Specifying a Maximum Distance to Spotting Station for Each Band
If you check the Band Filter window's Enable Start/End & Max Origin DX Filtering box, then you can optionally specify the following additional filtering rules for each band individually:
a starting and ending UTC time (either an absolute time, or as an offset in minutes from the current Sunrise or Sunset time)
- a maximum distance between your QTH location and the closest station to have spotted the DX station, in miles or kilometers
To use maximum distance filtering, you must
specify the latitude and longitude of your QTH in the Operator location panel on the Config window's General tab
arrange for SpotCollector to determine the location of spotting stations by
using at least one Spot Source that runs DX Spider cluster software that has been configured to include the spotting station's grid square via the set/dxgrid cluster command (you can place a set/dxgrid command in the Spot Sources tab's initial cluster command so that SpotCollector will automatically configure all enabled clusters to provide spotting station grid squares when connecting to the cluster)
enabling Lookup missing location info on the Config window's General tab so that SpotCollector will perform a lookup on the spotting station's callsign in the DXCC or USAP database
enabling Capture location info from notes on the Config window's General tab so that SpotCollector will attempt to extract the spotting station's grid square from the spot notes (since there is no standard way that users specify grid squares in spot notes, this function can be inaccurate)
uncheck the Ignore panel's Max origin DX box
You can only modify a band's Max origin DX -- the maximum distance from your QTH to the closest spotting station's QTH -- if that band's Enable box is unchecked. Typically, one would
uncheck a band's Enable box
specify or update the band's Max origin DX setting
check the band's Enable box to put those settings into action.
To temporarily disable maximum distance to closest spotting station filtering for all bands, check the Ignore panel's Max origin DX box.
Post a question or suggestion on the DXLab Discussion Group
Specifying Start and End Times for Each Band
Filtering the Spot Database Display