Interoperating with the SatPC32 Satellite Tracking Application

Note: the functionality described in this article requires Commander 14.2.6 (or later), DXKeeper 15.1.5 (or later), and SpotCollector 8.4.4 (or later)

Commander can be configured to interoperate with the SatPC32 satellite tracking application. In this form of interoperation, SatPC32 directly and exclusively controls your transceiver; Commander

Configuring SATPC32

Configuring Commander

  1. on the Configuration window's General tab, set the Radio panel's Model selector to SATPC32

    • a SATPC32 panel will appear in the upper-right corner of Commander's Main window showing

      • connection status
      • if not connected to SatPC32, a Connect button

      • if connected to SatPC32 with its active satellite above the horizon, the name and mode of that satellite

    • panels and buttons not used when interoperating with SatPC32 will be hidden or disabled

  2. on the Configuration window's Ports tab, clear the Primary CAT Serial Port panel's Port# selector by selecting the blank entry at the top of the list of entries

  3. if SatPC32 is not already running
    1. start SatPC32
    2. after SatPC32 is running, click the Connect button in Commander's SATPC32 panel

  4. to facilitate rapid switching between the arrangement in which SatPC32 controls your transceiver and the arrangement in which Commander directly controls your transceiver, setup two radio definitions on the Configuration window's MultiRadio tab:


    Configured as shown in the above screen shot, Commander will enable you to switch between interoperation with SatPC32 and direct control of your transceiver with a single mouse click in the Main window's left-hand VFO panel.

    • As shown in the above screen capture, in the CAT Serial Port panel, set the Port # for SatPC32 to - (the value in the selector just below COM64)

    • Note the use of Selection by band to automatically select the IC-9700 when a 2m or 70cm frequency is selected.

    • don't start SatPC32 without first clicking the SATPC32 button beneath the VFO panel on Commander's Main window

    • terminate SATPC32 before clicking the IC-9700 button beneath the VFO panel on Commander's Main window.

Continuous Tracking

By default, SatPC32 only conveys information to Commander when the selected satellite is above the horizon. You can change this to "always conveys information to Commander":

  1. In the ? menu, place your mouse over the Auxilliary Files entry; in the menu that appears to the right, select DivOptions.SQF

  2. The file DivOptions.SQF should appear in your default text file editor. Change the second line of this file from - (2) to + (2)

  3. Save the change you made to DivOptions.SQF

Using a Transverter

By default, SatPC32 reports the transceiver's uplink and downlink frequencies to Commander. You can change this to "report uplink and downlink frequencies including transverter offsets to Commander":

  1. In the ? menu, place your mouse over the Auxiliary Files entry; in the menu that appears to the right, select DivOptions.SQF

  2. The file DivOptions.SQF should appear in your default text file editor. Change the third line of this file from + (3) to - (3)

  3. Save the change you made to DivOptions.SQF


If Commander is running and connected to SatPC32, typing a callsign into the Capture window's call box and striking the Enter key will populate these Capture window items:

If DXKeeper's Optimize for realtime QSO entry option is enabled, fields on the Main window's Log QSOs tab will be similarly populated when a callsign is typed into the QSO panel's call box and the Enter key is struck.


If Commander is running and connected to SatPC32 with SpotCollector's Spot xcvr split option enabled, the Notes box in the Outgoing spots panel at the top of SpotCollector's Main window will be populated with the active satellite' name followed by the word uplink and the current uplink frequency; additional information cannot be added to the Notes box.


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SATPC32_Interoperation (last edited 2022-08-14 19:09:55 by AA6YQ)