Using Callbooks

DXKeeper can use a Callbook to

If DXKeeper is running, WinWarbler can be configured to populate items in a new QSO from the Callbook selected in DXKeeper.

Your QSO partner's first name is placed in the QSO's name item. Your QSO partner's full name and postal address are placed in the QSO's address item.

You can use any of the three Callbooks delivered on CD-ROM:

Access to information from will be considerably faster if you install the Callbook's database files onto a hard drive in your PC.

You can also use one of three Online Callbook Services:

These services offer information that is more up-to-date than that supplied via CD-ROM, but with slower access: a lookup over a fast internet connection with no congestion will take 5-10 seconds. With a slower connection and/or a busy server, lookup times can exceed 30 seconds.

DXKeeper also enables you to use as a Callbook by using its ability to extract information from web pages downloaded by Pathfinder; these web pages include advertising -- which is what enables QRZ to offer this service for free, but which further increases lookup times over those of the subscription-based services.

As described below, DXKeeper can optionally be configured to check a second Callbook if the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not have information for the callsign.

Configuring DXKeeper

Callbook configuration is accomplished using the Callbook tab of DXKeeper's Configuration window.

No matter which Callbook you're using, set two options at the bottom of this tab:

Configuring DXKeeper to use a Callbook CD-ROM

If you've installed one of the Callbook CD-ROMs, then select it on the Callbook tab, and select the appropriate folder name:

If you've installed a HamCall CD-ROM dated May 2013 or later, use Windows Explorer to navigate to your DXKeeper folder, and delete the file Hamcal32.dll .

Configuring DXKeeper to use an Online Callbook Service

If you have a paid HamCall Online subscription (available here)

  1. select HamCall Online

  2. specify your callsign
  3. specify your password
  4. set the HamCall Online timeout to 60

If you have a free HamQTH account (available here),

  1. select HamQTH

  2. specify your callsign
  3. specify your password
  4. set the HamQTH timeout to 60

If you have a paid QRZ XML Data subscription (available here), then in the panel,

  1. select XML Data

  2. specify your callsign
  3. specify your password
  4. set the timeout to 60

  5. if you are pursuing awards that depend on each QSO's grid square, check the Ignore geocoded grid squares box ("geocoding" means determining an approximate location from a postal address)

Configuring DXKeeper to use via Pathfinder

If you'll be using via Pathfinder for free access to callbook information from, then

  1. if you don't have a free account, register your callsign for one via

  2. start Pathfinder, open its Config window, and in the Online Callbook panel

    1. enter the callsign you registered in step 1 into the username box

    2. enter the password you received in step 1 into the password box

    3. check the Automatic login box

      • automatic login will not succeed if you have configured to employ two-factor authentication
    4. check the Warn if not logged in box

  3. on Pathfinder's Main window, depress the CTRL key while clicking the QRZ search button; in the Pathfinder search window that appears,

    1. check the Auto box

    2. click the Save... button

  4. in the panel on the Callbook tab of DXKeeper's Config window,

    1. select via Pathfinder

    2. set the timeout to 60

    3. if you are pursuing awards that depend on each QSO's grid square, check the Ignore geocoded grid squares box ("geocoding" means determining an approximate location from a postal address)

Testing the Callbook Lookup mechanism

To verify that the Callbook lookup mechanism is working,

  1. log a test QSO
  2. on the Main window's Log QSOs tab,

    1. select the test QSO in the Log Page Display

    2. click the CBA button

DXKeeper should fill in missing items -- e.g. name, QTH, address, state, province, county -- by performing a callbook lookup

Initiating Lookups from the Capture Window

Typing a callsign into the Capture window's Call textbox and then striking the Enter or Tab key or clicking the Lookup button will query the selected Callbook and add information to the appropriate Capture window textboxes, but will not replace information already present. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking the Lookup button will remove information already present before querying the selected Callbook.

Initiating Lookups using the CBA function on the Main window's "Log QSOs" tab

Clicking the CBA button on the Main window's Log QSOs tab will lookup the current QSO's callsign in the Callbook selected on the Config window's Callbook tab, the lookup the the current QSO's callsign in the DXCC Database (taking into account information from overide specified in DXView and from the USAP database, if DXView is running), and use the resulting information to fill in any items not specified in the QSO; information already present in the QSO's items will not be modified.

If you want information gained from the Callbook and DXCC database lookups to replace information in the current QSO, depress the Ctrl key while clicking the CBA function. Note that for QSOs with stations in the United States, Alaska, and Canada, DXKeeper will update the QSO's DXCC entity to match the State returned by the Callbook or DXCC database; for example, a QSO whose DXCC entity is set to USA but whose State is determined by the Callbook to be Hawaii will have its DXCC entity change to Hawaii.

To perform a "lookup and fill in but don't modify" operation on all QSOs in the Log Page Display, depressing the Alt key while clicking the CBA button; note that if via Pathfinder is selected, the rate is limited to one lookup per every 4 seconds.

To perform a "lookup and replace" operation on all QSOs in the Log Page Display, depressing both the Alt and Ctrl keys while clicking the CBA button; note that if via Pathfinder is selected, the rate is limited to one lookup per every 4 seconds.

Note: Callbook lookups should only be applied to relative recent QSOs; applying them to older QSOs is risky, and the information found in the Callbook and DXCC database may be incorrect as of the date of the QSO.

Augmenting Information in a QSO Being Imported from an ADIF or Tab-delimited Tile

To augment information in a QSO being imported from an ADIF or tab-delimited file, check the Query callbook and available databases for missing items box in the Options panel on the Main window's Import QSOs tab

Augmenting Information in a QSO Logged from an Instance of WSJT-X that is Directly Interoperating with DXLab

To augment information in a QSO logged from an instance of WSJT-X that is directly interoperating with DXLab, check the Callbook box in the WSJT-X panel on the Spot Sources tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window.

Checking a Second Callbook if the first Callbook Lookup is Unsuccessful

To configure DXKeeper to automatically query a second Callbook if the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not return information, in the Secondary Callbook panel at the bottom of the Configuration window's Callbook tab

Configuring WinWarbler to Initiate Callbook Lookups

On the Log tab of WinWarbler's Configuration window, check the QSO Info panel's Automatic Lookup box. Configured in this way, double-clicking on a received callsign or striking the enter key in the callsign textbox will direct DXKeeper to produce a filtered display showing previous QSOs with that callsign and perform a callbook lookup (if enabled on the Callbook tab of DXKeeper's Configuration window).

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CallbookLookup (last edited 2025-02-19 09:36:49 by AA6YQ)