DXView's Configuration screen contains 6 tabs, each containing a related group of settings and controls that you can inspect and/or modify:
The General tab contains seven panels and three free-standing buttons:
Display progress data in bold font | when checked, data in the info window's Progress table is rendered with a bold font |
Open most recent log | when checked with DXKeeper not running, DXView opens the most recent log opened when DXView and DXKeeper were both last running (if DXKeeper is terminated with this box checked, DXView will continue to display progress from the currently open log) |
Query Special Callsign database | when checked and SpotCollector is installed, queries SpotCollector's Special Callsign Database, reports any resulting Tags in a panel on DXView's Info window, and makes these Tags accessible to other applications |
Query IOTA database | when checked
with the IOTA database installed, any action that selects a DXCC entity
will query the IOTA
for IOTA groups in that entity
Display GeoMag panel | when checked, DXView display a GeoMag panel on the Info window that displays the maximum geomagnetic latitude for the current path, and provides a K box in which you can specify the current geomagnetic K index used to calculate the location of the auroral zones; if SpotCollector is running, DXView's K textbox will be automatically updated as SpotCollector receives WWV data. |
Generate propagation forecast | when checked with
PropView running,
Display information in title bars | when checked, window title bars display the current UTC time (disable if running Vista!) |
Use multiple monitors | when checked, windows that resided on a secondary monitor during the previous session will be restored to the same secondary monitor on startup; when not checked, all windows are restored to the primary monitor on startup |
Log debugging information | when checked, DXView records diagnostic information in a file named Errorlog.txt residing in DXView's folder. |
Latitude | the North Magnetic Pole's latitude (defaults to the estimated 2015 position of 86 4' N) |
Longitude | the North Magnetic Pole's longitude (defaults to the estimated 2015 position of 153 21' W) |
Miles button | sets the DX textbox's unit of distance measurement to miles |
Kilometers button | sets the DX textbox's unit of distance measurement to kilometers |
Normal | click on the rectangle to set the color used to display the backgrounds of textboxes in the Search and DXCC panels when the callsign is not known to participate in the ARRL's Logbook of the World |
LotW | click on the rectangle to set the color used to display the backgrounds of textboxes in the Search and DXCC panels when the callsign is known to participate in the ARRL's Logbook of the World |
eQSL | click on the rectangle to set the color used to display the backgrounds of textboxes in the Search and DXCC panels when the callsign is an Authenticity Guaranteed member of eQSL.cc |
LotW & eQSL | click on the rectangle to set the color used to display the backgrounds of textboxes in the Search and DXCC panels when the callsign is known to participate in the ARRL's Logbook of the World and an Authenticity Guaranteed member of eQSL.cc |
Station Callsign | your callsign |
Latitude | your QTH
latitude, in the format D M' S" Z
Longitude | your QTH
longitude, in the format D M' S" Z
Position button | click to set your QTH latitude and longitude to the currently selected position on DXView's world map |
Save button | click to save your QTH latitude and longitude for use by subsequent DXView sessions |
Restore button | click to set your QTH latitude and longitude to the previously saved QTH position |
Location buttons | choose your
QTH location:
This location is used to establish an origin for plots created when you click the Plot button. The Origin Filter considers a plot's origin in determining whether or not that plot should be displayed on DXView's earth map. |
This panel governs DXView's ability to display translations of amateur radio phrases for languages used in the currently-selected DXCC entity. This panel is disabled unless the Translations database is installed.
Enable | when checked, enables the lookup and display of translated amateur radio phrases in DXView's Translations window |
native language | select the language used to display column headings in the Translations window |
Auto Size | when clicked, column widths in the Translations window are adjusted so that each phrase will be completely visible |
show control explanations | when checked, enables the display of explanatory information when the mouse cursor lingers over a textbox, button, checkbox, display pane, or setting. |
Browser pathname | if this setting is blank, DXView displays online help using your PC's default HTML browser; if this setting contains the pathname of an HTML browser, DXView displays online help using that browser. MapQuest and Google maps are displayed using the same browser. |
Display License button - when clicked, displays DXView's License
Display Error Log button - when clicked, displays the errorlog.txt file in DXView's folder
Help button - when clicked, displays DXView's reference documentation
The Plot Settings tab contains five panels that govern what is displayed on the world map
Spots, QSOs,
and My controls
in this sub-panel are linked to their counterparts on the built-in
World Map window's Plot panel; changing one will automatically
update the other
Spots | when selected with SpotCollector running, DX spots are displayed on the world map |
QSOs | when checked with SpotCollector running, both the location of a spotted DX station and that of the station that spotted it are displayed on the world map if gridsquares for each location were specified in the spot |
My |
when checked, limits the display of spots and QSOs on the world map to those whose most recent "spotting station" is
Lifetime | specifies how long, in hours, a spot should be displayed on the world map, as measured from the time the spot first appears; fractional durations like .25 can be specified. |
if DXKeeper is installed, the caption of this sub-panel includes the name of the log file from which QSOs and DXCC entities will be displayed
items in this sub-panel are linked to their counterparts on the built-in World Map window's Plot panel; changing one will automatically update the other
QSOs | when selected
with DXKeeper
running, logged QSOs are displayed on the world map
DXCC Entities | when selected with DXKeeper running, DXCC entities are displayed on the world map |
Unworked | when checked, the world map displays logged QSOs whose DXCC award status is expired or invalid, and DXCC entities whose award status is unworked |
Unconfirmed | when checked, the world map displays logged QSOs whose DXCC award status is worked or requested, and DXCC entities whose award status is worked, queued, or requested |
Confirmed | when checked, the world map displays logged QSOs whose DXCC award status is confirmed or submitted, and DXCC entities whose award status is confirmed |
Verified | when checked, the world map displays logged QSOs whose DXCC award status is verified, and DXCC entities whose award status is verified |
band checkboxes | determine which bands will be included in the Scan DX sequence |
ann | if checked, directs SpotCollector (if running) to announce each band as its active DX stations are displayed during a Scan DX operation; if dwell is set to less than 3 seconds, each band's active DX stations will be displayed for 3 seconds |
dwell | specifies how long in seconds each band's active DX stations are displayed during a Scan DX operation; a value less than 1 will be interpreted as 1 second, and a value greater than 30 will be interpreted as 30 seconds |
band checkboxes | determine whether DX spots, DX QSOs, or DXCC entity award progress on the specified band appear on the world map |
? checkbox | determines whether DX spots, DX QSOs, or DXCC entity award progress whose band is unknown appear on the world map |
Xcvr band only | if Commander is running, DX spots, DX QSOs, or DXCC entity award progress on the transceiver's current band appear on the world map |
None checkbox | resets all band checkboxes |
Top checkbox | sets the 160m checkbox |
Low checkbox | sets the 80m and 40m checkboxes |
Tri checkbox | sets the 20m, 15m, and 10m checkboxes |
Warc checkbox | sets the 30m, 17m, and 12m checkboxes |
VHF checkbox | sets the 6m and 2m checkboxes |
All checkbox | sets all band checkboxes |
mode checkboxes | determines whether DX spots, DX QSOs, or DXCC entity award progress in the specified mode appear on the world map |
? checkbox | determines whether DX spots, DX QSOs, or DXCC entity award progress whose mode is unknown appear on the world map |
None checkbox | resets all mode checkboxes |
All checkbox | sets all mode checkboxes |
NA checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in North America appear on the world map |
SA checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in South America appear on the world map |
EU checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in Europe appear on the world map |
AF checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in Africa appear on the world map |
AS checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in Asia appear on the world map |
OC checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in Oceania appear on the world map |
AN checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs in Antarctica appear on the world map |
? checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs whose continent is unknown appear on the world map |
None checkbox | resets all continent checkboxes |
All checkbox | sets all continent checkboxes |
NAE checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from eastern North America appear on the world map |
NAM checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from midwestern North America appear on the world map |
NAW checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from western North America appear on the world map |
SA checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from South America appear on the world map |
EU checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from Europe appear on the world map |
AF checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from Africa appear on the world map |
AS checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from Asia appear on the world map |
OC checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs originating from Oceania appear on the world map |
? checkbox | determines whether DX spots or DX QSOs whose origin is unknown appear on the world map |
None checkbox | resets all origin checkboxes |
All checkbox | sets all origin checkboxes |
The Rotor Control tab contains several checkboxes and six panels
determines whether rotator control is enabled
when set, attempts to open and configure the selected port
will be unchecked if
no serial port is selected or if the selected serial port can't be
Enable at startup: when
checked, enables rotator control at startup. Check this box so that if rotator
control is disabled by a powered-down USB port, it will be automatically
enabled the next time DXView is started.
Request rotator heading once per second: when checked and enabled
(not "greyed out"), directs the antenna rotator to report its position once
each second, and displays this position in the Info window's
Heading panel. This setting is enabled when one of the
following Rotator Models is selected: Green Heron,
Hygain, M2 RC2800P-A, M2 RC2800X, MDS, Rotor-EZ, or Yaesu.
AlfaSpid | specifies and AlfaSpid antenna rotator using the ROT1PROG protocol |
ARCO Hygain | specifies an ARCO antenna rotator using the Hygain protocol |
ARCO Yaesu | specifies an ARCO antenna rotator using the Yaesu protocol |
ARSWIN | specifies a rotator controlled by ARSWIN |
Heath | specifies a Heath HD1780 IntelliRotor |
Heron Hygain MDS Rotor-EZ |
specifies a rotator whose controller uses the Hygain DCU-1 protocol, which is also used by Green Heron, MDS, and Rotor-EZ controllers |
LP-Rotor | specifies a rotator controlled by LP-Rotor |
M2 RC2800P-A | specifies an M2 RC2800P-A antenna rotator |
M2 RC2800X | specifies an M2 RC2800PX antenna rotator |
N1MM Current | specifies rotator control via the current version of N1MM Rotor |
N1MM V12.11 | specifies rotator control via N1MM Rotor (version 12.11 or earlier) |
Prosistel | specifies a Prosistel antenna rotator |
SARtek | specifies a SARtek antenna rotator |
TIC | specifies a TIC antenna rotator |
TrackBox | specifies a TAPR TrackBox antenna rotator |
Yaesu | specifies a Yaesu antenna rotator |
Slow | selects the rotators slowest speed of rotation |
Medium | selects the rotators mid-range speed of rotation |
Fast | selects the rotators fastest speed of rotation |
Serial | when selected, DXView communicates with the ARCO antenna rotator via the serial port specified in the Serial Port Interface panel |
TCP | when selected, DXView communicates with the ARCO antenna rotator via TCP using the specified Host Address and Port |
Endpoint | enables the Rotor-EZ "endpoint" option (disabling jumper on PCB must be removed for this to work) |
Overshoot | enables the Rotor-EZ "overshoot" option (disabling jumper on PCB must be removed for this to work) |
Unstick | enables the Rotor-EZ "Unstick" option (disabling jumper on PCB must be removed for this to work) |
Solar-QTH |
Ant1 rotator offset |
Ant2 rotator offset |
Clicking this panel's Show button displays the Antenna presets panel on DXView's Info window; clicking this panel's Hide button hides the Antenna presets panel on DXView's Info window.
If Commander is running, the checkboxes in this panel determine whether rotation directives from other applications are obeyed or ignored: if the box associated with transceiver's current band is checked in this panel, then
- rotation directives are obeyed.
- the antenna heading is reported to other applications
- the antenna heading and path are rendered in blue font
If Commander is running and the box associated with transceiver's current band is not checked, then
- rotationdirectives are ignored.
- DXView indicates to other applications that the antenna heading is unknown
- the antenna heading and path are rendered in red font
If Commander is not running, then
- rotation directives are obeyed
- the antenna heading is reported to other applications
- the antenna heading and path are rendered in blue font
Port | choose the serial port by which your PC is connected to your rotator controller |
Speed | select the serial port's baud rate |
Word Length | select the serial port's word length, in bits |
Stop Bits | select the number of stop bits following each transmitted word |
Parity | select the serial port's parity |
N1MM Rotator Selection by Band panel (only present if the Model panel is set to N1MM Current or N1MM V12.11)
Enable |
check to
enable rotator selection by current transceiver band
is running
all bands | serial port to which the current version of N1MM Rotor will send commands when Enable is unchecked or Commander is not running |
160m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 160m band |
80m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 80m band |
60m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 60m band |
40m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 40m band |
30m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 30m band |
20m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 20m band |
17m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 17m band |
15m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 15m band |
12m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 12m band |
10m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 10m band |
6m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 6m band |
4m | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 4m band |
70cm | serial port to which N1MM Rotor will send commands when the primary transceiver frequency is in the 70m band |
If Commander is not running or if this panel's Enable box is not checked, then N1MM Rotor will send commands to the currently-selected rotator. If Commander and this panel's Enable box is checked but the serial port selector for the current transceiver band does not specify a serial port, then no commands will be sent to any rotator. Step-by-step configuration instructions are available.
N1MM Rotor IP panel (only present if the Model panel is set to N1MM Current or N1MM V12.11)
This panel specifies the IP address of the computer on which N1MM Rotor is running. The default value is, which means "the computer on which DXView is running". Clicking the Local button sets N1MM Rotor IP to
The World Map tab contains five panels:
Enable | when checked, directs DXView to display information on its built-in world map, a cylindrical equidistant projection in a rectangular window, instead of on the DX Atlas world map |
Include Antarctica on Continent overlay | when checked, the built-in world map's continent boundaries include Antarctica |
Always On Top | when checked, the World Map window will always appear atop other windows |
DX spot diameter | specifies the diameter of the filled circle that depicts a DX spot on the world map |
QSO line width | specifies the width of the line that connects both participants of a DX QSO on the world map |
QSO origin diameter | specifies the diameter of the filled circle that depicts a spotted DX QSO's origin on the world map |
Logged QSO diameter | specifies the diameter of the filled circle that depicts a Logged QSO on the world map |
DXCC entity diameter | specifies the diameter of the filled circle that depicts a DXCC entity on the world map |
Plot color | click to set the color of the solid circles that represent DX spots, logged QSOs, and DXCC entities on the world map |
Current | when selected, the sun's current position is displayed on the built-in world map |
At this UTC date/time |
when selected, the sun's position at the specified date and time is displayed on the built-in world map
Set Xcvr split | when checked, double-clicking on a plotted spot in the built-in world map for a DX station operating split directs Commander (if running) to place the transceiver in split mode | ||||||||||||||||
Include Country in popup | when checked, country names are included in popups that appear when the mouse cursor hovers over a DX spot on the built-in world map | ||||||||||||||||
Log Filter |
RTTY mode if WinWarbler not running |
CW mode |
Phone modes via WinWarbler |
This panel governs DXView's Interoperation with DX Atlas:
Enable | when checked, directs DXView to display information on the DX Atlas world map instead of the built-in world map (requires DX Atlas version 2.1 or later) |
Display labels |
when checked,
when non checked,
Display label details | if Display labels is enabled, determines whether additional text is displayed for plotted DX spots, logged QSOs, and DXCC entities |
Update grid status | when checked, initiating the Plot function on the Log QSOs tab of DXKeeper Main window clears any Maidenhead Fields and Grids currently shown as worked or confirmed on the DX Atlas map, and after all logged QSOs have been received from DXKeeper, updates the DX Atlas map to show worked and confirmed Fields and Grids (if DX Atlas is configured to display field and grid status) |
Plot color | click to set the color of the solid circles that represent DX spots, logged QSOs, and DXCC entities on DX Atlas |
Label font | click to select the font, font size, font color, and font metrics used to display labels on DX Atlas |
This panel governs DXView's interoperation with Google Earth:
Enable | when checks DXView to display information on Google Earth in addition to the built-in world map or DX Atlas |
QTH Label | specifies the text that should appear at the user's location, e.g. the user's callsign |
Fly to Selected Location | when checked, selecting a position causes Google Earth to shift its viewpoint to the newly-selected position at the specified altitude; the speed of this shift is controlled by the Fly-To Speed setting on the Navigation panel of the Google Earth Options window. |
Altitude | the height of Google Earth's viewpoint above a selected position or when the user double-clicks a place in the Google Earth Sidebar |
Display Active DX | when enabled, DXView maintains a filterable list of active DX stations and their spotting stations for display on Google Earth when DXView is configured to display spots |
Update | specifies the interval at which Google Earth will check for a new selected position, new active DX stations, new logged QSO, or new DXCC entities; choosing a low value will make Google Earth more responsive to DXView, but will also increase Google Earth's resource consumption |
Icon Size | selects the size of the icons used to represent DX stations, spotting stations, logged stations, and entities on Google Earth |
Icons |
when clicked, DXView's "Google Earth Icons" window is displayed, enabling
selection of the graphic icon used to represent locations on Google Earth:
Each icon URL can be returned to its default value by clicking the Default button to its right. Clicking the Sync button directs Google Earth to update its display, showing the result of any icon changes. |
Sync | when clicked, Google Earth is directed to update its display |
The selector in this panel specifies the type of map to be displayed when Google Maps are invoked to display the current position:
Roads - road map
Satellite - satellite view
Hybrid - satellite view and major roads
Terrain - terrain view
The slider in this panel specifies the initial zoom level when Google Maps are invoked to display the current position. Zoom level 15 uses the least magnification for the widest possible view, while zoom level 0 uses the most magnification for the most detailed view. High magnification maps are not available for some parts of the world.
The slider in this panel specifies the initial zoom level when MapQuest is invoked to display the current position. Zoom level 0 uses the least magnification for the widest possible view, while zoom level 9 uses the most magnification for the most detailed view. High magnification maps are not available for some parts of the world.
The Override List tab allows you to
specify the operating location of a station whose callsign prefix is ambiguous as to DXCC entity - like TM or TX
specify the operating location of a station whose callsign does not conform to standard prefix assignments - like K5D
provide specific information for a station operating in a needed Location (Subdivision or Region), CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, grid square, or IOTA tag
Each entry on the Override List specifies the following information:
Callsign the station's Callsign DXCC Entity the DXCC entity from which the station is operating Location the name of the location from which the station is operating
- include the <Pri:> tag to specify an ADIF Primary Administrative Subdivision code, e.g. <Pri:FL> or <Pri:LO>
- Include the <Sec:> tag to specify an ADIF Secondary Administrative Subdivision cide, e.g. <Sec: FL,Seminole> or or <Pri:LO, LO-23>
- include the <Reg:> tag to specify a DXKeeper Award Region code, e.g. <Reg:IT9>
CQ the CQ zone from which the station is operating ITU the ITU zone from which the station is operating Continent the Continent from which the station is operating Grid the Maidenhead Grid Square from which the station is operating Grid2 a second Maidenhead Grid Square, for use when the station is operating on the border between 2 grid squares Grid3 a third Maidenhead Grid Square, for use when the station is operating on the border between 3 grid squares Grid4 a fourth Maidenhead Grid Square, for use when the station is operating on the border between 4 grid squares IOTA the IOTA tag for the island from which the station is operating TimeZone the UTC offset for location from which the station is operating, in hours (positive for west of Greenwich England, negative for east of Greenwich England) StartDate the date on which the override becomes active, in YYYY-MM-DD format; the override becomes active at 0Z on the specified day. EndDate the date on which the override expires, in YYYY-MM-DD format; the override expires at 0Z on the specified day, so it's best to specify an expiration date several days after the override's callsign is expected to QRT Notes additional information about the callsign (ignored by DXLab applications) Source indicates whether the entry was manually created by the user, or created from a Club Log exceptions
DXKeeper and
SpotCollector use these Overrides when determining a station's location.
can optionally be configured to use these Overrides when importing QSOs.
You can configure the Override List:
To adjust the width of the Override List tab, position the cursor over its right border. Click-drag to the right to increase the tab's width. Click-drag to the left to decrease the tab's width. Whether all columns in the Override List will be simultaneously visible depends on their width, as well as the width of the Override List tab. If all columns are not simultaneously visible, use the horizontal scrollbar displayed along the bottom of the Override List to display the columns you wish to see.
To adjust the width of an Override List column, position the cursor over the vertical line to the left or right of the column's caption; when properly positioned, the cursor will change to the Windows border adjustment cursor, allowing you to click and drag the column border to either expand or contract the column width as desired.
To change the order of columns in the Override List, click on the caption of a column you wish to relocate. Then click-and-drag the column until the two red positioning triangles indicate the desired new location./p>
Using functions on the Configuration window's
Override List tab,
you can create, update, and delete overrides, either manually, from
Club Log, or from
Big CTY exceptions:
To manually create an override for a callsign for which no override is currently specified,
click the New button
in the empty list entry that appears, specify
the callsign
the DXCC entity from which the callsign is operating
any other location information available, e.g. CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, IOTA tag, grid square, TimeZone
the StartDate before which the override should be ignored; if the override is active now, leave the StartDate column empty
the EndDate after which the override should be ignored; if the override should remain permanently active, leave the EndDate column empty
click the Save button
To populate an Override List entry's CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, IOTA tag, grid square, and TimeZone columns if they can be unambiguously determined from the entry's DXCC Entity, tight-click the entry select the Populate override contents from Entity menu command
To update the Override List with Club Log exceptions, click the Club Log button; in response, DXKeeper will
prompt you to confirm that it should direct SpotCollector to terminate, and then proceed to replace existing Override List entries created from past Club Log exceptions with new entries created from current Club Log exceptions
clear the Override Filter
delete all Overrides whose source is ClubLog
download exceptions from Club Log
for each Club Log exception that specifies location information that differs from DXView's DXCC and USAP databases, create an Override whose Source column is set to ClubLog
if an override already exists, the existing override will be augmented (if the information it provides is consistent) or replaced (if the information it provides is inconsistent)
changes to existing overrides are displayed in the Club Log Override Update Report window
update the date shown above the Club Log button to show the date associated with the Club Log exceptions just processed
To update the Override List with Club Log exceptions and populate each created entry's CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, IOTA tag, grid square, and TimeZone columns if they can be unambiguously determined from the entry's DXCC Entity, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Club Log button
To update the Override List with Big CTY exceptions, click the BigCTY button; in response, DXKeeper will
prompt you to confirm that it should direct SpotCollector to terminate, and then proceed to replace existing Override List entries created from past Big CTY exceptions with new entries created from current Big CTY exceptions
clear the Override Filter
delete all Overrides whose source is BigCTY
download exceptions from Big CTY
for each Big CTY exception that specifies location information that differs from DXView's DXCC and USAP databases, create an Override whose Source column is set to BigCTY
if an override already exists, the existing override will be augmented (if the information it provides is consistent) or replaced (if the information it provides is inconsistent)
changes to existing overrides are displayed in the Big CTY Override Update Report window
update the date shown above the Big CTY button to show the current date
To update the Override List with Big CTY exceptions and populate each created entry's CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, IOTA tag, grid square, and TimeZone columns if they can be unambiguously determined from the entry's DXCC Entity, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Big CTY button
To delete an entry in the Override List, click on the entry and then click the Delete button, or right-click the entry and select the Delete override menu command
To delete all filtered overrides, depress the CTRL key while clicking the Delete button; DXKeeper will prompt you to confirm that it should direct SpotCollector to terminate, and then proceed to delete all filtered overrides
To update each filtered override's CQ zone, ITU zone, continent, IOTA tag, grid square, and TimeZone columns if they can be unambiguously determined from the entry's DXCC Entity, click the Update button.
Right-clicking an entry in the
Override List and
selecting the Clear
override contents menu command will clear all of
the entry's columns except Callsign and Source
The Override Filter panel provides the ability to filter the Override List by callsign, DXCC prefix, source, and expiration:
typing a callsign into the Override Filter textbox and clicking the Call button (or striking the Enter key) will filter the Override List to only contain entries
whose callsigns match the
specified callsign, which can include wildcard characters:
To match... | Callsign with Wildcards | Samples that match | Samples that don't match |
one or more characters | VU4*W | VU4CW, VU4WWW, VU41W | VU2CW, VU4DY |
one or more characters | *YV1DIG* | YV1DIG, YV0/YV1DIG, YV0/YV1DIG/QRP | YV0/YV1DX |
one character | OX1VHF/? | OX1VHF/P, OX1VHF/5,OX1VHF/M | OX1VHF, OX1VHF/MM |
one digit | A6#AJ | A61AJ, A64JA | A6JA, C61AJ |
a range of characters | A[A-L]6DX | AA6DX, AF6DX | AM6DX, A6DX, AA6DY |
outside a range of characters | K[!G-H]4DX | KC4DX, KK4DX, K$4DX | KG4DX, KC4DY |
outside the range of digits | K5[!0-9] | K5K, K5% | K50 |
pattern composed of several sub-patterns | A[A-L]#[A-Z]* | AA6YQ, AL7X | AM4DX, KH6/AL7X, AA6 |
and whose Source columns match the Source filter
and whose StartDate and EndDate columns match the Expiration filter
typing a DXCC entity prefix into the Override Filter textbox and clicking the Prefix button will filter the Override List to only contain entries
whose Entity columns exactly match the specified entity prefix
and whose Source columns match the Source filter
and whose StartDate and EndDate columns match the Expiration filter
the User, ClubLog, and BigCTY checkboxes form the Source filter
unchecking the User box will filter the Override List to hide entries whose source is User
unchecking the ClubLog box will filter the Override List to hide entries whose source is ClubLog
unchecking the BigCTY box will filter the Override List to hide entries whose source is BigCTY
the Unexpired and Expired checkboxes form the Expiration filter
unchecking the Unexpired box will filter the Override List to display only entries whose EndDate columns specifies dates in the past
unchecking the Expired box will filter the Override List to display only entries whose EndDate columns are either empty, or specify dates in the future
clicking the X button will remove all filtering from the Override List, clearing the Override Filter textbox, and checking the User, ClubLog, BigCTY, Unexpired, and Expired boxes
The Databases tab shows you which versions of the databases used by DXLab applications are currently installed and which versions are currently available. It also provides controls that let you install or upgrade these databases.
Check for new versions on startup when checked, DXView will during startup download a file whose contents specify the currently available versions of each database and update the Available versions display; if a new database version is available, New DB! will appear in the Info window's title bar, and a new DB! message will appear in red font above the Main window's Config button; clicking this message displays the Configuration window's Databases tab, from which database upgrades can be initiated. New? when clicked, DXView downloads a file whose contents specify the currently available versions of each database and update the Available versions display
Database Installed Available Action DXCC version number of the installed DXCC database version number of the currently available DXCC database
Install download and install currently available DXCC database Upgrade upgrade the currently available DXCC database View Notes displays Change Notes for the currently available DXCC database IOTA version number of the installed IOTA database version number of the currently available IOTA database
Install download and install currently available IOTA database Upgrade upgrade the currently available IOTA database USAP date-of-last-update for the installed USAP database date-of-last-update for the currently available USAP database
Install download and install currently available USAP database Upgrade upgrade the currently available USAP database RDA date-of-last-update for the installed RDA database date-of-last-update for the currently available RDA database
Install download and install currently available RDA database Upgrade upgrade the currently available RDA database GridDXCC date-of-last-update for the installed GridDXCC database date-of-last-update for the currently available GridDXCC database
Install download and install currently available GridDXCC database Upgrade upgrade the currently available GridDXCC database LotW date-of-last-update for the installed LotW database date-of-last-update for the currently available LotW database
Install download and install currently available LotW database Upgrade upgrade the currently available LotW database eQSL AG date-of-last-update for the installed eQSL AG database date-of-last-update for the currently available eQSL AG database
Install download and install currently available eQSL AG database Upgrade upgrade the currently available eQSL AG database
Translations version number of the installed Translation database version number of the currently available Translation database
Install download and install currently available Translation database Upgrade upgrade the currently available Translation database If upgrades are available for one or more installed Databases, clicking the Upgrade All button will upgrade those Databases in sequence.