessary to obtain credit for all confirmed
set the WAS Submission
window's Preference selector to Cards check the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box and uncheck its LoTW Confirmations box invoke the Assemble
Submission function check the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box and uncheck its QSL Cards box invoke the Assemble
Submission function The WAS
Submission window's View
Submission, Create Submission Report,
Verify Submission, and Reset
Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission
manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function.
The View
Submission button shows all QSOs
in the Log Page Display that are included in your WAS Submission. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function
will show all QSOs included in your WAS Submission whether or not they are present
in the Log Page Display.
The Create
Submission Report button generates a submission report for a
selected WAS award from QSOs present
in the Log Page Display that satisfied three requirements:
They are confirmed via QSL Card or LoTW as specified by the
Submission window's QSL Cards and LoTW Confirmations
checkboxes and its Preference setting: if the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked, QSOs confirmed via QSL card are
considered if the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked, QSOs confirmed via LoTW
are considered if the WAS Submission
window's QSL Cards box is checked but its LoTW Confirmations box
is not checked, then a QSO confirmed by both QSL card and LoTW will
only be considered if the WAS Submission
window's Preference selector is set to cards. if the WAS Submission
window's LoTW Confirmations box is checked but its QSL Cards
box is not checked, then a QSO confirmed by both QSL card and LoTW
will only be considered
if the WAS Submission window's Preference
selector is set to LoTW. They "match" the Award selector
Basic: QSOs whose propagation
mode item is not set to SAT or EME Band: QSOs whose band
item is identical to the band specified in the Award
selector and whose propagation mode
item is not set to SAT or EME 5BWAS: QSOs on 80m, 40m, 20m,
15m, or 10m
whose propagation mode
item is not set to SAT or EME Mode: QSOs whose mode
item is identical to the mode specified in the Award
selector and whose whose propagation
mode item is not set to SAT or EME PHONE: QSOs whose mode
item is SSB, AM, or FM and whose whose propagation
mode item is not set to SAT or EME DIGITAL: QSOs whose mode
item is valid
for the WAS Digital mode award and whose whose propagation
mode item is not set to SAT or EME Sat: QSOs whose propagation
mode item is set to SAT EME: QSOs whose propagation
mode item is set to EME QRP: QSOs whose power
item is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 and whose
whose propagation mode item is not
set to SAT or EME Their WASVerify
item is set to V
or S (a QSO that satisfies the first two requirements and whose WASVerify
item is set to V will be chosen over a QSO with the same US state whose WASVerify
item is set to S. You can filter
the Log Page Display to further focus the generated submission
report. To generate a submission report for a 160m-CW WAS endorsement, for
example, set the WAS Submission
window's Award selector to 160m, and filter the Log Page Display to
contain only CW QSOs before invoking the Create Submission Report
function. The Verify
Submission button updates your log to reflect the granting of
WAS credit by the ARRL. Every QSO present
in the Log Page Display whose WASVerified
item is currently set to S has its WASVerified
item changed to V.
The Reset
Submission button performs an "undo" operation
on your WAS Submission; every QSO present
in the Log Page Display whose WASVerified
item is currently set to S will have its WASVerified
item cleared.
Note that you can directly switch among
Submission windows by appropriately setting the Award Family selector.
In the CQ WAZ panel on the Main window's Check
Progress tab, clicking the Submission button
displays the WAZ Submission window, from which you can assemble
a WAZ Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed
via QSL
cards, LoTW, or
eQSL (with Authenticity
Guaranteed) but to which WAZ Credit has not been granted. A QSO is considered to be included in your
WAZ Submission if its WAZVerified
item is set to S. You can manually add a QSO to your WAZ submission by setting its
WAZVerified item to S by using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs
tab. You may find
filtering the Log Page Display
(especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window)
and generating Log Reports helpful
in choosing QSOs to submit. Alternatively, the Assemble
Submission function described below automatically creates or expands your
submission to include all confirmed QSOs that if granted WAZ credit would
advance your WAZ progress on the bands and modes selected in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel. The Assemble
Submission function also generates a spreadsheet for each WAZ award
selected in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel from which you can copy QSOs and paste them
into a CQ WAZ submission
spreadsheet. If the WAZ
Submission window's QSL Cards box is not checked,
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via QSL card; if the WAZ
Submission window's eQSL confirmations box is unchecked, Assemble
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via
; if the WAZ
Submission window's LoTW confirmations box is unchecked, Assemble
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via
.These three checkboxes
make possible to assemble a submission where priority is given to QSOs
confirmed via eQSL, or QSOs confirmed via QSL cards. For example,
to assemble a submission in which QSOs confirmed via eQSL are chosen over
QSOs confirmed via QSL card ,
check boxes in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel for the WAZ awards the generated submission
should cover check the eQSL confirmations box uncheck the LoTW confirmations
box uncheck the QSL Cards box click the Assemble Submission button uncheck the eQSL confirmations box check the QSL Cards box click the Assemble Submission button check the eQSL confirmations box check boxes in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel for the WAZ awards you are still pursuing An "LoTW confirmations only" submission can be
generated by checking the LoTW confirmations box and
unchecking the eQSL confirmations and QSL
Cards boxes: check boxes in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel for the WAZ awards the generated submission
should cover check the
LoTW confirmations box uncheck the eQSL confirmations
box uncheck the QSL Cards box click the Assemble Submission button check boxes in the WAZ
Bands & Modes panel for the WAZ awards you are still pursuing The WAZ
Submission window's View
Submission, Create Submission Report,
Verify Submission, and Reset
Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission
manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function.
Reports generated by WAZ Submission functions
can be found in DXKeeper's Reports folder. If QSL
Cards box is checked, these functions apply to QSOs in the Log Page Display confirmed via
QSL card; if the eQSL confirmations box is checked, these functions
will apply to QSOs in the Log Page Display
confirmed via eQSL;
if the LoTW confirmations box is checked, these functions
will apply to QSOs
in the Log Page Display confirmed via LoTW.
The Assemble Submission button finds all confirmed and not-yet-submitted QSOs that would, if granted WAZ credit, advance your progress towards the WAZ awards selected in the
WAZ Bands & Modes panel, and adds these QSOs to the
submission by setting their WAZVerified items to S. The Assemble Submission function also generates
the name of each generated spreadsheet incorporates your callsign, the WAZ award, and the current date you can copy the QSOs from each
generated WAZ Application spreadsheet into a
application spreadsheet a WAZ Application Summary in DXKeeper's Reports folder that summarizes the content of each
generated WAZ Credit spreadsheet; the name of the Application
Summary report incorporates your callsign and the current date The View
Submission button shows all QSOs that are included in your WAZ
Submission. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function
will show all QSOs included in your WAZ Submission whether or not they are present
in the Log Page Display. The Create
Submission Report button generates a report from QSOs that are included in your WAZ
by filtering
the Log Page Display beforehand, you can narrow the generated
report to a time interval, to a specific set of bands or modes,
to a particular operator callsign, etc. The Verify
Submission button updates your log to reflect the granting of
WAZ credit by the ARRL. Every QSO whose WAZVerified
item is currently set to S has its WAZVerified
item changed to V.
The Reset
Submission button performs an "undo" operation
on your WAZ Submission; every QSO whose WAZVerified
item is currently set to S has its WAZVerified
item cleared.
Note that you can directly switch among
Submission windows by appropriately setting the Award Family selector.
In the CQ WPX panel on the Main window's Check
Progress tab, clicking the Submission button
displays the WPX Submission window, from which you can assemble
a WPX Submission containing QSOs that are confirmed
via QSL
cards or LoTW or
eQSL (with Authenticity
Guaranteed), but to which WPX Credit has not been granted.
CQ WPX award program permits the same confirmed QSO to be submitted
for more than one award. For example, a confirmed 6m CW QSO with a station in Hawaii might initially be submitted with an application for the CW
WPX award and granted WPX credit, and then years later be submitted with an
application for the 6m WPX award. Thus Submission Reports generated for
WPX awards include QSOs whose WASVerified item is set to
V as well as S. A QSO is considered to be included in your
WPX Submission if its WPXVerified
item is set to S. You can manually add a QSO to your WPX submission by setting its
WPXVerified item to S by using the QSL panel on the Main window's Log QSOs
tab. You may find
filtering the Log Page Display
(especially with the Advanced Logs Sorts, Filter, and Modifiers window)
and generating Log Reports helpful
in choosing QSOs to submit. Alternatively, the Assemble
Submission function automatically creates or expands your
submission to include all confirmed QSOs in the Log Page Display
which if granted WPX credit would
advance your WPX progress towards the awards selected in the WPX
Bands & Modes panel. If the WPX
Submission window's QSL Cards box is not checked, Assemble
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via QSL card. If
the WPX Submission window's LoTW confirmations box is
unchecked, Assemble
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via LoTW. If the WPX
Submission window's eQSL confirmations box is unchecked, Assemble
Submission will ignore QSOs confirmed via eQSL. These three
checkboxes it possible to assemble a submission where priority is given to
QSOs confirmed via eQSL, or QSOs confirmed via QSL cards. For
example, to assemble a submission in which QSOs confirmed via eQSL are
chosen over QSOs confirmed via LoTW and QSL cards, and QSOs confirmed via
LoTW are chosen over QSOs confirmed via QSL cards,
check the eQSL confirmations box uncheck the LoTW confirmations box uncheck the QSL Cards box click the Assemble Submission button uncheck the eQSL confirmations box check the LoTW confirmations box click the Assemble Submission button uncheck the LoTW confirmations box check the QSL Cards box click the Assemble Submission button check the eQSL confirmations box check the LoTW confirmations box The WPX
Submission window's View
Submission, Create Submission Report,
Verify Submission, and Reset
Submission functions can all be used whether you assembled your submission
manually, or by invoking the Assemble Submission function. If the QSL
Cards box is not checked, these functions will ignore QSOs confirmed via
QSL card. If the LoTW confirmations box is unchecked, these functions
will ignore QSOs confirmed via LoTW. If the eQSL confirmations box is
unchecked, these functions will ignore QSOs confirmed via eQSL.
The View
Submission button shows all QSOs in the Log Page Display that are included in your WPX
Submission. Depressing the Ctrl key while invoking this function
will show all QSOs included in your WPX Submission whether or not they are present
in the Log Page Display.
The Create
Submission Report button generates a submission report for a
selected WPX award from QSOs present
in the Log Page Display that satisfied three requirements:
They are confirmed via QSL Card or LoTW
eQSL as specified by the WPX
Submission window's QSL Cards, LoTW Confirmations, and QSL
Confirmations checkboxes. They "match" the Award
selector setting:
Band: QSOs whose band
item is identical to the band specified in the Award
selector Mode: QSOs whose mode
item is identical to the mode specified in the Award
selector DIGITAL: QSOs whose mode
item is valid
for the WPX Digital mode award Continent: QSOs whose continent
item is identical to the continent specified in the Award
selector Their WPXVerified
item is set to V
or S (a QSO that satisfies the first two requirements and whose WPXVerified
item is set to V will be chosen over a QSO with the same WPX
prefix whose WPXVerified item is set
to S. If the Create Submission Report function
is invoked with the Generate Submission File box, a comma-delimited Submission
File (suffix:
Repairing DXCC Credits
In the DXCC
Credits Granted window,
Linking your LoTW Account to your DXCC Account
Determining your DXCC Account Number
the DXCC Database
and Processing an IOTA Submission
Generating and Processing a VUCC Submission
and Processing a WAS Submission
and Processing a WAZ Submission
and Processing a WPX Submission
You can filter the Log Page Display to further focus the generated submission report. To generate a submission report for the European CW WPX award, for example, set the WAS Submission window's Award selector to EU, and filter the Log Page Display to contain only CW QSOs before invoking the Create Submission Report function.
The Verify Submission button updates your log to reflect the granting of WPX credit by CQ. Every QSO present in the Log Page Display whose WPXVerified item is currently set to S has its WPXVerified item changed to V.
The Reset Submission button performs an "undo" operation on your WPX Submission; every QSO present in the Log Page Display whose WPXVerified item is currently set to S has its WPXVerified item cleared.
Note that you can directly switch among Submission windows by appropriately setting the Award Family selector.
Realtime award tracking information for the ARRL DXCC and TopList award families is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's DXCC tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of by-mode and by-band progress for each DXCC entity based on every QSO in the current log file unless the QRP option is enabled, in which case only QSOs that specify a transmit power that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 watts will be considered. QSOs made prior to 1945-11-15 are ignored; CW QSOs made prior to 1975-01-01 are included in the DXCC mixed and band statistics, but not in the CW statistics. Confirmations via QSL card and LoTW (in QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd respectively) are both considered in determining progress; if you check the Include eQSL confirmations... box, confirmations via eQSL will also be considered in determining progress.
The Award Progress panel displays a Progress Grid with one entry per DXCC entity; its Progress Details sub-panel displays a Progress Details Grid for the currently-selected Progress Grid entry. Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the confirmation status of the entity, bands, and modes; cells in the Progress Details Grid contain codes showing the confirmation of band-mode combinations. The codes used in both grids are identical:
W worked
Q an entry is present in the QSL Queue
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
C confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
V verified (award credit granted) by the ARRL
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If either of a QSO's QSL_Rcvd or LoTW Rcvd items are set to I, then the QSO is considered invalid for DXCC and TopList awards. If both of a QSO's QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd items are set to X, the QSO is considered to be unconfirmable and thus treated for award tracking purposes as if it did not occur. If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then an I or X in the QSO's eQSL Rcvd item has an equivalent effect.
If the DXCC Bands & Modes panel indicates that a mode is sought, but there are no confirmed QSOs with the currently-selected Progress Grid entry in that mode, then the background of that mode's cells in the Progress Details Grid will be white rather than the window's background color. Similarly, if the DXCC Bands & Modes panel indicates that a band is sought, but there are no confirmed QSOs with the currently-selected Progress Grid entry on that band, then the background of that band's cells in the Progress Details Grid will be white rather than the window's background color.
If you change the QRP or Include eQSL confirmations... settings, the Progress Grid, Progress Details Grid, and other reports will not reflect the change until you invoke the Recompute function.
Note that DIGI mode progress includes credit for PSK31 QSOs. DIGI mode progress also includes QSOs in any other digital modes designated as eligible for DXCC Digital credit via DXKeeper's user-defined mode mechanism.
Both the Progress Grid and the Progress Details Grid are live -- you can navigate among them and your log by selecting entries or double-clicking cells:
clicking an entry in the Progress Grid selects the associated DXCC entity and provides detailed award status in the Progress Details Grid
striking a letter or number key in the Progress Grid selects the first entity whose DXCC Prefix begins with that letter or number and provides detailed award status for that entity in the Progress Details Grid; if no entity's DXCC Prefix begins with that letter or number, the table's first entry is selected.
double-clicking a band or mode cell in the Progress Grid
selects the associated DXCC entity
provides detailed award status in the Progress Details Grid
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the DXCC entity in the selected band or mode
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a column or row heading in the Progress Details Grid
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the DXCC entity in the selected band or mode
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a cell in the Progress Details Grid
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the DXCC entity in the selected band and mode
shows the Log Page display
The Award Progress panel's Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Progress Grid to show what's unworked, what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified -- on any band, in any mode, or on specific band-mode combinations; setting the Band selector to ANY and the Mode selector to MIXED will display entity progress. You can also choose whether or not to include DXCC entities that are no longer current. Only Progress Grid entries that match the criteria set in these controls are visible; the number of matching entries is shown in the Award Progress panel's caption.
To generate a report showing all entities shown by the specified filter sorted in entity prefix order, click the Award Progress Filter panel's Report button
To generate a report showing all entities shown by the specified filter sorted in entity name order, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Award Progress Filter panel's Report button; this format is useful when comparing against ARRL-generated reports sorted in entity name order
To reset the filter so that all Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button.
Note that filtering the Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track awards progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all DXCC entities are visible in the Progress Grid or not.
The Progress Grid and Progress Details Grid are incrementally updated when
a station is worked
a QSL card is requested
when a QSO is confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
when a QSO is verified by the ARRL
When enabled, DXKeeper will automatically update the Progress Grid and Progress Details Grid when you
indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its QSL_Rcvd or LoTW Rcvd status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked (if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, demoting a QSO's eQSL Rcvd status will also trigger an automatic update)
modify a QSO's band or mode
modify a QSO's DXCC entity
place an exclamation point at the beginning of a QSO's callsign (marking the QSO as not to be considered for award progress)
delete a QSO
This update is accomplished by reviewing all QSOs with the DXCC entity of the deleted or modified QSO; this is generally much faster than clearing the Progress Grid and rebuilding it by scanning every QSO in the log, as performed by the Recompute function. DXKeeper displays a small dialog box with a progress bar whenever it is recomputing progress for a specific DXCC entity. If you plan to delete or modify several QSOs, however, it may be faster to disable automatic progress recomputation, make the changes, and then perform a Recompute to rebuild the log's Progress Grid.
The Summary button in the Award Progress panel computes and displays a summary of progress towards the ARRL DX Century Club award (DXCC), the ARRL DX Century Club Challenge award , and the Top List award; this summary considers both QSL card and LoTW confirmations. The results appear in a separate DXCC Summary window, within which
the Update button in the Summary panel recomputes the displayed DXCC and Top List progress, taking into account changes since the progress summary WAZ last updated
you can view the results either with or without deleted countries by making the appropriate selection in the Award Program - include deleted countries? panel.
note that HR (Honor Roll) totals include only non-deleted countries no matter how the radio buttons in the Award Program - include deleted countries? panel are set.
the Progress button in the DXCC Challenge, TOP panel generates a DXCC and Top List progress report showing verified Honor Roll countries and confirmed countries. The DXCC section includes deleted entities, whereas the Top List section does not. This report considers both QSL card and LoTW confirmations.
the Summary button in the DXCC Challenge, TOP panel generates a DXCC or Top List summary report showing worked, confirmed and verified countries; use the Award Program panel to choose whether or not deleted entities are included. The summary report considers both QSL card and LoTW confirmations. This report is generated in HTML, and so can easily be uploaded to your personal web site. You can optionally insert additional HTML to appear above the report's table via the Optional HTML textbox on the Config window's Report tab.
Realtime award tracking information for the ARRL VUCC award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's VUCC tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of 6 meter through 23 centimeter by-band progress and Satellite progress for Maidenhead gridsquares based on every QSO in the current log made from a location that is valid for VUCC:
in a log with zero or one QTHs defined, all QSOs are considered valid for VUCC
in a log with more than one QTH defined, only QSOs that specify a QTH whose VUCC box is checked are considered valid for VUCC
If you make QSOs from more than one location, this mechanism enables you to comply with the VUCC rule regarding the maximum distance between locations from which QSOs are made.
Confirmations via QSL card and LoTW (in QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd respectively) are both considered in determining progress; if you check the Include eQSL confirmations... box, confirmations via eQSL will also be considered in determining progress. A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that specifies a Gridsquare that matches a logged Gridsquare is considered confirmed; A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that does not specify the logged Gridsquare will be considered worked.
The VUCC Award Progress panel displays a Progress Grid with one entry per gridsquare. Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the confirmation status of the gridsquare:
W worked
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
C confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
V verified (award credit granted) by the ARRL
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If a QSO's VUCCVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered invalid for VUCC awards. If both of a QSO's QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd items are set to X, the QSO is considered to be unconfirmable and thus treated for award tracking purposes as if it did not occur. If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then an X in the QSO's eQSL Rcvd item has an equivalent effect.
If you change the Include eQSL confirmations... settings, the Progress Grid, and other reports will not reflect the change until you invoke the Recompute function.
The VUCC Award Progress panel's Progress Grid is live -- you can navigate among its entries and your log by double-clicking cells:
double-clicking a Grid or Mixed cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the gridsquare
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a Grid-Band cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the gridsquare on that band
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a Satellite cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the gridsquare whose propagation mode is Sat
shows the Log Page display
If the log defines two or more QTHs, the above double-click operations filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs made from QTHs whose VUCC box is checked.
The VUCC Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Progress Grid to show what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified on a particular band or via Satellite; setting the Band selector to ANY will display "mixed" progress, though there is no VUCC Mixed award. Specifying a Grid and then striking the Enter key will display progress for the specified grid square. To reset the filter so that all Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button.
To generate a report showing all gridsquares shown by the specified filter, click the VUCC Award Progress Filter panel's Report button.
Note that filtering the Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track award progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all gridsquares are visible in the Progress Grid or not.
The Progress Grid is immediately updated when
a station is worked
a QSL card is requested
when a QSO is confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
when a QSO is verified by the ARRL and you set its VUCCVerified item to V
When enabled, DXKeeper will automatically update the Progress Grid when you
indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its QSL_Rcvd or LoTW Rcvd status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked (if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, demoting a QSO's eQSL Rcvd status will also trigger an automatic update)
modify a QSO's band or mode
modify a QSO's gridsquare
place an exclamation point at the beginning of a QSO's callsign (marking the QSO as not to be considered for award progress)
delete a QSO
This update is accomplished by reviewing all QSOs with the gridsquare of the deleted or modified QSO; this is generally much faster than clearing the Progress Grid and rebuilding it by scanning every QSO in the log, as performed by the Recompute function. DXKeeper displays a small dialog box with a progress bar whenever it is recomputing progress for a specific gridsquare. If you plan to delete or modify several QSOs, however, it may be faster to disable automatic progress recomputation, make the changes, and then perform a Recompute to rebuild the Progress Grid.
Realtime award tracking information for the ARRL WAS award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's WAS tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of mixed progress, by-mode progress, by-band progress, Satellite progress, and EME progress for US States based on every QSO in the current log made from a location that is valid for WAS:
in a log with zero or one QTHs defined, all QSOs are considered valid for WAS.
in a log with more than one QTH defined, only QSOs that specify a QTH whose WAS box is checked are considered valid for WAS
If you make QSOs from more than one location, this mechanism enables you to comply with the WAS rule regarding the maximum distance between locations from which QSOs are made.
If the QRP option is enabled, only QSOs that specify a transmit power that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 watts will be considered.
Confirmations via QSL card and LoTW (in QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd respectively) are both considered in determining progress; if you check the Include eQSL confirmations... box, confirmations via eQSL will also be considered in determining progress. For QSOs not confirmed via QSL card,
A phone or CW QSO with an LoTW confirmation that includes the US State is considered confirmed.
A RTTY or digital QSO with an LoTW confirmation that includes the US State and an exact mode match is considered confirmed.
A QSO with an LoTW confirmation that does not include the US State is considered worked.
A RTTY or digital QSO with an LoTW confirmation that does not specify the US State and an exact mode match is considered worked.
The WAS Award Progress panel displays a Progress Grid with one entry per US State. Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the confirmation status of the state:
W worked
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
C confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
V verified (award credit granted) by the ARRL
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If a QSO's WASVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered invalid for WAS awards. If both of a QSO's QSL_Rcvd and LoTW Rcvd items are set to X, the QSO is considered to be unconfirmable and thus treated for award tracking purposes as if it did not occur. If the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, then an X in the QSO's eQSL Rcvd item has an equivalent effect.
If you change QRP or the Include eQSL confirmations... settings, the Progress Grid, and other reports will not reflect the change until you invoke the Recompute function.
Note that Digi mode progress includes credit for QSOs in any digital modes designated as eligible for WAS Digital credit via DXKeeper's user-defined mode mechanism.
The WAS Award Progress panel's Progress Grid is live -- you can navigate among its entries and your log by double-clicking cells:
double-clicking a State cell
filters the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with the US State
shows the Log Page Display
double-clicking a State-Mode cell
filters the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with the US State in that mode
shows the Log Page Display
double-clicking a State-Band cell
filters the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with the US State in that band
shows the Log Page Display
double-clicking a State-Satellite cell
filters the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with the US State whose propagation mode is Sat
shows the Log Page Display
double-clicking a State-EME cell
filters the Log Page Display to show all QSOs with the US State whose propagation mode is EME
shows the Log Page Display
If the log defines two or more QTHs, the above double-click operations filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs made from QTHs whose WAS box is checked.
The WAS Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Progress Grid to show what's unworked, what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified on a particular band, in a particular mode, via Satellite, or via EME; setting the Band selector to ANY and the Mode selector to MIXED will display "mixed" progress. To reset the filter so that all Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button.
To generate a report showing all US States shown by the specified filter, click the WAS Award Progress Filter panel's Report button.
Note that filtering the Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track award progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all US States are visible in the Progress Grid or not.
The Progress Grid is immediately updated when
a station is worked
a QSL card is requested
when a QSO is confirmed via QSL card or LoTW (or via eQSL if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked)
when a QSO is verified by the ARRL and you set its WASVerified item to V
When enabled, DXKeeper will automatically update the Progress Grid when you
indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its QSL_Rcvd or LoTW Rcvd status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked (if the Include eQSL confirmations... box is checked, demoting a QSO's eQSL Rcvd status will also trigger an automatic update)
modify a QSO's band or mode
modify a QSO's DXCC entity or US State
place an exclamation point at the beginning of a QSO's callsign (marking the QSO as not to be considered for award progress)
delete a QSO
This update is accomplished by reviewing all QSOs with the US State of the deleted or modified QSO; this is generally much faster than clearing the Progress Grid and rebuilding it by scanning every QSO in the log, as performed by the Recompute function. DXKeeper displays a small dialog box with a progress bar whenever it is recomputing progress for a specific US State. If you plan to delete or modify several QSOs, however, it may be faster to disable automatic progress recomputation, make the changes, and then perform a Recompute to rebuild the Progress Grid.
Realtime award tracking information for the CQ DX Marathon award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's Marathon tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of by-mode and by-band progress - unworked or worked - for each CQ Country and CQ zone based on QSOs for the current year in the log file.
in a log with zero or one QTHs defined, all QSOs are considered valid for DX Marathon
in a log with more than one QTH defined, only QSOs that specify a QTH whose Marathon box is checked are considered valid for DX Marathon
The Marathon Award Progress panel displays a Marathon Progress Grid with one entry CQ Country and one entry per CQ zone. In this grid, the letter W identifies a worked band or mode. To display these letters in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
QSOs considered for inclusion in your CQ DX Marathon submission can be risky for several reasons:
you are uncertain that you logged your QSO partner's callsign correctly; as a result, the QSO may specify the wrong Country or the wrong CQ Zone.
the CQ Marathon Award Manager has indicated that a
QSO's callsign
may not be valid for CQ DX Marathon, pending the submission or approval of
required documentation
To avoid submitting a "risky" QSO for a country or CQ zone when a "not risky" QSO is available for that country or CQ Zone, DXKeeper provides Country Risk and Zone Risk items in each QSO. When a QSO's Country Risk item is unspecified, the risk is nominal: the QSO's logged Country is likely to be correct and valid. Similarly, when the QSO's Zone Risk item is unspecified; the risk is nominal: the QSO's CQ Zone is considered likely to be correct and valid. Setting a QSO's Country Risk item to L means that you are certain the QSO's Country is both accurate and valid; similarly, setting a QSO's Zone Risk item to L means that you are certain the QSO's CQ Zone is both accurate and valid. For example, a QSO confirmed by an authenticity-guaranteed (AG) member of eQSL can be considered to have low Country Risk and low Zone Risk. A QSO made under conditions so noisy that you're not certain that you logged the correct callsign, on the other hand, should be considered to have a high Country Risk and Zone Risk; both items should be set to H, meaning that the QSO should not be submitted for its country or zone unless no lower-risk QSOs with its country or zone are available. If the CQ Marathon Award Manager has ruled that QSOs with a specific callsign are not valid, the QSO's Country Risk and Zone Risk items should be set to I, meaning that this QSO should not be submitted under any circumstances.
If the the Confirmed QSOs are low risk option is enabled, the Marathon submission generator will automatically consider countries and Marathon zones of QSOs confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed members of eQSL, Club Log, or QRZ to be low risk
So that you can continue to seek QSOs more likely to be valid for Marathon countries and zones, Realtime Award Tracking for Marathon countries ignores QSOs whose Country Risk items are set to H, and Realtime Award Tracking for Marathon zones ignores QSOs whose Zone Risk items are set to H.
If a QSO's WAZVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered to be invalid for Marathon country and zone credit.
A QSO is considered to be invalid for Marathon country credit if
A QSO is considered to be invalid for Marathon zone credit if
The Progress Grid is live -- you can navigate to your log by double-clicking a band or mode cell in the Progress Grid; this action filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the CQ selected CQ country or zone in the selected band or mode, and shows the Log Page Display.
The Marathon Award Progress panel's Marathon Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Marathon Progress Grid to show what's unworked, what's worked -- on any band, or in any mode. Only Marathon Progress Grid entries that match the criteria set in these controls are visible; the number of matching entries is shown in the Marathon Award Progress panel's caption. To generate a progress report showing only Marathon countries and zones shown by the specified filter, click the Marathon Award Progress Filter panel's Report button; to reset the filter so that all Marathon Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button. Note that filtering the Marathon Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track awards progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all Marathon countries and zones are visible in the Marathon Progress Grid or not.
The Marathon Bands & Modes panel's Mixed, Band, and Mode boxes determine whether an active DX station will be highlighted and announced by SpotCollector as "needed for CQ DX Marathon". The CQ DX Marathon award defines four objectives: Mixed, single-band, single-mode, and multiple-band (Challenge); at the end of the year, your submission must specify one such objective. During the year, however, you may pursue Marathon on multiple bands and modes, and decide for which objective you will compete after comparing your results in each.
If the Include QSOs with no propagation mode box is unchecked, QSOs whose propagation mode is unspecified will be ignored
If a maximum transmit power is specified is specified, QSOs whose transmit power is unspecified or whose transmit power exceeds the specified maximum transmit power will be ignored
At the beginning of a new calendar year, you must
reset DXLab's Marathon award tracking in both DXKeeper and SpotCollector by
performing these actions in the order specified:
Configure the
Marathon Bands & Modes panel to indicate which active DX stations should be highlighted and announced by SpotCollector
as "needed for CQ DX Marathon" during the new year
check the Mixed box if
you're considering submitting a Mixed entry end of
the new year check the box for each band
for which you're considering submitting a single-band entry at the end of the new year check the box for each mode
for which you're considering submitting a single-mode entry at the end of the new year
check the Mixed box if you're considering submitting a Challenge entry end of
the new year On the Check Progress tab of DXKeeper's Main window, click
the Recompute button On the Spot Database tab of SpotCollector's Configuration
window, click the Recomputation panel's Recomp button
Realtime award tracking information for the CQ Worked All Zones award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's WAZ tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of by-mode and by-band progress for each CQ zone based on every QSO in the current log file. Confirmations via QSL card and eQSL (in QSL_Rcvd and eQSL Rcvd respectively) are considered in determining progress, but eQSL confirmations only count if they come from an Authenticity Guaranteed member. A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that specifies a CQ Zone that matches the logged CQ Zone is considered confirmed; A QSO confirmed via an LoTW confirmation that does not specify the logged CQ Zone will be considered worked.
The WAZ Award Progress panel displays a WAZ Progress Grid with one entry per CQ zone; its CQ Zone Progress Details sub-panel displays a Progress Details Grid for the currently-selected Progress Grid entry Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the confirmation status of the CQ zone, bands, and modes; cells in the Progress Details Grid contain codes showing the confirmation of band-mode combinations. The codes used in both grids are identical:
W worked
Q an entry is present in the QSL Queue
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
C confirmed via QSL card or Authenticity Guaranteed member of eQSL
V verified (award credit granted) by the award sponsor
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If a QSO's WAZVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered to be invalid for WAZ awards. If a QSO's QSL_Rcvd or eQSL_QSL_RCVD item is set to X, the QSO is considered to be unconfirmable and thus treated for WAZ award tracking purposes as if it did not occur.
Both the Progress Grid and Progress Details Grid are live -- you can navigate among them and your log by selecting entries or double-clicking cells:
double-clicking a band or mode cell in the Progress Grid
selects the associated CQ zone
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the CQ zone in the selected band or mode
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a cell in the Progress Details Grid
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with the CQ zone in the selected band and mode
shows the Log Page display
The WAZ Award Progress panel's WAZ Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the WAZ Progress Grid to show what's unworked, what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified -- on any WAZ band, or in any WAZ model; setting the Band selector to ANY and the Mode selector to MIXED will display CQ Zone progress. Only WAZ Progress Grid entries that match the criteria set in these controls are visible; the number of matching entries is shown in the WAZ Award Progress panel's caption. To generate a report showing all CQ zones shown by the specified filter, click the WAZ Award Progress Filter panel's Report button; to reset the filter so that all WAZ Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button. Note that filtering the WAZ Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track awards progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all CQ zones are visible in the WAZ Progress Grid or not.
Bands and modes being pursued for WAZ are specified in the WAZ Bands & Modes panel.
Realtime award tracking information for the CQ WPX award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's WPX tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of mixed progress, by-mode progress, and by-band progress for WPX prefixes based on every QSO in the current log.
Confirmations via QSL card , LoTW, and eQSL (in QSL_Rcvd, LoTW Rcvd, and eQSL Rcvd respectively) are considered in determining progress; eQSL confirmations only count if they come from an Authenticity Guaranteed member.
The WPX Award Progress panel displays a Progress Grid with one entry per WPX prefix. Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the confirmation status of the WPX prefix:
W worked
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
V verified (award credit granted) by the award sponsor
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If a QSO's WPXVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered invalid for WPX awards. If a QSO's QSL_Rcvd, LoTW Rcvd, and eQSL Rcvd items are set to X, the QSO is considered to be unconfirmable and thus treated for award tracking purposes as if it did not occur.
Note that Digi mode progress includes credit for QSOs in any digital modes designated as eligible for WPX Digital credit via DXKeeper's user-defined mode mechanism.
The WPX Award Progress panel's Progress Grid is live -- you can navigate among its entries and your log by double-clicking cells:
double-clicking a Prefix or Mixed cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with that WPX prefix
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a Prefix-Mode cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with that WPX prefix in that mode
shows the Log Page display
double-clicking a State-Band cell
filters the Log Page display to show all QSOs with that WPX prefix in that band
shows the Log Page display
The WPX Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Progress Grid to show what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified on a particular band, or in a particular mode; setting the Band selector to ANY and the Mode selector to MIXED will display "mixed" progress. To reset the filter so that all Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button.
To generate a report showing all WPX Prefixes shown by the specified filter, click the WPX Award Progress Filter panel's Report button.
Note that filtering the Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track award progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all WPX prefixes are visible in the Progress Grid or not.
The Progress Grid is immediately updated when
a station is worked
a QSL card is requested
when a QSO is verified by the award sponsor and you set its WPXVerified item to V
When enabled, DXKeeper will automatically update the Progress Grid when you
indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its QSL_Rcvd or LoTW Rcvd or eQSL Rcvd status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked
modify a QSO's band or mode
modify a QSO's WPX prefix
place an exclamation point at the beginning of a QSO's callsign (marking the QSO as not to be considered for award progress)
delete a QSO
This update is accomplished by reviewing all QSOs with the WPX prefix of the deleted or modified QSO; this is generally much faster than clearing the Progress Grid and rebuilding it by scanning every QSO in the log, as performed by the Recompute function. DXKeeper displays a small dialog box with a progress bar whenever it is recomputing progress for a specific WPX prefix. If you plan to delete or modify several QSOs, however, it may be faster to disable automatic progress recomputation, make the changes, and then perform a Recompute to rebuild the Progress Grid.
Realtime award tracking information for the IOTA award family is displayed on the Realtime Award Tracking window's IOTA tab, which is vertically resizable. This information consists of IOTA status and mixed award progress for IOTA groups based on every QSO in the current log.
A QSO confirmed via QSL card (QSL_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V) or LoTW (LoTW_Rcvd is set to Y, S, or V with an I in its LoTW Cfm item), or Club Log (Club Log Rcvd is set to Y ) is considered confirmed for IOTA unless its IOTAVerify item is set to N, in which case it is considered worked.The IOTA Award Progress panel displays a Progress Grid with one entry per gridsquare. Cells in the Progress Grid contain codes showing the IOTA status and mixed confirmation status of the IOTA group. The IOTA status codes are
D deleted
P provisional
H on hold pending additional information
The confirmation status codes are
W worked
R a QSL card has been sent requesting a confirmation
C confirmed via QSL card or LoTW
V verified (award credit granted) by IOTA
To display these codes in bold font, check the Display Progress in bold font box in the Realtime Award Tracking panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab.
If a QSO's IOTAVerified item is set to I, then the QSO is considered invalid for IOTA awards.
The IOTA Award Progress panel's Progress Grid is live. Double-clicking a group or mixed cell will filter the Log Page display to show all QSOs with that IOTA Group, and show the Log Page display.
The IOTA Award Progress Filter panel contains a set of controls that let you filter the Progress Grid to show what's worked, what's worked but not requested, what's requested but not confirmed, what's confirmed but not verified, and/or what's verified. To reset the filter so that all Progress Grid entries are visible, click the All button.
To generate a report showing all IOTA Groups shown by the specified filter, click the IOTA Award Progress Filter panel's Report button.
Note that filtering the Progress Grid has no impact on DXKeeper's ability to track award progress; such progress will be accurately tracked whether all IOTA groups are visible in the Progress Grid or not.
The Progress Grid is immediately updated when
a station is worked
a QSL card is requested
when a QSO is confirmed via QSL card or via LoTW
when a QSO is verified by IOTA and you set its IOTAVerified item to V
When enabled, DXKeeper will automatically update the Progress Grid when you
indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its QSL_Rcvd status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked
modify a QSO's IOTA group
place an exclamation point at the beginning of a QSO's callsign (marking the QSO as not to be considered for award progress)
delete a QSO
This update is accomplished by reviewing all QSOs with the IOTA group of the deleted or modified QSO; this is generally much faster than clearing the Progress Grid and rebuilding it by scanning every QSO in the log, as performed by the Recompute function. DXKeeper displays a small dialog box with a progress bar whenever it is recomputing progress for a specific IOTA group. If you plan to delete or modify several QSOs, however, it may be faster to disable automatic progress recomputation, make the changes, and then perform a Recompute to rebuild the Progress Grid.