Predicting Propagation For a Spot Database Entry's DX Station

PropView generates propagation forecasts for frequencies from 2 MHz to 30 MHz. With PropView running, you can

Automatically Directing PropView to Generate a Short-path Propagation Forecast when you Double-click a Spot Database Entry

  1. On the Configuration window's General tab, check the Propagation Prediction panel's Display prediction on double-click box

Automatically Directing PropView to Compute the Short-path and Long-path Signal-to-noise Ratios and Opening Probabilities for Active DX Stations

  1. In the Mode-dependent Settings panel on the Prediction tab of PropView's Configuration window, specify the Required SNR for the modes you use

  2. On the General tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window,

    1. check the General panel's Lookup missing location info box

    2. in the Propagation Prediction panel,

      1. check the Enable SNR & Probability prediction box

      2. to compute the SNR and opening probability each new Spot Database Entry that is needed, check the For needed stations box

      3. to compute the SNR and opening probability every new Spot Database Entry, check the For all stations box

      4. to configure SpotCollector to automatically start PropView, check the Autostart PropView box

  3. On the Spot Database Display tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window, add entries for SPSNR, SPProb, LPSNR, LPProb, and ReqSNR to the Layout panel

    • Field Name



      predicted short path signal-to-noise ratio, in decibels


      predicted percentage of days of the month on which the required signal-to-noise ratio will be achieved via the short path


      predicted long path signal-to-noise ratio, in decibels


      predicted percentage of days of the month on which the required signal-to-noise ratio will be achieved via the long path


      required signal-to-noise radio, in decibels

In the above screen shot, the SPProb field's caption is SP P, and the LPProb field's caption is LP P. It shows

Note that propagation forecasts will only be generated for new Spot Database Entries; existing entries will not be automatically update to include propagation forecasts.

Filtering the Spot Database Display based on Signal-to-Noise Ratios or Opening Probabilities

SQL expressions can be used to display only Spot Database Entries that meet specified criteria for signal-to-noise ratio, or opening probability. For example,

Analyzing Propagation

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SpotDatabasePropagationPrediction (last edited 2023-08-25 19:45:53 by AA6YQ)