Preventing Windows from automatically powering down a USB port
de Joe W4TV
Open the Windows Control Panel (WCP)
Open the WCP's Device Manager
in Windows XP, run the WCP's System applet and then click the Device Manager button on the System Properties window's Hardware tab
in Vista, run the WCP's System and Maintenance applet and then click the System link in the System and Maintenance window, and then click the Device Manager link on the left side of the System window
in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11, run the WCP's System and Security applet and then click the Device Manager link in the System section
In the Device Manager, expand the Universal Serial Bus Controllers entry; for each USB Root Hub and Generic USB Hub in the expanded list,
Open the Power Management tab
Uncheck the Allow Windows to turn off this device to save power
Run the WCP's Power Options applet in the Windows Control Panel
Select the Power plan labeled High Performance; note that it may be necessary to expand the section labeled Show additional plans in order to see the High Performance option
- Disable the automatic hibernation and sleep options
- On Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11,
follow the Change Plan Settings link to the Edit Plan Settings window
follow the Change Advanced Power Settings link to the the Advanced Power Settings window
expand the USB Settings entry, and set the USB selective suspend Setting to disabled
expand the PCI Express entry, and set the Link State Power Management Setting to disabled